Daily Gibberish 2014-05-04

The Fight

...Remembering that you are going to die is the best way you can avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You really have nothing to lose.


It’s Different for Girls

Really appreciate to share stories, or say unpleasant memories. Sometime I thought there were a decent atmosphere among the IT crew or at least western one. Truth is decentness only exists between decent people. Another point is weather a woman try to behave in man's way or not, there is always a kind of discrimination (which I hate).

Why I won’t work for Google

收到 Google 的工作邀请, 然后回了这么一封信拒绝了. 通篇看下来呢, 理由其实也是老生常谈, 收集用户数据啊,帮助政府监控啊,表面上开放啊却给 CyanogenMod 或者阿里云提出中止的要求, 等等. 我个人虽然没有对隐私不屑一顾, 但也没有杯弓蛇影. 作者的一些诉求, 说 "Google is not what we thought it would be...it is not fighting for what’s best for humanity but for what’s best for its own dollar." 怎么说呢, 我总觉得还是要牢记 Google 是一家商业公司这个事实. 如果 Google 能为人类谋求更好的未来的同时, 创造出自己的方式来盈利来良好的运行, 那是 Google 自己的功劳. 然而倘若 Google 做不到呢? 这也是它自己的风险. 于是你期待着一个完璧无瑕的公司, 用着他们的产品, 却完全不需要为他们承担的风险负责, 反而为可能的变坏 (或者说变得不像你想象的那样) 出声指责; 好处全担缺点全是对方的. 这也太舒适了一点吧. 事实上上面说的那些老生常谈的抨击 Google 的点, 除了协助政府外, 另外两点都其实有完全不同的解读 (我觉得槽点是 Gmail 根据用户邮件内容来推荐广告不是老早的事情且广而知之了么? 什么叫做直到 Snowden 披露以后 "才" 知道? 这是暗示这种行为和棱镜一样么? 我也诛心一下: 这种说法真的其心可诛). 有些时候其实六字真言也能奇怪地解决问题: 用户协议写着. 好吧是另外一个六字真言: AKKBKG.

How a Florida kid’s “stupid app” saved his family’s home and landed him on the main stage at Facebook

虽然没有看完, 不过真的是一个精彩的故事. 17 就做到了这种程度, 自叹不如的同时也徒增很多的鸡血. 最打动我的有两点, 一是这位少年说 "[It] was the most stressful time of my whole life. It will help me as an adult in the future because I learned how to be [stressed]. Now I understand adults completely." 其实即使这个项目最后没有成功, 仅这段经历就足以使他在不远的未来再次成功. 二是他早期的合作伙伴 (某公司 CEO) 说的 "I knew he was extremely smart and just talking to him I could tell he had a good business sense and had done a lot of research on the game and understood his target market." 一味强调努力也过于偏激, 成功还是需要方法的.

A Custom Font That Helps Kids Learn to Read and Write


Why the Smart Reading Device of the Future May Be … Paper

TL; DR. 我已亲身证明其中对于屏幕的看法 (我猜测的看法). 好吧我存在 Instapaper 里了. 好吧 Instapaper 里面存了上百篇没读过了...

When Sued Don't Tweet

又学到了新知识 (完全不知道有没有机会以及什么时候能用到). 另外类似的观点还有一个前阵子流行的, 说法类似是在事件发生 10 分钟后发出的相关的 tweets 都是没有价值的. Think about it.

On the Cutting Edge of Musical Innovation

其实是标题党, 或者我完全没有看出哪里有 cutting edge. 不过因为不太关注选秀综艺节目, 所以里面介绍的 William Close 和他的 Earth Harp 我还是第一次知道和看到, 必须承认确实有震撼力. 另外那个 Orb Drums 和之前一个看到过的打击乐器很像啊, 都是利用奇特的共振发出美妙的泛音(?). 之前看到的那个还蛮贵的, 似乎是 3W 刀左右还要等, 只是名字一时想不起啊来了.

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