8. 随机超参搜索(The caret package)

1. 简介(The caret package )
2. 可视化(The caret package)
3. 预处理(The caret package)
4. 数据分割(The caret package)
5. 模型训练和调参(The caret package)
6. 可用模型(The caret package )
7. train的模型标签

8. 随机超参搜索


ada, AdaBag, AdaBoost.M1, bagEarth, blackboost, blasso, BstLm, bstSm, bstTree, C5.0, C5.0Cost, cubist, earth, enet, foba, gamboost, gbm, glmboost, glmnet, kernelpls, lars, lars2, lasso, lda2, leapBackward, leapForward, leapSeq, LogitBoost, pam, partDSA, pcr, PenalizedLDA, pls, relaxo, rfRules, rotationForest, rotationForestCp, rpart, rpart2, rpartCost, simpls, spikeslab, superpc, widekernelpls, xgbTree.




inTraining <- createDataPartition(Sonar$Class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training <- Sonar[ inTraining,]
testing  <- Sonar[-inTraining,]

fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
                           number = 10,
                           repeats = 10,
                           classProbs = TRUE,
                           summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
                           search = "random")

rda_fit <- train(Class ~ ., data = training, 
                  method = "rda",
                  metric = "ROC",
                  tuneLength = 30,
                  trControl = fitControl)
## Regularized Discriminant Analysis 
## 157 samples
##  60 predictor
##   2 classes: 'M', 'R' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 10 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 142, 142, 140, 142, 142, 141, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   gamma       lambda      ROC        Sens       Spec     
##   0.03989739  0.90079034  0.8876811  0.8459722  0.7667857
##   0.04968076  0.92570716  0.8816245  0.8425000  0.7610714
##   0.07268784  0.24747192  0.9153125  0.8893056  0.8107143
##   0.15727695  0.92403079  0.8842262  0.8636111  0.7696429
##   0.18095571  0.19419752  0.9138318  0.8895833  0.7907143
##   0.25251704  0.59742978  0.9184152  0.9254167  0.7891071
##   0.29954232  0.63759620  0.9133681  0.9169444  0.7710714
##   0.31520463  0.96521251  0.8743998  0.8511111  0.7773214
##   0.33009668  0.81815445  0.8950967  0.8937500  0.7746429
##   0.36085613  0.75063821  0.8999231  0.9056944  0.7658929
##   0.36447104  0.04755168  0.8947321  0.8726389  0.7500000
##   0.38014796  0.81490324  0.8939087  0.8901389  0.7648214
##   0.42198667  0.94140042  0.8776984  0.8508333  0.7801786
##   0.42208259  0.20124965  0.9042262  0.8863889  0.7526786
##   0.43249714  0.41644166  0.9075818  0.8958333  0.7641071
##   0.43342775  0.24999664  0.9047173  0.8898611  0.7598214
##   0.49307138  0.20539733  0.8989608  0.8897222  0.7503571
##   0.50624038  0.06571280  0.8952133  0.8794444  0.7444643
##   0.51244277  0.52918233  0.9032813  0.9000000  0.7444643
##   0.54605138  0.44369088  0.9007292  0.8916667  0.7428571
##   0.56784496  0.37966361  0.8992882  0.8931944  0.7419643
##   0.58229517  0.15112209  0.8933135  0.8776389  0.7423214
##   0.69886586  0.18057206  0.8876314  0.8825000  0.7244643
##   0.70747426  0.02153708  0.8836111  0.8740278  0.7232143
##   0.70986464  0.02730106  0.8839286  0.8752778  0.7217857
##   0.71609215  0.98811552  0.8544147  0.7781944  0.7617857
##   0.74102544  0.88861156  0.8634003  0.8097222  0.7433929
##   0.77714849  0.94955834  0.8504812  0.7794444  0.7433929
##   0.89569896  0.81051218  0.8287773  0.7795833  0.7067857
##   0.93822474  0.10278451  0.8341741  0.8397222  0.6810714
## ROC was used to select the optimal model using  the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were gamma = 0.252517 and lambda
##  = 0.5974298.


ggplot(rda_fit) + theme(legend.position = "top")

8. 随机超参搜索(The caret package)_第1张图片
