% Define an empty scenario
scenario = drivingScenario;
scenario.SampleTime = 0.01;
roadCenters = [0 0; 50 0; 100 0; 250 20; 500 40];
roadWidth = 7.2; % Two lanes, each 3.6 meters
road(scenario, roadCenters, roadWidth);
% Create the ego vehicle that travels at 25 m/s along the road
egoCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
path(egoCar, roadCenters(2:end,:) - [0 1.8], 25); % On right lane
% Add a car in front of the ego vehicle
leadCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
path(leadCar, [70 0; roadCenters(3:end,:)] - [0 1.8], 25); % On right lane
% Add a car that travels at 35 m/s along the road and passes the ego vehicle
passingCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
waypoints = [0 -1.8; 50 1.8; 100 1.8; 250 21.8; 400 32.2; 500 38.2];
path(passingCar, waypoints, 35);
% Add a car behind the ego vehicle
chaseCar = vehicle(scenario, 'ClassID', 1);
path(chaseCar, [25 0; roadCenters(2:end,:)] - [0 1.8], 25); % On right lane
sensors = cell(8,1);
% Front-facing long-range radar sensor at the center of the front bumper of the car.
sensors{1} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 1, 'Height', 0.2, 'MaxRange', 174, ...
'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase + egoCar.FrontOverhang, 0], 'FieldOfView', [20, 5]);
% Rear-facing long-range radar sensor at the center of the rear bumper of the car.
sensors{2} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 2, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 180, ...
'SensorLocation', [-egoCar.RearOverhang, 0], 'MaxRange', 174, 'FieldOfView', [20, 5]);
% Rear-left-facing short-range radar sensor at the left rear wheel well of the car.
sensors{3} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 3, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 120, ...
'SensorLocation', [0, egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, 'ReferenceRange', 50, ...
'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, 'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Rear-right-facing short-range radar sensor at the right rear wheel well of the car.
sensors{4} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 4, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', -120, ...
'SensorLocation', [0, -egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, 'ReferenceRange', 50, ...
'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, 'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Front-left-facing short-range radar sensor at the left front wheel well of the car.
sensors{5} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 5, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', 60, ...
'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase, egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, ...
'ReferenceRange', 50, 'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, ...
'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Front-right-facing short-range radar sensor at the right front wheel well of the car.
sensors{6} = radarDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 6, 'Height', 0.2, 'Yaw', -60, ...
'SensorLocation', [egoCar.Wheelbase, -egoCar.Width/2], 'MaxRange', 30, ...
'ReferenceRange', 50, 'FieldOfView', [90, 5], 'AzimuthResolution', 10, ...
'RangeResolution', 1.25);
% Front-facing camera located at front windshield.
sensors{7} = visionDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 7, 'FalsePositivesPerImage', 0.1, ...
'SensorLocation', [0.75*egoCar.Wheelbase 0], 'Height', 1.1);
% Rear-facing camera located at rear windshield.
sensors{8} = visionDetectionGenerator('SensorIndex', 8, 'FalsePositivesPerImage', 0.1, ...
'SensorLocation', [0.2*egoCar.Wheelbase 0], 'Height', 1.1, 'Yaw', 180);
tracker = multiObjectTracker('FilterInitializationFcn', @initSimDemoFilter, ...
'AssignmentThreshold', 30, 'ConfirmationParameters', [4 5]);
positionSelector = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0]; % Position selector
velocitySelector = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1]; % Velocity selector
% Create the display and return a handle to the bird's-eye plot
BEP = createDemoDisplay(egoCar, sensors);
toSnap = true;
while advance(scenario) && ishghandle(BEP.Parent)
% Get the scenario time
time = scenario.SimulationTime;
% Get the position of the other vehicle in ego vehicle coordinates
ta = targetPoses(egoCar);
% Simulate the sensors
detections = {};
isValidTime = false(1,8);
for i = 1:8
[sensorDets,numValidDets,isValidTime(i)] = sensors{i}(ta, time);
if numValidDets
for j = 1:numValidDets
% Vision detections do not report SNR. The tracker requires
% that they have the same object attributes as the radar
% detections. This adds the SNR object attribute to vision
% detections and sets it to a NaN.
if ~isfield(sensorDets{j}.ObjectAttributes{1}, 'SNR')
sensorDets{j}.ObjectAttributes{1}.SNR = NaN;
detections = [detections; sensorDets]; %#ok
% Update the tracker if there are new detections
if any(isValidTime)
vehicleLength = sensors{1}.ActorProfiles.Length;
detectionClusters = clusterDetections(detections, vehicleLength);
confirmedTracks = updateTracks(tracker, detectionClusters, time);
% Update bird's-eye plot
updateBEP(BEP, egoCar, detections, confirmedTracks, positionSelector, velocitySelector);
% Snap a figure for the document when the car passes the ego vehicle
if ta(1).Position(1) > 0 && toSnap
toSnap = false;
function filter = initSimDemoFilter(detection)
% Use a 2-D constant velocity model to initialize a trackingKF filter.
% The state vector is [x;vx;y;vy]
% The detection measurement vector is [x;y;vx;vy]
% As a result, the measurement model is H = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1]
H = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1];
filter = trackingKF('MotionModel', '2D Constant Velocity', ...
'State', H' * detection.Measurement, ...
'MeasurementModel', H, ...
'StateCovariance', H' * detection.MeasurementNoise * H, ...
