SharePoint Server 2019 完全手册--2,Share and work together

SharePoint Server 2019 完全手册--2,Share and work together

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Thanks to cloud computing, ubiquitous connectivity, and personal digital devices, we’ve come to expect that we can put technology to use wherever we are, whenever we want, and with whatever gadget we have. Our work life and personal life have blended, and you often may need to be productive from home, from your local coffee shop, or even at the beach. And chances are you’re using a mobile device—a phone, laptop, or tablet—to do that work. In a world that’s mobile, social, and all about getting things done on the go, those devices and the apps on them are indispensable.


  • Connect content, information, and apps

Modern team sites A SharePoint team site connects you and your team to the content, information, and apps you rely on every day. Team sites have always been at the heart of collaboration with SharePoint. They enable sharing and communication within teams and across organizations. In SharePoint Server 2019, you’ll find a modern team site experience with an engaging home page personalized by the power of SharePoint search.

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  • Empower people to create

Modern pages

Modern site pages in SharePoint Server 2019 are a great way to share ideas. Using images, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PowerPoint slides, video, and more, you can create and publish modern pages quickly and easily. Plus, these pages look great on any device. Modern pages are built with web parts, which you can customize according to your needs, adding documents, videos, images, site activities, Yammer feeds, and more. Just select the + (plus) sign and pick a web part from the toolbox to add content to your page. Rich capabilities, such as the new Highlighted Content web part tool, lets you set criteria so that specific content automatically and dynamically populates in that area of the page, keeping people in touch with information. In addition, when using the SharePoint Framework, developers can build custom web parts that show up right in the toolbox.


SharePoint服务器2019版的现代站点页面是分享想法的好方法。使用图像、Excel电子表格、Word文档、PowerPoint幻灯片、视频等,您可以快速轻松地创建和发布现代页面。另外,这些页面在任何设备上看起来都很棒。现代页面是用web部件构建的,您可以根据需要对其进行定制,添加文档、视频、图像、站点活动、Yammer提要等。只需选择+(+)符号并从工具箱中选择一个web部件来将内容添加到您的页面。丰富的功能,如新的突出显示的内容web part工具,允许您设置标准,以便在页面的该区域自动动态地填充特定的内容,使人们能够与信息保持联系。此外,在使用SharePoint框架时,开发人员可以构建在工具箱中显示的自定义web部件。

  • Share with simplicity

Straightforward sharing

Whether sharing sites, documents, or news, SharePoint Server 2019 provides an intuitive, simple, and consistent sharing experience that’s more natural for users—regardless of where and what you choose to share.

On every page of the site, there’s a Share button in the top right corner. Just click on it, type in names of people you want to share with, and hit enter. That’s all you have to do. Yet while it really is that straightforward to use, SharePoint uses powerful concepts like permission levels, groups, and inheritance to provide this experience. However, you don’t have to understand those concepts anymore to accomplish everyday tasks like sharing information.

Durable links

Improved links ensure that when files are moved or renamed, the original link to the file continues to function.






  • Manage documents and information with ease

Modern lists

SharePoint lists provide individuals and teams the ability to access, share, and collaborate around structured data and support business processes by bringing information from other systems into SharePoint. With a rich set of capabilities that work across devices and browsers, SharePoint Server 2019 introduces a modern list experience that simplifies how people create, curate, and interact with information.


SharePoint列表为个人和团队提供了访问、共享和协作结构化数据的能力,并通过将来自其他系统的信息引入SharePoint来支持业务流程。凭借丰富的跨设备和浏览器的功能,SharePoint Server 2019引入了一种现代的列表体验,简化了人们创建、管理和与信息交互的方式。

Modern libraries

Helping people share files and collaborate on content has always been central to SharePoint. SharePoint Server 2019 provides an experience that’s faster, more intuitive, and more responsive with modern document libraries. Modern document libraries combine the power of SharePoint with OneDrive usability. Since modern document libraries have an updated user interface similar to OneDrive, it’s more intuitive to create a new folder and upload files in the browser. The ribbon has been replaced with a trim command bar, which provides intelligent commands relevant to the tasks at hand.


