通过iwpriv命令判断WIFI client和Ralink AP之间是否连接

如何判断一个WIFI客户端和Ralink AP之间连接是否断开?


可以通过“iwpriv ra0 show stainfo ”命令的输出结果来观察。该命令列出了当前AP记录的WIFI客户端列表;如果某个客户端和AP之间的通讯断开超出一定时间,AP就会从客户端列表中将该客户端删除(支持省电模式的客户端不适应该策略)。Ralink driver中默认的超时时间为300秒(#define MAC_TABLE_AGEOUT_TIME  300  /* unit: sec */);其中“Idle”表示还剩多少秒会超时。如果客户端处于active状态的话,该值通常会大于250;






# iwpriv ra0 show stainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC            AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW   MCS  SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -23   -28    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4638      , 50999, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1  3       -54    -49   0      HTMIX     40M  7     0     1    300    135    12977    , 63879, 79%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -54   -49    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     270    11    579       , 589, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -46    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     297    135   21759     , 21907, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -48   -49    0      HTMIX    20M   7     0    0    300    65    9983      , 10043, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -51   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   20763     , 68704, 69%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -20   -28    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   15509     , 60244, 74%




MAC: 客户端的WIFI MAC address;

AID: 客户端ID,由AP维护;

BSS: BSS的标识符,MT7620是支持多SSID的;每个SSID对应不同的MAC,也就是不同的BSS;该AP只使用了一个,因此这里为0;

PSM: power save mode 省电模式;

WMM:WMM(Wi-Fi多媒体)全面定义了四种连接内容,其中包括语音、视频、best effort以及background,以此优化网络通信的质量,以保障这些应用与网络资源建立稳定连接。

MIMOPS: MIMO 的power save mode;

RSSI0,RSSI1,RSSI2:记录了最近几次的客户端的WIFI发送信号强度,单位dbm,数值越大,信号越强;例如“-10”时信号强于“-50”;该数值可能受OPU wifi检测电路精度影响,所以数值不太精确,但具有有一定的参考作用;


BW: BandWidth 带宽,40M或者20M

SGI:是否使能Short Guard Interval;射频芯片在使用OFDM调制方式发送数据时,整个帧是被划分成不同的数据块进行发送的,为了数据传输的可靠性,数据块之间会有GI(Guard Interval),用以保证接收侧能够正确的解析出各个数据块。无线信号在空间传输会因多径等因素在接收侧形成时延,如果后续数据块发送过快,会和前一个数据块形成干扰,而GI就是用来规避这个干扰的。11a/g的GI时长为800us,而Short GI时长为400us,在使用Short GI的情况下,可提高10%的速率。另外,Short GI与带宽无关,支持20MHz、40MHz带宽。在配置WLAN的参数界面,一般会有一个SGI使能的选项,如果不勾选,则使用GI间隔--800us;而勾选SGI使能后,使用400us间隔。间隔小能提高速率,但是如果遇到干扰或环境不好时,容易增加信息传输错误,反而使性能恶化。



“4638      , 50999, 90%”这样的几个数据表示FIFO overflow rate,通过这几个数值来反馈硬件发送数据速率和上层期望发送速率之间差异;


printk("%-10d, %d, %d%%\n",pEntry->DebugFIFOCount, pEntry->DebugTxCount,

                       (pEntry->DebugTxCount) ?((pEntry->DebugTxCount-pEntry->DebugFIFOCount)*100/pEntry->DebugTxCount): 0);

DebugTxCount 由APHardTransmit调用的RTMP_FillTxBlkInfo函数中pMacEntry->DebugTxCount++;说明AP每发送一帧数据时就会增加该计数;用于表明上层期望发送的数据包数量;

DebugFIFOCount由NICUpdateFifoStaCounters中更新,用于表示底层实际发送了多少数据包(ignore NoACK and MGMT frame use 0xFF as WCI,后面应该就是多播的管理帧);

STBC: 空时编码方式,源码中对应的数值如下:

