Solaris™ 10 System Administration Essentials-1 Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System


Solaris10 System

Administration Essentials

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

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From the Library of Daniel Johnson

Solaris10 System

Administration Essentials

Solaris System Engineers

Sun Microsystems Press

Upper Saddle River, NJ Boston Indianapolis San Francisco

New York Toronto Montreal London Munich Paris Madrid

Capetown Sydney Tokyo Singapore Mexico City

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Solaris 10 system administration essentials / Solaris system engineers.

p. cm.

Includes index.

ISBN 978-0-13-700009-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)

1. Electronic data processingManagement. 2. Systems software. 3.

Solaris (Computer file) I. Sun Microsystems.

QA76.9.M3S65 2009



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From the Library of Daniel Johnson



Preface xvii

About the Authors xxi

Chapter 1 Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System 1

1.1 Methods to Meet Your Needs 1

1.2 The Basics of Solaris Installation 2

1.2.1 Installing Solaris on a SPARC System 6

1.2.2 Installing Solaris on an x86 System 9

1.3 Solaris JumpStart Installation 13

1.3.1 Setting up a JumpStart Server 13

1.3.2 Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems 14

1.3.3 Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation 22

1.4 Upgrading a Solaris System 25

1.5 Solaris Live Upgrade 26

Chapter 2 Boot, Service Management, and Shutdown 33

2.1 Boot 33

2.1.1 The Bootloader 33

2.1.2 The Kernel 34

2.1.3 User-Mode Programs 34

2.1.4 GRUB Extensions 35

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vi Contents

2.1.5 Modifying Boot Behavior 36

2.1.6 Run Levels 37

2.1.7 Troubleshooting 37

2.2 Service Management Facility 39

2.2.1 enabled 40

2.2.2 state, next_state, and state_time 40

2.2.3 logfile 41

2.2.4 dependency 41

2.2.5 How SMF Interacts with Service Implementations 42

2.2.6 The Service Configuration Facility 44

2.2.7 Health and Troubleshooting 44

2.2.8 Service Manifests 45

2.2.9 Backup and Restore of SCF Data 45

2.3 Shutdown 46

2.3.1 Application-Specific Shutdown 46

2.3.2 Application-Independent Shutdown 46

Chapter 3 Software Management: Packages 47

3.1 Managing Software Packages 47

3.2 What Is a Package? 47

3.2.1 SVR4 Package Content 48

3.2.2 Package Naming Conventions 49

3.3 Tools for Managing Software Packages 49

3.4 Installing or Removing a Software Package with the

pkgadd or pkgrm Command 50

3.5 Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages 51

3.5.1 How to Install Packages with the pkgadd

Command 51

3.5.2 Adding Frequently Installed Packages to a Spool

Directory 54

3.5.3 Removing Software Packages 56

Chapter 4 Software Management: Patches 59

4.1 Managing Software with Patches 59

4.2 What Is a Patch? 59

4.2.1 Patch Content 60

4.2.2 Patch Numbering 61

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Contents vii

4.3 Patch Management Best Practices 61

4.3.1 Proactive Patch Management Strategy 62

4.3.2 Reactive Patch Management Strategy 68

4.3.3 Security Patch Management Strategy 70

4.3.4 Proactive Patching When Installing a New System 71

4.3.5 Identifying Patches for Proactive Patching and

Accessing Patches 73

4.4 Example of Using Solaris Live Upgrade to

Install Patches 75

4.4.1 Overview of Patching with Solaris Live Upgrade 75

4.4.2 Planning for Using Solaris Live Upgrade 77

4.4.3 How to Apply a Patch When Using Solaris Live

Upgrade for the Solaris 10 8/07 Release 79

4.5 Patch Automation Tools 86

4.6 Overview of Patch Types 88

4.7 Patch README Special Instructions 93

4.7.1 When to Patch in Single-User Mode 93

4.7.2 When to Reboot After Applying or Removing a Patch 94

4.7.3 Patch Metadata for Non-Global Zones 95

4.8 Patch Dependencies (Interrelationships) 96

4.8.1 SUNW_REQUIRES Field for Patch Dependencies 96

4.8.2 SUNW_OBSOLETES Field for Patch Accumulation

and Obsolescence 97

4.8.3 SUNW_INCOMPAT Field for Incompatibility 97

Chapter 5 Solaris File Systems 99

5.1 Solaris File System Overview 99

5.1.1 Mounting File Systems 100

5.1.2 Unmounting File Systems 102

5.1.3 Using the /etc/vfstab File 103

5.1.4 Determining a File System Type 104

5.1.5 Monitoring File Systems 105

5.2 UFS File Systems 105

5.2.1 Creating a UFS File System 106

5.2.2 Backing Up and Restoring UFS File Systems 107

5.2.3 Using Quotas to Manage Disk Space 108

5.2.4 Checking File System Integrity 110

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viii Contents

5.2.5 Using Access Control Lists 112

5.2.6 Using UFS Logging 113

5.2.7 Using Extended File Attributes 115

5.2.8 Using Multiterabyte UFS File Systems 115

5.2.9 Creating UFS Snapshots 115

5.3 ZFS File System Administration 117

5.3.1 Using Pools and File Systems 118

5.3.2 Backing Up a ZFS File System 120

5.3.3 Using Mirroring and Striping 121

5.3.4 Using RAID-Z 122

5.3.5 Using Copy-on-Write and Snapshots 122

5.3.6 Using File Compression 124

5.3.7 Measuring Performance 124

5.3.8 Expanding a Pool 125

5.3.9 Checking a Pool 126

5.3.10 Replacing a Disk 127

5.4 NFS File System Administration 127

5.4.1 Finding Available NFS File Systems 128

5.4.2 Mounting an NFS File System 129

5.4.3 Unmounting an NFS File System 129

5.4.4 Configuring Automatic File System Sharing 130

5.4.5 Automounting File Systems 130

5.5 Removable Media 133

5.5.1 Using the PCFS File System 135

5.5.2 Using the HSFS File System 136

5.6 Pseudo File System Administration 136

5.6.1 Using Swap Space 136

5.6.2 Using the TMPFS File System 138

5.6.3 Using the Loopback File System 139

Chapter 6 Managing System Processes 141

6.1 Overview 141

6.1.1 State of a Process 143

6.1.2 Process Context 143

6.2 Monitoring the Processes 145

6.2.1 Process Status: ps 146

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6.2.2 Grepping for Process: pgrep 149

6.2.3 Process Statistics Summary: prstat 149

6.2.4 Reap a Zombie Process: preap 151

6.2.5 Temporarily Stop a Process: pstop 152

6.2.6 Resuming a Suspended Process: prun 152

6.2.7 Wait for Process Completion: pwait 152

6.2.8 Process Working Directory: pwdx 152

6.2.9 Process Arguments: pargs 152

6.2.10 Process File Table: pfiles 153

6.2.11 Process Libraries: pldd 154

6.2.12 Process Tree: ptree 154

6.2.13 Process Stack: pstack 155

6.2.14 Tracing Process: truss 156

6.3 Controlling the Processes 158

6.3.1 The nice and renice Commands 158

6.3.2 Signals 159

6.4 Process Manager 164

6.5 Scheduling Processes 170

6.5.1 cron Utility 171

6.5.2 The at Command 175

Chapter 7 Fault Management 179

7.1 Overview 179

7.2 Fault Notification 181

7.3 Displaying Faults 182

7.4 Repairing Faults 184

7.5 Managing Fault Management Log Files 184

7.5.1 Automatic Log Rotation 185

7.5.2 Manual Log Rotation 186

7.5.3 Log Rotation Failures 187

7.5.4 Examining Historical Log Files 188

7.6 Managing fmd and fmd Modules 188

7.6.1 Loading and Unloading Modules 189

7.6.2 fmd Statistics 191

7.6.3 Configuration Files 192

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7.7 Fault Management Directories 193

