

上次我发布了标记为Python的TOP 100文章。

到2017年1月,在367。 总阅读时间… medium.com

在本文中,我们将介绍与JavaScript相关的TOP 200文章。

阅读所有5200篇以上文章所需的时间? 超过15天,不停。
是时候阅读前200篇文章了? 1天
在媒体上标记为JavaScript的文章的平均阅读时间为3.2分钟,上部铰链为5分钟,上部晶须为10分钟,下部铰链为2分钟。 推荐的中位数为4,上部铰链为20,上部晶须为49。













六。 这是清单:

林·克拉克 (31,95位),

Preethi Kasireddy (职位85,118,119),

埃米莉亚·史密斯 ( Emelia Smith) (第89位),

玛丽亚·迪明斯基 ( Mariya Diminsky) (第139位),

索尼娅·莫伊塞特 ( Sonya Moisset) (161位),

乔安妮 (位置194)

注意。 数据很旧,我于2016年12月至2017年1月收集了数据。


我开始报废medium.com的目的是让自己成为数据科学家,以便我可以以数据科学家/ Growth Hacker的身份受雇/加入一家初创公司。


2月,罗马尼亚政府希望使腐败和贿赂合法化。 通过两年前我建立的FB页面Corruption Kills,我专心致志地组织了罗马尼亚历史上规模最大的抗议活动(约60万人参加了抗议活动)(我们经常使用Slack),还做了一些民间项目,在过去的6个月中,直到现在我都没有时间来处理我从Medium获得的数据。

“我们不信任这个政府。 他们对我们撒谎。 我们希望这个政府辞职。”现年38岁的玛丽亚·斯托卡(Maria Stoica)说道 。www.nytimes.com


33个链接。 凯尔撰写的文章

Node / Redis系列
在过去的几个月中,我一直在撰写有关一起使用Node.js和Redis的文章。 在每个帖子的顶部,我都有… medium.com

30个链接。 本杰明·利伯 ( Benjamin Libor)撰写的文章

这周我们为您策划了16篇文章。 祝您阅读愉快: medium.c

28个链接。 凯文·奥肖尼斯 ( Kevin O'Shaughnessy)撰写的文章

选择一个JavaScript框架:看看6种流行的选择 medium.com

23个链接。 本杰明·利伯 ( Benjamin Libor)撰写的文章

版本7 medium.com

22个链接。 埃里克·鲁伊斯 ( Eric Ruiz)撰写的文章

一直想参加训练营,但高昂的价格却让您退缩? 冷静,您可以在… medium.com上找到很多选择


  1. 中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第1部分)”的帖子中总共获得6027条推荐。

2.中级用户Quincy Larson在题为“您应该首先学习哪种编程语言?”的帖子中总共获得5820条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,“技术”,“生活课程”,启动,JavaScript。


3.中级用户Drew Hamlett对于标题为“ Web开发的悲惨状态”的帖子总共获得了4788条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,React,“ Web开发”。


4.中级用户Sacha Greif在题为“治疗JavaScript疲劳的学习计划”的帖子中总共获得4186条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“生活课程”,技术,反应,“ Web开发”。

像其他所有人一样,我最近遇到了Jose Aguinaga的帖子“ 2016年学习JavaScript的感受”。 medium.freecodecamp.org

5.中级用户Francois Ward在题为“ 2016年最先进的JavaScript”的帖子中获得了3345条推荐。


6.中级用户Jonathan Z. White在题为“从零到前端英雄(第1部分)”的帖子中获得了3116条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:CSS,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,技术,JavaScript。

学习前端开发的完整指南 medium.freecodecamp.org

7.中级用户David Gilbertson的帖子标题为“我学到的使世界上最快的网站学习的10件事”,总共获得2828条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,性能,“ Web性能”,“ Web设计”。

8.中级用户Cory House对于标题为“ Angular 2 vs React:会有血腥”的帖子,共获得2562条推荐。

Angular 2 vs React:会有血腥
Angular 2已达到Beta版本,并有望成为2016年炙手可热的新框架。该是对决的时候了。 让我们… medium.freecodecamp.org

9.中级用户Artem Sapegin总共收到2365条推荐,因为标题为“ 2017年是前端开发人员应该回头并掌握基础知识的一年”。
该帖子具有以下标签:编程,JavaScript,“前端开发”,写作,“ Web开发”。

借助我们快速发展的生态系统,我们倾向于花时间尝试最新的发明。 也许我们应该放慢速度…… medium.freecodecamp.org

10.中级用户Swagat Kumar Swain对于标题为“您可能不知道可以使用Chrome开发人员控制台进行的操作”的帖子,总共获得2355条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,编程,“ Web开发”,Chrome,技术。

Chrome带有内置的开发人员工具。 它具有多种功能,例如元素,网络和…… media.freecodecamp.org

11.中级用户Quincy Larson在题为“ JavaScript Fatigue Fatigue”的帖子中总共获得2334条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,编程,“生活课程”,启动。

“宇宙没有义务对您有意义。” —尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森( neil deGrasse Tyson) medium.freecodecamp.org

12.中级用户Charles Scalfani对于标题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第2部分)”的帖子,总共获得了2242条推荐。


13.中级用户Petr Gazarov v在标题为“什么是API? 请用英语。”。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,技术,“生活课程”,技术。

什么是API? 请用英文。
在我学习软件开发之前,API听起来像啤酒。 medium.freecodecamp.org

14.中级用户Sergei Garcia总共收到了2077条推荐,该帖子的标题是“两年后,我从没有CS学位的工作经历重新开始成为Web开发人员(以及我……)”。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,CSS,HTML,“前端开发”。

首先,让我自我介绍。 我叫Sergei Garcia,我是一名全职前端开发人员,有2年的工作经验…… medium.freecodecamp.org

15.中级用户Dan Abramov在题为“您可能不需要Redux”的帖子中总共获得1914条推荐。

人们经常在需要之前选择Redux。 “如果没有它,我们的应用程序无法扩展怎么办?” 后来,开发人员皱眉于… medium.com

16.中级用户Vincent O对于标题为“是否想学习JavaScript?”的帖子,总共获得1733条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,编程,学习。

这是我个人一年开始学习JavaScript的步骤。 我的目标是成为… medium.com

17.中级用户Preethi Kasireddy在标题为“ JavaScript模块:初学者指南”的帖子中总共获得1594条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,ES6,“ Web开发”,教育,编程。

如果您是JavaScript的新手,可以使用诸如“模块捆绑器与模块加载器”,“ Webpack与浏览器”和“ AMD”之类的术语。medium.freecodecamp.org

18.中级用户Lin Clark在题为“通量卡通指南”的帖子中获得了1588条推荐。

在当前的Web开发中,Flux既是最受欢迎的主题之一,也是最难理解的主题之一。 该指南是… code-cartoons.com

19.中级用户Eric Clemmons在标题为“ Javascript疲劳”的帖子中总共获得1581条推荐。

几天前,我遇到了一个朋友和同行喝咖啡。 medium.com

20.中级用户Addy Osmani对于标题为“带有React.js的渐进式Web应用程序:第一部分–简介”的帖子共获得1524条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,移动,“ Progressive Web App”,React,JavaScript。

