Qbao Network钱包自2017年10月24日上线,在全球吸引了百万级的用户。Qbao Network钱包以去中心化和中心化相结合的方式,为全球用户提供数字资产存储、管理、支付、交易等多种功能,并支持7种语言,用户遍布全球13个国家和地区。
Qbao Network在2018年12月已经完成了白皮书V1.0版本中的全部内容,并在2019年1月发布了Qbao Network V2.0版本白皮书,各国用户对Qbao Network项目的期待很高,在Telegram和微信群里总是问很多关于Qbao Network白皮书V2.0版本的各种问题和Qbao未来的项目规划。Qbao Network的运营小伙伴决定让社区代表集中提问,然后请Qbao Network的合伙人和负责全球事务的CSO石一歌Tracy做一场AMA(Ask me anything)进行统一回答。小编我把昨晚AMA整理了一下,发现Qbao Network的社区宝宝们问题都提的很尖锐呢,Tracy回答得也是如行云流水一般,各种大方得体。精彩对话内容整理如下:
Q: What will be the biggest challenge short term and long term (not bear market)
对于Qbao Network来说短期内最大的挑战是什么?长期最大的挑战是什么呢?(不准回答是熊市哦!言下之意:不听不听,别拿市场情况说事,少来点套路,说点真格的。)
A: Well, as we known, blockchain technology is still in its nascent stage, the most common application of blockchain technology is trading cryptocurrencies, more disturbing news is most blockchain projects are not profitable, which is a big problem in our industry. Our biggest challenge in a short term is finding the way to make profit. Any company or project should make enough money to cover all the costs which is the only way to survive and has long-lasting operation.
Tracy说:众所周知,区块链技术还处于早期发展阶段。目前最大的区块链应用竟然是炒币,更让人不安的是大多数的区块链项目没有盈利能力,这是我们行业面临的最大问题。所以,对于Qbao Network团队来说短期内最大的挑战是寻找盈利模式,盈利是一家公司或项目的生命线,做不到这一点就没有办法生存和持续经营。
When it comes to long term, our biggest challenge is to promote blockchain technology advancement to make it support massive commercial applications, which will have profound effects in the whole industry, even in human society.
至于说的长期最大的挑战,那当然是怎样真正地促进区块链技术的进步,使它能够支持大规模的应用。 这会对整体行业乃至全人类产生深远的影响。
Q: What will be the biggest innovations for the next 12 months.
小编按:这问题有点宽泛呀,是问未来12个月什么领域最大的创新呀?区块链行业吗?还是问我们Qbao Network项目呀?看看Tracy是怎么回答这么界限模糊的问题的吧。
A: According to our roadmap in Qbao Network Whitepaper V2.0, we will improve the functionalities of Qbao Network wallet including integration of more public chains and cryptocurrencies, improvement of exchange feature, in addition to building Qbao Network Information System and Compliance System and releasing them for testing.
Tracy答:根据我们的Qbao Network白皮书V2.0版本中的路线规划,我们在未来12个月里会优化Qbao Network钱包的各项功能,包括支持更多的公链、优化币币交易功能,还有我们进行Qbao Network信息系统以及Qbao Network合规系统的开发工作,并发布这两个系统的测试版本。
Blockchain industry changes rapidly and very promising, it’s difficult to predict what is the biggest innovation in the next 12 months. But we are positive there will be brand-new technological and commercial modes coming out in the next 12 months, we are working hard on daily basis to get ourselves ready to embrace the new changes, grab the opportunity in time in order to become the leader of the market.
Q: What’s your marketing plan for 2019, how much funds can you spend (project is nice, marketing in English is bad, how is it in Chinese)
Qbao Network 2019年的市场宣传计划是什么?你们市场活动有多少预算?(Qbao Network项目做得好,但是英文市场的营销太差劲了,中文我看不懂,中文市场营销工作做的怎么样?)
小编按:用户们提的问题挺好的,看来是真心关心我们Qbao Network呀。这个预算问题,我其实也挺好奇的,看看我们管理层是怎么想的,我感觉我们团队的特点就一个字“省”。
A: We are following cost-efficient principle to make any strategy in order to maximize every penny. Our budget of marketing is significantly determined by the activity of crypto market. If the market picks up, there are more crypto holders and wallet users. So, we can invest more resources in marketing and advertising to attract more users. Our current marketing focus is Asia and our strategy works well in China. Qbao Network wallet got very good reputation and won two remarkable awards in the first quarter of 2019. But we do need to make more efforts in western market too.
Tracy答:我们团队做任何事情奉行的原则就是成本效益最大化原则,每一分钱都应该好好发挥它的价值。市场活动的预算很大程度上取决于市场的好坏,如果市场回暖,自然会有更多的持币用户和钱包用户,那我们看到这样的信号会加大在市场和宣传方面的投入,吸引更多的真实用户。 Qbao Network目前的推广重心在亚洲地区,目前的推广策略投入小但是在中国地区效果也不错。Qbao Network声誉良好,并且在2019年的第一季度里荣获了两个数字货币钱包的奖项。当然我们的确需要加强在西方国家和地区的宣传工作。
Q: What about your 5 Million clients you always write about?
