Grid View Tree

 <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="AdvControls" Namespace="AdvControls" TagPrefix="cc1" %>








         SortExpression="StrNull3" Target="_blank" />







Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Data
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Imports Define
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Partial Class _Default
 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

 Private objItem As Model 'グリッドデータ用モデル
 Private objCom As New DBCommon 'データベースに関しての処理クラス    


 ''' ページロード

 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
  If Not IsPostBack Then

   Me.grd.DataSourceID = Nothing 'データソースを使わなくなる

   TreeData = objCom.GetTreeData()

   SetGrdInit() 'グリッド初期化
  End If
 End Sub


 ''' グリッド初期化

 Private Sub SetGrdInit()
  GrdData = objCom.GetGrdData()

  grd.DataSource = GrdData 'グリッドにデータを設定する

  Dim lstModel As New List(Of Model)
  Dim arrlst As ArrayList = GetLstTreeData(0) 'ツリーと第一列のデータを取得する
  Dim ii As Integer
  For ii = 0 To arrlst.Count - 1
   objItem = New Model
   objItem.StrNull1 = arrlst(ii)

   If GetLstTreeData(1, objItem).Count >= 1 Then
    objItem.StrNull1 = "+" & arrlst(ii)
   End If


  TreeView = lstModel
 End Sub


 ''' ツリー部分のデータソースから列番号によってデータを取得すると処理

 ''' 列番号
 ''' ツリー部分、同行中で前のキーを引数として
 Private Function GetLstTreeData(ByVal col As Integer, Optional ByVal item As Model = Nothing) As ArrayList
  Dim arrLst As New ArrayList

  If Not col < 6 Then Return arrLst '最大の列数が限られる---------------6はツリー部分列数の総計---------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
  If TreeData Is Nothing Then Return arrLst 'データとヌルをチェックする
  If TreeData.Columns.Count < 6 Then Return arrLst '-----------------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

  Dim hashTbl As Hashtable
  Dim strValue As String = String.Empty
  'Dim n As Integer
  Dim rr As Integer
  For rr = 0 To TreeData.Rows.Count - 1
   'If col = 0 Then
   ' arrLst.Add(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item(col))
   ' For n = 0 To col
   '  If n = col Then
   '   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item(col)) Then
   '    Return arrLst
   '   Else
   '    arrLst.Add(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item(col))
   '    Exit For
   '   End If
   '  End If

   '  Select Case n
   '   Case 0
   '    strValue = item.StrNull1
   '   Case 1
   '    strValue = item.StrNull2
   '   Case 2
   '    strValue = item.StrNull3
   '   Case 3
   '    strValue = item.StrNull4
   '   Case 4
   '    '無し
   '  End Select

   '  If strValue.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item(n)) Then
   '   Continue For
   '  Else
   '   Exit For
   '  End If
   ' Next
   'End If

   Select Case col
    Case 0
    Case 1
     If item.StrNull1.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node1")) Then
      If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node2")) Then
       Return arrLst
      End If
     End If
    Case 2
     If item.StrNull1.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node1")) Then
      If item.StrNull2.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node2")) Then
       If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node3")) Then
        Return arrLst
       End If
      End If
     End If
    Case 3
     If item.StrNull1.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node1")) Then
      If item.StrNull2.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node2")) Then
       If item.StrNull3.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node3")) Then
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node4")) Then
         Return arrLst
         hashTbl = New Hashtable

         hashTbl.Add("StrNull4", TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node4"))
         hashTbl.Add("StrNull41", TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node41"))
         hashTbl.Add("StrNull42", TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node42"))

        End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
    Case 4
     If item.StrNull1.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node1")) Then
      If item.StrNull2.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node2")) Then
       If item.StrNull3.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node3")) Then
        If item.StrNull4.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node4")) Then
         If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node5")) Then
          Return arrLst
         End If
        End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
    Case 5
     If item.StrNull1.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node1")) Then
      If item.StrNull2.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node2")) Then
       If item.StrNull3.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node3")) Then
        If item.StrNull4.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node4")) Then
         If item.StrNull5.Equals(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node5")) Then
          If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TreeData.Rows(rr).Item("Node6")) Then
           Return arrLst
          End If
         End If
        End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
    Case Else
     Exit For
   End Select

