“2016 Esri全球开发者峰会”魅力总览

2016年伊始,Esri全球开发者峰会将于38日在著名的度假胜地棕桐泉(Palm Spring)举办。Esri全球开发者峰会每年都会受到GIS开发者和爱好者的高度关注,会议现场一度汇集了来自全球的数千名GIS开发者。这里有GIS妙想,这里有技术达人,这里还有来自各界的丰富成果共享,Esri带领参会者直击GIS界最前沿的思想,享受精神和视觉上的双重盛宴。

今年的美国开发者大会,Esri为用户精心准备了250场技术讲座,并且所有这些讲座都会有录屏,会议结束后一段时间内(预计在4月中旬)将在E380 Esri Video website对公众免费开放,如此厚礼,国内的GIS开发者们千万不要错过!



  • Real-Time GIS: GeoEvent Extension
  • Real-Time GIS: Best Practices
  • Real-Time GIS: Leveraging Stream Services

JS API:从长长的列表就可以看得出JS的地位,不愧是现在当红的开发语言,内容涵盖web端开发、移动端开发、开发框架、可视化实现等等丰富内容。

  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Web Editing Applications
  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Mobile Web Apps
  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Discover 4.0 the Next Generation
  • ArcGIS Online and Portal: Developing Custom JavaScript Applications
  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Using it with EmberJS
  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Data Visualization
  • Security and ArcGIS Web Development
  • Optimizing Your JavaScript App for Performance
  • ArcGIS API for JavaScript and AngularJS: What’s New, What’s Next
  • Using Frameworks with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
  • Advanced Geolocation for Mobile Web Mapping Apps
  • A Deep Dive on How the Geometry Engine Can Help You


  • Overview of the ArcGIS Runtime Quartz API
  • Getting Started with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin
  • QML and JavaScript for Native App Development
  • Building Native Apps that Target Multiple Platforms
  • Building Ios and Mac Apps with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK
  • ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET: Tips and Tricks
  • ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android: Hit the Ground Running
  • Extending the Survey123 for ArcGIS Mobile App
  • Implementing Offline Editing Workflows with the Runtime SDKs

ServerArcGIS平台基石,关键时刻怎么能少得了它?ArcGIS for Server的扩展和安全,永不衰老的主题。

  • Extending ArcGIS for Server
  • ArcGIS for Server: Web GIS Security


  • Python Map Automation: Beyond the Basics of arcpy.mapping and Migration
  • Python Working with Feature Data
  • Harnessing the Power of Python in ArcGIS using the Conda Distribution
  • Python:Effective Batch Geocoding
  • Integrating Open Source Statistical Packages with ArcGIS


  • Developing with ArcGIS Open Data
  • Using Census Data for Smarter Apps


  • Insight into the New Utility Network
  • Administeringyour Enterprise Geodatabase using Python
  • Administeringyour Enterprise Geodatabase using SQL
  • Big Data and ArcGIS: Getting Started with GeoAnalytics for Feature and Tabular Data
  • SpatiotemporalBig Data Store

Desktop:等了很久吧,ArcGIS Pro的扩展,来了。

  • ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Programming Patterns
  • ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Integration with ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: UI Design and MVVM
  • ArcGISPro SDK for .NET: Editing and GDB Integration

BuildersAppStudioWeb AppBuilder,一对互帮互助的好兄弟,用好他们,可以省很多很多事呢。

  • Developing Cross-Platform Native Apps with AppStudio for ArcGIS (The Basics)
  • Developing Cross-Platform Native Apps with AppStudio for ArcGIS (Advanced)
  • Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Customizing and Extending
  • Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Development Tools and Techniques


  • Building 3D Web Apps: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Best Practices for 3D Scene Services
  • ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Animation and Map Exploration


  • Vector Tiles in the ArcGIS Platform


  • Getting Started with the ArcGIS REST API and NodeJS
  • Getting Things Done in Portal with the REST API

至此,初步点评完毕,更多干货请继续关注带您领略“2016 Esri全球开发者峰会”系列。
