python+pygame Hopscotch小游戏




    • 解密小游戏Hopscotch
      • 游戏规则
      • 思路说明
      • 关键点解析
      • 代码回放
      • 问题总结


python+pygame Hopscotch小游戏_第1张图片
python+pygame Hopscotch小游戏_第2张图片
python+pygame Hopscotch小游戏_第3张图片




screen.blit(icon1, [x,y])将图片icon放在[x,y]绝对坐标处
size = width, height = 900, 650 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)建立screen的大小
screen.fill((255,255,255))背景颜色'River Fflows In You.wav')载入音乐播放音乐
map_font = pygame.font.Font('msyh.ttc', 20)载入字体和字号
font_surf = map_font.render('祝您游戏愉快!', True, (0, 0, 0)) font_rect = font_surf.get_rect()编辑文本,建立一个对象 = (100, 25)将文本居中放在(100,25)绝对坐标处
screen.blit(font_surf, font_rect)显示文本
pygame.event.pump() — 让 Pygame 内部自动处理事件
pygame.event.get() — 从队列中获取事件
pygame.event.poll() — 从队列中获取一个事件
pygame.event.wait() — 等待并从队列中获取一个事件
pygame.event.peek() — 检测某类型事件是否在队列中
pygame.event.clear() — 从队列中删除所有的事件
pygame.event.event_name() — 通过 id 获得该事件的字符串名字
pygame.event.set_blocked() — 控制哪些事件禁止进入队列
pygame.event.set_allowed() — 控制哪些事件允许进入队列
pygame.event.get_blocked() — 检测某一类型的事件是否被禁止进入队列
pygame.event.set_grab() — 控制输入设备与其他应用程序的共享
pygame.event.get_grab() — 检测程序是否共享输入设备 — 放置一个新的事件到队列中
pygame.event.Event() — 创建一个新的事件对象
pygame.event.EventType — 代表 SDL 事件的 Pygame 对象


import pygame
import sys
import wx
import time

list_2 = [(1,5),(2,4),(2,6),(3,3),(3,5),(3,7),(4,2),(4,4),(4,6),(4,8),(5,1),(5,3),(5,5),(5,7),(5,9)]
list_ = [[405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530], [405, 30], [305, 155], [505, 155], [205, 280], [405, 280], [605, 280], [105, 405], [305, 405], [505, 405], [705, 405], [5, 530], [205, 530], [405, 530], [605, 530], [805, 530]]

def NumberArray():
    global record1,res
    record1 = np.array([[666, 666, 666, 666, 1, 666, 666, 666, 666],
                        [666, 666, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 666, 666],
                        [666, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 666],
                        [666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666],
                        [1, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 1, 666, 1]])
    res = []

def initialize():
     record1[location_x-1,location_y-1] = 0
def Doing():
    res.append([(location_x1 - 1, location_y1 - 1), (location_x2 - 1, location_y2 - 1)])
    record1[(location_x1 + location_x2 - 2) // 2, (location_y1 + location_y2 - 2) // 2] = 0
    record1[location_x1-1, location_y1-1] = 0
    record1[location_x2-1, location_y2-1] = 1
def is_move(x,y):
    if x > 400 and x < 490 and y > 0 and y < 120:
        time_pic = 1
    elif x > 300 and x < 390 and y > 130 and y < 250:
        time_pic = 2
    elif x > 500 and x < 590 and y > 130 and y < 250:
        time_pic = 3
    elif x > 200 and x < 290 and y > 260 and y < 380:
        time_pic = 4
    elif x > 400 and x < 490 and y > 260 and y < 380:
        time_pic = 5
    elif x > 600 and x < 690 and y > 260 and y < 380:
        time_pic = 6
    elif x > 100 and x < 190 and y > 390 and y < 510:
        time_pic = 7
    elif x > 300 and x < 390 and y > 390 and y < 510:
        time_pic = 8
    elif x > 500 and x < 590 and y > 390 and y < 510:
        time_pic = 9
    elif x > 700 and x < 790 and y > 390 and y < 510:
        time_pic = 10
    elif x > 0 and x < 90 and y > 520 and y < 640:
        time_pic = 11
    elif x > 200 and x < 290 and y > 520 and y < 640:
        time_pic = 12
    elif x > 400 and x < 490 and y > 520 and y < 640:
        time_pic = 13
    elif x > 600 and x < 690 and y > 520 and y < 640:
        time_pic = 14
    elif x > 800 and x < 890 and y > 520 and y < 640:
        time_pic = 15
        time_pic = 999
    return time_pic