7.8 Solaris Fault Management Downloadable Resources 193

7.8.1 Solaris FMA Demo Kit 193

7.8.2 Events Registry 194

Chapter 8 Managing Disks 197

8.1 Hard Disk Drive 197

8.2 Disk Terminology 199

8.3 Disk Device Naming Conventions 200

8.3.1 Specifying the Disk Subdirectory in Commands 202

8.4 Overview of Disk Management 202

8.4.1 Device Driver 202

8.4.2 Disk Labels (VTOC or EFI) 203

8.4.3 Disk Slices 205

8.4.4 Slice Arrangements on Multiple Disks 207

8.4.5 Partition Table 208

8.4.6 format Utility 210

8.4.7 format Menu and Command Descriptions 211

8.4.8 Partition Menu 213

8.4.9 x86: fdisk Menu 214

8.4.10 Analyze Menu 215

8.4.11 Defect Menu 217

8.5 Disk Management Procedures 217

8.5.1 How to Identify the Disks on a System 218

8.5.2 How to Determine If a Disk Is Formatted 218

8.5.3 How to Format a Disk 219

8.5.4 How to Identify a Defective Sector by Performing a

Surface Analysis 221

8.5.5 How to Repair a Defective Sector 222

8.5.6 How to Display the Partition Table or Slice

Information 223

8.5.7 Creating Disk Slices (Partitioning a Disk) and

Labeling a Disk 224

8.5.8 Creating a File System On a Disk 228

8.5.9 Additional Commands to Manage Disks 229

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Contents xi

Chapter 9 Managing Devices 235

9.1 Solaris Device Driver Introduction 235

9.2 Analyzing Lack of Device Support 236

9.2.1 Device Does Not Work 236

9.2.2 Obtaining Information About Devices 236

9.2.3 Obtaining Information About Drivers 241

9.2.4 Does the Device Have a Driver? 248

9.2.5 Current Driver Does Not Work 250

9.2.6 Can a Driver for a Similar Device Work? 250

9.3 Installing and Updating Drivers 251

9.3.1 Backing Up Current Functioning Driver Binaries 251

9.3.2 Package Installations 252

9.3.3 Install Time Updates 252

9.3.4 Manual Driver Binary Installation 253

9.3.5 Adding a Device Driver to a Net Installation Image 256

9.3.6 Adding a Device Driver to a CD/DVD

Installation Image 262

9.3.7 Swapping Disks 263

9.4 When Drivers Hang or Panic the System 266

9.4.1 Device Driver Causes the System to Hang 266

9.4.2 Device Driver Causes the System to Panic 268

9.4.3 Device Driver Degrades System Performance 269

9.5 Driver Administration Commands and Files 270

9.5.1 Driver Administration Command Summary 270

9.5.2 Driver Administration File Summary 272

Chapter 10 Solaris Networking 275

10.1 Introduction to Network Configuration 275

10.1.1 Overview of the TCP/IP Networking Stack 275

10.1.2 Configuring the Network as Superuser 277

10.2 Setting Up a Network 277

10.2.1 Components of the XYZ, Inc. Network 277

10.2.2 Configuring the Sales Domain 280

10.2.3 Configuring the Accounting Domain 283

10.2.4 Configuring the Multihomed Host 288

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10.2.5 Setting Up a System for Static Routing 296

10.2.6 Configuring the Corporate Domain 300

10.2.7 Testing the Network Configuration 302

10.3 Monitoring Network Performance 304

10.3.1 dladm Command 304

10.3.2 ifconfig Command 305

10.3.3 netstat Command 305

10.3.4 snoop Command 307

10.3.5 traceroute Command 308

Chapter 11 Solaris User Management 309

11.1 Solaris Users, Groups, and Roles 309

11.1.1 File System Object Permissions 310

11.1.2 User Account Components 312

11.1.3 User Management Tools 313

11.1.4 User Management Files 313

11.2 Managing Users and Groups 314

11.2.1 Starting the Solaris Management Console 314

11.2.2 Adding a Group and a User to Local Files 315

11.2.3 Adding a Group and a User to an NIS Domain 317

11.3 Managing Roles 318

11.3.1 Changing root from a User to a Role 318

11.3.2 Viewing the List of Roles 319

11.3.3 Assigning a Role to a Local User 319

Chapter 12 Solaris Zones 321

12.1 Overview 321

12.2 How Zones Work 323

12.3 Branded Zones 324

12.4 Network Interfaces in Zones 324

12.5 Devices in Zones 325

12.6 Packages and Patches in a Zones Environment 325

12.7 Administering Zones 326

12.7.1 Zone Configuration 327

12.7.2 Viewing a Zone Configuration 331

12.7.3 Zone Installation and Booting 331

12.7.4 Zone Login Using the zlogin Command 332

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12.8 Halting, Uninstalling, Moving, and Cloning Zones 333

12.9 Migrating a Zone to a New System 334

12.10 Deleting a Zone 336

12.11 Listing the Zones on a System 336

12.12 Zones Usage Examples 337

12.12.1 Adding a Dedicated Device to a Non-Global Zone 337

12.12.2 How to Export Home Directories in the Global Zone

into a Non-Global Zone 337

12.12.3 Altering Privileges in a Non-Global Zone 337

12.12.4 Checking the Status of SMF Services 338

12.12.5 Modifying CPU, Swap, and Locked Memory Caps

in Zones 338

12.12.6 Using the Dtrace Program in a Non-Global Zone 339

Chapter 13 Using Naming Services 341

13.1 Using Naming Services (DNS, NIS, AND LDAP) 341

13.1.1 Naming Service Cache Daemon (nscd) 342

13.1.2 DNS Naming Services 342

13.1.3 NIS Naming Services 342

13.1.4 LDAP Naming Services 343

13.1.5 Organizational Use of Naming Services 343

13.1.6 Network Database Sources 344

13.2 Name Service Switch File 347

13.2.1 Configuring the Name Service Switch File 347

13.2.2 Database Status and Actions 349

13.3 DNS Setup and Configuration 350

13.3.1 Resolver Files 350

13.3.2 Steps DNS Clients Use to Resolve Names 350

13.4 NIS Setup and Configuration 351

13.4.1 Setting Up NIS Clients 351

13.4.2 Working with NIS Maps 352

13.5 LDAP Setup and Configuration 356

13.5.1 Initializing a Client Using Per-User Credentials 357

13.5.2 Configuring an LDAP Client 359

13.5.3 Using Profiles to Initialize an LDAP Client 362

13.5.4 Using Proxy Credentials to Initialize an LDAP Client 362

13.5.5 Initializing an LDAP Client Manually 363

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13.5.6 Modifying a Manual LDAP Client Configuration 363

13.5.7 Troubleshooting LDAP Client Configuration 364

13.5.8 Uninitializing an LDAP Client 364

13.5.9 Initializing the Native LDAP Client 364

13.5.10 LDAP API Entry Listings 368

13.5.11 Troubleshooting Name Service Information 368

Chapter 14 Solaris Print Administration 369

14.1 Overview of the Solaris Printing Architecture 369

14.2 Key Concepts 370

14.2.1 Printer Categories (Local and Remote Printers) 370

14.2.2 Printer Connections (Directly Attached and

Network Attached) 370

14.2.3 Description of a Print Server and a Print Client 371

14.3 Solaris Printing Tools and Services 371

14.3.1 Solaris Print Manager 371

14.3.2 LP Print Service 371

14.3.3 PostScript Printer Definitions File Manager 372

14.4 Network Protocols 372

14.4.1 Berkeley Software Distribution Protocol 372

14.4.2 Transmission Control Protocol 372

14.4.3 Internet Printing Protocol 373

14.4.4 Server Message Block Protocol 373

14. 5 Planning for Printer Setup 373

14. 5.1 Print Server Requirements 373

14. 5.2 Locating Information About Supported Printers 374

14. 5.3 Locating Information About Available PPD Files 375

14. 5.4 Adding a New PPD File to the System 375

14. 5.5 Adding Printers in a Naming Service 377

14. 5.6 Printer Support in the Naming Service Switch 377

14. 5.7 Enabling Network Listening Services 378

14.6 Setting Up Printers with Solaris Printer Manager 379

14.6.1 Assigning Printer Definitions 379

14.6.2 Starting Solaris Print Manager 380

14.6.3 Setting Up a New Directly Attached Printer With

Solaris Print Manager 381

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14.6.4 Setting Up a New Network-Attached Printer with

Solaris Print Manager 381

14.7 Setting Up a Printer on a Print Client with Solaris

Print Manager 385

14.7.1 Adding Printer Access With Solaris

Print Manager 385

14.8 Administering Printers by Using LP Print

Commands 385

14.8.1 Frequently Used LP Print Commands 386

14.8.2 Using the lpstat Command 386

14.8.3 Disabling and Enabling Printers 387

14.8.4 Accepting or Rejecting Print Requests 387

14.8.5 Canceling a Print Request 388

14.8.6 Moving Print Requests from One Printer to

Another Printer 389

14.8.7 Deleting a Printer 390

14.9 Troubleshooting Printing Problems 392

14.9.1 Troubleshooting No Output (Nothing Prints) 392

14.9.2 Checking That the Print Scheduler Is Running 393

14.9.3 Debugging Printing Problems 393

14.9.4 Checking the Printer Network Connections 394

Index 395

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

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From the Library of Daniel Johnson



Solaris10 System Administration Essentials

Solaris10 System Administration Essentials is the centerpiece of the new series

on Solaris system administration. It covers all of the breakthrough features of

the Solaris 10 operating system in one place. Other books in the series, such as

Solaris10 Security Essentials and Solaris10 ZFS Essentials, cover specific

features and aspects of the Solaris OS in detail.

