
每日新闻一分钟:研究称可以通过训练大脑来控制情绪_国外媒体资讯 - 可可英语

definition [,difi'niʃən]

n. 定义;清晰度;解说

distinctive [dis'tiŋktiv]

adj. 有特色的,与众不同的

dose [dəus]

n. 剂量;一剂,一服vi. 服药vt. 给药;给…服药

drawer [drɔ:]

n. 抽屉;开票人

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]

n. 环境,外界

excel [ik'sel]

vt. 优于,胜过;擅长vi. 优秀;胜过他人

grievance ['ɡri:vəns]

n. 不满,不平;委屈;冤情

pretension [pri'tenʃən, pri:-]

n. 自负;要求;主张;借口;骄傲

sensitivity [,sensi'tiviti]

n. 敏感;敏感性;[医]过敏

tolerant ['tɔlərənt]

adj. 宽容的;容忍的;有耐药力的

According to researchers in Israel, people may be able to gain better control of their emotions by training their brains to calm down. 据以色列的研究人员称,人们可以通过训练大脑平静下来,以更好地控制他们的情绪。

according to researchers in Israel, people may be able to gain better control of their emotions by

training their brain to calm down

Suggesting stress-related disorders could be treated by training patients to alter their emotions,  压力相关的失调可以通过改变患者的情绪来治疗,

suggesting stress-related disorders could be treated by training patients to alter their emotions

researchers at Tel Aviv University in a study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry report that regulating activity in the amygdala can be taught to people using neurofeedback. 特拉维夫大学的研究人员在生物精神病学期刊发文,称通过神经反馈能调节杏仁核活性。

researcher at tel aviv university in a study published in the journal biological psychiatry report

that regulating activity in the amygdala can ben taught to people using neurofeedback

John Krystal, editor of Biological Psychiatry, said in a press release,  生物精神病学编辑约翰·克里斯托在新闻发布会上说,

john krystal ,editor of biological psychiatry ,said in a press relase

We have long known that there might be ways to tune down the amygdala through biofeedback, meditation, or even the effects of placebos. 我们都知道,可以通过生物反馈、冥想、甚至是安慰剂的作用来调整杏仁核。

we have long known that there might be ways to tune down the amygdala through biofeedback

mediitaiton or even the effects of placebos
