2号下午快下班时,我终于想,不行就推迟到下一周吧,毕竟4号雅思口试,6号雅思笔试,干吗给自己这么大压力。找到俱乐部的VPE同学问有没有back up speaker ,她回复没有,问我怎么了。我说稿子还没写完,才写了一半。她用自己一贯的乐观精神鼓励我可以的,让我加油。好吧,看来只能硬着头皮上了。
晚上有客户的教练辅导课,结束时已经九点半。我把演讲题目发给了toastermaster Peter,结合他当天的主题value,我的题目就叫做My core values!稿子还没出来,有点焦虑,但是脑子已经不转,就还是按照平常的安排,陪宝宝,睡觉,一切明天再说!
六点起来准备,写了一个半小时,有点眉目了。上午在单位抽了一个小时继续写,午饭后觉得内容有点乱,用电脑边誊写边修改梳理,又花了一个多小时。下午除了完成紧急工作,其余时间都在rehearsal 我的演讲稿。
我的Evaluator 是俱乐部主席Maria,她给了我非常积极的反馈,我还幸运地收到来自Dan, Fiona,Mark,May,Jason,Margret,Elise的纸条反馈(还有一位小伙伴没有署名)。我把大家的反馈纸条整理粘贴到我的手帐本里面保存起来了。非常感谢大家。
Good evening ladies and gentlemen
Just as we’ve talked a lot today, core values are very important and helpful to dictate our behaviors and how our lives are to be lived.
Today I would like to tell you something about my core values to help you know me better.
The first of my core value is INTEGRITY.
I am a person who prefers to tell the truth and be honest to others.
Maybe the truth will hurt or embarrass others sometimes, I know, and then I would choose to keep silent rather than tell a lie.
I feel sick if I lied to someone or cheated someone. Even the game like wolf-killer is just not my jam.
I can refuse the game, but what if I have to tell a lie?
For example, I had to ask for a day off for an interview several days ago. Apparently, if I tell the truth to my boss, there is no need to bother even coming back to my office. I hesitated a lot and turned to my coach for help. She asked me, do you think the interview is the very thing you want to do? If yes, then go ahead and ask a day off. If not, just go back to your work.
Wow, good point! I finally persuaded myself to weave an acceptable excuse and call my boss at the last minute.
Phew! What a torturing experience.
The second core value of mine is SELF-IMPROVEMENT.
I do believe the path of self-improvement help me a better person. Through reading, taking courses, joining GC club meetings and all the other input ways, I can feel my improvement day by day. I feel quite satisfied and fulfilled indeed.
However, compared with input, output is actually more effective to get improved. For example, writing articles, delivering speeches like this.
But just before I stand on the stage, I felt nervous and scared. What if I couldn’t get the best award, what if I screwed up and everyone laughed at me? That’s too embarrassing. I wanted to quit and escape. I just need more time to prepare.
Suddenly a sound arose in my head.” Miya, why do you care so much about others’ evaluation and the best award? There are always people out there may be much more talented, or more diligent or more well-prepared than you. You are assuming that if you cannot win, then why bother continuing to play. How absurd? What about your willing to self-improvement? Think about it!”
The answer got clear. I forgot all those “other people” and “best awards”. Just jump on the bus, come to this building, stand here and share my stories with an open heart and no expectations but self-improvement.
CURIOSITY and COURAGE are also my core values.
I have an ambition to lead a creative living which is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.
For example, I heard of a vocation called life coach and some cases of how coaches help the clients improve their life conditions, family relationship, career performances and so on. I was very curious about how it could work, So I just found a coach and cooperate with her to figure it out. Then I feel it is a perfect job for me.
I took my curiosity and courage with me and started studying how to be a professional coach.
Thanks to my courage, now, I have my first client. And that’s amazing.
I hope I can try and find more about myself in the future, with my integrity, willing to self-improvement, curiosity and courage.
Thank you.