Warning[25]: Label 'Reset_Handler' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root



Technical Note 30605

Warning[25]: Label 'xxxxx' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root

EW targets: ARM, STM8
EW component: Assembler
Keywords: assembly
Last update: January 12, 2015

After upgrading to...
EWARM 7.10.1
EWSTM8 2.10.1
...the Warning[25] is issued during assembly of a file that assembled without warning on earlier version of the Embedded Workbench.

To avoid the warning, add ":NOROOT" to the "SECTION" control directive.
Add the ":NOROOT" to the left of the ()-part of the line.

      PUBWEAK NMI_Handler

The assembler is issuing Warning[25] for a deprecated assembler construction.

The deprecated assembler source construction looks like this:

      PUBWEAK NMI_Handler

The assembler control directive of "SECTION" consists of:

SECTION section :type [:flag] [(align)]

The change is only to be made among the flag items. I.e. don't change the"SECTION" , "section" , ":type" nor the "[(align)]" parts of the line. (For example if the alignment is expressed as (2) then keep it at (2). (The (2) stands for an alignment of 4 bytes, as the (2) is the power of two to which the address should be aligned.))

The "[:flag]"-part can have these flags:
ROOT (the default mode) or NOROOT
REORDER or NOREORDER (the default mode)
Where now the Warning from the Assembler shows that the "explicit noroot", due to the directive "PUBWEAK", mismatch the default mode, which gives an "implied root"
So the "explicit noroot", from "PUBWEAK", should be matched with the flag"NOROOT".

The details for the assembler control directive of "SECTION" can be found in the chapter "Section control directives" in the "IAR Assembler™ Reference Guide."

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