Solaris10 System Administration Essentials is the most comprehensive book

about Solaris 10 on the market. It covers the significant features introduced with

the initial release of Solaris 10 and the features, like ZFS, introduced in subsequent


The Solaris OS has a long history of innovation. The Solaris 10 OS is a watershed

release that includes features such as:

_ Zones/Containers, which provide application isolation and facilitate server


_ ZFS, the file system that provides a new approach to managing your data

with an easy administration interface

_ The Fault Management Architecture, which automates fault detection

and resolution

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

xviii Preface

_ The Service Management Facility, a unified model for services and service

management on every Solaris system

_ Dynamic Tracing (DTrace), for troubleshooting OS and application problems

on production systems in real time

The Solaris 10 OS fully supports 32-bit and 64-bit x86 platforms as well as the

SPARC architecture.

This book is the work of the engineers, architects, and writers who conceptualized

the services, wrote the procedures, and coded the rich set of Solaris features.

These authors bring a wide range of industry and academic experience to the business

of creating and deploying operating systems. These are the people who know

Solaris 10 best. They have collaborated to write a book that speaks to readers who

want to learn Solaris or who want to use Solaris for the first time in their companys

or their own environment. Readers do not have to be experienced Solaris

users or operating system developers to take advantage of this book.

The books key topics include:

_ Installing, booting, and shutting down a system

_ Managing packages and patches (software updates)

_ Controlling system processes

_ Managing disks and devices

_ Managing users

_ Configuring networks

_ Using printing services

Books in the Solaris System Administration Series

Solaris10 Security Essentials

Solaris10 Security Essentials describes how to make Solaris installations secure

and configure the operating system to the particular needs of an environment,

whether the systems are on the edge of the Internet or running a data center. It

does so in a straightforward way that makes a seemingly arcane subject accessible

to system administrators at all levels.

Solaris10 Security Essentials begins with two stories that highlight the

evolution of security in UNIX systems and the particular strengths that Sun

Microsystems has added to the Solaris operating system that make it the best

choice for meeting the present-day challenges to robust and secure computing.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

Preface xix

Solaris10 ZFS Essentials

Solaris10 ZFS Essentials presents the revolutionary Zettabyte File System

introduced in Solaris 10. It is a file system that is elegant in its simplicity and the

ease with which it allows system administrators to manage data and storage.

ZFS is an all-purpose file system that is built on top of a pool of storage devices.

File systems that are created from a storage pool share space with the other file

systems in the pool. Administrators do not have to allocate storage space based on

the intended size of a file system because file systems grow automatically within

the space that is allocated to the storage pool. When new storage devices are

added, all file systems in the pool can immediately use the additional space.

Intended Audience

The books in the Solaris System Administration Series can benefit anyone who

wants to learn more about the Solaris 10 operating system. They are written to be

particularly accessible to system administrators who are new to Solaris, and

people who are perhaps already serving as administrators in companies running

Linux, Windows, and/or other UNIX systems.

If you are not presently a practicing system administrator but want to become

one, then this series, starting with the Solaris10 System Administration Essentials,

provides an excellent introduction. In fact, most of the examples used in the

books are suited to or can be adapted to small learning environments like a home

setup. Even before you venture into corporate system administration or deploy

Solaris 10 in your existing IT installation, these books will help you experiment in

a small test environment.


In June 2005, Sun Microsystems introduced OpenSolaris, a fully functional Solaris

operating system release built from open source. While the books in this series

focus on Solaris 10, they often incorporate aspects of OpenSolaris. Now that

Solaris has been open-sourced, its evolution has accelerated even beyond its normally

rapid pace. The authors of this series have often found it interesting to introduce

features or nuances that are new in OpenSolaris. At the same time, many of

the enhancements introduced into OpenSolaris are finding their way into Solaris

10. Whether you are learning Solaris 10 or already have an eye on OpenSolaris,

the books in this series are for you.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

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From the Library of Daniel Johnson


About the Authors

This book benefits from the contributions of numerous experts in Solaris technologies.

Below are brief biographies of each of the contributing authors.

David Bustos is a Senior Engineer in the Solaris SMF team. During seven years

at Sun, he implemented a number of pieces of the SMF system for Solaris 10 and

is now designing and implementing enhanced SMF profiles, which is a major revision

of the SMF configuration subsystem. David graduated from the California

Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2002.

Stephanie Brucker is a Senior Technical Writer who enjoys documenting networking

features for system administrators and end users. Stephanie worked for

Sun Microsystems for over twenty years, writing tasks and conceptual information

for the Solaris operating system. She has written Wikipedia and print articles

on computer networking topics, as well as articles on ethnic dance for specialty

magazines. Stephanie lives in San Francisco, California. She has a Bachelor of

Fine Arts degree in Technical Theater from Ohio University.

Raoul Carag is a Technical Writer at Sun. He belongs to the System Administration

writers group and documents networking features of the Solaris OS. He has

been involved in projects that enhance network administration such as IP observability,

rearchitected multipathing, and network virtualization.

Penelope Cotten is a Technical Writer at Sun Microsystems, working on Solaris

Zones/Containers and the Sun xVM hypervisor.

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xxii About the Authors

Scott Davenport has been at Sun for eleven years, the last five of which have

been focused on fault management. He is a leader of the OpenSolaris FM Community

( and issues periodic musings

about fault management via his blog (

Scott lives in San Diego, California.

Alta Elstad is a Technical Writer at Sun Microsystems, working on device drivers

and other Solaris and OpenSolaris operating system features.

Eric Erickson is a Technical Writer and a professor of English at Mt. San Antonio

College, Walnut, California. He has a Master of Fine Arts degree in English from

the University of Iowa.

Juanita Heieck is a Senior Technical Writer in the Sun Learning Services organization

at Sun Microsystems. She writes basic and advanced system administration

documentation for a wide range of Solaris features including booting,

networking, and printing.

Puneet Jain works as a developer at Sun Microsystems in the Diagnostics

Engineering Group. He works on design and development of system-level diagnostics

using C on Solaris. These diagnostics are used across all the Sun hardware

products during engineering, manufacturing, and field usage. His major

responsibilities include developing new diagnostics and enhancing the existing

diagnostics in I/O space to ensure that Sun Systems shipped to the customers

are of the highest quality. For his academic and leadership excellence, he has

been awarded with the Gold Medal from his college and The Best Student of

State Award, 2006 from the Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), New

Delhi. Puneet lives in Bangalore with his parents, Mr. Surendra Kumar Jain

and Ms. Memo Jain. His father likes writing poems in his spare time and

Puneet enjoys listening to his fathers poems in his spare time.

Narendra Kumar.S.S earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering

and Master of Science in Software Systems. He has over ten years of experience

and has worked in varied areas such as networking, telecom, embedded systems,

and Operating Systems. He has worked for Sun for the last four years. Initially he

joined the Solaris Install team and later was moved to the Solaris Sustaining

team. Currently he is responsible for sustaining the sysidtools part of the Solaris

Install. He is based in Bangalore and lives with his wife, Rukmini, and daughters,

Harshitha and Vijetha.

James Liu is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun. He joined Sun in 1995 and has

helped countless ISVs and IHVs to develop Solaris and Java software. James has a

broad range of expertise in UNIX, Java, compilers, networking, security, systems

administration, and applications architecture. He holds multiple software patents

in performance tuning, bug management, multimedia distribution, and financial

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

About the Authors xxiii

derivatives risk management. Prior to coming to Sun, James did research in

inertial confinement fusion, and then worked as a consultant building trading- and

risk-management systems in the Tokyo financial markets. James holds a Bachelor

of Science and Doctorate of Philosophy from UC Berkeley in Nuclear Engineering,

specializing in Shockwave Analysis and Computational Physics. At present, James

is a kernel engineer helping IHVs write device drivers. In his spare time, he likes

to blog about how to build cheap Solaris x86 boxes.

Alan Maguire is a Software Engineer at Sun Microsystems. He has ten years of

experience in Solariscovering both test and product developmentprimarily

focused on networking components in the Solaris Operating System. These include

the open-source Quagga routing protocol suite, the Network Auto-Magic technology,

and the Service Management Facility (SMF). He graduated with a Bachelor of

Science in Computer Science and obtained a Master of Science in Cognitive

Science from University College, Dublin, Ireland.

Cathleen Reiher is a Senior Technical Writer at Sun Microsystems. She has over

seventeen years of experience working with and writing about the Solaris operating

system. Her work is primarily focused on helping system administrators and

developers to effectively use Sun technologies to support their endeavors. She

graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics from the University of

California, Los Angeles.

