小屁孩日记11 double down p173-181

2016.2.18 周六 晨读 小屁孩日记11 double down p173-181

1.Mom said it's better to leave a party when it's going strong than when it's ________( = to gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way,come to an end常用来形容兴趣、关系的减少).


2.The guy in the woodwind section started giving me a hard time. Even Jake McGough is ________(= to take part in an activity that someone else is doing, in order to gain some of the advantages for yourself 为了得到好处等参与,插一手,分一杯羹).

回顾:p55 I guess they (dogs) saw our warm fires and cosy ( 还有什么同义词?)caves and wanted to get in on the action. So they wagged their tails and did a few tricks and that all it took.

3.When I told mom and dad I was thinking about quitting the band, dad said that wasn’t an ________ ( = choice).

4.My instrument cost me a lot of money. cost take spend 怎么用?

5.  perseverance怎么读?下面的单词呢?

penalty   penalize   / compare   comparable / wild animal  bewilder

6.我告诉爸爸我会继续练习法国号,爸爸很开心,我以为我逃过了一劫,免与惩罚了。I though I was ________(=used to describe someone who has avoided trouble or punishment,提示hook).

回顾:p150拓展了let / get sth off the hook

7.I figured Rowley’s been in the band for a while and __________(对...略知一二,有所了解)instrument.

拓展:know one's stuff 对某领域了如指掌

8.I never technically learned how to play my instrument, but I did figure out how to ______ (=to do enough or to do well enough to avoid failure勉强过活勉强应付)


9.I realized if I just ________( 背某人 骑在某人身上 引申为利用) him and pretended I was playing he could do the work for both of us.

利用还有什么词组?提示 capital  

10.I couldn't believe Evan would _________(= to leave (someone or something) in a helpless or unprotected state 见死不救)like that.I thought the brass section supposed to ___________(=support each other 支持彼此).

11.have / take a seat代替 sit down,please

12.将心比心 换位思考怎么说? 提示 shoe 


14.中英文差异,不要直译,要说你见到过的表达。比如开party是throw hold have 而不是open。



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