渐进式Web应用利用新技术为用户带来最佳的移动网站和本机应用。 他们… medium.com

21.中级用户rajaraodv在标题为“ Webpack –令人困惑的部分”的帖子中总共获得1495条推荐。

Webpack —令人困惑的部分
Webpack是React和Redux应用程序的领先模块捆绑器。 我认为使用Angular 2和其他框架的人是… medium.com

22.中级用户Sacha Greif在题为“ React的死亡的五根手指”的帖子中获得了1450条推荐。 掌握这五个概念,然后掌握React。”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,React,“ Web开发”,编程,技术。

反应的五指死亡。 掌握这五个概念,然后掌握React。
几年前,我的朋友肖恩(Sean)开始告诉我这个崭新的名为React的前端库将如何发展…… medium.freecodecamp.org

23.中级用户Jonathan Z. White在题为“从零到前端英雄(第2部分)”的帖子中获得了共1422条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,设计,技术。

学习前端开发的完整指南 medium.freecodecamp.org

24.中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第3部分)”的帖子中总共获得1365条推荐。


25.中级用户Arunoda Susiripala在题为“ React Storybook简介”的帖子中获得了总共1345条推荐。

介绍React Storybook
借助React Storybook,您可以在隔离的环境中在应用程序外部开发和设计UI组件。 它将... voice.kadira.io

26.中级用户Alex Moldovan对于标题为“ Model-View-Controller是否死在前端?”的帖子,总共获得了1323条推荐
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,反应,编程,“ Web开发”,“软件开发”。

越来越多的前端开发人员正在采用单向架构。 那么经典的…… media.freecodecamp.org 的未来是什么?

27.中级用户Alex Moldovan总共收到1315条推荐,因为该帖子的标题是“全栈开发还不错。 并且有充分的理由。”
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,编程,JavaScript,技术,启动。

全栈开发仍然有效。 并且有充分的理由。
近年来,我们开始为开发人员绘制两条单独的职业道路:前端和后端。 但是我们经常... medium.freecodecamp.org

28.中级用户David Gilbertson对于题为“我在阅读NodeJS文档时学到的19件事”的帖子共获得1264条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,Nodejs,“ Web开发”,网络。

我想认为我非常了解Node。 我没有写过一个网站,已经有3年没有使用它了。 但是… hackernoon.com

29.中级用户Jonathan Z. White的标题为“破解前端面试”的建议总共有1226条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“前端开发”,“ Web开发”,JavaScript,学习,技术。


30.中级用户Cory House的标题为“为什么我要为npm脚本留下牙胶和咕unt声”,因此获得了总共1188条推荐。

我知道你在想什么 WAT ?! 古尔普不是杀死了咕just吗? 为什么我们不能在这里几分钟…… medium.freecodecamp.org

31.中级用户Lin Clark在题为“ Redux的卡通简介”的帖子中获得了总共1175条推荐。


32.中级用户Quincy Larson总共收到1098条推荐,因为该帖子的标题为“为什么Chrome的自动完成功能不安全以及如何将其关闭”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,安全性,技术,“生活经验教训”。

Chrome尚未修复已知的漏洞,最早可追溯至2013年 。medium.freecodecamp.org

33.中级用户Chet Corcos的帖子“ JavaScript People的功能编程”总共获得了1093条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“功能编程”,JavaScript,“ Web开发”。

(日语,中文) medium.com

34.中级用户@an_ennui在标题为“ Webpack 2入门”的帖子中获得了总共1011条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,Webpack,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,“ Webpack 2”。

2017年6月编辑:3刚刚发布! 3.x的语法与2.x相同,这意味着本文仍然是最新的…… blog.madewithenvy.com

35.中级用户Dan Abramov在题为“如何使用课程和夜间睡眠”的帖子中总共获得了1072条推荐。

JavaScript社区中越来越多的人认为ES6类并不出色 medium.com

36.中级用户David Gilbertson对于标题为“使用这9985个怪异技巧的网站开发”的帖子共获得1027条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,“ Web设计”,HTML5,CSS。

女士们,先生们,我想向您介绍“全知”,这是一种工具,可以帮助您发现未知的东西…… hackernoon.com

37.中级用户Jackson Bates总共收到1020条推荐,该帖子的标题为“我从编写六个函数时都学到的东西中学到了什么”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,编程,技术,“生活课程”,“ Web开发”。

几周前,一名露营者在Free Code Camp的论坛上发起了一项非正式的算法竞赛。 medium.freecodecamp.org

38.中级用户Charles Scalfani对于题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第4部分)”的帖子,总共获得1010条推荐。


39.中级用户David Gilbertson的帖子标题为“我如何将React应用程序转换为VanillaJS(以及这是否是一个糟糕的主意)”,总共获得997条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:React,JavaScript,“ Web开发”,编程。

这是一个漫长而曲折的故事(包含大量代码),我尝试复制JSX语法,组件结构,服务器... hackernoon.com

40.中级用户Sacha Greif在标题为“ JavaScript状态:前端框架”的帖子中获得了978条推荐。

一些初步结果 medium.com

41.中级用户David Gilbertson对于标题为“验证电子邮件地址的100%正确方法”的帖子共获得949条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:设计,“ Web开发”,Regex,JavaScript,“ Web设计”。

恭喜你 从今天开始,您将不再浪费时间尝试制定出完美的正则表达式来... hackernoon.com

42.中级用户Learn chantastic对于标题为“容器组件”的帖子共获得925条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:Reactjs,JavaScript,“ Web开发”。

对我的开发影响最大的一种React模式是“容器”组件模式。 medium.com

43.中级用户Addy Osmani在标题为“渐进式Web应用程序的离线存储”的帖子中总共获得881条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,存储,离线。

希望2016年将成为我们为网络弹性而建设的一年。 medium.com

44.中级用户Addy Osmani在标题为“使用Application Shell架构即时加载Web应用程序”的帖子中获得了850条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,离线。

使用Application Shell架构即时加载Web应用程序
作者:Addy Osmani和Matt Gaunt medium.com

45.中级用户Kristian Poslek在标题为“使用Electron构建桌面应用程序”的帖子中总共获得834条推荐。

使用JavaScript,Node.js和Electron medium.com 构建自己的声音机器的详细指南

46.中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“您想成为功能程序员(第6部分)”的帖子中获得819条推荐。


47.中级用户Bill Sourour共获得813条推荐,因为该帖子的标题为“代码依赖就是魔鬼”。
该帖子具有以下标签:编程,“ Web开发”,JavaScript,技术,启动。


48.中级用户Eric Baer的标题为“使用React是业务决策,而不是技术选择”,总共获得812条推荐。

Using React is a Business Decision, Not a Technology Choice
Preamble: medium.com

49. The medium user Charles Scalfani got a total of 805 recommends, for the post titled “So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 5)”.
The post has the the following tags: “Functional Programming”,Programming,Tech,Technology,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 5 images.

So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 5)
Taking that first step to understanding Functional Programming concepts is the most important and sometimes the most… medium.com

50. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 803 recommends, for the post titled “Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 18 links and 12 images.

Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps
Redux is becoming the de facto way to build React apps. And there are tons of examples that show how it's done. But… medium.com

51. The medium user Mark Dalgleish got a total of 794 recommends, for the post titled “The End of Global CSS”.
The post has the the following tags: CSS,JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

The End of Global CSS
CSS selectors all exist within the same global scope. medium.com

52. The medium user Paul Irish got a total of 781 recommends, for the post titled “Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs.
The reading time of the article is 1 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools
Support for Node.js debuggability landed in Node.js master in May 2016. You can see it in action in the DevTools 2016… medium.com

53. The medium user Roneesh got a total of 713 recommends, for the post titled “I finally made sense of front end build tools. You can, too.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Front End Development”,Nodejs,NPM.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

I finally made sense of front end build tools. You can, too.
Front end build tools can be confusing even to experienced developers like me. The solution is to understand how they… medium.freecodecamp.org

54. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 676 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 2 — Page Load Performance”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Progressive Web App”,Mobile,Performance.
The reading time of the article is 16.3 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 15 images.

Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 2 — Page Load Performance
Part 2 of a new series walking through tips for shipping mobile web apps optimized using Lighthouse. This issue, we'll… medium.com

55. The medium user Jolyon Russ got a total of 656 recommends, for the post titled “11 lessons learned as a React contractor”.
The post has the the following tags: 2016,JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

11 lessons learned as a React contractor
I didn't know I was looking for it, but when I found it something clicked. hackernoon.com

56. The medium user Dan Abramov got a total of 652 recommends, for the post titled “Hot Reloading in React”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 19.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

Hot Reloading in React
or, an Ode to Accidental Complexity medium.com

57. The medium user Mariko Kosaka got a total of 649 recommends, for the post titled “How to be* a compiler — make a compiler with JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: Compilers,Programming,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

How to be* a compiler — make a compiler with JavaScript
*Yes! you should be a compiler. It's awesome. medium.com

58. The medium user Mike Bostock got a total of 645 recommends, for the post titled “Introducing d3-scale”.
The post has the the following tags: D3,JavaScript,”Data Visualization”.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 12 images.

Introducing d3-scale
I'd like D3 to become the standard library of data visualization: not just a tool you use directly to visualize data by… medium.com

59. The medium user @michaelolo got a total of 639 recommends, for the post titled “Recursion, Recursion, Recursion”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Tech,”Life Lessons”,”Learning To Code”.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.


60. The medium user Rich Klein got a total of 617 recommends, for the post titled “How My 10-Year-Old Learned Javascript”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Education,Parenting,JavaScript,”Learning To Code”.
The reading time of the article is 7.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

How My 10-Year-Old Learned Javascript
It was a long journey with many bumps in the road. hackernoon.com

61. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 616 recommends, for the post titled “ Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 3: Злой путь ”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Learning.
The reading time of the article is 8.1 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 3 images.

Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 3: Злой путь
“Войти в IT”: миф о легком пути medium.com

62. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 601 recommends, for the post titled “5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,ES6,Programming,”Web Development”,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 11 images.

5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) features can be divided into features that are pure syntactic sugar (like: class), features that… medium.freecodecamp.org

63. The medium user Samer Buna got a total of 561 recommends, for the post titled “So you want to be a professional coder?”.
The post has the the following tags: Coding,Programming,JavaScript,Opinion,Advice.
The reading time of the article is 8.4 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 1 image.

So you want to be a professional coder?
I have been coding for longer than I care to admit. I am mostly “self-taught”, but I did eventually take some… medium.com

64. The medium user Mike Roberts got a total of 550 recommends, for the post titled “A discussion about the breaking of the Internet”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

A discussion about the breaking of the Internet
Hey everyone — I'm the head of messenger at Kik. I wish this didn't have to be my first post on Medium, but open source… medium.com

65. The medium user Ashwin Hariharan got a total of 540 recommends, for the post titled “How to build your own Uber-for-X App”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Startup,Tech,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 9.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

How to build your own Uber-for-X App
Just for the heck of it medium.freecodecamp.org

66. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 528 recommends, for the post titled “Functional Programming In JS — With Practical Examples (Part 1)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Functional Programming”,Programming,Angularjs.
The reading time of the article is 8.7 minutes.
The post contains 18 links and 3 images.

Functional Programming In JavaScript — With Practical Examples (Part 1)
Functional Programming(FP) can change the way you program for the better. But it's hard to learn and many posts and… medium.freecodecamp.org

67. The medium user Daniel Reis got a total of 526 recommends, for the post titled “Beyond Console Debugging Tricks”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Debugging,”Enterprise Mobility”,Outsystems.
The reading time of the article is 4.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

Beyond Console Debugging Tricks
I don't consider myself a nitpicker. That's only true, and it's all fine and dandy… until I find a console.log() that… medium.com

68. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 523 recommends, for the post titled “The Cost of Native Mobile App Development is Too Damn High!”.
The post has the the following tags: “Mobile App Development”,Startup,React,”React Native”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 9 images.

The Cost of Native Mobile App Development is Too Damn High!
A value proposition hackernoon.com

69. The medium user Evan You got a total of 522 recommends, for the post titled “Vue in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

Vue in 2016
It's already end of 2016! During the past 12 months, Vue's growth has been consistently exceeding my expectations — the… medium.com

70. The medium user Will Becker got a total of 517 recommends, for the post titled “Redux best practices”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 8.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 0 images.

Redux best practices
Redux is the React framework that other flux frameworks recommend you use. It went 1.0.0 when I started writing this… medium.com

71. The medium user Flaki got a total of 515 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript World Domination”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,IoT,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 22.9 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 25 images.

JavaScript World Domination
A Civilization-esque journey through JavaScript history — chronicles of the march from inception to ubiquity medium.com

72. The medium user Alberto Varela got a total of 509 recommends, for the post titled “So I benchmarked Yarn against the 4 most popular CI tools.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

So I benchmarked Yarn against the 4 most popular CI tools.
Yarn is a recently launched alternative for npm as Node.js dependency manager. It claims to be much faster and reliable… medium.freecodecamp.org

73. The medium user David Gilbertson got a total of 508 recommends, for the post titled “Cross-site scripting for dummies”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Security,Hacking,Website.
The reading time of the article is 9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 5 images.

Cross-site scripting for dummies
First of all, I would like to state that my intentions with this are article are entirely dishonourable. I want to help… hackernoon.com

74. The medium user Cory House got a total of 508 recommends, for the post titled “React Stateless Functional Components: Nine Wins You Might Have Overlooked”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,ES6.
The reading time of the article is 3.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

React Stateless Functional Components: Nine Wins You Might Have Overlooked
React .14 introduced a simpler way to define components called stateless functional components. These components use… hackernoon.com

75. The medium user @dickeyxxx got a total of 497 recommends, for the post titled “Best Practices for Building Angular.js Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: Angularjs,JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 12.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

Best Practices for Building Angular.js Apps
Browserify? Require.js? Doesn't Angular.js have modules? medium.com

76. The medium user Gant Laborde got a total of 497 recommends, for the post titled “NPM vs Yarn Cheat Sheet”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,NPM,Yarn,Node,Cheatsheet.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 4 images.

NPM vs Yarn Cheat Sheet
Everything you need to know about Yarn package manager shift.infinite.red

77. The medium user Thomas Fuchs got a total of 496 recommends, for the post titled “What if we had a great standard library in JavaScript?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 4 images.