Vidya Sakar is a Staff Engineer in the Data Technologies group of Solaris

Revenue Product Engineering. Vidya Sakar has about ten years of technical and

management experience in Solaris Sustaining and Engineering. During this period

he has worked on different file systems, volume managers, and various kernel subsystems.

He was a part of the team that ported the ZFS file system to Solaris 10

and has delivered talks on Internals of file systems at various universities in India

and at technology conferences. He is a Kepner Tregoe certified Analytic Trouble

Shooting (ATS) program leader and has facilitated on-site trouble-shooting sessions

at customer sites.

Michael Schuster earned his degree (Diplom-Ingenieur) at the Technische

Universit in Vienna in 1994. Since the early 1990s, he has been working with

and on UNIX systems, mainly Solaris, but also HP-UX and AIX. After several

years of software engineering work in Austria, Michael moved to Munich to

join Sun Microsystems Services organization, where he specialized in kernel

internals-related work and performance analysis. He joined the Solaris Engineering

group in late 2006, where he currently works in the networking team, and

moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in early 2007.

Lynne Thompson is a Senior Technical Writer who has written about the Solaris

operating system for more than fourteen years. She is a twenty-year veteran of

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

xxiv About the Authors

writing about UNIX and other technologies. To enhance the understanding of

Solaris for system administrators and developers, she has written extensively

about Solaris installation, upgrading, and patching, as well as many Solaris

features related to installing, such as ZFS, booting, Solaris Zones, and RAID-1

volumes. Lynne is a contributor to OpenSolaris. She has a Master of Arts in

English (Writing). When shes not learning and writing about technology, Lynne

is traveling, designing art-jewelry, or tutoring reading for people with learning


Sowmini Varadhan is a Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems in the Solaris

Networking group. For the last nine years, she has been participating in the implementation

and improvements of routing and networking protocols in the Solaris

TCP/IP stack. Prior to working at Sun, Sowmini was at DEC/Compaq, working on

Routing and IPv6 protocols in the Tru64 kernel, and on Sun RPC interfaces at

Parametric Technology Corp.

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Installing the Solaris 10

Operating System

The chapter explores the key methods for installing and updating the Solaris operating

system. It takes the reader from simple installation on a single system

through the options for installing and upgrading systems in a networked environment

where multiple machines can be managed automatically.

1.1 Methods to Meet Your Needs

The Solaris 10 operating system offers a rich installation experience with a number

of options to meet the needs of a variety of users and environments. The

Solaris OS can be installed easily on a single system using a CD or DVD, it can be

installed over a network, update installations can be performed while the system

is running without interruption, and installation on multiple machines can be performed

hands-free with JumpStart. You can even clone a system for installation on

other machines using the Solaris Flash archive feature.

The first thing a new Solaris user needs is the DVD or an image of the DVD

from which the Solaris OS can be installed. The DVD image can be downloaded

from Once you have downloaded

that image, you can burn an ISO format disk image and then install that

image on one or more systems. This method provides a simple GUI installation

process, though you can always use the text-based installation interface.

It is not necessary to create a DVD, though. You can install the Solaris OS

directly from the image you downloaded. That can be done from the image stored

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2 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

on the machine you wish to install on or from another system in the network of

which your target system is a part.

When you get to installing multiple machines, you will want something more

versatile than a DVD, which must be carried to each machine. A network-based

installation is obviously a useful alternative. You can use all of the Solaris installation

methods to install a system from the network. You can point each machine at

the installation image on the network and install almost as if you had inserted a

DVD. However, by installing systems from the network with the Solaris Flash

installation feature or with a custom JumpStart installation, you can centralize

and automate the installation process in a larger environment.

An upgrade installation overwrites the systems disk with the new version of the

Solaris OS. If your system is not running the Solaris OS, then you must perform

an initial installation.

If the system is already running the Solaris OS, then you can choose to perform

an initial installation. If you want to preserve any local modifications, then you

must back up the local modifications before you install. After you complete the

installation, you can restore the local modifications.

You can use any of the Solaris installation methods to perform an initial


To upgrade the Solaris OS, there are three methods: standard installation, custom

JumpStart, and Solaris Live Upgrade. When you upgrade using the standard

installation procedure or JumpStart, the system maintains as many existing configuration

parameters as possible of the current Solaris OS. Solaris Live Upgrade

creates a copy of the current system. This copy can be upgraded with a standard

upgrade. The upgraded Solaris OS can then be switched to become the current system

by a simple reboot. If a failure occurs, then you can switch back to the original

Solaris OS with a reboot. Solaris Live Upgrade enables you to keep your system

running while you upgrade and enables you to switch back and forth between

Solaris OS releases.

1.2 The Basics of Solaris Installation

Many terms and options make Solaris widely configurable for the large installbase

administrator; however, a basic understanding of these terms and options will

help an administrator installing even a single instance of Solaris get all that one

can from their system.

When you start off small with only a single system to install, the GUI and

console mode text installers are the simplest ways to install a single instance

of the Solaris OS. Because Solaris systems are optimized for networking, this

installation method focuses on setting up network parameters and file sharing

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identification to accommodate user home directories on numerous Solaris systems

in the network.

The minimum memory requirement for installing Solaris is 128MB. The recommended

size is 256MB. If you install with the GUI installer, then you need 512MB.

If the system has less than 384MB, then the text installer will be used automatically.

These limits change slightly between the SPARC and x86 architectures (see

Table 1.1).

In a single-system install installation, the primary objective is to get the system

to boot up usably. This means specifying which of the system network interfaces

should be used as the primary interface for network traffic, and nowadays

even which version of the Internet Protocol to use (IPv4 or IPv6) needs be specified.

After figuring out which protocol to use, you need to specify how large the

machines network segment or subnet is and a default route for traffic destined

for another subnet. Solaris has support for Kerberos authentication and credential

support; if you wish to set it up, then you can do that at install as well. One of

the last network services to set up is the naming service to be used for mapping

hostnames to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Solaris supports the Network

Information Service (NIS), the no longer recommended NIS+, the Lightweight

Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and the Domain Name System (DNS). During

installation, only one service can be specified. Each service requires specific

information for setup (see Chapter 13, Using Naming Services). In the home or

small business case, DNS will be used because it requires only a DNS server IP

address. Lastly, for network configuration, NFS version 4 now supports domain

Table 1.1 Memory Requirements for Solaris Install Display Options





Type of



128383 MB 256511 MB Text-based Contains no graphics, but provides a window and

the ability to open other windows.

If you install by using the text boot option and

the system has enough memory, you are installing

in a windowing environment. If you are

installing remotely through a tip line or using

the nowin boot option, you are limited to the

console-based installation.

384 MB or


512 MB GUI-based Provides windows, pull-down menus, buttons,

scrollbars, and iconic images.

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4 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

based identification, so you can configure which domain to use, if necessary

(see Section 5.4, NFS File System Administration, for more info).

After you specify the network settings, the installation program focuses on system

configuration. First, you specify the date and time, a root user password (also

known as an administrator password), and the last networking question about

whether the system should be Secure by Default. Solaris Secure by Default provides

security for the system without requiring you to do a lot of configuration or

know a lot about security. See Solaris Security Essentials in the Solaris System

Administration series for more information about Secure by Default and the many

other security features of the Solaris OS.

Packaging and package metaclusters (also known as Software Groups) are a key

idea in a Solaris installation. You must specify the parts of Solaris to be installed

or specifically left off a system. Package metaclusters are designed as groups of

packages for designating a systems intended use after installation. In this day of

big disks, it is recommended that you install the Entire Distribution plus OEM

support metacluster. However, you can use the customize feature in the GUI or

text installers to specify which metaclusters are to be installed. Table 1.2 describes

each Software Group and the disk space recommended for installing it.

Table 1.2 Disk Space Recommendations for Software Groups

Software Group Description Recommended

Disk Space

Reduced Network Support

Software Group

Contains the packages that provide the

minimum code that is required to boot

and run a Solaris system with limited network

service support. The Reduced Network

Support Software Group provides a

multi-user text-based console and system

administration utilities. This software

group also enables the system to recognize

network interfaces, but does not activate

network services.

2.0 GB

Core System Support

Software Group

Contains the packages that provide the

minimum code that is required to boot

and run a networked Solaris system.

2.0 GB

End User Solaris Software


Contains the packages that provide the

minimum code that is required to boot

and run a networked Solaris system and a

Desktop Environment.

5.3 GB

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When installing any software, the amount of space it takes up is always a question.

With an operating system another choice is available: the way you would like

to use your systems disk space. Solaris supports several file systems. During

installation, you can choose UFS, the traditional file system for Solaris; or ZFS, the

new and future file system for Solaris. ZFS is usually the best option. See

Chapter 5, Solaris File Systems, for more information on file systems. Selecting

ZFS over UFS will change how much control you have during installation for laying

out disks, but ZFS is more flexible after an install.