/* STBC */

#define STBC_NONE   0

#ifdef DOT11_N_SUPPORT

#define STBC_USE    1   /* limited use in rt2860b phy */

#define RXSTBC_ONE  1   /* rx support of one spatial stream */

#define RXSTBC_TWO  2   /* rx support of 1 and 2 spatial stream */

#define RXSTBC_THR  3   /* rx support of 1~3 spatial stream */




# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC            AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW   MCS  SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -26   -30    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4873      , 51947, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -53   -49    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   13101     , 64807, 79%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -51   -46    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     272    11    584       , 594, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     292    135    22227    , 22376, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -51   -49    0      HTMIX    20M   7     0    0    271    65    10304     , 10364, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -49   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300   135    21031    , 69818, 69%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -21   -27    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   15852     , 61359, 74%



# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -23   -27    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4881      , 52294, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -52   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     299    135   13109     , 65133, 79%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -50   -47    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     297    11    587       , 597, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     291    135   22231     , 22380, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -51   -49    0      HTMIX    20M   7    0     0    206    65    10311     , 10371, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -49   -48    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     299    135   21040     , 70158, 70%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -18   -26    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     299    135   15860     , 61777, 74%


# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -25   -26    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4897      , 52491, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -51   -50    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   13119     , 65416, 79%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -50   -47    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     294    11     588      , 598, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     299    135   22235     , 22384, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -51   -49    0      HTMIX    20M   7     0    0    150   65    10311     , 10371, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -48   -48    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   21049     , 70513, 70%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -21   -30    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     299    135   15868     , 62160, 74%



# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -18   -28    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4912      , 52958, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -53   -46    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   13137     , 66036, 80%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0  0       -52    -49   0      CCK       20M  3     0     0    299    11     591      , 601, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     298    135   22240     , 22390, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5   0  0   1   3      -51    -49    0     HTMIX     20M   7    0     0    60     65    10311     , 10371, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -48   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   21061     , 70899, 70%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1  3       -20    -32   0      HTMIX     40M  7     0     1    300    135    15883    , 62620, 74%




# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -19   -28    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4913      , 53047, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1  3       -53    -49   0      HTMIX     40M  7     0     1    300    135   13139     , 66126, 80%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -46   -47    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     299    11    592       , 602, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -46    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     286    135   22241     , 22391, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -51   -49    0      HTMIX    20M   7     0    0    41     65    10311     , 10371, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -47   -45    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   21064     , 71038, 70%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -19   -32    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   15886     , 62697, 74%





# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -19   -29    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   4920      , 53341, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -53   -51    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135    13146    , 66389, 80%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -48   -47    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     295    11    594       , 604, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     298    135   22245     , 22395, 0%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -49   -49    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   21072     , 71292, 70%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -20   -33    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   15893     , 62956, 74%






# MIC Different in pairwise msg 2 of 4-way handshake!

WPAInstallPairwiseKey : Pairwisekey Cipher Alg (4)

AP SETKEYS DONE - WPA2, AuthMode(7)=WPA2PSK, WepStatus(6)=AES, GroupWepStatus(6)=AES


Rcv Wcid(5) AddBAReq

Start Seq = 00000000

Rcv Wcid(5) AddBAReq

Start Seq = 00000001



# iwpriv ra0 showstainfo

BackOff Slot      : long slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104)= 0x00000214

HT Operating Mode :3


MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0 RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd     BW    MCS   SGI  STBC  Idle   Rate  

C0:56:E3:9F:08:75  1  0   0   1   3       -24   -28    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135    4958     , 54565, 90%

C0:56:E3:9F:08:6B  2  0   0   1   3       -53   -48    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   13185     , 67914, 80%

20:F8:5E:A0:21:65  3  0   0   0   0       -51   -48    0      CCK      20M   3     0    0     271   11     602       , 612, 1%

00:1A:97:01:A1:47  4  0   0   1   3       -43   -47    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    0     295    135   22267     , 22417, 0%