What if we had a great standard library in JavaScript?
Over the last few years the “authorities” of the JavaScript world concentrated on adding ever more features to the… medium.com

78. The medium user Anthony Gore got a total of 494 recommends, for the post titled “React or Vue: Which Javascript UI Library Should You Be Using?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Vuejs,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

React or Vue: Which Javascript UI Library Should You Be Using?
In 2016 React cemented its position as king of the Javascript web frameworks. This year saw rapid growth of both its… medium.com

79. The medium user Milo Mordaunt got a total of 492 recommends, for the post titled “Tutorial: Handcrafting an Isomorphic Redux Application (With Love)”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 14.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

Tutorial: Handcrafting an Isomorphic Redux Application (With Love)
Well, I know you like Todo lists, I mean I know you really like writing Todo lists, so I want you to be able to build… medium.com

80. The medium user deathmood got a total of 490 recommends, for the post titled “How to write your own Virtual DOM”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

How to write your own Virtual DOM
There are two things you need to know to build your own Virtual DOM. You do not even need to dive into React's source… medium.com

81. The medium user David Gilbertson got a total of 486 recommends, for the post titled “What you don`t know about web development”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Learning,”Learning To Code”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

What you don't know about web development
Fear not, this isn't another mildly aggressive blog post telling you that you're inferior; I'm not here to tell you… hackernoon.com

82. The medium user Dan Abramov got a total of 485 recommends, for the post titled “Asking Good Questions”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

Asking Good Questions
I receive programming questions on Twitter, GitHub, email, and other channels. I try to answer them when I can. Lately… medium.com

83. The medium user Ryan Chartrand got a total of 480 recommends, for the post titled “The top rising JavaScript trends to watch in 2017”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Web Development”,”Functional Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 5.8 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 2 images.

The top rising JavaScript trends to watch in 2017
The JS community chimes in on where they see the industry headed. medium.com

84. The medium user Bradley Nice got a total of 478 recommends, for the post titled “Free eBooks for Web Designers & Developers”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,”Web Design”,HTML,JavaScript,UX.
The reading time of the article is 8.3 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 28 images.


85. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 465 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Modules Part 2: Module Bundling”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,ES6,Programming,Technology,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 10 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

JavaScript Modules Part 2: Module Bundling
In Part I of this post, I talked about what modules are, why developers use them, and the various ways to incorporate… medium.freecodecamp.org

86. The medium user Sacha Greif got a total of 465 recommends, for the post titled “The State Of JavaScript 2016: Results”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Startups,”Data Science”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

The State Of JavaScript 2016: Results
The Wait Is Over medium.freecodecamp.org

87. The medium user Tal Kol got a total of 464 recommends, for the post titled “Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,”React Native”,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 12.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 4 images.

Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps
Redux has become one of the most popular Flux implementations for managing data flow in React apps. Reading about Redux… hackernoon.com

88. The medium user Tyler McGinnis got a total of 446 recommends, for the post titled “React `Aha` Moments”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Software Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 4.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 1 image.

React “Aha” Moments
As a teacher, one of my main goals is to maximize people's “aha” moments. medium.freecodecamp.org

89. The medium user Emelia Smith got a total of 445 recommends, for the post titled “The Most Common XSS Vulnerability in React.js Applications”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Security,Xss.
The reading time of the article is 2.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

The Most Common XSS Vulnerability in React.js Applications
If you've copied the renderFullPage function from the redux documentation, then you're vulnerable to an cross site… medium.com

90. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 444 recommends, for the post titled “A Guide For Building A React Redux CRUD App”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 9.9 minutes.
The post contains 17 links and 18 images.

A Guide For Building A React Redux CRUD App
Building a single-page CRUD app using React and Redux can be challenging because you'll have to deal w/ new techniques… medium.com

91. The medium user Patrick Hund got a total of 428 recommends, for the post titled “Testing a React-driven website’s SEO using “Fetch as Google””.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,SEO,”Web Development”,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

Testing a React-driven website's SEO using “Fetch as Google”
I recently tested whether client-side rendering would prevent websites from being crawled by search engine robots. As… medium.freecodecamp.org

92. The medium user Nash Vail got a total of 425 recommends, for the post titled “A gentle introduction to React Motion”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Animation,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 16 images.

A gentle introduction to React Motion
React is great, I am having a lot of fun playing around with it for the past few weeks. I decided to take a shot and… medium.com

93. The medium user Mark Brouch got a total of 420 recommends, for the post titled “Make Your React Components Pretty đź'…”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Jsx,Azure,Webpack.
The reading time of the article is 7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

Make Your React Components Pretty
At Walmart Labs we do a lot of peer code reviews, which is great because I get to see all sorts of clever ways to write… medium.com

94. The medium user Kitze got a total of 417 recommends, for the post titled “How it actually feels to write JavaScript in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 1.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

How it actually feels to write JavaScript in 2016
Hey, I need to create a page that displays the latest activity from the users, so I just need to get the data from the… medium.com

95. The medium user Lin Clark got a total of 415 recommends, for the post titled “A cartoon guide to Facebook’s Relay, part 1”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 7 links and 18 images.

A cartoon guide to Facebook's Relay, part 1
Saying what data you need with GraphQL code-cartoons.com

96. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 412 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Closures Explained by Mailing a Package”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Learning To Code”,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 4.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

JavaScript Closures Explained by Mailing a Package
If you have mailed a package or letter in the past, then you can understand closures in JavaScript. medium.freecodecamp.org

97. The medium user Patrick Hund got a total of 410 recommends, for the post titled “SEO vs. React: Web Crawlers are Smarter Than You Think”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,React,SEO,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 8 images.

SEO vs. React: Web Crawlers are Smarter Than You Think
Many people still worry that if you build a websites using tools like React, Angular, or Ember, it will hurt your… medium.freecodecamp.org

98. The medium user Tal Kol got a total of 409 recommends, for the post titled “How I Found Myself Accused of Stealing Code from WordPress”.
The post has the the following tags: “React Native”,”Open Source”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

How I Found Myself Accused of Stealing Code from WordPress
I woke up this morning to a blast of emails and PMs from various friends, all asking what's up with my team at Wix… medium.com

99. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 407 recommends, for the post titled “The Inner Workings Of Virtual DOM”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Preact,Angularjs,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 10.2 minutes.
The post contains 20 links and 33 images.

The Inner Workings Of Virtual DOM
Virtual DOM (VDOM aka VNode) is magical ✨ but is also complex and hard to understand. React, Preact and similar JS… medium.com

100. The medium user franleplant got a total of 407 recommends, for the post titled “React Higher Order Components in depth”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”High Order Component”.
The reading time of the article is 9.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

React Higher Order Components in depth
Abstract medium.com

101. The medium user Anthony Ng got a total of 405 recommends, for the post titled “What I learned from reading the Redux source code”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Redux,”Open Source”,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

What I learned from reading the Redux source code
I've always heard that reading code is a good way to expand your horizons as a developer. medium.freecodecamp.org

102. The medium user Evan You got a total of 402 recommends, for the post titled “The State of Vue”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs.
The reading time of the article is 1.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

The State of Vue
2.0 is now in RC! medium.com

103. The medium user Matheus Lima got a total of 400 recommends, for the post titled “O que TODO desenvolvedor JavaScript precisa saber”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Front End Development”,Brasil.
The reading time of the article is 5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

O que TODO desenvolvedor JavaScript precisa saber
Nos últimos anos o JavaScript vem passado por uma grande revolução: uma enorme adoção por partes das empresas, pol… medium.com

104. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 383 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 3 — Offline support and network resilience”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Progressive Web App”,Offline,”Service Worker”.
The reading time of the article is 11.3 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 11 images.

Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 3 — Offline support and network resilience
Part 3 of a new series walking through tips for shipping mobile web apps optimized using Lighthouse. This issue, we'll… medium.com

105. The medium user @p got a total of 382 recommends, for the post titled “Choosing Ember over React in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Ember,Engineering,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 12.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

Choosing Ember over React in 2016
One month ago, we started working on a new product: Instant 2FA, the easiest way to add two-factor authentication to… blog.instant2fa.com

106. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 379 recommends, for the post titled “Two Quick Ways To Reduce React App’s Size In Production”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech,Reactjs,Webpack.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 21 links and 2 images.

Two Quick Ways To Reduce React App's Size In Production
If you are building a React + Redux App that has Webpack, then you might have noticed that the size of the final bundle… medium.com

107. The medium user AirbnbEng got a total of 377 recommends, for the post titled “Turbocharged JavaScript refactoring with codemods”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

Turbocharged JavaScript Refactoring with Codemods
By Joe Lencioni medium.com

108. The medium user Keith Horwood got a total of 375 recommends, for the post titled “Using Graph Theory to Build a Simple Recommendation Engine in JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Graph Theory”,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

Using Graph Theory to Build a Simple Recommendation Engine in JavaScript
Leveraging User Behavior to Drive Recommendations medium.com

109. The medium user Patryk Zabielski got a total of 370 recommends, for the post titled “How to make Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Design,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

How to make Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript
I will be showing you how to create a simple multi-layered illustration with depth that transitions into the content in… medium.com

110. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 367 recommends, for the post titled “Why GraphQL is the future”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,React,JavaScript,Angularjs,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 1 image.

Why GraphQL is the future
And what it means for you dev-blog.apollodata.com

111. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 366 recommends, for the post titled “Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 1: Хороший путь”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Russian.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 1: Хороший путь
Вместо вступления medium.com

112. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 361 recommends, for the post titled “Webpack Performance Budgets”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,”Web Performance”,”Web Development”,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

Webpack Performance Budgets
Webpack 2.2 RC includes support for Performance Budgets — a new feature that will help warn (or optionally error) when… medium.com

113. The medium user Freeman Latif got a total of 358 recommends, for the post titled “After React: Elm?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Elm.
The reading time of the article is 3.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

After React: Elm?
So you've mastered React, Redux, ES6, etc and you find yourself in a better position than a couple of years ago; now… blog.wraptime.io

114. The medium user Osmel Mora got a total of 353 recommends, for the post titled “How to handle state in React.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Reactjs,”Web Development”,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 3 images.

How to handle state in React.
The missing FAQ. medium.com

115. The medium user Ryan Haase got a total of 352 recommends, for the post titled “Code a fully-functional web app in 14 days…”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 6 images.

Code a fully-functional web app in 14 days…
Challenge Accepted medium.com

116. The medium user James Y Rauhut got a total of 350 recommends, for the post titled “How to crank your progressive web app’s Google Lighthouse score up to 100”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Design,Startup,UX.
The reading time of the article is 7.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 5 images.

How to crank your progressive web app's Google Lighthouse score up to 100
If there's one message the Chrome Dev Team wants to drive home to developers, it's this: performance matters. medium.freecodecamp.org

117. The medium user Eliezer Steinbock got a total of 345 recommends, for the post titled “I’ve been running Meteor at scale for a year now. Here’s what I’ve learned.”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 11.9 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 5 images.

I've been running Meteor at scale for a year now. Here's what I've learned.
A year ago I wrote an article describing my first experiences scaling Meteor. In short, I created a popular fantasy… medium.freecodecamp.org

118. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 344 recommends, for the post titled “How the Web Works Part III: HTTP & REST”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Learning To Code”,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 10.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 6 images.

How the Web Works Part III: HTTP & REST

119. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 343 recommends, for the post titled “Why use static types in JavaScript? (A 4-part primer on static typing with Flow)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Flowtype,”Computer Science”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 8.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

Why use static types in JavaScript? (A 4-part primer on static typing with Flow)
As a JavaScript developer, you can code all day long without encountering any static types. So why bother learning… medium.freecodecamp.org

120. The medium user Michael Olorunnisola got a total of 340 recommends, for the post titled “A Gentle Introduction to Data Structures: How Linked Lists Work”.
The post has the the following tags: “Data Structures”,Programming,”Computer Science”,JavaScript,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 9.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

A Gentle Introduction to Data Structures: How Linked Lists Work
Have you ever built a Rube Goldberg Machine? If not, maybe you've built an elaborate line of dominoes? medium.freecodecamp.org

121. The medium user Cory House got a total of 339 recommends, for the post titled “No API? 没问题! Rapid Development via Mock APIs”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Software Development”,”Web Development”,”Mobile App Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

No API? No Problem! Rapid Development via Mock APIs
Create a realistic mock API with Node.js in three quick steps medium.freecodecamp.org

122. The medium user Tom Dale got a total of 338 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Frameworks: Distribution Channels for Good Ideas”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 9.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

JavaScript Frameworks: Distribution Channels for Good Ideas
From Alex Russell's Fluent keynote, “Progressive Web Apps and What's Next for the Web”: medium.com

123. The medium user Sacha Greif got a total of 337 recommends, for the post titled “The State Of JavaScript: JavaScript Flavors”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Typescript,Coffeescript,Elm,Clojurescript.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

The State Of JavaScript: JavaScript Flavors
More Preliminary Results medium.com

124. The medium user Kristian Poslek got a total of 333 recommends, for the post titled “Anatomy of a large Angular application”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Angularjs,”Software Architecture”.
The reading time of the article is 15.9 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 10 images.

Anatomy of a large Angular application
How to design the architecture of an Angular application and not go insane in the process medium.com

125. The medium user Fagner Brack got a total of 328 recommends, for the post titled “How To Accept Over-Engineering For What It Really Is”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,”Software Development”,”Web Development”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 5 images.

How To Accept Over-Engineering For What It Really Is
The devil is in the details (or in the lack of it) hackernoon.com

126. The medium user Rich Harris got a total of 326 recommends, for the post titled “How to not break the internet with this one weird trick”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,NPM,Modules.
The reading time of the article is 6.1 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 9 images.

How to not break the internet with this one weird trick
If you write JavaScript tools or libraries, you should bundle your code before publishing. medium.com

127. The medium user André Pena got a total of 324 recommends, for the post titled “How I stay up-to-date as a Developer”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,Productivity,Learning,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 2 images.

How I stay up-to-date as a Developer
I can hardly imagine any other industry that is so dynamic and inviting as software development. I mean, imagine your… hackernoon.com

128. The medium user Rishi Goomar got a total of 319 recommends, for the post titled “Why I think Elm is the Future of Front End Development”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Elm,”Functional Programming”,”Front End Development”,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

Why I think Elm is the Future of Front End Development
Elm is a ML-style functional language with enforced immutability that compiles down to optimized JavaScript. It solves… medium.com

129. The medium user Dave Smith got a total of 319 recommends, for the post titled “What web framework should I learn?”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,Development.
The reading time of the article is 2.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

What web framework should I learn?
I get this question a lot. In the past I've answered it with a question about your motivation. Are you trying to… medium.com

130. The medium user Josh Burgess got a total of 318 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Fatigue: An Alternative Perspective”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

JavaScript Fatigue: An Alternative Perspective
Recognizing Progress Requires a Certain Degree of Churn medium.com

131. The medium user Jerry Wang got a total of 316 recommends, for the post titled “The Secret To Making Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot In Less Than 15 Minutes”.
The post has the the following tags: Chatbots,”Facebook Messenger”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.1 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 12 images.