If ZFS is selected as the systems boot file system, then you can choose the size

of the root pool (or storage space available) and the space set aside for system swap

and memory dump locations. Also, you may opt for separate root (/) and /var

datasets to make quota enforcement easier, or you can choose a monolithic dataset.

If UFS is selected as the systems boot file system, then there are more choices

you need think about during installation. UFS is less flexible once the system is

installed. There is, however, an automatic layout option that enables you to pick

which directories should live on their own file systems versus which should reside

on the root file system. Where such large disks are available today, it is only recommended

to select swap to be separate unless the system will otherwise have specific

security or application requirements.

Developer Solaris

Software Group

Contains the packages for the End User

Solaris Software Group plus additional

support for software development. The

additional software development support

includes libraries, include files,” “man

pages, and programming tools.

Compilers are not included.

6.6 GB

Entire Solaris Software


Contains the packages for the Developer

Solaris Software Group and additional

software that is needed for servers.

6.7 GB

Entire Solaris Software

Group Plus OEM


Contains the packages for the Entire

Solaris Software Group plus additional

hardware drivers, including drivers for

hardware that is not on the system at the

time of installation.

6.8 GB

Table 1.2 Disk Space Recommendations for Software Groups (continued )

Software Group Description Recommended

Disk Space

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6 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

1.2.1 Installing Solaris on a SPARC System

These steps for SPARC and x86 differ slightly. We will first see how Solaris is

installed on a SPARC system.

1. Insert the Solaris 10 operating system for SPARC platforms DVD.

2. Boot the system.

_ If the system is already running, execute init 0 to halt it.

_ If the system is new, then simply turn it on.

3. When the OK prompt is displayed, type boot cdrom.

4. When installation begins, you are asked to select a language. Select a language

and hit Enter.

After a few moments the Solaris Installation Program Welcome Screen

appears. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 show the graphical and text versions of those


5. Click Next to start entering the system configuration information.

Figure 1.1 Solaris Installation Program Welcome Screen (GUI)

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After getting all the configuration information, the Solaris Installation Screen

appears (see Figure 1.3).

After this the actual installation related questions will be asked. What follows

are the questions that typically will be asked:

1. Decide if you want to reboot the system automatically and if you want to

automatically eject the disc.

2. The Specify Media screen appears. Specify the media you are using to


3. The License panel appears. Accept the license agreement to continue the


4. The Select Upgrade or Initial Install screen appears. Decide if you want to

perform an initial installation or an upgrade.

5. When you are prompted to select initial installation or upgrade, choose Initial


Figure 1.2 Solaris Text Installer Welcome Screen

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8 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

6. Fill in the sequence of screens that ask for information about the system

configuration after installation. See Table 1.3 at the end of the chapter for a

checklist of information you need on these installation screens.

After you provide all the necessary information on the installation, the Ready to

Install screen appears as in Figure 1.4.

Click the Install Now button to start the installation.

When the Solaris installation program finishes installing the Solaris software,

the system reboots automatically or prompts you to reboot manually (this depends

on what you selected initially).

If you are installing additional products, then you are prompted to insert the

DVD or CD for those products. After the installation is finished, installation logs

are saved in a file. You can find the installation logs in the /var/sadm/system/

logs and /var/sadm/install/logs directories.

If you are performing an initial installation, then the installation is complete.

You can reboot the system.

If you are upgrading to a new version of Solaris operating system, then you

might need to correct some local modifications that were not preserved. Review the

contents of the upgrade_cleanup file located at /a/var/sadm/system/data to

determine whether you need to correct local modifications that the Solaris installation

program could not preserve. Then you can reboot the system.

Figure 1.3 Welcome to Solaris Installation Screen

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1.2.2 Installing Solaris on an x86 System

As mentioned, the installation for an x86 system differs slightly from a SPARC

Solaris installation.

On an x86 system, when the booting starts, go inside the BIOS (by selecting F2)

and change the booting sequence by selecting CD/DVD to boot first. Check

your hardware documentations to learn how to enter BIOS and make changes.

After making the changes, save and come out. Now, the system will boot with the

x86 Solaris 10 Operating System media placed in the disk drive.

The first screen to appear is the GRUB menu:

Figure 1.4 Solaris Installation Ready to Install Screen

GNU GRUB version 0.95 (631K lower / 2095488K upper memory)


| Solaris |

| Solaris Serial Console ttya |

| Solaris Serial Console ttyb (for lx50, v60x and v65x) |

| |

| |


Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.

Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the

commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.

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10 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

1. Select the appropriate installation option.

_ If you want to install the Solaris OS from CD or DVD on your current

system, then select Solaris.

Select this option if you want to install the system using the default


_ If you want to install the Solaris OS and send the screen output to serial

console ttya (COM1), then select Solaris Serial Console ttya.

Select this option if you want to change the system display to a device

that is connected to serial port COM1.

_ If you want to install the Solaris OS and send the screen output to serial

console ttyb (COM2), then select Solaris Serial Console ttyb.

Select this option if you want to change the system display to a device

that is connected to serial port COM2.

_ You might want to use specific boot arguments to customize the system

configuration during the installation.

On the GRUB menu, select the installation option you want to edit and

then press Enter.

Boot commands that are similar to the following text are displayed in

the GRUB menu.

2. Use the arrow keys to select the boot entry that you want to edit and again

press Enter.

The boot command that you want to edit is displayed in the GRUB edit window.

3. Edit the command by typing the boot arguments or options you want to use.

The command syntax for the Grub edit menu is as follows.

4. To go back to the GRUB menu, press Enter.

The GRUB menu is displayed. The edits you made to the boot command

are displayed.

5. To begin the installation, type b in the GRUB menu.

The Solaris installation program checks the default boot disk for the

requirements to install or upgrade the system. If the Solaris installation

cannot detect the system configuration, the program prompts you for any

missing information.

kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_media=cdrom

module /boot/x86.miniroot

grub edit>kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix/ \

install [url|ask] -B options install_media=media_type

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When the check is completed, the installation selection screen is displayed.

Select an installation type.

The installation selection screen displays the following options:

To install the Solaris OS, choose from the following options.

_ To install with the Solaris interactive installation GUI, type 1, then press


_ To install with the interactive text installer in a desktop session, type 3, then

press Enter. You can also type b - text at the prompt.

Select this installation type to override the default GUI installer and run

the text installer.

_ To install with the interactive text installer in a console session, type 4, then

press Enter. You can also type b - text at the prompt.

Select this installation type to override the default GUI installer and run

the text installer.

The system configures the devices and interfaces and searches for configuration

files. The kdmconfig utility detects the drivers that are necessary to configure the

keyboard, display, and mouse on your system. The installation program begins.

If you want to perform system administration tasks before your installation,

choose from the following options.

_ To update drivers or install an install time update (ITU), insert the update

media, type 5, and then press Enter.

You might need to update drivers or install an ITU to enable the Solaris

OS to run on your system. Follow the instructions for your driver update or

ITU to install the update.

_ To perform system administration tasks, type 6, then press Enter.

You might want to launch a single user shell if you need to perform any

system administration tasks on your system before you install.

Select the type of installation you want to perform:

1 Solaris Interactive

2 Custom JumpStart

3 Solaris Interactive Text (Desktop session)

4 Solaris Interactive Text (Console session)

5 Apply driver updates

6 Single user shell

Enter the number of your choice followed by the key.

Alternatively, enter custom boot arguments directly.

If you wait 30 seconds without typing anything,

an interactive installation will be started.

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12 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

After you perform these system administration tasks, the previous list of

options is displayed. Select the appropriate option to continue the installation.

Decide if you need to modify the configuration settings.

If you do not need to modify the configuration settings, then let the Window System

Configuration for Installation screen time out.

If you need to modify the configuration settings, then follow these steps.

1. Press the ESC key. (Note that you must press the ESC key within five seconds

to interrupt the installation and modify device settings.)

The kdmconfig Introduction screen is displayed.

2. Examine the configuration information on the kdmconfig View and Edit

Window System Configuration screen and determine which devices you need

to edit.

3. Select the device you want to change and press F2_Continue.

4. Select the appropriate driver for the device and press F2_Continue.

5. Repeat the steps for each device you need to change.

6. When you are finished, select No changes needed Test/Save and Exit and

press F2_Continue.

