$ ip link add link eth1 name macvtap0 type macvtap
$ ip link set macvtap0 address 1a:46:0b:ca:bc:7b up
$ ip link show macvtap0
12: macvtap0@eth1: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/ether 1a:46:0b:ca:bc:7b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Macvtap is a new device driver meant to simplify virtualized bridged networking. It replaces the combination of the tun/tap and bridge drivers with a single module based on the macvlan device driver. A macvtap endpoint is a character device that largely follows the tun/tap ioctl interface and can be used directly by kvm/qemu and other hypervisors that support the tun/tap interface. The endpoint extends an existing network interface, the lower device, and has its own mac address on the same ethernet segment. Typically, this is used to make both the guest and the host show up directly on the switch that the host is connected to.
VEPA, Bridge and private mode
Like macvlan, any macvtap device can be in one of three modes, defining the communication between macvtap endpoints on a single lower device:
Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA), the default mode: data from one endpoint to another endpoint on the same lower device gets sent down the lower device to external switch. If that switch supports the hairpin mode, the frames get sent back to the lower device and from there to the destination endpoint.
Most switches today do not support hairpin mode, so the two endpoints are not able to exchange ethernet frames, although they might still be able to communicate using an tcp/ip router. A linux host used as the adjacent bridge can be put into hairpin mode by writing to /sys/class/net/dev/brif/port/hairpin_mode. This mode is particularly interesting if you want to manage the virtual machine networking at the switch level. A switch that is aware of the VEPA guests can enforce filtering and bandwidth limits per MAC address without the Linux host knowing about it.
Bridge, connecting all endpoints directly to each other. Two endpoints that are both in bridge mode can exchange frames directly, without the round trip through the external bridge. This is the most useful mode for setups with classic switches, and when inter-guest communication is performance critical.
For completeness, a private mode exists that behaves like a VEPA mode endpoint in the absence of a hairpin aware switch. Even when the switch is in hairpin mode, a private endpoint can never communicate to any other endpoint on the same lowerdev.
Setting up macvtap
A macvtap interface is created an configured using the ip link command from iproute2, in the same way as we configure macvlan or veth interfaces.
$ ip link add link eth1 name macvtap0 type macvtap
$ ip link set macvtap0 address 1a:46:0b:ca:bc:7b up
$ ip link show macvtap0
12: macvtap0@eth1: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/ether 1a:46:0b:ca:bc:7b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
At the same time a character device gets created by udev. Unless configured otherwise, udev names this device /dev/tapn, with n corresponding to the number of network interface index of the new macvtap endpoint, in the above example '12'. Unlike tun/tap, the character device only represents a single network interface, and we can give the ownership to a user or group that we want to be able to use the new tap. Configuring the mac address of the endpoint is important, because this address is used on the external network, the guest is not able to spoof or change that address and has to be configured with the same address.
Qemu on macvtap
Qemu as of 0.12 does not have direct support for macvtap, so we have to (ab)use the tun/tap configuration interface. To start a guest on the interface from the above example, we need to pass the device node as an open file descriptor to qemu and tell it about the mac address. The scripts normally used for bridge configuration must be disabled. A bash redirect can be used to open the character device in read/write mode and pass it as file descriptor 3.
nabling host-guest networking with KVM, Macvlan and Macvtap
The perfect setup, nearly
You installed your Linux server and naturally selected KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) as hypervisor. Using virt-manager, you also created one or more guest VMs (Virtual Machines).
You want fast networking. So you use the paravirtualized virtio drivers for the guests.
You also want no difference between virtual and non-virtual machines. All should be able to talk over the same LAN, use the same subnet, contact the same DHCP server and talk with each other. So you use the Macvtap driver. Macvtap makes use of Macvlan, also written as MAC VLAN. MAC VLAN allows you to have multiple Ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) addresses on one NIC (Network Interface Card). Network traffic will go directly to and from the physical line to the guest VM. If you enable bridge mode, then all kind-of-virtual NICs attached to the same host (or physical NIC, I’m not sure) can see each other.
It’s just so much easier than having to create and manage traditional brctr bridges. And probably it performs better, too.
The problem: the host cannot talk with the guests
The guests can talk to each other. But the host is excluded from the social event. Look at the picture below. Guest 1 and guest 2 are connected using a red line; they are also connected with the eth0 physical NIC of the host. Packets delivered to eth0 will be sent to the network immediately. The hypervisor cannot intercept them.
Solution: create a macvlan interface on the host
If you create a macvlan interface on the host, and use that one instead of eth0, than the host can communicate with the guests. Some people don’t like this solution because of bad integration with the NetworkManager, but I like it because I don’t have to modify the guests. And I’m using only one host machine, so I can handle that with ease.
I have tested this solution myself on two different computers, both running Scientific Linux 6.4 (a RHEL derivative). So beware, YMMV.
What I did: I wrote a simple shell script that takes care of the creation of and routing to a macvlan interface on the host. So on the host, you have to run this script on startup, e.g. by adding the full path to the script in /etc/rc.local. Here is the script:
#!/bin/bash# let host and guests talk to each other over macvlan# configures a macvlan interface on the hypervisor# run this on the hypervisor (e.g. in /etc/rc.local)# made for IPv4; need modification for IPv6# meant for a simple network setup with only eth0,# and a static (manual) ip config# Evert Mouw, 2013
# ------------# wait for network availability# ------------while! ping -q -c 1 $TESTHOST >/dev/null
echo "$0: Cannot ping $TESTHOST, waiting another 5 secs..."
sleep 5done# ------------# get network config# ------------
IP=$(ip address show dev $HWLINK | grep "inet "| awk '{print $2}')
NETWORK=$(ip -o route | grep $HWLINK | grep -v default | awk '{print $1}')
GATEWAY=$(ip -o route | grep default | awk '{print $3}')# ------------# setting up $MACVLN interface# ------------
ip link add link $HWLINK $MACVLN type macvlan mode bridge
ip address add $IP dev $MACVLN
ip link set dev $MACVLN up
# ------------# routing table# ------------# empty routes
ip route flush dev $HWLINK
ip route flush dev $MACVLN
# add routes
ip route add $NETWORK dev $MACVLN metric 0# ad default gateway
ip route add default via $GATEWAY
Beware: If the underlying eth{n} link is down, then also the macvlan will go to the “down” state. That means that the hardware ethernet link must be up, otherwise macvlan/macvtap based VMs will not be able to communicate with each other, or with the host. Also, NetworkManager can play nasty on your customized routing table when the link comes up again.
The resulting routing table will look like this:
DestinationGatewayGenmaskFlagsMetricRefUseIface10. U 000 macvlan0 UG 000 macvlan0
Guest configuration
The guest must be configured to use macvtap in bridge mode. Typically, in the configuration XML (/etc/libvirt/qemu) you will find:
Remember that the guest will then use the DHCP server of the physical LAN. No need any more for the dnsmasq part on the hypervisor. If all your guests use this trick, then you can do:
rm /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/*
That removes the bridge interfaces you see when you run ifconfig. If you cannot wait until the next reboot, also do for each network:
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