UIPath进阶教程-4-Automation Lifecycle

4.1 Prerequisites

Some important aspects should be clear before starting Robot development to evaluate their impact on the project, especially if it comes to scaling. These include, but are not limited to:
 Input data types, sources, rate, variation and quantity
 Availability of testing data
 Output data format and progress reports
 Applications involved, over Citrix or not
 Is any human input required in the process or not

4.2 Environments

Developing Robots doesn’t usually happen in production environment with real live data. Sometimes applications look or behave differently between the dev/test and production environments and extra measures must be taken, sanitizing selectors or even conditional execution of some activities. Use the config file in conjunction with Orchestrator assets to switch flags or settings for the current environment.

4.3 Monitoring

Using Log Message activities to trace the evolution of a running process is essential for supervising, diagnostic and debugging a process. Messages should provide all relevant information to accurately identify a situation, including transaction ID and state.
Logging should be used:
 at the beginning and the end of every workflow
 when data is coming in from external sources
 each time an exception is caught at the highest level
Messages are sent with the specified priority (e.g. Info, Trace, Warning) to the Orchestrator and also saved in the local NLog file.
Similar activities that can be used for tracing a process are WriteLine and MessageBox. WriteLine acts like LogMessage at a Trace level, while MessageBox is especially useful in development and debugging as a quick way to pause execution, saving time for investigation.

4.3.1. Custom Log Fields
To make data easily available in Kibana for reporting purposes, the Robot may tag log messages with extra values using the Add Log Fields activity. By default, any UiPath log output has several fields already, including message, timestamp, level, processName, fileName and the Robot’s windowsIdentity. Log Fields are persistent so if we need not mark all messages with a tag, fields should be removed immediately after logging (Remove Log Field activity available soon in 2016.2). Do not to use a field name that already exists. It’s important to specify the proper type of argument the first time when you add the field. This is how ElasticSearch will index it.

UIPath进阶教程-4-Automation Lifecycle_第1张图片

4.4 Code Reuseability

When developing, we often need to automate the same steps in more than one workflow/ project, so it should be common practice to create workflows that contain small pieces of occurring automation and add them to the Library.
Dragging existing code from the Library to a workflow is easier than recreating the code from scratch, again and again. Dealing with data (Sorting, Filtering) or with text (Splitting, Regex patterns) are examples of what could be added to the sample library. But make no confusion – once the code is added to the workflow, this will be static - if you update the workflow in the Library, it won’t be reflected in the existing live processes.
An example of reusable content implementation - on Architecture chapter
Common (reusable) components (e.g. App Navigation, Log In, Initialization) are better stored and maintained separately, on network shared drives. From that drive, they can be accessed by different Robots, from different processes. The biggest advantage of this approach –improved maintainability – is that any change made in the master component will be reflected instantly in all the processes that use it.