帮助人们共享文件和内容协作一直是SharePoint的核心。SharePoint Server 2019提供了一种更快、更直观、响应更快的体验。现代文档库结合了SharePoint的强大功能和OneDrive的可用性。由于现代文档库具有类似于OneDrive的更新后的用户界面,所以在浏览器中创建新文件夹和上传文件更直观。ribbon被一个trim命令栏代替,它提供与当前任务相关的智能命令。

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  • Get work done, anywhere, on any device  

SharePoint Server 2019 is designed to let you get work done, regardless of what device you choose to use or where you may be. SharePoint Server 2019 allows you to bring your sites and content with you through support for a new OneDrive sync client and the SharePoint mobile app. Whether you just need to take documents on the go or want to keep up with your colleagues and teams, these apps will ensure you never miss a beat. In addition, whether you use SharePoint Server 2019 by itself or have it connected to Office 365 with hybrid scenarios, the same apps will let you to connect to both environments. SharePoint mobile app The intranet is the nerve center of many organizations. It provides content-centric collaborative spaces that give teams the resources they need to work together.

SharePoint服务器2019的设计目的是让你完成工作,无论你选择使用什么设备或你可能在哪里。SharePoint Server 2019可以让你带着你的网站和内容通过支持新的OneDrive同步客户机和SharePoint移动应用,你是否只是需要文件去或想跟上你的同事和团队,这些应用程序将确保你永远不会错过任何一个节拍。此外,无论您是单独使用SharePoint服务器2019,还是使用混合场景将其连接到Office 365,相同的应用程序将允许您连接到两个环境。内联网是许多组织的神经中枢。它提供了以内容为中心的协作空间,为团队提供了协作所需的资源。

Users rely on the intranet to consume and contribute news and information within their teams and across the organization. The intranet manages knowledge and connects users to content through navigation and search, while hosting applications that support and automate business processes. SharePoint Server 2019 improves the mobility of your access. Using the SharePoint mobile app with SharePoint Server 2019 lets you take your intranet with you to stay connected and informed while you’re on the go—for those inbetween moments when you need to quickly and easily fit in some work. Plus, your intranet is more intelligent and personalized based on your activities across sites, the people you work with, the content you work on and the business processes you drive.

用户依赖内部网在其团队和整个组织内消费和贡献新闻和信息。内部网管理知识,并通过导航和搜索将用户与内容连接起来,同时托管支持和自动化业务流程的应用程序。SharePoint服务器2019提高了你的访问机动性。使用带有SharePoint服务器2019的SharePoint移动应用程序,你可以带着你的内部网,在你忙碌的时候保持联系和信息灵通——当你需要快速轻松地适应一些工作的时候。另外,您的内部网更加智能和个性化,这取决于您跨站点的活动、您的同事、您的工作内容和您驱动的业务流程。SharePoint Server 2019 完全手册--2,Share and work together_第3张图片


Making decisions faster and keeping in contact are critical capabilities for increasing effectiveness in any organization. The key factor for the success of either is the ability to access information while on the go, which is now a workplace necessity. SharePoint Server 2019 provides improved mobile access to content, people, and applications along with engaging and responsive experiences across devices and screen sizes. It makes file storage and document collaboration more people-centric with new support for the latest generation of sync clients through OneDrive for Business.


快速决策和保持联系是提高任何组织效率的关键能力。两家公司成功的关键因素都是在忙碌中获取信息的能力,而这现在是工作场所的必需品。SharePoint Server 2019提供了对内容、人员和应用程序的改进移动访问,以及跨设备和屏幕大小的参与和响应体验。它使文件存储和文档协作更加以人为中心,并通过OneDrive支持最新一代的同步客户端。

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