
1. 元数据表结构的查询语句: 


select * from all_tables;

select *  from all_tables where owner='ZFW_WW';


select * from all_views;

select * from all_views where owner='ZFW_WW';


select *  from user_tables;


select * from user_tab_columns where table_name='T_GZGL_DW';


select * from all_tab_columns where Table_Name='T_GZGL_DW' ;


select * from user_tab_comments;


select * from all_tab_comments where owner='ZFW_WW' ;


select * from user_col_comments where table_name='T_GZGL_DW';


select * from all_col_comments where table_name='T_GZGL_DW';


select  t1.column_name,t1.data_type,t1.data_length,t2.comments 
from all_tab_columns t1 
left join user_col_comments t2 
on  (t1.table_name= t2.table_name and t1.column_name= t2.column_name) 
where t1.table_name='T_GZGL_DW'
and t2.table_name='T_GZGL_DW'
and t1.owner='ZFW_WW' 
and t2.owner='ZFW_WW'


select * from user_cons_columns where Table_Name='T_GZGL_DW';


  • 查询返回的默认字段名和数据库里的字段名保持大小写一致
  • 查询语句的字段名大小写就是返回字段名的大小写,就是你写的SQL里大写返回就是大写,反之小写就返回小写;
 select * from ZFW_WW.T_GZGL_DW where ...
 delete from ZFW_WW.T_GZGL_DW where ...
 insert into ZFW_WW.T_GZGL_DW (WW_XH, WW_MC) values('','')
 update ZFW_WW.T_GZGL_DW set WW_XH = ''

update zfw_ww.t_qbsj_qb t1 
set t1.WW_LCZT=t2.WW_LCZT  
from zfw_ww.t_qbsj_yjdb t1,zfw_ww.t_open_lc t2 
where t1.WW_XH=t2.WW_XXID 


  • 注意以map返回的对象(含有大字段)不能直接转json
import com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.ClobProxyImpl;

public static void setTextVal(Map row) {
        for (Map.Entry entry : row.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue() instanceof ClobProxyImpl){
                try {
                    ClobProxyImpl dmdbClob = (ClobProxyImpl) entry.getValue();
                    String value = dmdbClob.getSubString(1, (int) dmdbClob.length());
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    log.error("达梦大字段取值异常:{}", Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e));

