
Phoenix的团队用了一句话概括Phoenix:“We put the SQL back in NoSQL” 意思是:我们把SQL又放回NoSQL去了!这边说的NoSQL专指HBase,意思是可以用SQL语句来查询Hbase,你可能会说:“Hive和Impala也可以啊!”。但是Hive和Impala还可以查询文本文件,Phoenix的特点就是,它只能查Hbase,别的类型都不支持!但是也因为这种专一的态度,让Phoenix在Hbase上查询的性能超过了Hive和Impala!

1.具有完整ACID事务功能的标准SQL和JDBC API的强大功能
3.Apache Phoenix与其他Hadoop产品完全集成,如Spark,Hive,Pig,Flume和Map Reduce。

  • 安装地址
    • 官网
    • CDH安装
      下载CDH版Phoenix (需要自己编译)
  • 安装过程
  • 运行过程
    在phoenix-{version}/bin 目录下
$ ./ localhost


0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost>

退出命令行的方式是执行 !quit

0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost>!quit
0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost> help
!all                Execute the specified SQL against all the current connections
!autocommit         Set autocommit mode on or off
!batch              Start or execute a batch of statements
!brief              Set verbose mode off
!call               Execute a callable statement
!close              Close the current connection to the database
!closeall           Close all current open connections
!columns            List all the columns for the specified table
!commit             Commit the current transaction (if autocommit is off)
!connect            Open a new connection to the database.
!dbinfo             Give metadata information about the database
!describe           Describe a table
!dropall            Drop all tables in the current database
!exportedkeys       List all the exported keys for the specified table
!go                 Select the current connection
!help               Print a summary of command usage
!history            Display the command history
!importedkeys       List all the imported keys for the specified table
!indexes            List all the indexes for the specified table
!isolation          Set the transaction isolation for this connection
!list               List the current connections
!manual             Display the SQLLine manual
!metadata           Obtain metadata information
!nativesql          Show the native SQL for the specified statement
!outputformat       Set the output format for displaying results
!primarykeys        List all the primary keys for the specified table
!procedures         List all the procedures
!properties         Connect to the database specified in the properties file(s)
!quit               Exits the program
!reconnect          Reconnect to the database
!record             Record all output to the specified file
!rehash             Fetch table and column names for command completion
!rollback           Roll back the current transaction (if autocommit is off)
!run                Run a script from the specified file
!save               Save the current variabes and aliases
!scan               Scan for installed JDBC drivers
!script             Start saving a script to a file
!set                Set a sqlline variable
!sql                Execute a SQL command
!tables             List all the tables in the database
!typeinfo           Display the type map for the current connection
!verbose            Set verbose mode on
  • 使用过程
    • Start Sqlline:
$ [zookeeper]
- Execute the following statements when Sqlline connects:

​ 创建表

create table test (mykey integer not null primary key, mycolumn varchar);


upsert into test values (1,'Hello');
upsert into test values (2,'World!');


select * from test;


drop table test
  • 导入测试数据
    • csv导入(适用于导入少量数据)
      bin/./ -t {表名} {zookeeper地址} xx.csv
    • mr导入(适用于导入大量数据)
    1. 建立测试数据 xx.txt
    2. 上传到hdfs上面
    3. 在phoenix当前的文件夹下面,执行以下命令
HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/root/apps/phoenix/phoenix-4.8.0-cdh5.8.0/lib/hbase-protocol-1.2.0-cdh5.8.0.jar:/etc/hbase/conf hadoop jar phoenix-4.8.0-cdh5.8.0-client.jar org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.CsvBulkLoadTool -t {表名} -i hdfs:///phoenix/data/data.csv -z {zookeeper地址}:2181
