今天下午,对以前移植的linux2.6.24内核不能检测USB鼠标进行了修改menuconfig,新内核的USB鼠标在内核drivers/hid/usbhid目录下,文档名:usbmouse.c,假如您需要对鼠标驱动修改就看这个文档,我的研发板暂时无需对鼠标驱动定制特别的操作,于是在确保2410配置文档默认的情况下,make menuconfig然后选择 Device Drivers -->进入 选中HID Devices ---> 进入 USB HID Boot Protocol drivers ---> 看到 USB HIDBP Mouse (simple Boot) support,选中他,假如没有出现该项说明您在上边的步骤中选中了其他多余项,能够根据打开的kconfig文档中看到,注意红色部分:

menu "USB HID Boot Protocol drivers"
depends on USB!=n && USB_HID!=y
config USB_KBD
tristate "USB HIDBP Keyboard (simple Boot) support"
depends on USB && INPUT
Say Y here only if you are absolutely sure that you don't want
to use the generic HID driver for your USB keyboard and prefer
to use the keyboard in its limited Boot Protocol mode instead.
This is almost certainly not what you want. This is mostly
useful for embedded applications or simple keyboards.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called usbkbd.
If even remotely unsure, say N.
config USB_MOUSE
tristate "USB HIDBP Mouse (simple Boot) support"
depends on USB && INPUT
Say Y here only if you are absolutely sure that you don't want
to use the generic HID driver for your USB mouse and prefer
to use the mouse in its limited Boot Protocol mode instead.
This is almost certainly not what you want. This is mostly
useful for embedded applications or simple mice.
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called usbmouse.
If even remotely unsure, say N.

选中以后,make zImage好了,刻录研发板,重启,能够看到检测到鼠标驱动了,原来的报出的错误没有了,但是第二天我发现USB鼠标没有在/dev目录下,所以我重新把Device Drivers -->进入 选中HID Devices ---> 进入后,将USB的选项调整成这样,
│ │ *** USB Input Devices *** │ │
│ │ USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support │ │
│ │ [ ] Enable support for iBook/PowerBook/MacBook/MacBookPro spe│ │
│ │ [ ] Force feedback support (EXPERIMENTAL) │ │
│ │