7. The kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test screen appears. Press


The screen refreshes and the kdmconfig Window System Configuration

Test palette and pattern screen appears. Move the pointer and examine the

colors that are shown on the palette to ensure that they are displayed


If the colors are not displayed accurately, click No. If possible, press

any key on the keyboard or wait until kdmconfig exits the kdmconfig

Window System Configuration Test screen automatically. Repeat the steps


If the kdmconfig utility cannot detect the video driver for your system, the kdmconfig

utility selects the 640x480 VGA driver. The Solaris installation GUI cannot be displayed with

the 640x480 VGA driver. As a result, the Solaris installation text installer is displayed. To use

the Solaris installation GUI, use the kdmconfig utility to select the correct video driver for

your system.

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until the colors are displayed accurately and you can move the pointer as


If the colors are displayed accurately, then click Yes.

8. After a few seconds, the Select a Language screen is displayed. Select the language

you want to use during the installation, and press Enter.

After this, the screens and the steps are the same as those for the SPARC based

Solaris Installer.

1.3 Solaris JumpStart Installation

The custom JumpStart installation method is a command line interface that enables

you to automatically install or upgrade several systems based on profiles that you

create. The profiles define specific software installation requirements. You can also

incorporate shell scripts to include preinstallation and postinstallation tasks. You

choose which profile and scripts to use for installation or upgrade. The custom

JumpStart installation method installs or upgrades the system, based on the profile

and scripts that you select. Also, you can use a sysidcfg file to specify configuration

information so that the custom JumpStart installation is completely hands-off.

The key features of JumpStart install can be summarized as follows:

_ Useful for unattended installation of Solaris

_ Supports multiple OS releases

_ Supports both Sparc and Intel based processors

_ Supports multiple configurations for hosts based on a variety of criteria

_ Allows for customization via pre/postinstall Bourne shell scripts

1.3.1 Setting up a JumpStart Server

The JumpStart Server performs three separate functions, which can be performed

by a single machine or can be spread out across several machines, depending on

user requirements.

_ Boot Server

Uses RARP & BOOTP or DHCP to set the basic network parameters for

the machine.

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14 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

Uses tftp to load a boot kernel to perform the more complex task of mounting

the appropriate directories used to install the Solaris packages.

Boot server must exist on the same network as client (in other words, they

should have the same netmask). Once client has loaded its boot kernel, it

can access an Install server across routers.

_ Install Server

Contains Solaris packages, copied from the Solaris installation CDs or

DVD, to be installed.

Contains a Solaris miniroot, which the client mounts via NFS. The OS

install is performed while running from this miniroot.

Multiple Install servers can be used to distribute the load.

The items mentioned above are together called the Solaris Install


_ Configuration Server

Contains site-specific information used for a custom JumpStart installation.

sysidcfg file used to set basic network configuration; this is needed to

perform an unattended install. A different sysidcfg file is needed for

each architecture and OS release.

Single configuration server can be used to install on multiple clients, which

will be easy to manage.

1.3.2 Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems

When setting up custom JumpStart installations for systems on the network, you

will have to create a directory called a JumpStart directory on the server. The

JumpStart directory contains all of the essential custom JumpStart files, for example,

the rules file, profiles, and pre/postinstall scripts.

The server that contains a JumpStart directory is called a profile server. A profile

server can be on the same system as an install server or a boot server, or the

server can be on a completely different system. A profile server can provide custom

JumpStart files for different platforms. For example, an x86 server can provide

custom JumpStart files for both SPARC based systems and x86 based systems.

The sequence of commands to create a JumpStart directory follows:

1. mkdir -m 755

2. share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0

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3. cp -r <media_path>/Solaris_10/Misc/JumpStart_sample/*

Where, <media_path> is the path to the Solaris Install CD/DVD or

Solaris Install Image on the local disk.

4. Copy the configuration and profile files to this directory.

The next step is to ensure that the systems on the network can have access

to the profile server. The command that comes in handy to get this done is

add_install_client. There are various options for this command. For this

reason, refer to the corresponding man pages to get all of the relevant details. rules and profile file

The rules file is a text file that contains a rule for each group of systems on which

you will install the Solaris OS. Each rule distinguishes a group of systems that are

based on one or more system attributes. Each rule also links each group to a profile.

A profile is a text file that defines how the Solaris software is to be installed

on each system in the group. This rules file will be used to create a rules.ok file,

which will be used during JumpStart. Syntax of the rules File

The rules file must have the following attributes:

_ The file must be assigned the name rules.

_ The file must contain at least one rule.

The rules file can contain any of the following:

_ Commented text

_ Any text that is included after the # symbol on a line is treated by Jump-

Start as a comment. If a line begins with the # symbol, then the entire line is

treated as a comment.

_ One or more blank lines

_ One or more multiline rules

To continue a single rule onto a new line, include a backslash character (\) just

before pressing Return.

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16 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System Creating a rules File

To create a rules file, do the following:

1. Use a text editor to create a text file that is named rules or open the sample

rules file in the JumpStart directory that you created.

2. Add a rule in the rules file for each group of systems on which you want to

install the Solaris software.

A rule within a rules file must adhere to the following syntax:

The following list explains each element of the rules file syntax:

_ The exclamation point (!) is a symbol that is used before a keyword to indicate


_ rule_keyword: A predefined lexical unit or a word that describes a general

system attribute, such as host name (hostname) or memory size (memsize).

rule_keyword is used with the rule value to match a system with the same

attribute to a profile.

_ rule_value: A value that provides the specific system attribute for the

corresponding rule_keyword.

_ &&: A symbol (a logical AND) you must use to join rule keyword and rule

value pairs in the same rule. During a custom JumpStart installation, a system

must match every pair in the rule before the rule matches.

_ begin: The name of an optional Bourne shell script that can be executed before

the installation begins. If no begin script exists, you must type a minus sign ()

in this field. All begin scripts must be located in the JumpStart directory.

Use a begin script to perform one of the following tasks:

_ Create derived profiles

_ Back up files before upgrading

Important information about begin scripts:

_ Do not specify something in the script that would prevent the mounting of file

systems during an initial or upgrade installation. If the JumpStart program

cannot mount the file systems, then an error occurs and installation fails.

!<rule_keyword> <rule_value> <&&> !<rule_keyword> <rule_value>

... <begin> <profile> <finish>

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_ During the installation, output from the begin script is deposited in

/tmp/begin.log. After the installation is completed, the log file is

redirected to /var/sadm/system/logs/begin.log.

_ Ensure that root owns the begin script and that the permissions are set to 644.

_ You can use custom JumpStart environment variables in your begin scripts.

For a list of environment variables, see


_ Save begin scripts in the JumpStart directory.

The name of a text file that defines how the Solaris software is to be installed on

the system when a system matches the rule is the profile. The information in a

profile consists of profile keywords and their corresponding profile values. All profiles

must be located in the JumpStart directory. You can create different profiles

for every rule or the same profile can be used in more than one rule.

A profile consists of one or more profile keywords and their values. Each profile

keyword is a command that controls one aspect of how the JumpStart program is

to install the Solaris software on a system. For example, the following profile keyword

and value specify that the JumpStart program should install the system as a


system_type server Syntax of Profiles

A profile must contain the following:

_ The install_type profile keyword as the first entry

_ One keyword per line

_ The root_device keyword if the systems that are being upgraded by the

profile contain more than one root (/) file system that can be upgraded

A profile can contain the following:

_ Commented text.

Any text that is included after the # symbol on a line is treated by the

JumpStart program as commented text. If a line begins with the # symbol,

the entire line is treated as a comment.

_ One or more blank lines.

From the Library of Daniel Johnson

18 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System Creating a Profile

To create a profile, do the following:

1. Use a text editor to create a text file. Any name can be used as the filename

for a profile file. Sample profile files will be available in the JumpStart directory

that you created.

2. Add profile keywords and values to the profile.

Profile keywords and their values are case sensitive.

3. Save the profile in the JumpStart directory.

4. Ensure that root owns the profile and that the permissions are set to 644.

5. The user can test the profile before using it. Profile Examples

The following two examples show how to use different profile keywords and profile

values to control how the Solaris software is installed on a system.

Adding or Deleting Packages The following listing shows a profile that deletes

a package:

The variable names in the profile have the following meanings:

_ install_type: The install_type keyword is required in every profile.

_ system_type: The system_type keyword indicates that the system is to

be installed as a standalone system.

_ partitioning: The file system slices are determined by the software to be

installed with the value default. The size of swap is set to 512 MB and is

installed on any disk, value any.

_ cluster: The Developer Solaris Software Group, SUNWCprog, is installed

on the system.

# profile keywords profile values

# ---------------- --------------

install_type initial_install

system_type standalone

partitioning default

filesys any 512 swap # specify size of /swap

cluster SUNWCprog

package SUNWman delete

cluster SUNWCacc

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_ package: If the standard man pages are mounted from the file server, s_ref,

on the network, the man page packages are not to be installed on the system.

The packages that contain the System Accounting utilities are selected to be

installed on the system.