def initialize_config():
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(9):
            if record1[i][j] == 1:
                screen.blit(icon1, [j*(10+90)+5,i*(120+5)+30])
            elif record1[i][j] == 0:
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, [255, 255, 255], [j * (10 + 90)+5, i * (120 + 5)+30, 90, 120], 0)
                screen.blit(icon2, [j*(10+90)+5,i*(120+5)+30])

def show_config():
    global screen,location_x,location_y,location_x1,location_y1,location_x2,location_y2,icon1,icon2
    app = wx.App()
    t = 0
    book = 0
    icon1 = pygame.image.load('pikaqiu.bmp')
    icon2 = pygame.image.load('penhuolong.bmp')
    size = width, height = 900, 650
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
    screen.fill((255,255,255))'River Fflows In You.wav')

    map_font = pygame.font.Font('msyh.ttc', 20)
    font_surf = map_font.render('祝您游戏愉快!', True, (0, 0, 0))
    font_rect = font_surf.get_rect() = (100, 25)
    screen.blit(font_surf, font_rect)
    map_font2 = pygame.font.Font('msyh.ttc', 20)
    font_surf2 = map_font2.render('制作人:白云苍狗', True, (0, 0, 0))
    font_rect2 = font_surf2.get_rect() = (100, 60)
    screen.blit(font_surf2, font_rect2)
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if book == 0 and t == 0 and event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:#这里判断鼠标左键按下
                x, y = event.pos
                if is_move(x,y) != 999:#鼠标点击在图片上
                    n = is_move(x, y) - 1
                    location_x, location_y = list_2[n]
                    if record1[location_x-1][location_y-1] == 1:#该点可以移动
                        book = 1
                        t = 1

            if t == 1 and event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
                x,y = event.pos
                if is_move(x,y) != 999:
                    n1 = is_move(x, y) - 1
                    location_x1,location_y1 = list_2[n1]
                    pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,0), (list_[n1][0],list_[n1][1],90, 120), 1)
                    t = 2
            if t == 2 and event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
                x, y = event.pos
                if is_move(x,y) != 999:
                    n2 = is_move(x, y) - 1
                    location_x2, location_y2 = list_2[n2]
                    if record1[location_x1-1][location_y1-1] == 1 and record1[location_x2-1][location_y2-1] == 0 and (location_x1 + location_y1) % 2 == 0 and (location_x2 + location_y2) % 2 == 0 and abs(location_x1-location_x2) <=2 and record1[(location_x1 + location_x2 - 2) // 2, (location_y1 + location_y2 - 2) // 2] == 1:
                        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,0), (list_[n2][0],list_[n2][1],90, 120), 1)
                        t = 3
                        pygame.draw.rect(screen, [255, 255, 255], [list_[n1][0], list_[n1][1], 90, 120], 0)
                        screen.blit(icon1, [list_[n1][0], list_[n1][1]])
                        t = 1
                        wx.MessageBox("您的选择不合理,请重新选择", 'warning', wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)

            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]:#这里判断鼠标右键按下,将取消选中
                t = 1
                    pygame.draw.rect(screen, [255, 255, 255], [list_[n1][0],list_[n1][1], 90, 120], 0)
                    screen.blit(icon1, [list_[n1][0],list_[n1][1]])
            if t == 3:#如果选择正确,将进行跳跃动作,并使图片改变
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, [255, 255, 255], [list_[n1][0], list_[n1][1], 90, 120], 0)
                screen.blit(icon1, [list_[n1][0], list_[n1][1]])
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, [255, 255, 255], [list_[n2][0], list_[n2][1], 90, 120], 0)
                screen.blit(icon2, [list_[n2][0], list_[n2][1]])
                t = 1




