private float _fieldRadiusSquared;
大 中 小 三种石头的数量
public class Asteroid : SwarmItem
private AsteroidManager _asteroidManager;
private ASTEROID_TYPE _asteroidType;
private Vector3 _rotation;
private Vector3 _velocity;
private Vector3 _originalScale;
public enum ASTEROID_TYPE
Small = 0,
Medium = 1,
Large = 2
/// 重要的初始化函数
public override void Initialize(SwarmItemManager swarmItemManager, int prefabIndex, bool debugEvents)
base.Initialize(swarmItemManager, prefabIndex, debugEvents);
_originalScale = _thisTransform.localScale;
/// Sets the asteroids parameters
public void Set(AsteroidManager asteroidManager, ASTEROID_TYPE asteroidType, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 position)
_asteroidManager = asteroidManager;
_asteroidType = asteroidType;
_rotation = rotation;
_velocity = velocity;
// We use the Accessor for this member to update the transform position
Position = position;
public override void FrameUpdate()
// move asteroid
Position += (_velocity * Time.deltaTime);
// reflect the asteroid's velocity within the field so that asteroid's aren't flying off into infinity
if (Position.sqrMagnitude >= _asteroidManager.FieldRadiusSquared)
// save the normalized position since we'll be using it twice below.
// this cuts down on the normalization calculations which can be expensive,
// especially when done every frame.
Vector3 normalizedPosition = Position.normalized;
// clip the asteroid's position to the field radius
Position = normalizedPosition * _asteroidManager.fieldRadius;
// reflect the velocity across the inverted normal (makes the asteroid bounce back)
_velocity = Vector3.Reflect(_velocity, -normalizedPosition);
_thisTransform.Rotate(_rotation * Time.deltaTime);
/// Called after being activated or deactivated
protected override void OnStateChange ()
switch (_state)
case STATE.Inactive:
_asteroidManager.BreakUpAsteroid(_asteroidType, Position);
Explosion explosion = (Explosion)Main.Instance.explosionManager.ActivateItem();
if (explosion != null)
explosion.Position = Position;
public override void OnSetParentTransform()
_thisTransform.localScale = _originalScale;