Ubuntu16.04 ros kinetic 使用奥比中光深度相机安装并运行rgbd-slam v2

本文记录一下在Ubuntu16.04 ros kinetic 下使用奥比中光深度相机进行测试rgbd-slam v2的一些过程。
如果你参考的是其他人的博客(大部分),大都是去git clone 作者的源码,然后下载编译eigen、g2o、pcl、、、、,然后发现各种错误,然后又各种修改,,然后又各种错误、、、、、、、、



2、在ros中安装rgbd-slam v2



bash install.sh



接下来去到rgbd-slam v2里面找到launch文件,需要修改一些地方,我直接贴出来,也可以把我给的当作你的数据集测试launch文件。

  <node pkg="rgbdslam" type="rgbdslam" name="rgbdslam" cwd="node" required="true" output="screen"> 
    <!-- Input data settings-->
    <param name="config/topic_image_mono"              value="/camera/rgb/image_color"/> 
    <param name="config/topic_image_depth"             value="/camera/depth/image"/>
    <param name="config/topic_points"                  value=""/> <!--if empty, poincloud will be reconstructed from image and depth -->
    <!-- These are the default values of some important parameters -->
    <param name="config/feature_extractor_type"        value="ORB"/><!-- also available: SIFT, SIFTGPU, SURF, SURF128 (extended SURF), ORB. -->
    <param name="config/feature_detector_type"         value="ORB"/><!-- also available: SIFT, SURF, GFTT (good features to track), ORB. -->
    <param name="config/detector_grid_resolution"      value="3"/><!-- detect on a 3x3 grid (to spread ORB keypoints and parallelize SIFT and SURF) -->
    <param name="config/max_keypoints"                 value="600"/><!-- Extract no more than this many keypoints -->
    <param name="config/max_matches"                   value="300"/><!-- Keep the best n matches (important for ORB to set lower than max_keypoints) -->
    <param name="config/min_sampled_candidates"        value="4"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to random frames (big loop closures) -->
    <param name="config/predecessor_candidates"        value="4"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to sequential frames-->
    <param name="config/neighbor_candidates"           value="4"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to graph neighbor frames-->
    <param name="config/ransac_iterations"             value="100"/>
    <param name="config/cloud_creation_skip_step"      value="2"/><!-- subsample the images' pixels (in both, width and height), when creating the cloud (and therefore reduce memory consumption) -->
    <param name="config/cloud_display_type"            value="POINTS"/><!-- Show pointclouds as points (as opposed to TRIANGLE_STRIP) -->
    <param name="config/pose_relative_to"              value="largest_loop"/><!-- optimize only a subset of the graph: "largest_loop" = Everything from the earliest matched frame to the current one. Use "first" to optimize the full graph, "inaffected" to optimize only the frames that were matched (not those inbetween for loops) -->
    <param name="config/backend_solver"                value="pcg"/><!-- pcg is faster and good for continuous online optimization, cholmod and csparse are better for offline optimization (without good initial guess)-->
    <param name="config/optimizer_skip_step"           value="1"/><!-- optimize only every n-th frame -->

先启动rgbd的launch文件,再启动相机的launch文件,再rosbag play ****.bag就可以看到数据集的测试效果。
接着,在该路劲下输入:rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud quicksave.pcd
然后在rviz中选择fixed frame为base_link,add中选择point_cloud2,topic中选择/cloud_pcd,



<!-- This file shows the most important parameters in their default settings,
     to make them easily available for beginners.
     The openni driver has to be started seperately, e.g. with "roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch" -->
<node pkg="rgbdslam" type="rgbdslam" name="rgbdslam" cwd="node" required="true" output="screen">

<!-- Input data settings-->
 <param name="config/topic_image_mono"              value="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/> 
 <param name="config/topic_image_depth"             value="/camera/depth/image"/> 
 <param name="config/camera_info_topic"             value="/camera/depth/camera_info"/>

<remap from="/camera/depth/camera_info" to="/camera/depth/camera_info"/>
<remap from="/camera/rgb/camera_info" to="/camera_info"/>

<param name="config/topic_points"                  value=""/> <!--if empty, poincloud will be reconstructed from image and depth -->
<!-- These are the default values of some important parameters -->
<param name="config/feature_extractor_type"        value="ORB"/><!-- also available: SIFT, SIFTGPU, SURF, SURF128 (extended SURF), ORB. --> 
<param name="config/feature_detector_type"         value="ORB"/><!-- also available: SIFT, SURF, GFTT (good features to track), ORB. --> 
<param name="config/detector_grid_resolution"      value="3"/><!-- detect on a 3x3 grid (to spread ORB keypoints and parallelize SIFT and SURF) --> 
<param name="config/optimizer_skip_step"           value="15"/><!-- optimize only every n-th frame -->
<param name="config/cloud_creation_skip_step"      value="2"/>

<!-- subsample the images' pixels (in both, width and height), when creating the cloud (and therefore reduce memory consumption) -->

<param name="config/backend_solver"                value="csparse"/><!-- pcg is faster and good for continuous online optimization, cholmod and csparse are better for offline optimization (without good initial guess)--> <param name="config/pose_relative_to"              value="first"/><!-- optimize only a subset of the graph: "largest_loop" = Everything from the earliest matched frame to the current one. Use "first" to optimize the full graph, "inaffected" to optimize only the frames that were matched (not those inbetween for loops) --> 
<param name="config/maximum_depth"           value="2"/> <param name="config/subscriber_queue_size"         value="20"/>
<param name="config/min_sampled_candidates"        value="30"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to random frames (big loop closures) -->
 <param name="config/predecessor_candidates"        value="20"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to sequential frames--> 
<param name="config/neighbor_candidates"           value="20"/><!-- Frame-to-frame comparisons to graph neighbor frames--> 
<param name="config/ransac_iterations"             value="140"/>
<param name="config/g2o_transformation_refinement"           value="1"/> 
<param name="config/icp_method"           value="icp"/> <!-- icp, gicp ... --> <!--
<param name="config/max_rotation_degree"           value="20"/>
<param name="config/max_translation_meter"           vawlue="0.5"/>
<param name="config/min_matches"           value="30"/>   
<param name="config/min_translation_meter"           value="0.05"/>
<param name="config/min_rotation_degree"           value="3"/>
<param name="config/g2o_transformation_refinement"           value="2"/>
<param name="config/min_rotation_degree"           value="10"/>
<param name="config/matcher_type"         value="SIFTGPU"/>


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