The Secret To Making Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot In Less Than 15 Minutes
Read this if you want to make a bot. chatbotsmagazine.com

132. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 310 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 4 — Progressive Enhancement”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Progressive Enhancement”,”Progressive Web App”,Mobile.
The reading time of the article is 13.9 minutes.
The post contains 13 links and 7 images.

Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 4 — Progressive Enhancement
Part 4 of a new series walking through tips for shipping mobile web apps optimized using Lighthouse. This issue, we'll… medium.com

133. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 306 recommends, for the post titled “How Uber Uses Node.js To Scale Their Business”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 0.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.


134. The medium user Erik Witt got a total of 303 recommends, for the post titled “Building a Shop with Sub-Second Page Loads: Lessons Learned”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Wer Performance”,Caching,Networking.
The reading time of the article is 19.2 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 27 images.

Building a Shop with Sub-Second Page Loads: Lessons Learned
Here is the story of how we leveraged research on web-caching and NoSQL systems to prepare a webshop for hundreds of… medium.baqend.com

135. The medium user Bradley Nice got a total of 297 recommends, for the post titled “100+ Useful Web Development Tools and Resources”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,Programming,”Front End Development”,JavaScript,Coding.
The reading time of the article is 12.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 20 images.

100+ Useful Web Development Tools and Resources
The best and worst thing about being a web developer is that the web is constantly changing. While this is exciting it… medium.com

136. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 294 recommends, for the post titled “Beginner’s Guide to React Router”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 11 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

Beginner's Guide to React Router
Or what I wish I knew when starting with React Router. medium.freecodecamp.org

137. The medium user Andrew Rabon got a total of 292 recommends, for the post titled “Choosing Vanilla JavaScript in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,CSS.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

Choosing Vanilla JavaScript in 2016
ECMAScript's latest spec makes a compelling case for developing without heavy libraries or frameworks. andrewrabon.com

138. The medium user Grgur Grisogono got a total of 286 recommends, for the post titled “Webpack 2 Tree Shaking Configuration”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,React,Tech,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

Webpack 2 Tree Shaking Configuration
Tree Shaking, a modern dead code elimination algorithm for ECMAScript 2015+ is one of the most anticipated features in… medium.com

139. The medium user Mariya Diminsky got a total of 286 recommends, for the post titled “Learn Node.js with Brigadier Fluffykins Part I: Sync, Async, and Creating Your First Server!”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tutorial,Education.
The reading time of the article is 11.1 minutes.
The post contains 9 links and 14 images.

Learn Node.js with Brigadier Fluffykins Part I: Sync, Async, and Creating Your First Server!
Welcome to Part I of Learn Node.js With Brigadier Fluffykins, a series created to help you easily understand Node.js ❤ medium.freecodecamp.org

140. The medium user Piervincenzo Madeo got a total of 285 recommends, for the post titled “Automate your UX Design workflow with Framer.js, Gulp and Sketch”.
The post has the the following tags: UX,Framerjs,Prototyping,JavaScript,Gulp.
The reading time of the article is 16.1 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 13 images.

Automate your UX Design workflow with Framer.js, Gulp and Sketch
[ Update 04.01.2017: recently the awesome guys at Framer added a powerful component that helps you transition and… blog.prototypr.io

141. The medium user Vinicius Reis got a total of 281 recommends, for the post titled “Entenda de uma vez por todas o que Ă© React.JS, Angular 2, Aurelia e Vue.JS”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs,React,Angularjs,Aurelia.
The reading time of the article is 11.1 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 3 images.

Entenda de uma vez por todas o que é React.JS, Angular 2, Aurelia e Vue.JS
Depois de muita confusão e contendas resolvi escrever este artigo, para explicar de modo simples e direto quais as… medium.com

142. The medium user Guido Schmitz got a total of 280 recommends, for the post titled “Move Fast and Don’t Break Things”.
The post has the the following tags: “Software Development”,”Web Development”,Tech,Programming,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

Move Fast and Don't Break Things
An intro to Test Driven Development medium.freecodecamp.org

143. The medium user Arunoda Susiripala got a total of 275 recommends, for the post titled “Say Hello to React CDK”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 3.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 3 images.

Say Hello to React CDK
This is a Component Development Kit for React. It's not a just another boilerplate, but something much much more, and… voice.kadira.io

144. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 273 recommends, for the post titled “ Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 2: Плохой путь ”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs.
The reading time of the article is 8.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 4 images.

Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 2: Плохой путь
История моих терзаний medium.com

145. The medium user Owen Campbell-Moore got a total of 272 recommends, for the post titled “Designing Great UIs for Progressive Web Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Progressive Web App”.
The reading time of the article is 7.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 6 images.

Designing Great UIs for Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps give us an opportunity to reset our expectations and to loudly declare that We Can Do Better when… medium.com

146. The medium user Wesley Walser got a total of 270 recommends, for the post titled “The Boring Stack — The Best Way to Build Interesting Things”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Makers,”Side Project”,JavaScript,Productivity.
The reading time of the article is 2.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

The Boring Stack — The Best Way to Build Interesting Things
A few years back while learning Go, I came across a compliment that someone had extended to Go's creators. I don't… hackernoon.com

147. The medium user Eric Clemmons got a total of 270 recommends, for the post titled “Angular is Easy. React is Hard.”.
The post has the the following tags: Angularjs,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

Angular is Easy. React is Hard.
I know exactly what you're thinking… medium.com

148. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 269 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Promises Explained By Gambling At A Casino”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Education,Tech,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 3 images.

JavaScript Promises Explained By Gambling At A Casino
Promises might seem confusing… until you find yourself in “callback hell.” Then they seem reasonable! medium.freecodecamp.org

149. The medium user Anton Lavrenov got a total of 269 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive loading for modern web applications via code splitting”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

Progressive loading for modern web applications via code splitting
Are your users tired of waiting when your app is loading and they close the tab? Let's fix it with the progressive… blog.lavrton.com

150. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 268 recommends, for the post titled “Node.js v6 Transitions to LTS”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,Developer,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

Node.js v6 Transitions to LTS
The Node.js project has three major updates this month: hackernoon.com

151. The medium user Mark Dalgleish got a total of 267 recommends, for the post titled “Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,CSS,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components
BEM was a transformative methodology in the world of CSS, but — when limited to the style sheet — it can only take us… medium.com

152. The medium user Daniel Brain got a total of 265 recommends, for the post titled “Understand promises before you start using async/await”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Promises,Asynchronous.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

Understand promises before you start using async/await
With Babel now supporting async/await out of the box, and ES2016 (or ES7) just around the corner, more and more people… medium.com

153. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 263 recommends, for the post titled “Issue 3: Terminal tips & tricks, DevTools + Service Worker Updates, Add-to-Homescreen Emulation…”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,DevOps,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 11 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 19 images.