54:2A:A2:04:07:F9  5  0   0   1   3       -48   -53    0      HTMIX    20M   7     0    0    300    65    205       , 212, 3%

00:95:69:08:00:19  6  0   0   1   3       -49   -49    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   21110     , 72899, 71%

00:95:69:07:4D:E6  7  0   0   1   3       -24   -30    0      HTMIX    40M   7     0    1     300    135   15930     , 64177, 75%




Ralink wifi driver的源码中:AP 会在MacTableMaintenance这个函数中维护客户端列表,必要时会踢掉一些客户端

当客户端连续idle超过ageout时间,默认这个时间为MAC_TABLE_AGEOUT_TIME(300秒);也可以通过如下配置项指定;以及iwpriv ra0 set IdleTimeout=Value

4.1.62 IdleTimeout=Value AP(▼), STA()


It indicates the maximum number of consecutive seconds of idle connection allowed to the user before termination of the session or prompt.


60 ~ 65536. The unit is second.


#define MAC_TABLE_AGEOUT_TIME           300         /* unit: sec */

#define MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME       60          /* unit: sec */


/* AP shall drop the sta if contine Tx fail count reach it. */

#define MAC_ENTRY_LIFE_CHECK_CNT        1024            /* packet cnt. */




#define MAC_TABLE_AGEOUT_TIME           300         /* unit: sec */

#define MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME       60          /* unit: sec */

#define MAC_TABLE_ASSOC_TIMEOUT         5           /* unit: sec */

#define MAC_TABLE_FULL(Tab)             ((Tab).size == MAX_LEN_OF_MAC_TABLE)


/* AP shall drop the sta if contine Tx fail count reach it. */

#define MAC_ENTRY_LIFE_CHECK_CNT        1024            /* packet cnt. */



typedef struct _MAC_TABLE_ENTRY {



    ULONG NoDataIdleCount;

    UINT16 StationKeepAliveCount;   /* unit: second */

    ULONG PsQIdleCount;



    UINT32 StaConnectTime;  /* the live time of this station since associated with AP */

    UINT32 StaIdleTimeout;  /* idle timeout per entry */



    ULONG AssocDeadLine;







        This routine is called by APMlmePeriodicExec() every second to check if

        1. any associated client in PSM. If yes, then TX MCAST/BCAST should be

           out in DTIM only

        2. any client being idle for too long and should be aged-out from MAC table

        3. garbage collect PSQ



VOID MacTableMaintenance(






typedef struct _MULTISSID_STRUCT {


    BOOLEAN bHideSsid;

    UINT16 StationKeepAliveTime;    /* unit: second */







/* detect the station alive status */

        if ((pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pEntry->apidx].StationKeepAliveTime > 0) &&

            (pEntry->NoDataIdleCount >= pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pEntry->apidx].StationKeepAliveTime))


            MULTISSID_STRUCT *pMbss = &pAd->ApCfg.MBSSID[pEntry->apidx];



                If no any data success between ap and the station for

                StationKeepAliveTime, try to detect whether the station is

                still alive.


                Note: Just only keepalive station function, no disassociation

                function if too many no response.




                For example as below:


                1. Station in ACTIVE mode,



                sam> tx ok!

                sam> count = 1!  ==> 1 second after the Null Frame is acked

                sam> count = 2!  ==> 2 second after the Null Frame is acked

                sam> count = 3!

                sam> count = 4!

                sam> count = 5!

                sam> count = 6!

                sam> count = 7!

                sam> count = 8!

                sam> count = 9!

                sam> count = 10!

                sam> count = 11!

                sam> count = 12!

                sam> count = 13!

                sam> count = 14!

                sam> count = 15! ==> 15 second after the Null Frame is acked

                sam> tx ok!      ==> (KeepAlive Mechanism) send a Null Frame to

                                        detect the STA life status

                sam> count = 1!  ==> 1 second after the Null Frame is acked

                sam> count = 2!

                sam> count = 3!

                sam> count = 4!