  Return arrLst
 End Function


 ''' グリッドが生成している時の処理

 Protected Sub grd_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles grd.RowDataBound
  Dim i As Integer
  'If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then
  ' Dim tcHeader As TableCellCollection = e.Row.Cells
  ' For i = 3 To grd.Columns.Count - 1'-----------------------------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
  '  tcHeader.RemoveAt(3)    '-----------------------------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
  ' Next
  ' For i = 1 To 6       '-----------------------------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
  '  tcHeader.Add(New TableHeaderCell())
  '  tcHeader(i + 2).Attributes.Add("colspan", "2")
  '  tcHeader(i + 2).Text = "1111".Replace("1", i)
  ' Next
  'End If

  If TreeView Is Nothing Then Return 'データとヌルをチェックする
  If TreeView.Count <= e.Row.RowIndex Then Return

  If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then

   Dim tc As TableCellCollection = e.Row.Cells

   'For i = 3 To 13 Step 2    '-------------------13はグリッド列数の総計-----------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
   ' CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   ' CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(3).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18  '20081020 追加 何
   CType(tc.Item(3).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(5).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   CType(tc.Item(5).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(7).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   CType(tc.Item(7).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(9).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   CType(tc.Item(9).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(13).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   CType(tc.Item(13).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18
   CType(tc.Item(15).Controls.Item(0), Button).Height = 18
   CType(tc.Item(15).Controls.Item(0), Button).Width = 18  '20081020 追加 何

   Dim strValue As String = String.Empty
   objItem = Me.TreeView(e.Row.RowIndex)

   i = 3 'グリッド第三列から   '--------------------グリッドの第三列から----------------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull1) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
    CType(tc.Item(0).FindControl("checkBox"), CheckBox).Visible = False '追加 20081016 チェックボックスが表示しない
    tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty
    strValue = objItem.StrNull1.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull1.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull1
    End If
   End If
   i += 2

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull2) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
    tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty
    strValue = objItem.StrNull2.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull2.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull2
    End If
   End If
   i += 2

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull3) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False

    'Start 20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
    'tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty
    CType(tc.Item(i + 1).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text = String.Empty
    ' End  20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
    strValue = objItem.StrNull3.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue

     'Start 20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
     'tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull3.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i + 1).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text = objItem.StrNull3.Substring(1)
     ' End  20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False

     'Start 20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
     'tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull3
     CType(tc.Item(i + 1).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text = objItem.StrNull3
     ' End  20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
    End If
   End If
   i += 2

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull4) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
    tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty

    tc.Item(i + 2).Text = String.Empty '20081020 追加 何
    tc.Item(i + 3).Text = String.Empty '20081020 追加 何
    strValue = objItem.StrNull4.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull4.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull4
    End If

    tc.Item(i + 2).Text = objItem.StrNull41 '20081020 追加 何
    tc.Item(i + 3).Text = objItem.StrNull42 '20081020 追加 何
   End If
   i += 2

   i += 2 '20081020 追加 何

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull5) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
    tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty
    strValue = objItem.StrNull5.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull5.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull5
    End If
   End If
   i += 2

   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(objItem.StrNull6) Then
    CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
    tc.Item(i + 1).Text = String.Empty
    strValue = objItem.StrNull6.Substring(0, 1)
    If "+".Equals(strValue) Or "-".Equals(strValue) Then
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text = strValue
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull6.Substring(1)
     CType(tc.Item(i).Controls.Item(0), Button).Visible = False
     tc.Item(i + 1).Text = objItem.StrNull6
    End If
   End If
  End If
 End Sub


 ''' グリッド中のボタンイベントを行う

 Protected Sub grd_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles grd.RowCommand
  Dim row As Integer = e.CommandArgument '行番号
  Dim cmdName As String = e.CommandName 'コマンド名前が列の区別
  Dim cellFlg As String = String.Empty

  Dim grdModel As List(Of Model) = GrdData 'セッションからツリー以外データを取得する
  Dim treeModel As List(Of Model) = TreeView 'セッションからツリー状態を取得する
  Dim item As New Model
  Dim arrLst As ArrayList
  Dim ii As Integer
  Dim delRows As Integer

  Select Case cmdName

   Case "node1"
    Dim tc As TableCellCollection = grd.Rows(row).Cells
    cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(3).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text 'ボタンの状態を取得する-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

    If RefreshCheck(cellFlg & row & cmdName) Then Exit Select

    item = GetParentModel(row, 1) 'ツリー部分で、第一列の値とキーを取得する

    If "+".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull1 = "-" & treeModel(row).StrNull1.Substring(1)

     arrLst = GetLstTreeData(1, item) 'ツリーと第二列のデータリストを取得する

     For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
      objItem = New Model

      item.StrNull2 = arrLst(ii)
      If GetLstTreeData(2, item).Count >= 1 Then
       objItem.StrNull2 = "+" & arrLst(ii)
       objItem.StrNull2 = arrLst(ii)
      End If

      treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
      grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)

