Material design - Layout - Split screen

Split screen - 分割屏幕

Android only - 仅限Android
Split-screen mode allows two activities to be visible on screen at the same time.


Usage - 用法

User interaction required - 需要用户交互

Apps are not allowed to invoke split-screen mode by themselves; the user must activate it.


Launching new activities - 发起新的活动
When an app launches a new activity, it will launch within thesame portion of the screen by default. Apps will be resized to fit the split-screen view as necessary (unless your app isn’t compatible with the split-screen format).
When split-screen mode is active, apps may launch new activities in the opposite portion of the screen if the following criteria are met:
The original and new activities are related to each other and usable while in split-screen mode
The task the app helps accomplish warrants displaying two activities at once, and hiding the other app that was open
It is clear that the app will enter split-screen mode, such as with a button stating “Open in new window”

当应用程式启动新活动时,预设会在萤幕的同一部分启动。 应用程序将根据需要调整大小以适合拆分视图(除非应用程序与分屏格式不兼容)。

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Split screen shown in portrait mode on mobile (on the left) and landscape mode on tablet (on the right)


Behavior - 行为

Split-screen mode remains active until the user cancels it or switches to an incompatible app.

Resizing split screen - 调整分割屏幕大小
Users may move and resize each screen in split-screen mode by dragging the divider between the two split screens.

Edge swipe gestures - 边缘滑动手势
When split-screen mode is active, the edge swipe gesture will likely not work as intended. Because split-screen mode relies on swiping to resize each split screen, if your app also relies on edge swipes to perform actions, then it’s possible that the swipe will either trigger screen resizing or an action in your app.
To avoid this, edge swipes should not be the only way to perform actions in your app. There should be an alternative method to perform each action.
For example, the navigation drawer enables an edge swipe to open the drawer, but it is also accessible by pressing the menu icon.

当分屏模式处于活动状态时,边缘滑动手势可能无法按预期工作。 由于拆分屏幕模式依靠滑动来调整每个分割屏幕的大小,因此如果您的应用程序还依靠边缘滑动来执行操作,则可能滑动将触发屏幕调整大小或应用程序中的操作。
为了避免这种情况,边缘滑动不应该是在应用程序中执行操作的唯一方式。 应该有一个替代方法来执行每个操作。

Layout - 布局

To support split-screen usage, viewable content should be scaled to an appropriate size and density.

Primary controls should be adapted for split-screen mode. For example, navigation tabs may be collapsed into a menu.


Responsive UI - 响应UI
Apps in split-screen mode should elegantly adjust across device sizes and orientations.
Changing a device’s orientation should not cause the UI to change unexpectedly. For example, an app displaying a video in one of the split screens (in portrait mode) should not begin playback in full-screen mode if the device rotates to landscape mode.

更改设备的方向不应导致UI意外更改。 例如,如果设备旋转为横向模式,则在其中一个分割屏幕(以纵向模式)显示视频的应用程序不应该在全屏模式下开始播放。

Apps may use the same or different layouts for mobile and tablet:
Apps with similar layouts for mobile and tablet may switch between the tablet and mobile UIs when the app is resized, as the transition will not be jarring.
Apps with completely different layouts for mobile and tablet should avoid using the mobile UI on tablet in split-screen mode. Instead, the existing tablet UI should be adapted to fit the smaller size to ensure that users have a consistent experience on both devices.

具有完全不同的移动设备和平板电脑布局的应用应避免在分屏模式下在平板电脑上使用移动UI。 相反,现有的平板电脑界面应进行调整,以适应较小的尺寸,以确保用户在两个设备上有一致的体验。

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An app may use the same layout across mobile (left) and tablet (right).


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An app may use different layouts across mobile (left) and tablet (right).


Design for condensed sizes - 设计用于浓缩尺寸

To simplify adapting your app for the various sizes of split-screen mode, it is recommended to design for the smallest size first.

Create a layout that works at 220dp wide or tall by condensing elements or removing non-essential ones. The layout may be scaled upward from there.

通过聚合元素或移除非必要的元素,创建一个工作在220dp宽或高的布局。 布局可以从那里向上缩放。

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When the split screen is active, the aspect ratio of an app in portrait orientation is 16:9 on mobile.


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When the split screen is active, the aspect ratio of an app in portrait orientation is 34.15% on tablet.


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