一 最最想记忆的搭配:
1 me-too product 跟风产品。 eg:me-too magazine, me-too lesson.
go-to place 必去的地方。 eg: go-to person, go-to book, go-to computer, go-to App
type A go-getters 最上进的人;go-ahead 有进取心的,有开拓精神的
2 guy came out of nowhere = out of the blue
想到孙悟空:Great Sage came out of nowhere
out of whack 乱套
eg:I burned the midnight oil when writing my dissertation. My sleep circle's was totally out of whack.
3 A measure up to B 配得上, 符合标准 (通常用于否定句和疑问句)---想到...的材料:be cut out for.. be cut out to be...
eg: she fails to measure up to the job.
4 Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses.
let sb off the hook 放某人一马 give a break,cut sb some slack
5 a world of difference 天壤之别
world:be all the world to sb 是...最喜欢的人/事,对某人很重要
eg: Reading books is all the world to me.
a man / woman of the world 生活阅历丰富的人
out of this world 极好的,非常棒(kick butt/ass)
6 Imagine you're standing in rental-car office 以imagine开头,可以用于聊天和演讲
7 ... plan Z 最糟糕的计划 ---plan A
8 pesky /'pɛski/ 讨厌的 eg:pesky person, pesky kid, pesky thing (pet peeve)
9 it's a fairy tale(像童话故事一样)不靠谱 --- a likely story 忽悠,说得跟真的一样 --- solid 靠谱
10 you're going to jump ship 不干了 (擅自弃职离船)
11 in the first place 首先,第一 (first off)
12 generic /dʒəˈnɛrɪk/ 十家有八家是一样的。eg: generic supermarket / bookshop
1 shake things up = disrupt 彻底调整,重组
2 proxy /'prɑksi/ 代理人
3 the original pitch idea. pitch 表示兜售,向别人展示你的观点
4 Customers move down the totem pole. 顾客的地位降低
5 what am i getting myself into ? 悔不当初
calling the shots. 发号施令 ;It's my call, small call
have a much better shot at 尝试,努力
二 值得背诵的句子:
1 Get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all.”* Kubrick knew that when you’re new at something, you need to start creating. The most important thing is to begin. So get a camera, hit Record, and start shooting(万能句)。
2 If it doesn’t pan out, you just keep going to work every day like you’ve been doing all along. You didn’t risk or lose anything, other than a bit of time, so it’s no big deal.
3 I know the difference between genuine affection and a robot that’s programmed to say nice things(真实情感 Vs 冰冷的机器人)。