    ElseIf "-".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull1 = "+" & treeModel(row).StrNull1.Substring(1)

     delRows = GetNodes(row, 4) '削除する行数を取得する

     For ii = 1 To delRows
      treeModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
      grdModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
     Exit Sub 'なんでもない場合、退出する
    End If

   Case "node2"
    Dim tc As TableCellCollection = grd.Rows(row).Cells
    cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(5).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

    If RefreshCheck(cellFlg & row & cmdName) Then Exit Select

    item = GetParentModel(row, 2)

    If "+".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull2 = "-" & treeModel(row).StrNull2.Substring(1)

     arrLst = GetLstTreeData(2, item)

     For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
      objItem = New Model

      item.StrNull3 = arrLst(ii)
      If GetLstTreeData(3, item).Count >= 1 Then
       objItem.StrNull3 = "+" & arrLst(ii)
       objItem.StrNull3 = arrLst(ii)
      End If          

      treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
      grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)

    ElseIf "-".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull2 = "+" & treeModel(row).StrNull2.Substring(1)

     delRows = GetNodes(row, 6)

     For ii = 1 To delRows
      treeModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
      grdModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
     Exit Sub
    End If

   Case "node3"
    Dim tc As TableCellCollection = grd.Rows(row).Cells
    cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(7).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

    If RefreshCheck(cellFlg & row & cmdName) Then Exit Select

    item = GetParentModel(row, 3)

    If "+".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull3 = "-" & treeModel(row).StrNull3.Substring(1)

     arrLst = GetLstTreeData(3, item)

     '20081020 変更 何    Start
     'For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
     ' objItem = New Model

     ' item.StrNull4 = arrLst(ii)
     ' If GetLstTreeData(4, item).Count >= 1 Then
     '  objItem.StrNull4 = "+" & arrLst(ii)
     ' Else
     '  objItem.StrNull4 = arrLst(ii)
     ' End If          

     ' treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
     ' grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)

     Dim hsTbl As Hashtable
     For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
      objItem = New Model

      hsTbl = arrLst(ii)
      item.StrNull4 = hsTbl("StrNull4")

      If GetLstTreeData(4, item).Count >= 1 Then
       objItem.StrNull4 = "+" & hsTbl("StrNull4")
       objItem.StrNull4 = hsTbl("StrNull4")
      End If

      objItem.StrNull41 = hsTbl("StrNull41")
      objItem.StrNull42 = hsTbl("StrNull42")

      treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
      grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)
     '20081020 変更 何    End

    ElseIf "-".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull3 = "+" & treeModel(row).StrNull3.Substring(1)

     delRows = GetNodes(row, 8)

     For ii = 1 To delRows
      treeModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
      grdModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
     Exit Sub
    End If

   Case "node4"
    Dim tc As TableCellCollection = grd.Rows(row).Cells
    cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(9).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

    If RefreshCheck(cellFlg & row & cmdName) Then Exit Select

    item = GetParentModel(row, 4)

    If "+".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull4 = "-" & treeModel(row).StrNull4.Substring(1)

     arrLst = GetLstTreeData(4, item)

     For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
      objItem = New Model

      item.StrNull5 = arrLst(ii)
      If GetLstTreeData(5, item).Count >= 1 Then
       objItem.StrNull5 = "+" & arrLst(ii)
       objItem.StrNull5 = arrLst(ii)
      End If          

      treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
      grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)

    ElseIf "-".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull4 = "+" & treeModel(row).StrNull4.Substring(1)

     delRows = GetNodes(row, 10)

     For ii = 1 To delRows
      treeModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
      grdModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
     Exit Sub
    End If

   Case "node5"
    Dim tc As TableCellCollection = grd.Rows(row).Cells
    'cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(11).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text '20081020 変更 何
    cellFlg = CType(tc.Item(13).Controls.Item(0), Button).Text '20081020 変更 何

    If RefreshCheck(cellFlg & row & cmdName) Then Exit Select

    item = GetParentModel(row, 5)

    If "+".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull5 = "-" & treeModel(row).StrNull5.Substring(1)

     arrLst = GetLstTreeData(5, item)

