iOS开发之高级视图—— UISearchController




//  AppDelegate.m
//  UISearchControllerDemo
//  Created by Apple on 16/5/26.
//  Copyright © 2016年 Apple. All rights reserved.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "ViewController.h"

@interface AppDelegate ()


@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    ViewController* viewController = [[ViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
    self.window.rootViewController = viewController;
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;
    return YES;



//  ViewController.h
//  UISearchControllerDemo_c
//  Created by apple on 15/7/10.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 All rights reserved.


@interface ViewController : UITableViewController 



//  ViewController.m
//  UISearchControllerDemo
//  Created by Apple on 16/5/26.
//  Copyright © 2016年 Apple. All rights reserved.

#import "ViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

// ? 必须定义成全局变量
UISearchController *searchController;
// 保存原始表格数据的NSArray对象。
NSArray * tableData;
// 保存搜索结果数据的NSArray对象。
NSArray* searchData;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    NSLog(@"viewDidLoad --> 装载控件");
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // 初始化原始表格数据
    tableData = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Java讲义",
                 @"轻量级Java EE企业应用实战",
                 @"经典Java EE企业应用实战"
                 @"Objective-C基础" ,
                 @"iOS开发教程" , nil];
    // 注册
    [self.tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:@"reuseIdentifier"];
    // UISearchController控件整合了UISearchBar,而且内部提供了良好的封装,可以方便的实现搜索列表。
    searchController = [[UISearchController alloc] initWithSearchResultsController:nil];
    // 注意:必须设置searchBar的大小
    searchController.searchBar.frame = CGRectMake(0, 88, 100, 66);
    // 设置提示
    //    searchController.searchBar.prompt = @"查找图书";
    searchController.searchBar.placeholder = @"请输入字符";
    // 显示CancelButton
    searchController.searchBar.showsCancelButton = true;
    // 设置这个对象(self)负责更新搜索结果控制器的内容
    searchController.searchResultsUpdater = self;
    // 搜索结果的背景
    //    searchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = NO;
    searchController.searchBar.delegate = self;
    self.tableView.tableHeaderView = searchController.searchBar;

-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
    //    self.tableView.frame = [UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame;

- (void)updateSearchResultsForSearchController:(UISearchController *)searchController{
    NSLog(@"updateSearchResultsForSearchController --> ");
    // 定义搜索谓词
    NSPredicate* pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
                         @"SELF CONTAINS[c] %@" , searchController.searchBar.text];
    // 使用谓词过滤tableData数组,返回新数组searchData
    searchData = [tableData filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];
    NSLog(@"searchData -->%lu",[searchData count]);
    // 刷新数据(显示新数组)
    [self.tableView reloadData];

- (void)searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar{
    NSLog(@"searchBarCancelButtonClicked --> ");

#pragma mark - Table view data source

- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
    // Return the number of sections.
    return 1;

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
    // Return the number of rows in the section.
    if ( {
        return [searchData count];
        return [tableData count];

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"reuseIdentifier" forIndexPath:indexPath];
    if ( {
        cell.textLabel.text = [searchData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        cell.textLabel.text = [tableData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    return cell;

 // Override to support conditional editing of the table view.
 - (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
 // Return NO if you do not want the specified item to be editable.
 return YES;

 // Override to support editing the table view.
 - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
 if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) {
 // Delete the row from the data source
 [tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
 } else if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert) {
 // Create a new instance of the appropriate class, insert it into the array, and add a new row to the table view

 // Override to support rearranging the table view.
 - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)fromIndexPath toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)toIndexPath {

 // Override to support conditional rearranging of the table view.
 - (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canMoveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
 // Return NO if you do not want the item to be re-orderable.
 return YES;

 #pragma mark - Navigation
 // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
 - (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
 // Get the new view controller using [segue destinationViewController].
 // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.