Using the fdisk Keyword (for an x86 system) The following listing shows a

profile that uses the fdisk keyword:

The variable names in the profile have the following meanings:

_ fdisk: All fdisk partitions of type DOSOS16 (04 hexadecimal) are deleted

from the c0t0d0 disk.

_ fdisk: A Solaris fdisk partition is created on the largest contiguous free

space on the c0t0d0 disk.

_ cluster: The Entire Distribution Software Group, SUNWCall, is installed

on the system.

_ cluster: The system accounting utilities, SUNWCacc, are not to be installed

on the system. Testing a Profile

After you create a profile, use the pfinstall(1M) command to test the profile. Test

the profile before using it to install or upgrade a system. Testing a profile is especially

useful when it is being used for an upgrade with reallocation of disk space.

By looking at the output that is generated by pfinstall, one can quickly determine

if a profile works as intended. For example, use the profile to determine if a

system has enough disk space to upgrade to a new release of the Solaris software

before performing an upgrade on that system. Profile Test Examples

The following example shows how to use pfinstall to test a profile that is named

basic_prof. The profile is tested against the disk configuration on a system on

# profile keywords profile values

# ---------------- -------------------

install_type initial_install

system_type standalone

fdisk c0t0d0 0x04 delete

fdisk c0t0d0 solaris maxfree

cluster SUNWCall

cluster SUNWCacc delete

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20 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

which the Solaris Express 5/07 software is installed. The basic_prof profile is

located in the /JumpStart directory, and the path to the Solaris Operating System

DVD image is specified because removable media services are being used. Validating the rules File

Before using a profile and rules file, the check script must be used to validate

that the files are set up correctly. If all rules and profiles are correctly set up, the

rules.ok file is created, which is required by the custom JumpStart installation

software to match a system to a profile.

The following steps describe what the check script does.

1. The rules file is checked for syntax.

check verifies that the rule keywords are legitimate and that the begin,

class, and finish fields are specified for each rule. The begin and finish

fields can consist of a minus sign (-) instead of a file name.

2. If no errors are found in the rules file, then each profile that is specified in

the rules is checked for syntax.

3. If no errors are found, then check creates the rules.ok file from the rules

file, removes all comments and blank lines, retains all rules, and adds the following

comment line at the end:

# version=2 checksum=num

Follow these steps to validate a rules file:

1. Ensure that the check script is located in the JumpStart directory.

Note that the check script is in the Solaris_10/Misc/JumpStart_sample

directory on the Solaris Operating System DVD or on the Solaris

Software - 1 CD.

2. Change the directory to the JumpStart directory.

3. Run the check script to validate the rules file:

# ./check -p -r

The -p parameter validates the rules file by using the check script

from the Solaris software image instead of the check script from the system

you are using. path is the Solaris Install Image on a local disk or a mounted

Solaris Operating System DVD/CD.

# cd /JumpStart

# /usr/sbin/install.d/pfinstall -D -c /media/cdrom/pathname basic_prof

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Use this option to run the most recent version of check if your system is

running a previous version of Solaris.

The -r paremeter specifies a rules file other than the one

that is named rules. Using this option, you can test the validity of a rule

before you integrate the rule into the rules file.

As the check script runs, the script reports the checking of the validity of

the rules file and each profile.

If no errors are encountered, then the script displays the following o/p:

The custom JumpStart configuration is ok

4. Ensure that root owns the rules.ok file and that the permissions are set

to 644.

The finish script is an optional Bourne shell script that can be executed after

the installation is completed. If no finish script exists, then you must type a minus

sign () in this field. All finish scripts must be located in the JumpStart directory.

A finish script performs tasks after the Solaris software is installed on a system,

but before the system reboots. You can use finish scripts only when using custom

JumpStart to install Solaris.

Tasks that can be performed with a finish script include the following:

_ Adding files

_ Adding individual packages or patches in addition to the ones that are

installed in a particular software group

_ Customizing the root environment

_ Setting the systems root password

_ Installing additional software Important Information about Finish Scripts

_ The Solaris installation program mounts the systems file systems

on /a. The file systems remain mounted on /a until the system reboots.

A finish script can be used to add, change, or remove files from the

newly installed file system hierarchy by modifying the file systems that

are respective to /a.

During the installation, output from the finish script is deposited in /tmp/

finish.log. After the installation is completed, the log file is redirected

to /var/sadm/system/logs/finish.log.

_ Ensure that root owns the finish script and that the permissions are set

to 644.

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22 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

_ Custom JumpStart environment variables can be used in finish scripts.

_ Save finish scripts in the JumpStart directory. Example of Adding Packages or Patches with a Finish Script

A finish script can be used to automatically add packages or patches after

the Solaris software is installed on a system. Note that, when using the pkgadd(1M)

or patchadd(1M) commands in finish scripts, use the -R option (alternate root) to

specify /a as the alternate root.

1.3.3 Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation

This section describes how to perform a custom JumpStart installation on a

SPARC based or an x86 based system. There are some subtle differences between

the SPARC and x86 systems with regard to the steps to be followed during installation.

So, we are providing all the steps for both the architectures separately. You

should follow the procedures based on the architecture on which the installation is


During a custom JumpStart installation, the JumpStart program attempts to

match the system that is being installed to the rules in the rules.ok file. The

JumpStart program reads the rules from the first rule through the last. A match

occurs when the system that is being installed matches all the system attributes

that are defined in a rule. When a system matches a rule, the JumpStart program

stops reading the rules.ok file and begins to install the system based on the

matched rules profile. SPARC: Performing an Installation or Upgrade With

the Custom JumpStart Program

To perform an installation or upgrade with the custom JumpStart program when

the system is part of a network, follow these steps.

1. Ensure that an Ethernet connector or similar network adapter is attached to

your system.

2. If the system is connected through a tip(1) line, ensure that the console

window display is at least 80 columns wide and 24 rows long. For more

information on tip lines, refer to refer to the tip(1) man page.

To find out the current dimensions of the tip window, use the stty(1)

command. For more information on the stty(1) command refer to the

stty(1) man page.

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3. When using the systems DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive to install the Solaris

software, insert the Solaris Operating System for SPARC Platforms DVD

or the Solaris Software for SPARC Platforms - 1 CD in the drive.

4. When using a profile diskette, insert the profile diskette in the systems

diskette drive.

5. Boot the system.

To perform an installation or upgrade with the custom JumpStart program on a

new system that is out of the box, follow these steps.

1. Turn on the system.

2. To install or upgrade an existing system, shut down the system. At the ok

prompt, type the appropriate options for the boot command. The syntax of

the boot command is the following.

ok boot [cddvd|net] - install [url|ask] options

For example, by typing the following command, the OS is installed over the

network by using a JumpStart profile.

If the system is not preconfigured by using information in the sysidcfg file,

then when prompted, answer the questions about system configuration. Follow the

instructions on the screen to install the software.

When the JumpStart program finishes installing the Solaris software, the system

reboots automatically.

After the installation is finished, installation logs are saved in the following

directories: x86: Performing an Installation or Upgrade With

the Custom JumpStart Program

Use this procedure to install the Solaris OS for an x86 based system with the

GRUB menu. If the system is part of a network, then ensure that an Ethernet connector

or similar network adapter is attached to your system. To install a system

that is connected through a tip(1) line, ensure that your window display is at

least 80 columns wide and 24 rows long.

ok boot net - install



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24 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

To determine the current dimensions of your tip window, use the stty(1)


1. When using a profile diskette, insert the profile diskette in the systems diskette


2. Decide how to boot the system.

_ To boot from the Solaris Operating System DVD or the Solaris Software - 1

CD, insert the disk. Your systems BIOS must support booting from a DVD

or CD.

_ To boot from the network, use Preboot Execution Environment (PXE)

network boot. The system must support PXE. Enable the system to use

PXE by using the systems BIOS setup tool or the network adapters

configuration setup tool.

_ For booting from a DVD or CD, you have the option to change the boot

setting in your systems BIOS and set to boot from DVD or CD media. See

your hardware documentation for instructions.

3. If the system is off, then turn the system on. If the system is on, then reboot

the system.

The GRUB menu is displayed. This menu provides a list of boot entries.

The image_directory is the name of the directory where the installation

image is located. The path to the JumpStart files was defined with the

add_install_client command and the -c option.

GNU GRUB version 0.95 (631K lower / 2095488K upper memory)


|Solaris 10 10/08 image_directory |

|Solaris 10 5/08 Serial Console tty |

|Solaris 10 5/08 Serial Console ttyb (for lx50, v60x and v65) |


Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press

enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before

booting, or 'c' for a command-line.


Instead of booting from the GRUB entry now, one can edit the boot entry. After editing

the GRUB entry, then perform the JumpStart installation.

