
1. /data/data/com.your.packagename/files   
2. /data/data/com.your.packagename/lib
3. System.load(path) 不能加载sdcard中的so,具体参见:
---- start [不能加载sdcard中的so] ------ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11582717/android-can-write-to-lib-dir
You can write to any non-reserved location within your your application's private storage area, 
and you can load a native library from any file on the device for which you have read and execute permission, using System.load() with the full pathname,
rather than System.loadLibrary() with the short library name.

The external storage (sdcard) is mounted with a non-executable flag, //[Note: important]
but a file in your private storage directory would be a workable solution. 
Just be sure to make it only writable by your application, so that something else can't change it behind your back 
(it is because you cannot protect external storage files from such modification that the external storage is non-executable)
------ end ------

------ start [不能加载sdcard中的so]------ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6291087/android-load-library-error-failed-to-map-segment
You cannot load native libraries or execute binaries located on the SDCard. It is mounted noexec. //[Note: important]
You need to copy the library to the internal storage before you load it, that is, in a subdirectory of dataDir, eg:

PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
String dataDir = pm.getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).dataDir;
------ end ------

------ start [不能加载sdcard中的so] ------ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2826412/how-to-load-jni-from-sd-card-on-android-2-1
Android's dynamic loader cannot load executable code from the sdcard's filesystem,
because it is marked non-executable and you cannot map executable memory pages from non-executable storage. 
(In theory you could manually copy the contents into executable anonymous mapped pages, but that's ugly.
Versions of android supporting apps on SD mount an executable file systems contained within a file on the sdcard, but a third party app can't write those)

But what you can do is write a library to a writable location in internal storage - not the lib directory to which you don't have write access, 
but another one found from Context.getDir() or Context.getFilesDir() and then load it using the full path and .so file name using System.load() instead of System.loadLibrary().
------ end ------

------ start [load多个so库,期间存在依赖关系]------ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3631201/android-failure-on-loading-library


4. System.loadLibrary过程详见,可以参见: http://my.oschina.net/wolfcs/blog/129696

5. 非root下,操作/data/data目录下的数据:// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13006315/how-to-access-data-data-folder-in-android-device
If the application is debuggable you can use the run-as command in adb shell
adb shell
run-as com.your.packagename 
cp /data/data/com.your.pacakagename/
You can use Android's backup function.
adb backup -noapk com.your.packagename