A: The figure of 5 million is the number of our registered users at the peak of the bull market in January 2018. This number is slowly growing as the time goes by, but as the market falls, many registered users are inactive. One of our priorities in 2019 is to activate our existing users by providing better service and creating real value for them, and also make them to bring value to Qbao Network ecosystem too.
Tracy答:其实我们Qbao Network钱包在牛市的顶峰即2018年1月的时候就达到注册500万了。在随后的熊市中这个注册用户的数字缓慢地增长。但是市场不好的时候,很多注册用户并不活跃,钱包本身也不是高频的应用。我们2019年运营工作的重心是激活这些不活跃的注册用户,提升服务质量并为用户真正地创造出价值,活跃的用户也会为Qbao Network生态带来价值。
小编按:我们Qbao Network毕竟在韩国拥有很多忠实的用户,前期QBT疯涨的时代,我们客服团队是每天工作到11点的,再加上那一轮轮的空投,不知道被羊毛党薅了多少羊毛。去中心化钱包又不做KYC,谁知道地址后面是真人还是机器人,但是注册的用户是系统实打实打出来的。我们用户量大是事实呀,你去问问币圈老鸟,哪个没用过我们Qbao Network钱包呀!
Q: Next to the wallet you do a lot of other things, exchange, chat, asset management, gaming etc. Where will be the focus (doing a lot of things only little bit will bring you not to success) I have got the feeling that for 12 months there are only a few updates on the wallet, but not really a new vision!
你们Qbao Network钱包里什么都有交易、聊天、理财产品、游戏,你当你是万花筒吗?你的重心在哪里呀?(没听过二八效应吗?做很多只有其中的一点点能带你走向成功呢。)我感觉你们把能做的都做的差不多呀,以后12个月里也就是能再做点钱包功能的更新,放不出什么新大招了。
小编按:现在的用户真心难伺候,别的项目不干活,用户要骂我们能理解,像我们Qbao Network这么勤勤恳恳干活的项目也被嫌弃功能做的太多?!!!真的是混社会不容易呀。
A: This is really the point we need to improve. Qbao Network team has developed a lot of features, but we haven’t fully promoted these features, or make the best of them to form a profitable business model.
Tracy答:我觉得您切中要害地指出了关键性的问题。这一点上我们的确需要改善。Qbao Network团队在开发了很多的功能,但是我们并没有对这些功能进行足够的宣传工作,也没有让用户最大化地去使用它们,更没有形成自己盈利模式。
In the future, we will wisely invest our resources, prioritize our development tasks and practice business models to make profits and to bring more value to QBT holders.
Q: Do you earn money with your services? Do you have funding for the next 12 months?
你们现在做Qbao Network钱包能赚钱吗?你们手里的钱还能再坚持12个月吗?
小编按:这问题。。。真心直接呀。看来我们Qbao Network的用户都是快人快语呀。歪果仁喜欢单刀直入吗?
A: As we mentioned before, making profit is the principle for survival and long-lasting operation. Qbao Network provides a lot of free service to our users. But we do have some income, which obviously cannot cover our operation cost right now. Our short-term goal is making good income and achieve breakeven.
Tracy答:正如我们之前所说,盈利是企业的第一要务,也是生存和持续经营的基础。 Qbao Network提供给全球用户的大多数服务都是免费的,但是我们还是有少许盈利的,虽然收入目前完全不能覆盖运营的成本。我们现阶段的短期目标就是寻找盈利模式达到盈亏平衡。
About our financial situation, Qbao Network team follow cost-efficient principle from the very beginning and we are well prepared to deal with the bad market. So, yes. we have sufficient funding for survive in the winter.
小编按:这用户也真的是穷操心,要知道在币圈歌舞升平、挥金如土的2017年年底,我们Qbao Network也是超级节约的,在从来没有挥霍,一心只想着赚钱,是不是光顾小杨生煎的老陈带领下,我们怎么可能没有钱呢?真的是太多虑了。我倒是希望老板稍微放松一点,比如给我涨点工资呀,带我们出去玩一下呀。别的项目也都是夏威夷、曼谷这样的团建,我们最远只去过千岛湖呢,呜呜呜。
Q: Are there ideas to increase price by improving the whole project?
用户问:有没有什么点子通过推动Qbao Network进步还提升QBT币价的呀?
小编按:终于问了个我个人也很关心的问题了。小编我即是Qbao Network的小编,也是QBT的持有人呀,重仓QBT的我最关心价格了。
A: Sure. There are few ideas and we are working on them.
1)Find a way to make profit and create value for QBT holders;
2)Create more application scenarios of QBT;
4)Get QBT listed on major exchanges with better liquidity.
Tracy答:当然。我们有完善的如何推动Qbao Network进步并有助于提升币价的策略,我们正在有条不紊地实施呢。
1) 找到盈利模式从根本上为QBT的持有人带来价值;
2) 在Qbao Network生态中创造出更多的QBT的使用场景;
3) 加强市场宣传工作,吸引更多的关注从而获得新的用户和投资人;
4) 努力要QBT上线主流交易所带来更好的流动性。
话说,昨晚Tracy足足回答了3个小时的社区热心用户提问,小编只是精选了几条翻译成中文整理了一下,已经累得不行了。回答问题这个工作真的是不容易呀。希望在老板的带领下,我们Qbao Network会越做越好,到时候给我发个大红包吧。