     For ii = 0 To arrLst.Count - 1
      objItem = New Model

      item.StrNull6 = arrLst(ii)
      If GetLstTreeData(6, item).Count >= 1 Then
       objItem.StrNull6 = "+" & arrLst(ii)
       objItem.StrNull6 = arrLst(ii)
      End If

      treeModel.Insert(row + 1, objItem)
      grdModel.Insert(row + 1, New Model)

    ElseIf "-".Equals(cellFlg.Trim()) Then
     treeModel(row).StrNull5 = "+" & treeModel(row).StrNull5.Substring(1)

     'delRows = GetNodes(row, 12)'20081020 変更 何
     delRows = GetNodes(row, 14) '20081020 変更 何

     For ii = 1 To delRows
      treeModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
      grdModel.RemoveAt(row + 1)
     Exit Sub
    End If

   Case "node6"

  End Select

  grd.DataSource = grdModel 'グリッドに最新のデータを設定する
 End Sub


 ''' ツリー部分で、行、列番号によって同行中で前のキーを取得すると処理

 Private Function GetParentModel(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As Model
  Dim item As New Model
  If Me.grd.Rows.Count <= 0 Then Return item

  Dim rr As Integer
  For rr = row To 0 Step -1
   While col <> 0
    Select Case col
     Case 6

     Case 5
      '20081020 変更 何    Start
      'If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 7).Text) Then  '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
      ' item.StrNull5 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 7).Text
      ' col -= 1
      ' Exit While
      'End If
      If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 9).Text) Then  '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
       item.StrNull5 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 9).Text
       col -= 1
       Exit While
      End If
      '20081020 変更 何    End

     Case 4
      If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 6).Text) Then  '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
       item.StrNull4 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 6).Text
       col -= 1
       Exit While
      End If

     Case 3
      'Start 20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
      'If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 5).Text) Then
      ' item.StrNull3 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 5).Text
      ' col -= 1
      ' Exit While
      'End If                 '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
      If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(CType(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 5).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text) Then
       item.StrNull3 = CType(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 5).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text
       col -= 1
       Exit While
      End If
      ' End  20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更

     Case 2                    '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
      If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 4).Text) Then
       item.StrNull2 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 4).Text
       col -= 1
       Exit While
      End If

     Case 1                    '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
      If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 3).Text) Then
       item.StrNull1 = Me.grd.Rows(rr).Cells(col + 3).Text
       col -= 1
       Exit While
      End If
    End Select
   End While

  Return item
 End Function


 ''' 削除できる行数を取得すると処理

 Private Function GetNodes(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As Integer
  Dim counts As Integer = 0
  If Me.grd.Rows.Count <= 0 Then Return counts
  Dim cc As Integer
  Dim blnFlg As Boolean = True

  While blnFlg
   row += 1
   If row >= Me.grd.Rows.Count Then Exit While

   cc = col
   While True
    'Start 20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
    'If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(row).Cells(cc).Text) Then
    ' If cc > 4 Then
    '  cc -= 2
    ' Else
    '  counts += 1
    '  Exit While
    ' End If
    ' blnFlg = False
    ' Exit While
    'End If
    If cc = 8 Then             '-------リンク列が第八列----------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】

     If String.IsNullOrEmpty(CType(Me.grd.Rows(row).Cells(cc).Controls.Item(0), HyperLink).Text) Then
      If cc > 4 Then           '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
       cc -= 2
       counts += 1
       Exit While
      End If
      blnFlg = False
      Exit While
     End If
     If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.grd.Rows(row).Cells(cc).Text) Then
      If cc > 4 Then          '-----------------【★注意:変更する必要がある★】
       '20081020 変更 何    Start
       'cc -= 2
       If cc = 14 Then
        cc -= 4
        cc -= 2
       End If
       '20081020 変更 何    End
       counts += 1
       Exit While
      End If
      blnFlg = False
      Exit While
     End If
    End If
    ' End  20081016 リンクを追加する-----------------------------------------変更
   End While
  End While

  Return counts
 End Function


 ''' F5とキーが押したらグリッドが再描画されるかどうかをチェックすると処理

 Private Function RefreshCheck(ByVal strFlg As String) As Boolean
  RefreshCheck = False

  If KigouFlg Is Nothing Then
   KigouFlg = strFlg
   If KigouFlg.Equals(strFlg) Then
    RefreshCheck = True
    KigouFlg = strFlg
   End If
  End If
 End Function


