据CNN报道,当地时间7月1日,一向不太想戴口罩的特朗普在接受福克斯新闻采访时却突然改口,表示他全力赞成民众戴口罩 (all for masks) ,以防止新冠疫情在美国继续蔓延。
Donald Trump now claims he doesn’t have anything against wearing masks to protect against the coronavirus.
But while Trump has avoided wearing facial coverings throughout the coronavirus pandemic, he told Fox Business News on July 1 that he was "all for masks," adding "I think masks are good."
毕竟在今年四月美国疾控中心呼吁民众戴口罩、保持社交距离时,特朗普还表示自己不会戴口罩(I don't think I'm going to be doing it)。
Trump hasn't worn a face mask in front of cameras since the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided new guidelines in April encouraging Americans to wear facial coverings when social distancing was not an option.
"I wore one in the back area but I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it."
图源:NBC News
"Oh, I would. I have. I mean people have seen me wearing one. If I'm in a group of people where we're not 10 feet away — but usually I'm not in that position and everyone's tested. Because I'm the president, they get tested before they see me."
我会戴的。我有口罩。我是说,大家也看到过我戴口罩。 如果我在一群人之中,大家无法保持10英尺的距离 —— 但通常我不会遇到这种情况,大家也都做过了检测。因为我是总统,人们来见我前都得做检测。
特朗普表示,自己不觉得大家看到他戴口罩会有什么问题,事实上他还挺喜欢自己戴口罩的样子,戴上自己的黑口罩就像是美国过去西部的虚构人物 —— 独行侠一样↓↓↓
"I sort of liked the way I looked. OK. I thought it was OK. It was a dark black mask, and I thought it looked OK."
"It looked like the Lone Ranger,” he continued, a reference to the fictional law-and-order character from the American Old West who wore a black eye mask. "I have no problem with that, and if people feel good about it, they should do it."
Trump also said in his Fox Business interview Wednesday that he still thinks coronavirus will "disappear" someday.
"And I think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear."
综合来源:CNN,ABC News,Fox Business,Huffington Post