1. Fllow control statements
var a = 21;
case a == 1 : alert("first ");break;
default: alert("error");
2. Input/output
var a = prompt("test");
3. loops
var a=1; do
document.write(a); a++;
}while (a<100)
4. Ways to include script in html
< html >
< head >< title > Four Standard Ways to include script in html title >
< script type ="text/javascript" src = "2way.js" />
head >
< body >
< script type ="text/javascript">
function a()
alert("1 way to include script" );
script >
< input value = "1 way to include script" id ="1 way to include script" type ="button" value ="button" onclick = "a()"/>
< input value = "2 way to include script" id ="2 way to include script" type ="button" value ="button" onclick = "b()"/>
< a href = "#" onclick = "javascript: alert('Brcue.Lun');return false;"> br a >
body >
html >
Regular Expression
var a= new RegExp("New" );
var b = "BruceNew" ;
alert(b.replace(a,"old" )); ---- à Bruceold
6 . Boleans
var inLatinOctal = "/102";
var inLatinHex = "/x42"
var inUnicode = "/u0042";
7. Boleans
var b = 1; --------- à true;
var b = -1; --------- à true;
var b = 0; --------- à false;
var b = false; --------- à false;
var b = null; --------- à false
var b = true; --------- à true;
8. Create Object
var testObject = new Object();
testObject.id = 1234;
testObject.name = "Bruce.Lun";
9. Conversion rules for primitive types
Table 3-5: Result of Conversion to a Boolean |
Type |
Converted to Boolean |
Undefined |
false |
Null |
false |
Number |
false if 0 or NaN, else true |
String |
false if string length is 0, else true |
Other object |
true |
Table 3-6: Result of Converting to a Number |
Type |
Converted to Number |
Undefined |
NaN |
Null |
0 |
Boolean |
1 if true , 0 if false |
String |
The numeric value of the string if it looks like a number, else NaN |
Other object |
NaN |
Table 3-7: Result of Converting to a String |
Type |
Converted to a String |
Undefined |
"Undefined " |
Null |
"Null" |
Boolean |
"True" if true , "false" if false |
Number |
"NaN", "0", or the string representation of the numeric value |
Other object |
Value of object's toString() method if it exists, else "undefined " |
10. Promotion of Primitive Data to Objects
var a = "Bruce.Lun";
alert(a.toLowerCase());// as same as "Bruce.Lun".toLowerCase()
11. javascript five primitive data types
number, string, Boolean, undefined , and null
12. & | ^ operator
var a = 5; 0000 0101 AND
var b = 2; 0000 0010
alert(a&b); -- à output 0;
var a = 5; OR
var b = 2;
alert(a|b); -- à output 7;
var a = 5; XOR
var b = 3;
alert(a^b); -- à output 6;
13. precedence
Precedence |
Associativity |
Operator |
Operator Meaning |
Highest: 0 |
Left to right |
. |
Object property access |
0 |
Left to right |
[ ] |
Array access |
0 |
Left to right |
( ) |
Grouping or function or method call |
1 |
Right to left |
++ |
Increment |
1 |
Right to left |
-- |
Decrement |
1 |
Right to left |
– |
Negation |
1 |
Right to left |
~ |
Bitwise NOT |
1 |
Right to left |
! |
Logical NOT |
1 |
Right to left |
delete |
Remove object property or array value |
1 |
Right to left |
new |
Create object |
1 |
Right to left |
typeof |
Determine type |
1 |
Right to left |
void |
Suppress expression evaluation |
2 |
Left to right |
* , / , % |
Multiplication, division, modulus |
3 |
Left to right |
+ , – |
Addition, subtraction |
3 |
Left to right |
+ |
String concatenation |
4 |
Left to right |
>> |
Bitwise right-shift with sign |
4 |
Left to right |
>>> |
Bitwise right-shift with zero fill |
4 |
Left to right |
<< |
Bitwise left-shift |
5 |
Left to right |
>, >= |
Greater than, greater than or equal to |
5 |
Left to right |
<, <= |
Less than, less than or equal to |
6 |
Left to right |
== |
Equality |
6 |
Left to right |
!= |
Inequality |
6 |
Left to right |
=== |
Equality with type checking (Identity) |
6 |
Left to right |
!== |
Inequality with type checking (Non-identity) |
7 |
Left to right |
& |
Bitwise AND |
8 |
Left to right |
^ |
Bitwise XOR |
9 |
Left to right |
| |
Bitwise OR |
10 |
Left to right |
&& |
Logical AND |
11 |
Left to right |
|| |
Logical OR |
12 |
Right to left |
? : |
Conditional |
13 |
Right to left |
= |
Assignment |
13 |
Right to left |
*= , /= , %= , += , –= , <<= , >>= , >>>= , &= , ^= , |= |
Assignment in conjunction with preceding operator |
Lowest: 14 |
Left to right |
, |
Multiple evaluation |
14. local function
function a()
function b()
return 2;
15. Function as Objects
var test = new Function("alert('HelloWorld');"); // Note: F is Capitalized
var test2 = test; // copy to another object
var test = new Function("arg","alert('Hello/t'+arg);"); //arg is a argment
test("Bruce"); ---------- à output Hello Bruce
General Syntax :
Var functionName = new Function(“argment 1”,…….”argment n” ,”statements for function body.”);
16.Function literals
var test = function(name){alert(name);}
17.simple class
function AutoMan(comm)
this.name = comm;
this.kick = function (){alert(this.name);}
this.hit = new Function("alert('Dont hit you brother');");
var a = new AutoMan("Ha~ Look this......");
18. Advanced Parameter Passing
function adv()
alert(adv.arguments.length); --- à output 3
alert(adv.arguments[0]); ---- à output 1
19. Recursion
function jc(varNumber)
if(varNumber<0)return -1;
if(varNumber==0)return 1;
document.write(varNumber*jc(varNumber - 1));
return varNumber*jc(varNumber - 1);
20. JS copy
var stu = { name:"a" , id:"19880904" , age: "20" ,call:function(){alert(this.name);} };
var b = stu;
(function(){alert("Pa you died ~");})(); =
var a = function(){alert("Pa you died ~");} +
---------------(function(m){alert(m);})(1); //parameter OK
21. clone object
var stu = { name:"a" , id:"19880904" , age: "20" ,call:function(){alert(this.name);} };
var b = new Object();
for(var a in stu)
b[a] = stu[a];
stu.call = function(){alert("Test");}; //set alert value : Test
b.call(); // alert value : a