华为主推的Polar Code提案内容

华为主推的Polar Code提案在3GPP会议中通过了,这几天媒体刷爆了这件事,从最初的“碾压”、“完爆”到现在的“误读”,科技界的事倒像是娱乐圈的事。无论媒体人怎么报道,我想很多人还是想知道这个提案到底是什么。由于最近工作关系即将变动,目前手头上已经没有工作的事情,刚好有空来翻翻这篇提案的一些细节。


华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第1张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第2张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第3张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第4张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第5张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第6张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第7张图片

(图1 华为/海思2016年10月份的原始提案)




R1-1610667 Way Forward on Channel Coding Observations Huawei, HiSilicon
Proposed observations:
Polar vs. LDPC
o For list 32 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to LDPC for the evaluated info block lengths [Huawei R1-1608864, ZTE R1-166411, Spreadtrum R1-1608922]
o For list 8 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to LDPC for the evaluated info block lengths/code rates except for high coding rates and large info block size [Huawei R1-1608864]
o For list 4 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to LDPC for small info block [Nokia R1-1609583] 

Polar vs. LTE Turbo
o For list 32 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to Turbo for the evaluated info block lengths [Huawei R1-1608864, Huawei R1-164377, QC R1-164700, ZTE R1-166411, Spreadtrum R1-1608922, DCM R1-1610060, CATR R1-1609578]
o For list 8 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to Turbo for the evaluated info block lengths and coding rates except rate 1/3 [Huawei R1-1608864, DCM R1-1610060]
o For list 4 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to Turbo for small info block [Nokia R1-1609583]

Polar vs. TBCC
o For list 32 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to TBCC for info block lengths up to 200 bits [Huawei R1-1608863, ZTE R1-1608973, CATT R1-1608771, Intel R1-167703, CATR R1-1609579]
o For list 4 decoder for Polar, Polar has better BLER performance compared to TBCC for info block [Nokia R1-1609589, Nokia R1-1609594]

For Polar, 1-bit granularity can be achieved for all coding rates and for full range of block size
o [Huawei R1-167209],[Intel R1-164184]

For LDPC, 1-bit granularity cannot be achieved with reasonable implementation complexity, due to multiple PCMs needed to support all coding rates with a complex switch network  
o [Samsung R1-166771],[Qualcomm R1-1610137],[Nokia R1-1609584],[Samsung R1-1609067]

For Turbo, 1-bit granularity is feasible for all coding rates and for full range of block size 

Implementation complexity:
For polar, list 8 decoder is deemed implementable for all info block size and list 32 is deemed implementable for small info block size
o [Huawei R1-1608865] [MediaTek R1-1609336]

For LDPC, LOMS/LNMS decoder with iterations up to 25 is deemed implementable for info block granularity coarser than LTE
o [Qualcomm R1-1610139],[MediaTek R1-1609337],[Nokia R1-1609584],[Samsung R1-1609067]

For Turbo, decoder complexity is impractical for large info block size

For Polar
o with list 8 decoder, a decoding latency of 16us can be met for all info block length 
[Huawei R1-1608865] 
o with list 32 decoder, a decoding latency of 1.7us can be met for small info block length (80bit)  
[Huawei R1-1608865]

For LDPC, a latency of 16us can be met for all info block length
o [Qualcomm R1-166372] 

For Turbo, a latency of 16us can be met for small info block length 


华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第8张图片

华为主推的Polar Code提案内容_第9张图片

(图2 华为/海思主导的Polar Code方案获得通过)
