#include "stdafx.h" #include "Source.h" #includeUSHORT CPing::s_usPacketSeq = 0; CPing::CPing() :m_szICMPData(NULL), m_bIsInitSucc(FALSE) { WSADATA WSAData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &WSAData) != 0) { /*如果初始化不成功则报错,GetLastError()返回发生的错误信息*/ printf("WSAStartup() failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return; } m_event = WSACreateEvent(); m_usCurrentProcID = (USHORT)GetCurrentProcessId(); m_sockRaw = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_sockRaw == INVALID_SOCKET) { std::cerr << "WSASocket() failed:" << WSAGetLastError() << std::endl; //10013 以一种访问权限不允许的方式做了一个访问套接字的尝试。 } else { WSAEventSelect(m_sockRaw, m_event, FD_READ); m_bIsInitSucc = TRUE; m_szICMPData = (char*)malloc(DEF_PACKET_SIZE + sizeof(ICMPHeader)); if (m_szICMPData == NULL) { m_bIsInitSucc = FALSE; } } } CPing::~CPing() { WSACleanup(); if (NULL != m_szICMPData) { free(m_szICMPData); m_szICMPData = NULL; } } BOOL CPing::Ping(DWORD dwDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply, DWORD dwTimeout) { return PingCore(dwDestIP, pPingReply, dwTimeout); } BOOL CPing::Ping(char *szDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply, DWORD dwTimeout) { if (NULL != szDestIP) { return PingCore(inet_addr(szDestIP), pPingReply, dwTimeout); } return FALSE; } BOOL CPing::PingCore(DWORD dwDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply, DWORD dwTimeout) { //判断初始化是否成功 if (!m_bIsInitSucc) { return FALSE; } //配置SOCKET sockaddr_in sockaddrDest; sockaddrDest.sin_family = AF_INET; sockaddrDest.sin_addr.s_addr = dwDestIP; int nSockaddrDestSize = sizeof(sockaddrDest); //构建ICMP包 int nICMPDataSize = DEF_PACKET_SIZE + sizeof(ICMPHeader); ULONG ulSendTimestamp = GetTickCountCalibrate(); USHORT usSeq = ++s_usPacketSeq; memset(m_szICMPData, 0, nICMPDataSize); ICMPHeader *pICMPHeader = (ICMPHeader*)m_szICMPData; pICMPHeader->m_byType = ECHO_REQUEST; pICMPHeader->m_byCode = 0; pICMPHeader->m_usID = m_usCurrentProcID; pICMPHeader->m_usSeq = usSeq; pICMPHeader->m_ulTimeStamp = ulSendTimestamp; pICMPHeader->m_usChecksum = CalCheckSum((USHORT*)m_szICMPData, nICMPDataSize); //发送ICMP报文 if (sendto(m_sockRaw, m_szICMPData, nICMPDataSize, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddrDest, nSockaddrDestSize) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return FALSE; } //判断是否需要接收相应报文 if (pPingReply == NULL) { return TRUE; } char recvbuf[256] = { "\0" }; while (TRUE) { //接收响应报文 if (WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &m_event, FALSE, 100, FALSE) != WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { WSANETWORKEVENTS netEvent; WSAEnumNetworkEvents(m_sockRaw, m_event, &netEvent); if (netEvent.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ) { ULONG nRecvTimestamp = GetTickCountCalibrate(); int nPacketSize = recvfrom(m_sockRaw, recvbuf, 256, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddrDest, &nSockaddrDestSize); if (nPacketSize != SOCKET_ERROR) { IPHeader *pIPHeader = (IPHeader*)recvbuf; USHORT usIPHeaderLen = (USHORT)((pIPHeader->m_byVerHLen & 0x0f) * 4); ICMPHeader *pICMPHeader = (ICMPHeader*)(recvbuf + usIPHeaderLen); if (pICMPHeader->m_usID == m_usCurrentProcID //是当前进程发出的报文 && pICMPHeader->m_byType == ECHO_REPLY //是ICMP响应报文 && pICMPHeader->m_usSeq == usSeq //是本次请求报文的响应报文 ) { pPingReply->m_usSeq = usSeq; pPingReply->m_dwRoundTripTime = nRecvTimestamp - pICMPHeader->m_ulTimeStamp; pPingReply->m_dwBytes = nPacketSize - usIPHeaderLen - sizeof(ICMPHeader); pPingReply->m_dwTTL = pIPHeader->m_byTTL; return TRUE; } } } } //超时 if (GetTickCountCalibrate() - ulSendTimestamp >= dwTimeout) { return FALSE; } } } USHORT CPing::CalCheckSum(USHORT *pBuffer, int nSize) { unsigned long ulCheckSum = 0; while (nSize > 1) { ulCheckSum += *pBuffer++; nSize -= sizeof(USHORT); } if (nSize) { ulCheckSum += *(UCHAR*)pBuffer; } ulCheckSum = (ulCheckSum >> 16) + (ulCheckSum & 0xffff); ulCheckSum += (ulCheckSum >> 16); return (USHORT)(~ulCheckSum); } ULONG CPing::GetTickCountCalibrate() { static ULONG s_ulFirstCallTick = 0; static LONGLONG s_ullFirstCallTickMS = 0; SYSTEMTIME systemtime; FILETIME filetime; GetLocalTime(&systemtime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemtime, &filetime); LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentTime; liCurrentTime.HighPart = filetime.dwHighDateTime; liCurrentTime.LowPart = filetime.dwLowDateTime; LONGLONG llCurrentTimeMS = liCurrentTime.QuadPart / 10000; if (s_ulFirstCallTick == 0) { s_ulFirstCallTick = GetTickCount(); } if (s_ullFirstCallTickMS == 0) { s_ullFirstCallTickMS = llCurrentTimeMS; } return s_ulFirstCallTick + (ULONG)(llCurrentTimeMS - s_ullFirstCallTickMS); } BOOL CPing::GetIpByDomainName(char *szHost, char szIp[100][100], int *nCount) { WSADATA wsaData; char szHostname[100]; HOSTENT *pHostEnt; int nAdapter = 0; struct sockaddr_in sAddr; if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsaData)) { return FALSE; } pHostEnt = gethostbyname(szHost); if (pHostEnt) { while (pHostEnt->h_addr_list[nAdapter]) { memcpy(&sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, pHostEnt->h_addr_list[nAdapter], pHostEnt->h_length); char szBuffer[1024] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(szBuffer, "%s", inet_ntoa(sAddr.sin_addr)); strcpy_s(szIp[nAdapter], szBuffer); nAdapter++; } *nCount = nAdapter; } else { *nCount = 0; } WSACleanup(); return TRUE; }
#pragma once //在默认windows.h会包含winsock.h,当你包含winsock2.h就会冲突,因此在包含windows.h前需要定义一个宏,#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN ;去除winsock.h //要么将#include放在#include #include前面或者直接去掉#include #pragma comment(lib, "WS2_32") // 链接到WS2_32.lib #define DEF_PACKET_SIZE 32 #define ECHO_REQUEST 8 #define ECHO_REPLY 0 struct IPHeader { BYTE m_byVerHLen; //4位版本+4位首部长度 BYTE m_byTOS; //服务类型 USHORT m_usTotalLen; //总长度 USHORT m_usID; //标识 USHORT m_usFlagFragOffset; //3位标志+13位片偏移 BYTE m_byTTL; //TTL BYTE m_byProtocol; //协议 USHORT m_usHChecksum; //首部检验和 ULONG m_ulSrcIP; //源IP地址 ULONG m_ulDestIP; //目的IP地址 }; struct ICMPHeader { BYTE m_byType; //类型 BYTE m_byCode; //代码 USHORT m_usChecksum; //检验和 USHORT m_usID; //标识符 USHORT m_usSeq; //序号 ULONG m_ulTimeStamp; //时间戳(非标准ICMP头部) }; struct PingReply { USHORT m_usSeq; DWORD m_dwRoundTripTime; DWORD m_dwBytes; DWORD m_dwTTL; }; class CPing { public: CPing(); ~CPing(); BOOL Ping(DWORD dwDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply = NULL, DWORD dwTimeout = 2000); BOOL Ping(char *szDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply = NULL, DWORD dwTimeout = 2000); BOOL GetIpByDomainName(char *szHost, char szIp[100][100], int *nCount); private: BOOL PingCore(DWORD dwDestIP, PingReply *pPingReply, DWORD dwTimeout); USHORT CalCheckSum(USHORT *pBuffer, int nSize); ULONG GetTickCountCalibrate(); private: SOCKET m_sockRaw; WSAEVENT m_event; USHORT m_usCurrentProcID; char *m_szICMPData; BOOL m_bIsInitSucc; private: static USHORT s_usPacketSeq; };
// ConsoleApplicationPingFunx.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "Source.h" #include#include int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int repingCNT = 3; CPing objPing; int nCount = 0; char szIp0[100][100]; char szDomain[256] = { 0 }; char szIp[2048] = { 0 }; strcpy_s(szDomain, "www.baidu.com"); BOOL bResult = objPing.GetIpByDomainName(szDomain, szIp0, &nCount); char *szDestIP; if (bResult == TRUE) { szDestIP = &szIp0[0][0]; } else { printf_s("WSAStartup failed.\r\n"); szDestIP = ""; } PingReply reply; if (nCount == 0) { printf_s("Inviad Domain.\r\n"); } else { printf_s("Pinging %s with %d bytes of data:\n", szDestIP, DEF_PACKET_SIZE); while (repingCNT--) { bResult = objPing.Ping(szDestIP, &reply); if (bResult == TRUE) { printf_s("Reply from %s: bytes=%d time=%ldms TTL=%ld\n", szDestIP, reply.m_dwBytes, reply.m_dwRoundTripTime, reply.m_dwTTL); } else { printf_s("Ping Failed. Time out."); } Sleep(500); } } system("pause"); return 0; }
这里我们ping www.baidu.com主页.