

    到官网地址下载 社区版 MySQL Community Edition (GPL)
    If you need to specify startup options when you run the server,
    you can indicate them on the command line or place them in an option file.
    MySQL looks for options in each location first in the my.ini file, and then in the my.cnf file.
    However, to avoid confusion, it is best if you use only one file.

    # set basedir to your installation path
    # set datadir to the location of your data directory
    # 默认密码过期时间,0代表永不过期

    Option Files Read on Windows Systems
    |File Name                                                                                  | Purpose                                                |
    |%PROGRAMDATA%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\my.ini, %PROGRAMDATA%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\my.cnf |    Global options                                         |
    |%WINDIR%\my.ini, %WINDIR%\my.cnf                                                          | Global options                                         |
    |C:\my.ini, C:\my.cnf                                                                     | Global options                                         |
    |BASEDIR\my.ini, BASEDIR\my.cnf                                                              | Global options                                         |
    |defaults-extra-file                                                                      | The file specified with --defaults-extra-file, if any  |
    |%APPDATA%\MySQL\.mylogin.cnf                                                              | Login path options (clients only)                      |

    Option Files Read on Unix and Unix-Like Systems
    |File Name                                                                                  | Purpose                                                |
    |/etc/my.cnf                                                                              | Global options                                         |
    |/etc/mysql/my.cnf                                                                          | Global options                                         |
    |SYSCONFDIR/my.cnf                                                                          | Global options                                         |
    |$MYSQL_HOME/my.cnf                                                                          | Server-specific options (server only)                  |
    |defaults-extra-file                                                                      | The file specified with --defaults-extra-file, if any  |
    |~/.my.cnf                                                                                  | User-specific options                                  |
    |~/.mylogin.cnf                                                                              | User-specific login path options (clients only)        |

     The following table shows the available servers for Windows in MySQL 5.7.
    | Binary        | Description                                                                            |
    | mysqld        | Optimized binary with named-pipe support                                               |
    | mysqld-debug    | Like mysqld, but compiled with full debugging and automatic memory allocation checking |
    MySQL supports TCP/IP on all Windows platforms. MySQL servers on Windows also support named pipes, if you start the server with the --enable-named-pipe option.
    It is necessary to use this option explicitly because some users have experienced problems with shutting down the MySQL server when named pipes were used.
    The default is to use TCP/IP regardless of platform because named pipes are slower than TCP/IP in many Windows configurations.

    mysqld --initialize                    
    // 创建数据库文件,并为默认用户root创建随机密码,密码信息在{datadir}/DESKTOP-XFIRE.err文件中
    // 例如:[Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: beiqyJ-)>5fB
    mysqld --initialize-insecure
    // 创建数据库文件,但不设置密码
    mysqld --initialize --user=mysql
    // 类Linux系统需要指定控制访问用户为mysql
    mysqld --defaults-file=D:\pf\mysql-5.7.21-winx64\my.ini --initialize
    // 指定配置文件创建初始化数据库,用于datadir有特殊配置
    注意:[ERROR] --initialize specified but the data directory exists. Aborting.这个错误相信代表datadir文件夹下数据不为空,最好将datadir下的文件备份后删除再允许初始化命令
    mysqld --install
    // windows下安装服务
    mysqld --remove
    // windows下删除服务
    mysqld --console
    // 启动服务并显示启动信息
    net start mysql
    // 启动安装的服务

    mysql -u root -p
    // 如果使用mysqld --initialize命令初始化数据库,要将生成的随机密码输入
    mysql -u root --skip-password
    // 如果使用mysqld --initialize-insecure命令初始化数据库,跳过密码输入

    mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
    // 更改指定用户密码
    mysql> ALTER USER user() IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
    // 更改当前用户密码