Issue 3: Terminal tips & tricks, DevTools + Service Worker Updates, Add-to-Homescreen Emulation…
Totally Tooling Tears is a new companion to Matt and Addy's YouTube show Totally Tooling Tips. It's a raw weekly brain… medium.com

154. The medium user Sam Corcos got a total of 263 recommends, for the post titled “Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 5.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this
With the advent of React and Redux, a common question has emerged: medium.freecodecamp.org

155. The medium user Eliezer Steinbock got a total of 262 recommends, for the post titled “First Experiences Scaling a Meteor App”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,”Web Development”,JavaScript,Tech,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 16.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

First Experiences Scaling a Meteor App
I recently went through the challenge and ordeal of having to scale my Meteor app. It's a project that had already been… medium.freecodecamp.org

156. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 261 recommends, for the post titled “Why Redux need reducers to be “pure functions””.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech,”Functional Programming”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 21 links and 6 images.

Why Redux need reducers to be “pure functions”
You may have heard that Redux depends on “pure functions” from functional programming. Well, what exactly does that… medium.freecodecamp.org

157. The medium user Alex Moldovan got a total of 261 recommends, for the post titled “Breathing air into AirBnB’s JavaScript Style Guide”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Web Development”,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

Breathing air into AirBnB's JavaScript Style Guide
No one sets out to write ugly, inconsistently-styled code. It just sort of happens. medium.freecodecamp.org

158. The medium user Matt Keas got a total of 259 recommends, for the post titled “State of the Union.js”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Conference.
The reading time of the article is 19.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 35 images.

State of the Union.js
Note: This is a LONG post/rant/exploration that involves some happy and some bleak outlooks on the state of development… medium.com

159. The medium user Paul Irish got a total of 259 recommends, for the post titled “requestAnimationFrame Scheduling For Nerds”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Android.
The reading time of the article is 1.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

requestAnimationFrame Scheduling For Nerds
A few people were curious about the scheduling of requestAnimationFrame callbacks, so here's the tl;dr: medium.com

160. The medium user luqmaan got a total of 257 recommends, for the post titled “Things I wish I knew about Redux”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux,Reselect.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

Things I wish I knew about Redux
I've been working on React/Redux apps for about a year. I wish I knew these things when I started. medium.com

161. The medium user Sonya Moisset got a total of 257 recommends, for the post titled “Three ways you can find the largest number in an array using JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Learning,Algorithms,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 3.3 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 1 image.

Three ways you can find the largest number in an array using JavaScript
In this article, I'm going to explain how to solve Free Code Camp's “Return Largest Numbers in Arrays” challenge. This… medium.freecodecamp.org

162. The medium user Michel Weststrate got a total of 256 recommends, for the post titled “3 Reasons why I stopped using React.setState”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Mobx,Reactjs,”Reactive Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

3 Reasons why I stopped using React.setState
Since a few months I've stopped using React's setState on all my new React components. Don't get me wrong, I didn't… medium.com

163. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 255 recommends, for the post titled “AJAX Explained by Upgrading Your Video Game Character”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Life Lessons”,Programming,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

AJAX Explained by Upgrading Your Video Game Character
If you've played video games, then you can understand the basics of POST and GET. medium.freecodecamp.org

164. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 255 recommends, for the post titled “#NetflixAndChill: How Netflix Scales with Node.js and Containers”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,Containers,Docker,UI.
The reading time of the article is 9.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 0 images.

#NetflixAndChill: How Netflix Scales with Node.js and Containers
It wasn't too long ago that Netflix was just a DVD company. When Kim Trott, director of UI platform engineering at… medium.com

165. The medium user Sonny Lazuardi got a total of 254 recommends, for the post titled “Ionic Framework vs React Native”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”React Native”,Ionic.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

Ionic Framework vs React Native
Background medium.com

“166. The medium user freeCodeCamp got a total of 254 recommends, for the post titled “”25 Free Resources for New
JavaScript Developers””.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Startup,Technology,Design,””Social Media””.
The reading time of the article is 3.8 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 25 images.


167. The medium user Bilal Budhani got a total of 251 recommends, for the post titled “9 libraries to consider for your next React Native project”.
The post has the the following tags: React,”React Native”,”Mobile App Development”,JavaScript,iOS.
The reading time of the article is 3.6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

9 libraries to consider for your next React Native project
React Native has made mobile application development process bliss for developers, there's no doubt in that. I've been… blog.codeinfuse.com

168. The medium user Mikey Murphy got a total of 251 recommends, for the post titled “Journey to Enjoyable, Maintainable Styling with React, ITCSS, and CSS-in-JS”.
The post has the the following tags: CSS,”Web Development”,React,Aphrodite,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 16 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 23 images.

Journey to Enjoyable, Maintainable Styling with React, ITCSS, and CSS-in-JS
Knowing why humans do what they do fascinates me, and many times I learn much more from the path leading to a… medium.com

169. The medium user BASARAT got a total of 250 recommends, for the post titled “TypeScript won”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Typescript,Reactjs,Angularjs,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

TypeScript won
I love all the people (great developers!) and the technologies (great ideas!) mentioned in this post . That said I… medium.com

170. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 249 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Top 10 Articles of the Year. (v.2017)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”,”Mobile App Development”.
The reading time of the article is 2.9 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 16 images.

JavaScript Top 10 Articles of the Year. (v.2017)

171. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 249 recommends, for the post titled “The Progress of Node.js a Year Post Node.js and io.js Merge and Where the Technology is Going”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,Developer.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

The Progress of Node.js a Year Post Node.js and io.js Merge and Where the Technology is Going
During Node.js Interactive Europe's keynote presentations yesterday, Core community members shared the community's… medium.com

172. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 245 recommends, for the post titled “React Native Navigator — Navigating Like A Pro in React Native”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”React Native”.
The reading time of the article is 7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

React Native Navigator — Navigating Like A Pro in React Native
Looking to learn React Native? Check out React Native Training. medium.com

173. The medium user DailyDrip got a total of 243 recommends, for the post titled “Why Elm is Going to Change the World”.
The post has the the following tags: Elm,JavaScript,Programming,”Functional Programming”,Ruby.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 14 links and 4 images.

Why Elm is Going to Change the World
I started playing with Elm around January 1, 2016. This was largely brought about by this keynote by Jessica Kerr at… hackernoon.com

174. The medium user Sashko Stubailo got a total of 243 recommends, for the post titled “Apollo, the data stack for modern apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Graphql.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 15 images.

Apollo, the data stack for modern apps
We're working on a new GraphQL-based platform for everyone dev-blog.apollodata.com

175. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 2 images.

Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a way to generate auth tokens. It's is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a simple way… medium.com

176. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “The Anatomy Of A React Redux App”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Angularjs.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 14 links and 7 images.

The Anatomy Of A React Redux App
If you inspect the source of a React Redux app, it could be overwhelming. But there is a method to the madness and it… medium.com

177. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Top 10 Articles in October”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”,React.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 17 images.


178. The medium user Alex Reardon got a total of 241 recommends, for the post titled “Performance optimisations for React applications”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

Performance optimisations for React applications
TLDR; medium.com

179. The medium user Slack Engineering got a total of 240 recommends, for the post titled “A faster, smarter Quick Switcher”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Slack,Algorithms.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 4 images.

A faster, smarter Quick Switcher
We rewrote the Quick Switcher to dramatically improve performance and make it a whole lot easier to use. Here's what we… slack.engineering

180. The medium user A. Sharif got a total of 240 recommends, for the post titled “The Elegance Of React”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Software Development”,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 7.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

The Elegance Of React
Writing Elegant Code With React, Redux and Ramda medium.com

181. The medium user Richard Herrera got a total of 239 recommends, for the post titled “NFL + React”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 5.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

NFL + React
The National Football League adopted React in December of 2014. For the past year we have iterated and built on React's… medium.com

182. The medium user Rob Dodson got a total of 238 recommends, for the post titled “The Case for Custom Elements: Part 1”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,”Web Components”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

The Case for Custom Elements: Part 1
In this post I want to make the case for why I think Custom Elements make sense, especially for large organizations. In… medium.com

183. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 237 recommends, for the post titled “Issue 1: Service Worker Debugging, RAIL on 3G, Offline Analytics, Progressive Web Apps, Rollupify …”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Tools.
The reading time of the article is 6.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 8 images.

