现在,通过HTTPS(TLS)使用安全连接和更高效的HTTP/2协议应该是所有web应用程序的理所当然的事情。您可以从Let's Encrypt获取经过域验证的证书,而无需设置传输层安全性(TLS)。HTTP服务器和web浏览器已经广泛采用HTTP/2。从Java 9和Spring Boot 2/Spring 5开始,您可以轻松地让web应用程序使用安全的HTTPS/TLS连接和HTTP/2协议。
传输层安全性(TLS)作为SSL的后继协议应该用于HTTPS。目前,TLS 1.3是与tls1.2一起使用的,它仍然与兼容性相关。
在webserver中安装CA提供的证书(即在spring boot应用程序的嵌入式tomcat中使用java密钥存储)。
首先,您至少需要一个Java 9 JDK或更新版本(JDK 11是下一个长期的替代方案)
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keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 3072 -alias root-ca -dname "CN=My Root CA,OU=Development,O=My Organization,C=DE" -ext BC:c=ca:true -ext KU=keyCertSign -validity 3650 -keystore ./root-ca/ca.jks -storepass secret -keypass secret |
This command creates a new java keystore ca.jks in folder root-ca containing the private and public keys. The certificate uses the RSA algorithm with a bit length of 3072 and is valid for 10 years. This includes also the distinguished name CN=My CA,OU=Development,O=My Organization,C=DE.
Now you export the certificate to file ca.pem in the subdirectory root-ca using this command:
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keytool -exportcert -keystore ./root-ca/ca.jks -storepass secret -alias root-ca -rfc -file ./root-ca/ca.pem |
In the next step you create another new java key store file containing the private/public keys for the server certificate.
The private key is required to generate the certificate signing request. The CA uses the public key for validating the certificate signing request.
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keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 3072 -alias localhost -dname "CN=localhost,OU=Development,O=My Organization,C=DE" -ext BC:c=ca:false -ext EKU:c=serverAuth -ext "SAN:c=DNS:localhost,IP:" -validity 3650 -keystore ./server/server.jks -storepass secret -keypass secret |
You can find the new java key store server.jks in the subdirectory server. Again we use the RSA algorithm with a bit length of 3072 and set it valid for 10 years.
Now you will continue with the generation of the signing request for your server certificate. This creates the file server.csr in the subdirectory server.
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keytool -certreq -keystore ./server/server.jks -storepass secret -alias localhost -keypass secret -file ./server/server.csr |
With the next command, you will now sign and export your server certificate using the file server.csr from the previous step.
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keytool -gencert -keystore ./root-ca/ca.jks -storepass secret -infile ./server/server.csr -alias root-ca -keypass secret -ext BC:c=ca:false -ext EKU:c=serverAuth -ext "SAN:c=DNS:localhost,IP:" -validity 3650 -rfc -outfile ./server/server.pem |
To achieve the required valid chain of trust between the root ca and the signed server certificate you have to perform the following last step.
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keytool -importcert -noprompt -keystore ./server/server.jks -storepass secret -alias root-ca -keypass secret -file ./root-ca/ca.pem keytool -importcert -noprompt -keystore ./server/server.jks -storepass secret -alias localhost -keypass secret -file ./server/server.pem |
This imports the certificate for the root ca and updates the existing (unsigned) server certificate with the signed one.
Finally, we have a java key store containing the full chain of certificates ready to be used in our spring boot application.
Using the Keytool to manually perform all steps for creating the certificates is good for learning. But if you want to automate these things for subsequent usages then mkcert is a great tool for that.
Let’s continue with enabling trust in your web browser for our private certificate authority.
We will use the chrome browser here to demonstrate this. Just open the settings in chrome, expand the “Advanced” section and then go to “Manage certificates“.
Here you import the root ca certificate from file ./root-ca/ca.pem into the browser as a new authority. Don’t forget to mark the first checkbox as shown in the following picture.
In an earlier blog post, I have described how easy you can create a new web application with basic security in just 5 minutes.
You follow the same steps by using start.spring.io, but this time we will use Kotlin instead of Java.
To get simple feedback when testing our simple application just add the following rest controller class DemoController to our new spring boot application.
This just prints out an “It works” in the browser when navigating to localhost:8080.
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@RestController class DemoController {
@GetMapping("/") fun index() = "It works" } |
But still, we are using unsecured HTTP connections here. It is time for you to change this just now!
To enable TLS put the following entries into your application.properties file.
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server.port=8443 server.ssl.enabled=true server.ssl.key-store=classpath:server.jks server.ssl.key-store-type=PKCS12 server.ssl.key-store-password=secret server.ssl.key-alias=server server.ssl.key-password=secret |
With these property entries you will change the following behavior:
Important: Please do not forget to copy the java key store file server.jks you have created in the previous section into the src/main/resource folder of the new spring boot application.
You can now switch on HTTP/2 by adding the following entry to application.properties.
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server.http2.enabled=true |
Before we can start our application we need to tweak the security configuration a bit.
The reasons for manually configuring this are:
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@Configuration class WebSecurityConfiguration : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) { http.headers().httpStrictTransportSecurity().disable() // (1) .and().httpBasic().and().formLogin() // (2) .and().authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated() // (3) }
@Bean // (4) fun myUserDetails(): UserDetailsService = InMemoryUserDetailsManager ( User.withUsername("user") .password("secret") .passwordEncoder { passwordEncoder().encode(it) } .roles("USER") .build() )
@Bean fun passwordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder = PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder() } |
Now start the spring boot application and after successful start direct your browser to URL https://localhost:8443.
Here you will notice the secure HTTPS connection shown as valid by the browser.
After providing the user credentials “user” and “secret” you will get the message “it works“.
That’s it for this tutorial on Spring Boot Apps with HTTP/2 and TLS.
You can grab the complete accompanying project code from my GitHub repository at https://github.com/andifalk/ssl-demo.