 ''' グリッド中のデータリスト

 Private Property GrdData() As List(Of Model)
   Return Session("GRID_DATA")
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As List(Of Model))
   Session("GRID_DATA") = value
  End Set
 End Property


 ''' ツリー部分のデータリスト

 Private Property TreeData() As DataTable
   Return Session("TREE_DATA")
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As DataTable)
   Session("TREE_DATA") = value
  End Set
 End Property


 ''' ツリー部分の状況を保存するリスト

 Private Property TreeView() As List(Of Model)
   Return Session("TREE_VIEW")
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As List(Of Model))
   Session("TREE_VIEW") = value
  End Set
 End Property


 ''' 記号フラグ

 Private Property KigouFlg() As String
   Return Session("記号フラグ")
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   Session("記号フラグ") = value
  End Set
 End Property
End Class


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class DBCommon

 Private objDb As DbUtil

 Public Function GetGrdData() As List(Of Model)
  'Dim dataTabl As DataTable = Nothing
  Dim strSql As New StringBuilder 'SQL文作成用
  Dim OraCommand As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand 'パラメータ設定用
  Dim oraDr As OracleDataReader
  Dim lstModel As New List(Of Model)

   strSql.Append(" SELECT SK_SPEC_ID ShiyouID, ")
   'strSql.Append(" SK_SPEC_REV Kaitei, ")
   strSql.Append(" SK_SPEC_GRP_ID GroupID")
   strSql.Append(" FROM SK_SPEC ")
   strSql.Append(" WHERE ROWNUM <= 5")

   objDb = New DbUtil
   objDb.DbOpen(2, Nothing)
   oraDr = objDb.ExecuteReader(strSql.ToString(), OraCommand)

   Dim item As Model
   While (oraDr.Read())
    item = New Model

    item.ShiyouID = oraDr("ShiyouID").ToString()
    'item.Kaitei = oraDr("Kaitei").ToString()
    item.GroupID = oraDr("GroupID").ToString()

   End While
  Catch ex As Exception
   Throw ex
   If objDb IsNot Nothing Then
    objDb = Nothing
   End If
  End Try

  Return lstModel
 End Function

 Public Function GetTreeData() As DataTable
  Dim dataTabl As DataTable = Nothing
  Dim strSql As New StringBuilder 'SQL文作成用
  Dim OraCommand As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand  'パラメータ設定用

   strSql.Append(" SELECT YORYOSHO_NO Node1, ")
   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node2, ")
   strSql.Append(" EG_SPEC_ID Node3, ")
   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node4, ")

   'Start 20081020 追加  何
   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node41, ")
   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node42, ")
   ' End 20081020 追加  何

   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node5, ")
   strSql.Append(" ROW_NO Node6 ")
   strSql.Append(" FROM YORYOSHO_TO_EG_SPEC ")
   strSql.Append(" where rownum <= 5 ")
   strSql.Append(" order by YORYOSHO_NO, ROW_NO ")

   objDb = New DbUtil
   objDb.DbOpen(2, Nothing)
   dataTabl = objDb.ExecuteReaderTable(strSql.ToString(), OraCommand)
  Catch ex As Exception
   Throw ex
   If objDb IsNot Nothing Then
    objDb = Nothing
   End If
  End Try

  Return dataTabl
 End Function
End Class

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Public Class Model

 Dim _shiyouID As String
 Dim _kaitei As String
 Dim _groupID As String
 Dim _strNull1 As String
 Dim _strNull2 As String
 Dim _strNull3 As String
 Dim _strNull4 As String
 Dim _strNull5 As String
 Dim _strNull6 As String

 'Start 20081020 追加  何
 Dim _strNull41 As String
 Dim _strNull42 As String

 Public Property StrNull41() As String
   Return _strNull41
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull41 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull42() As String
   Return _strNull42
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull42 = value
  End Set
 End Property
 ' End 20081020 追加  何

 Public Property ShiyouID() As String
   Return _shiyouID
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _shiyouID = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property Kaitei() As String
   Return _kaitei
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _kaitei = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property GroupID() As String
   Return _groupID
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _groupID = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull1() As String
   Return _strNull1
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull1 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull2() As String
   Return _strNull2
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull2 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull3() As String
   Return _strNull3
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull3 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull4() As String
   Return _strNull4
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull4 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull5() As String
   Return _strNull5
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull5 = value
  End Set
 End Property

 Public Property StrNull6() As String
   Return _strNull6
  End Get
  Set(ByVal value As String)
   _strNull6 = value
  End Set
 End Property
End Class