                If the station acknowledges the QoS Null Frame,

                the NoDataIdleCount will be reset to 0.



                2. Station in legacy PS mode,


                We will set TIM bit after 15 seconds, the station will send a

                PS-Poll frame and we will send a QoS Null frame to it.

                If the station acknowledges the QoS Null Frame, the

                NoDataIdleCount will be reset to 0.



                3. Station in legacy UAPSD mode,


                Currently we do not support the keep alive mechanism.

                So if your station is in UAPSD mode, the station will be

                kicked out after 300 seconds.


                Note: the rate of QoS Null frame can not be 1M of 2.4GHz or

                6M of 5GHz, or no any statistics count will occur.







        /* 2. delete those MAC entry that has been idle for a long time */

        if (pEntry->NoDataIdleCount >= pEntry->StaIdleTimeout)


            bDisconnectSta = TRUE;

            DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("ageout %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x after %d-sec silence\n",



            ApLogEvent(pAd, pEntry->Addr, EVENT_AGED_OUT);


        else if (pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt >= pAd->ApCfg.EntryLifeCheck)



                AP have no way to know that the PwrSaving STA is leaving or not.

                So do not disconnect for PwrSaving STA.


            if (pEntry->PsMode != PWR_SAVE)


                bDisconnectSta = TRUE;

                DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_WARN, ("STA-%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x had left (%d %lu)\n",



                    pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt, pAd->ApCfg.EntryLifeCheck));




        if (bDisconnectSta)


            /* send wireless event - for ageout */

            RTMPSendWirelessEvent(pAd, IW_AGEOUT_EVENT_FLAG, pEntry->Addr, 0, 0);




pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt  这个在如下函数中进行更新;失败就pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt ++; 成功就pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt=0;


VOID NICUpdateFifoStaCounters(






            RTMP_IO_READ32(pAd, TX_STA_FIFO, &StaFifo.word);


            if (StaFifo.field.bValid == 0)



            wcid = (UCHAR)StaFifo.field.wcid;




            if (pAd->CommonCfg.DebugFlags & DBF_DBQ_TXFIFO) {

                dbQueueEnqueue(0x73, (UCHAR *)(&StaFifo.word));



#endif /* DBG_CTRL_SUPPORT */


        /* ignore NoACK and MGMT frame use 0xFF as WCID */

            if ((StaFifo.field.TxAckRequired == 0) || (wcid >= MaxWcidNum))






            /* PID store Tx MCS Rate */

            pid = (UCHAR)StaFifo.field.PidType;


            pEntry = &pAd->MacTab.Content[wcid];

            /* 这里记录的应该是底层缓冲区纪录的实际发送数据包数量,包括成功和失败的;不包括广播以及不需要ACK回应的包 */




if (!StaFifo.field.TxSuccess)










 pEntry->FIFOCount = 0;




/* update NoDataIdleCount when sucessful send packet to STA.*/

pEntry->NoDataIdleCount = 0;

pEntry->ContinueTxFailCnt = 0;







INT ApCfg_Set_IdleTimeout_Proc(


    IN PSTRING          arg)


    LONG idle_time;


    idle_time = simple_strtol(arg, 0, 10);


    if (idle_time < MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME)

        pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = MAC_TABLE_MIN_AGEOUT_TIME;


        pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = idle_time;


    DBGPRINT(RT_DEBUG_TRACE, ("%s : IdleTimeout=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout));


    return TRUE;







    Routine Description:

        Initialize port configuration structure


        Adapter                     Pointer to our adapter

    Return Value:






VOID    UserCfgInit(





pAd->ApCfg.StaIdleTimeout = MAC_TABLE_AGEOUT_TIME;






    pAd->ApCfg.EntryLifeCheck = MAC_ENTRY_LIFE_CHECK_CNT;

#endif /* CONFIG_AP_SUPPORT */