Issue 1: Service Worker Debugging, RAIL on 3G, Offline Analytics, Progressive Web Apps, Rollupify …
Totally Tooling Tears is a new companion to Matt and Addy's YouTube show Totally Tooling Tips. It's a raw weekly brain… medium.com

184. The medium user Malte Ubl got a total of 237 recommends, for the post titled “2016 will be the year of concurrency on the web”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

2016 will be the year of concurrency on the web
Since 2009 JavaScript programming on the web has a way to write concurrent programs using shared-nothing threads: Web… medium.com

185. The medium user Evan Wallace got a total of 235 recommends, for the post titled “Building a professional design tool on the web”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

Building a professional design tool on the web
Our vision for the future of design tools is one where both the tool and the content are easily available to anyone… blog.figma.com

186. The medium user Artem Sapegin got a total of 234 recommends, for the post titled “Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Jest,Enzyme,Testing.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
Shallow rendering, snapshot testing and many examples. hackernoon.com

187. The medium user Calvin Froedge got a total of 234 recommends, for the post titled “Why I’m not staking my future on MeteorJS.”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,JavaScript,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 8.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

Why I'm not staking my future on MeteorJS.
TLDR: After about 3 weeks of using Meteor seriously (8 hours a day), I decided that, despite its benefits, it would be… medium.com

188. The medium user Mike Groseclose got a total of 231 recommends, for the post titled “In Defense of Hyper Modular JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,”Open Source”,Design,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 3 images.

In Defense of Hyper Modular JavaScript
Last week npmgate was a big topic for the JavaScript community. For those of you who haven't been following what… medium.freecodecamp.org

189. The medium user Anthony Gore got a total of 229 recommends, for the post titled “4 Things Vue.js Got Right”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs,React,Angularjs,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

4 Things Vue.js Got Right
Whether you're suffering from Javascript fatigue, ES anxiety, post-webpack stress disorder or any other kind of web… medium.com

190. The medium user Joselito got a total of 228 recommends, for the post titled “Como Ă© programar em JavaScript em 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: Humor,JavaScript,Comunidade.
The reading time of the article is 13.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

Como é programar em JavaScript em 2016
Esse artigo é uma tradução totalmente livre e adaptada de "How it feels to learn Javascript in 2016" , publicada na… joseli.to

191. The medium user David Fox Powell got a total of 225 recommends, for the post titled “Why Can’t Anyone Write a Simple Webpack Tutorial?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,Nodejs,Babeljs,ES6.
The reading time of the article is 11.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

Why Can't Anyone Write a Simple Webpack Tutorial?
Ok…so we're all hipsters, or cocky nerds, neckbeards, losers who only know JavaScript which isn't a real programing… medium.com

192. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 225 recommends, for the post titled “How do I GraphQL?”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

How do I GraphQL?
Top 3 things to know coming from REST dev-blog.apollodata.com

193. The medium user Mike Hearn got a total of 224 recommends, for the post titled “Graal & Truffle”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,JVM.
The reading time of the article is 12.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

Graal & Truffle
An obscure research project could radically accelerate innovation in programming language design blog.plan99.net

194. The medium user Joanne got a total of 222 recommends, for the post titled “How to Create and Publish Your First Node.js Module”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,NPM.
The reading time of the article is 9.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 12 images.

How to Create and Publish Your First Node.js Module
What is npm? medium.com

195. The medium user Matheus Lima got a total of 222 recommends, for the post titled “Entendendo Programação Funcional em JavaScript de uma vez”.
The post has the the following tags: ES6,JavaScript,”Functional Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 5.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 3 images.

Entendendo Programação Funcional em JavaScript de uma vez
Você já percebeu que cada vez mais o termo Programação Funcional vem sendo usado pela comunidade? medium.com

196. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 221 recommends, for the post titled “Webpack’s HMR & React-Hot-Loader — The Missing Manual”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,React.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 15 images.

Webpack's HMR & React-Hot-Loader — The Missing Manual
Webpack's HMR along with React-Hot-Loader makes developing React apps very productive. But depending on the type of the… medium.com

197. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 221 recommends, for the post titled “Top 10 JavaScript Articles from Last Month. (v.May)”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Programming,Tech,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 14 images.

Top 10 JavaScript Articles from Last Month. (v.May)
We've observed nearly 1,000 articles related to JavaScript, posted and updated in April 2016. medium.mybridge.co

198. The medium user Matt Aimonetti got a total of 220 recommends, for the post titled “Go is for everyone”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Community,Golang,JavaScript,Education.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

Go is for everyone
Go is a modern programming language created at Google. It's designed to be a very rational (read non-fancy), simple… medium.com

199. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 220 recommends, for the post titled “How to build GraphQL servers”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,JavaScript,React,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 6.6 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 2 images.

How to build GraphQL servers
Tips for what, how and when to optimize dev-blog.apollodata.com

200. The medium user Artem Sapegin got a total of 219 recommends, for the post titled “React and Redux Single Page Applications Resources”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 2.1 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 0 images.

React and Redux Single Page Applications Resources
Here is a list of the best articles, books and talks about the libraries and tools we use at the Here product tools… medium.com

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Interesting Statistics — Florin Badita is creating Statistics, Data Visualizations | Patreon
Become a patron of Interesting Statistics — Florin Badita today: Read posts by Interesting Statistics — Florin Badita… www.patreon.com

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There are over 6500 articles about AI/ML/DL written on medium, and if you would want to read them all, you would need… hackernoon.com

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TOP 100 medium.com
We have seen the TOP 100 Medium users that got the most recommends, but this does not help us with nothing in our quest… medium.com

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There are over 6500 articles about AI/ML/DL written on medium. medium.com

I would love to hear what other ideas you would have with the medium database that I scrapped :)


In the last 3 years i collaborated with Rise Project, were i did data analysis and pattern recognition to uncover patterns of corruption in unstructured data-sets.

I have worked as a consultant for the World Bank.

Currently, as a job, I work as a Senior Map Analyst, working with OpenStreetMap data.

In September 2016 i moved for 3 months to San Francisco, to start a new life .

Now i`m back in Romania, searching for a Remote/ Part/Full Time Job here/ another country were I can apply my expertise related with data science.

Currently :

  • Building a tool that detects possible fake viral news, before they go viral .
  • Combining Facebook reactions with Sentiment Analysis to create the emotional fingerprint of a post, a page .
  • Downloading all the public posts from TOP 12.000 FB Pages in Romania . 19M posts downloaded until now. See one use-case here, analyzing Protest trends.
  • Learning ML, full text search.

You can find me online on Medium Florin Badita, AngelList , Twitter , L inkedin, O penstreetmap , G ithub, Q uora, F acebook

Sometimes i write on my blog http://florinbadita.com/

From: https://hackernoon.com/top-200-javascript-articles-on-medium-until-jan-2017-a0c6a1bfe094
