在《see MIPS run》中11.2.5中描述到,会将结构体成员压缩到各个arg寄存器中进行传递
“we have to pack the register with data to mimic the arrangement of data in memory.”
struct shape{
uint32_t a;
uint16_t b
void test(struct shape sp){
uint32_t c = sp.a + sp.b;
printf("%d \n", c);
void main()
struct shape sp;
sp.a = 12;
sp.b = 32;
0000000000000b00 :
b00: 67bdffc0 daddiu sp,sp,-64
b04: ffbf0038 sd ra,56(sp)
b08: ffbe0030 sd s8,48(sp)
b0c: ffbc0028 sd gp,40(sp)
b10: 03a0f025 move s8,sp
b14: 3c1c0002 lui gp,0x2
b18: 0399e02d daddu gp,gp,t9
b1c: 679c8320 daddiu gp,gp,-31968
b20: ffc40010 sd a0,16(s8)
b24: 8fc30010 lw v1,16(s8)
b28: 97c20014 lhu v0,20(s8)
b2c: 00621021 addu v0,v1,v0
0000000000000b74 :
b74: 67bdffd0 daddiu sp,sp,-48
b78: ffbf0028 sd ra,40(sp)
b7c: ffbe0020 sd s8,32(sp)
b80: ffbc0018 sd gp,24(sp)
b84: 03a0f025 move s8,sp
b88: 3c1c0002 lui gp,0x2
b8c: 0399e02d daddu gp,gp,t9
b90: 679c82ac daddiu gp,gp,-32084
b94: 2402000c li v0,12 //加载立即数到V0
b98: afc20000 sw v0,0(s8) //保存到栈中
b9c: 24020020 li v0,32 //加载立即数到V0
ba0: a7c20004 sh v0,4(s8) //保存到栈中
ba4: dfc40000 ld a0,0(s8)
ba8: df828058 ld v0,-32680(gp)
bac: 0040c825 move t9,v0
bb0: 0411ffd3 bal b00