# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import qqbot
from qqbot import QQBotSlot as qqbotslot, RunBot
from qqbot import _bot as bot
import time
import json
import urllib
keyList = ['捡', '丢', '饭卡', ] # 匹配关键字
def check(keylist, str):
for key in keyList:
if (key in str):
return True
return False
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content):
# bot: QQBot对象,提供List / SendTo / Stop / Restart等接口
# contact: QContact对象,消息的发送者,具有ctype / qq / uin / nick / mark / card / name等属性
# member: QContact对象,仅当本消息为群消息或讨论组消息时有效,代表实际发消息的成员
# content: str对象,消息内容
if '@ME' in content: # 如果有人艾特的机器人
message = content.replace('[@ME] ', '')
# 添加名字的ASCII码,能够进行语义的连贯,而不是突兀的开启另外一段对话
asciistr = ''
for i in range(len(member.name)):
asciistr += (str(ord(member.name[i]))) # 组装名字的字符编码,尽量的是唯一的
if i > 3:
# 调用图灵机器人,进行对话的回复,如果出现图灵机器人,替换为浮沉沉
bot.SendTo(contact, get_message(message, int(asciistr)).replace('图灵机器人', '浮沉沉'))
elif content == '-stop':
bot.SendTo(contact, 'QQ机器人已关闭')
elif check(keyList, content) and member.name != '静默':
# bot.SendTo(contact, '您发送的消息是' + content)
datatime = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
print('member =', member.name + '', 'contact =', contact.name)
strzz = contact.name + ':' + datatime + " " + member.name + "发送消息:" + content # 组装消息
sendMsgToGroup(strzz, ['测试数据群'], bot)
print(strzz + " contact.mark" + contact.mark)
def sendMsgToGroup(msg, groupList, bot):
# print('向群里发送消息')
for group in groupList:
print('group =', group)
bg = bot.List('group', group)
if bg:
b = bg[0]
bot.SendTo(b, msg)
def sendMsgToBuddy(msg, buddyList, bot):
# print('向好友发送消息')
for buddy in buddyList:
print('buddy', type(buddy), buddy)
bb = bot.List('buddy', buddy)
if bb:
b = bb[0]
bot.SendTo(b, msg)
def main(bot):
groupMsg = '测试消息是发送到群里面的'
buddyMsg = '测试消息是发送给好友的'
# print('os.getcwd()', os.getcwd())
with open('./qq.txt', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fr:
qqGroup = fr.readline().strip()
qqBuddy = fr.readline().strip()
print('fr', fr, '\nqqGroup =', qqGroup, '\nqqBuddy', qqBuddy)
qqGroupList = qqGroup.split(',')
qqBuddyList = qqBuddy.split(',')
# sendMsgToGroup(groupMsg, qqGroupList, bot)
# sendMsgToBuddy(buddyMsg, qqBuddyList, bot)
def get_message(message, userid):
tuling = '2581f443bf364fd8a927fe87832e3d33' # 图灵机器人的id(用户自己创建的)
api_url = "http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2" # API接口调用
req = {
"text": message
"city": "深圳",
"province": "广州",
"street": "XXX"
"apiKey": tuling,
"userId": userid
req = json.dumps(req).encode('utf8')
http_post = urllib.request.Request(api_url, data=req, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(http_post) # 得到网页HTML代码
response_str = response.read().decode('utf8') # 将网页的代码转化为UTF-8 处理 避免乱码
response_dic = json.loads(response_str) # 将得到的json格式的信息转换为Python的字典格式
results_text = response_dic['results'][0]['values']['text']
return results_text
if __name__=='__main__':
bot.Login(['-q', '710469775'])
# main(bot)