'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise);
本函数将单次检测中疑似同一辆车的多个检测信息进行了融合。函数根据检测到的对象的距离是否小于车辆大小进行判断,小于此距离的将可聚类为单个检测目标,中心即为群集的质心。修改测量噪声以表示每次检测可以在车辆上的任何位置的可能性。 因此,噪音应与车辆尺寸相同。
function detectionClusters = clusterDetections(detections, vehicleSize)
N = numel(detections);
distances = zeros(N);
for i = 1:N
for j = i+1:N
if detections{i}.SensorIndex == detections{j}.SensorIndex
distances(i,j) = norm(detections{i}.Measurement(1:2) - detections{j}.Measurement(1:2));
distances(i,j) = inf;
leftToCheck = 1:N;
i = 0;
detectionClusters = cell(N,1);
while ~isempty(leftToCheck)
% Remove the detections that are in the same cluster as the one under
% consideration
underConsideration = leftToCheck(1);
clusterInds = (distances(underConsideration, leftToCheck) < vehicleSize);
detInds = leftToCheck(clusterInds);
clusterDets = [detections{detInds}];
clusterMeas = [clusterDets.Measurement];
meas = mean(clusterMeas, 2);
meas2D = [meas(1:2);meas(4:5)];
i = i + 1;
detectionClusters{i} = detections{detInds(1)};
detectionClusters{i}.Measurement = meas2D;
leftToCheck(clusterInds) = [];
detectionClusters(i+1:end) = [];
% Since the detections are now for clusters, modify the noise to represent
% that they are of the whole car
for i = 1:numel(detectionClusters)
measNoise(1:2,1:2) = vehicleSize^2 * eye(2);
measNoise(3:4,3:4) = eye(2) * 100 * vehicleSize^2;
detectionClusters{i}.MeasurementNoise = measNoise;
function BEP = createDemoDisplay(egoCar, sensors)
% Make a figure
hFigure = figure('Position', [0, 0, 1200, 640], 'Name', 'Sensor Fusion with Synthetic Data Example');
movegui(hFigure, [0 -1]); % Moves the figure to the left and a little down from the top
% Add a car plot that follows the ego vehicle from behind
hCarViewPanel = uipanel(hFigure, 'Position', [0 0 0.5 0.5], 'Title', 'Chase Camera View');
hCarPlot = axes(hCarViewPanel);
chasePlot(egoCar, 'Centerline', 'on', 'Parent', hCarPlot);
% Add a car plot that follows the ego vehicle from a top view
hTopViewPanel = uipanel(hFigure, 'Position', [0 0.5 0.5 0.5], 'Title', 'Top View');
hCarPlot = axes(hTopViewPanel);
chasePlot(egoCar, 'Centerline', 'on', 'Parent', hCarPlot, 'ViewHeight', 130, 'ViewLocation', [0 0], 'ViewPitch', 90);
% Add a panel for a bird's-eye plot
hBEVPanel = uipanel(hFigure, 'Position', [0.5 0 0.5 1], 'Title', 'Bird''s-Eye Plot');
% Create bird's-eye plot for the ego car and sensor coverage
hBEVPlot = axes(hBEVPanel);
frontBackLim = 60;
BEP = birdsEyePlot('Parent', hBEVPlot, 'Xlimits', [-frontBackLim frontBackLim], 'Ylimits', [-35 35]);
% Plot the coverage areas for radars
for i = 1:6
cap = coverageAreaPlotter(BEP,'FaceColor','red','EdgeColor','red');
plotCoverageArea(cap, sensors{i}.SensorLocation,...
sensors{i}.MaxRange, sensors{i}.Yaw, sensors{i}.FieldOfView(1));
% Plot the coverage areas for vision sensors
for i = 7:8
cap = coverageAreaPlotter(BEP,'FaceColor','blue','EdgeColor','blue');
plotCoverageArea(cap, sensors{i}.SensorLocation,...
sensors{i}.MaxRange, sensors{i}.Yaw, 45);
% Create a vision detection plotter put it in a struct for future use
detectionPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','vision', 'MarkerEdgeColor','blue', 'Marker','^');
% Combine all radar detctions into one entry and store it for later update
detectionPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','radar', 'MarkerEdgeColor','red');
% Add road borders to plot
laneBoundaryPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','road', 'Color', [.75 .75 0]);
% Add the tracks to the bird's-eye plot. Show last 10 track updates.
trackPlotter(BEP, 'DisplayName','track', 'HistoryDepth',10);
axis(BEP.Parent, 'equal');
xlim(BEP.Parent, [-frontBackLim frontBackLim]);
ylim(BEP.Parent, [-40 40]);
% Add an outline plotter for ground truth
outlinePlotter(BEP, 'Tag', 'Ground truth');
function updateBEP(BEP, egoCar, detections, confirmedTracks, psel, vsel)
% Update road boundaries and their display
rb = roadBoundaries(egoCar);
% update ground truth data
[position, yaw, length, width, originOffset, color] = targetOutlines(egoCar);
plotOutline(findPlotter(BEP,'Tag','Ground truth'), position, yaw, length, width, 'OriginOffset', originOffset, 'Color', color);
% Prepare and update detections display
N = numel(detections);
detPos = zeros(N,2);
isRadar = true(N,1);
for i = 1:N
detPos(i,:) = detections{i}.Measurement(1:2)';
if detections{i}.SensorIndex > 6 % Vision detections
isRadar(i) = false;
plotDetection(findPlotter(BEP,'DisplayName','vision'), detPos(~isRadar,:));
plotDetection(findPlotter(BEP,'DisplayName','radar'), detPos(isRadar,:));
% Prepare and update tracks display
trackIDs = {confirmedTracks.TrackID};
labels = cellfun(@num2str, trackIDs, 'UniformOutput', false);
[tracksPos, tracksCov] = getTrackPositions(confirmedTracks, psel);
tracksVel = getTrackVelocities(confirmedTracks, vsel);
plotTrack(findPlotter(BEP,'DisplayName','track'), tracksPos, tracksVel, tracksCov, labels);