iOS - 审核被拒理由之IAP Type

14年的时候做的苹果内购,当时是积分充值,直接选的Product Type是消耗型,没错。去年末,做会员,也选了个消耗型。然后就有了下面这个被拒信息:

  • Business - 3.1.1

We noticed that your in-app purchase product was set to an incorrect product type.


会员 is set to consumable.

    Next Steps

Since the service offered by your app requires the user to make an advance payment to access the content or receive the service, please use the non-renewable subscription in-app purchase product type. Non-renewable subscription content must be made available to all iOS devices owned by a single user, as indicated in guideline 3.1.2 of the App Store Review Guidelines.

NOTE: The product type cannot be changed once an in-app purchase product has been created. Therefore, you will need to create a new in-app purchase product with the correct product type.

  • 来,先翻译下:


  • 官方审核文档中是这样介绍的:
    Product Types
    Product types let you use In-App Purchase in a range of apps by providing several different product behaviors. In iTunes Connect, you select one of the following product types:
    • Consumable products. Items that get used up over the course of running your app. Examples include minutes for a Voice over IP app and one-time services such as voice transcription.
    • Non-consumable products. Items that remain available to the user indefinitely on all of the user’s devices. They’re made available to all of the user’s devices. Examples include content, such as books and game levels, and additional app functionality.
    • Auto-renewable subscriptions. Episodic content. Like non-consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions remain available to the user indefinitely on all of the user’s devices. Unlike non-consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions have an expiration date. You deliver new content regularly, and users get access to content published during the time period their subscription is active. When an auto-renewable subscription is about to expire, the system automatically renews it on the user’s behalf.
    • Non-renewable subscriptions. Subscriptions that don’t involve delivering episodic content. Examples include access to a database of historic photos or a collection of flight maps. It’s your app’s responsibility to make the subscription available on all of the user’s devices and to let users restore the purchase. This product type is often used when your users already have an account on your server that you can use to identify them when restoring content. Expiration and the duration of the subscription are also left to your app (or your server) to implement and enforce.

  • 意思呢就是:
    产品类型可以让你在不同的产品行为中使用应用内购,在一系列的应用中。在iTunes Connect中,你可以选择一下产品类型之一:

这只是关于IAP中Product Type的一个简单的介绍,关于IAP的开发将在之后的博客中整理出来。

                   《Good Life》