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4. At the prompt, perform one of the following instructions:

5. To select the custom JumpStart method, type 2 and press Enter.

The JumpStart installation begins.

When the JumpStart program finishes installing the Solaris software, the system

reboots automatically. Also, the GRUB menu.lst file is automatically

updated. The instance of Solaris that you have installed appears in the next use of

the GRUB menu.

After the installation is finished, installation logs are saved in a file. You can

find the installation logs in the following directories:

_ /var/sadm/system/logs

_ /var/sadm/install/logs

1.4 Upgrading a Solaris System

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, there are three methods for upgrading the

Solaris OS: standard installation, custom JumpStart, and Solaris Live Upgrade.

For a UFS file system, you can upgrade a system by using any of these different

upgrade methods. For a ZFS root pool, you must use Solaris Live Upgrade. ZFS

will be the subject of the Live Upgrade section that follows.

Backing up your existing file systems before you upgrade to the Solaris OS is

highly recommended. If you copy file systems to removable media, such as tape,

you can safeguard against data loss, damage, or corruption.

_ For detailed instructions on backing up your system, refer to the Solaris 10

version of the System Administration Guide: Devices and Files Systems at

Select the type of installation you want to perform:

1 Solaris Interactive

2 Custom JumpStart

3 Solaris Interactive Text (Desktop session)

4 Solaris Interactive Text (Console session)

5 Apply driver updates

6 Single User Shell

Enter the number of your choice.

Please make a selection (1-6).

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26 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

_ To back up your system when non-global zones are installed, see the Solaris

10 version of the System Administration Guide: Solaris Containers-Resource

Management and Solaris Zones at

In previous releases, the restart mechanism enabled you to continue an upgrade

after a loss of power or other similar problem. Starting with the Solaris 10 10/08

release, the restart mechanism is unreliable. If you have a problem, then your

upgrade might not restart.

You cannot upgrade your system to a software group that is not installed on the

system. For example, if you previously installed the End User Solaris Software

Group on your system, then you cannot use the upgrade option to upgrade to the

Developer Solaris Software Group. However, during the upgrade you can add software

to the system that is not part of the currently installed software group.

1.5 Solaris Live Upgrade

Solaris Live Upgrade provides a method of upgrading a system while the system

continues to operate. While your current boot environment is running, you can

duplicate the boot environment and then upgrade the duplicate. Or, instead of

upgrading, you can install a Solaris Flash archive on a boot environment. The original

system configuration remains fully functional and unaffected by the upgrade

or installation of an archive. When you are ready, you can activate the new boot

environment by rebooting the system. If a failure occurs, you can quickly revert to

the original boot environment with a simple reboot. This switch eliminates the normal

downtime of the test and evaluation process.

Solaris Live Upgrade enables you to duplicate a boot environment without

affecting the currently running system. You can then do the following:

_ Upgrade a system.

_ Change the current boot environments disk configuration to different file

system types, sizes, and layouts on the new boot environment.

_ Maintain numerous boot environments with different images. For example,

you can create one boot environment that contains current patches and create

another boot environment that contains an Update release.

In this chapter, we will focus on upgrading by creating ZFS root file systems

from an existing ZFS root pool. The ability to boot from a ZFS root pool was introduced

in the Solaris 10 10/08 update.

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When creating a new boot environment within the same ZFS root pool, the

lucreate command creates a snapshot from the source boot environment and

then a clone is made from the snapshot. The creation of the snapshot and clone is

almost instantaneous and the disk space used is minimal. The amount of space

ultimately required depends on how many files are replaced as part of the upgrade

process. The snapshot is read-only, but the clone is a read-write copy of the snapshot.

Any changes made to the clone boot environment are not reflected in either

the snapshot or the source boot environment from which the snapshot was made.

The following example shows the lucreate command creating a new boot environment

in the same root pool. The lucreate command names the currently running

boot environment with the -c zfsBE option, and the -n new-zfsBE

command creates the new boot environment. The zfs list command shows the

ZFS datasets with the new boot environment and snapshot.

After you have created a boot environment, you can perform an upgrade on the

boot environment. The upgrade does not affect any files in the active boot environment.

When you are ready, you activate the new boot environment, which then

becomes the current boot environment.


As promised, this section contains an installation planning checklist (see Table 1.3).

You can find an abundance of further informationreference, procedures, and examples

in the Solaris 10 documentation at For instance, the

Solaris Flash archive feature mentioned previously is not covered in this book, but

you can find all you need to know about it at

# lucreate -c zfsBE -n new-zfsBE

# zfs list


rpool 9.29G 57.6G 20K /rpool

rpool/ROOT 5.38G 57.6G 18K /rpool/ROOT

rpool/ROOT/zfsBE 5.38G 57.6G 551M

rpool/ROOT/zfsBE@new-zfsBE 66.5K - 551M -

rpool/ROOT/new-zfsBE 5.38G 57.6G 551M


rpool/dump 1.95G - 1.95G -

rpool/swap 1.95G - 1.95G -

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28 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

Table 1.3 Solaris Install Initial Install Checklist

Question Asked Description Answer

Network connection Is the system connected to a network? Networked/


DHCP Do you want to use Dynamic Host

Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to

configure network interfaces?


If No is IP Address

selected for Subnet

DHCP, then

static address

is to be



Supply the IP address for the system.

If you are not using DHCP, is the

system part of a subnet?

If yes, what is the netmask of the


Do you want to enable IPv6 on this



Host Name Host name that you choose for the

system. In case of DHCP, this question

is not asked.

Kerberos Do you want to configure Kerberos

security on this machine?

If yes, supply the following


0Default Realm:

1Administration Server:

2First KDC:

3(Optional) Additional KDCs

4The Kerberos service is a client-server

architecture that provides secure transactions

over networks.


Name Service Which name service should this system


A naming service stores information

such as userid, password, groupid, etc.,

in a central place, which enables users,

machines, and applications to communicate

across the network.



NIS+ or NIS Do you want to specify a name server

or let the installation program find


If you want to specify a name server,

provide the following information.

Specify One/Find


Servers host name:

Servers IP Address:

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DNS The domain name system (DNS) is

the name service that the Internet

provides for TCP/IP networks. DNS

provides host names to the IP address

service translation.

Provide IP addresses for the DNS

server. You must enter at least one IP

address (up to three addresses are

allowed) and search domains.

Servers IP Address:

List of search domains:

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

(LDAP) defines a relatively simple protocol

for updating and searching directories

that are running over TCP/IP.

Provide the following information

about your LDAP profile.

Profile Name:

Profile Server:

If you specify a proxy credential level

in your LDAP profile, provide this

information also.

Proxy-bind distinguished name:

Proxy-bind password:

Default Route Do you want to specify a default route

IP address or let the Solaris installation

program find one?

The default route provides a bridge

that forwards traffic between two physical

networks. When the system is

rebooted, the specified IP address

becomes the default route.

Solaris installer can detect the default

route, if the system is on a subnet that

has a router that advertises itself by

using the ICMP router discovery


You can choose None if you do not

have a router or do not want the software

to detect an IP address at this

time. The software automatically tries

to detect an IP address on reboot.

Detect one/

Specify one/None


Table 1.3 Solaris Install Initial Install Checklist (continued )

Question Asked Description Answer

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30 Chapter 1 _ Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System

Time Zone How do you want to specify your

default time zone?

Geographic region

Offset from

GMT Time zone


Root Password Provide the root password for the


Locales For which geographic regions do you

want to install support?

SPARC: Power Management

(only available on SPARC systems

that support Power


Do you want to use Power


Note that, if your system has Energy

Star version 3 or later, you are not

prompted for this information.


Automatic reboot Reboot automatically after software



CD/DVD ejection Eject CD/DVD automatically after software



Default or Custom Install Do you want to customize the installation

or go ahead with default installation?

Select Default installation to format the

entire hard disk and install a preselected

set of software.

Select Custom installation to modify

the hard disk layout and select the software

that you want to install.

Note: This option is not available in

text installer.





Software Group Which Solaris Software Group do you

want to install?

0Entire Plus




3End User




Table 1.3 Solaris Install Initial Install Checklist (continued )

Question Asked Description Answer

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Custom Package Selection Do you want to add or remove software

packages from the Solaris Software

Group that you install?

Note that, if you want select packages

to add or remove, you will need to

know about software dependencies

and how Solaris software is packaged.

Select Disks On which disks do you want to install

the Solaris software?

x86: fdisk partitioning Do you want to create, delete, or modify

a Solaris fdisk partition?

Each disk that is selected for file system

layout must have a Solaris fdisk


Select Disks for fdisk Partition



Customize fdisk partitions? Yes/No

Preserve Data Do you want to preserve any data that

exists on the disks where you are

installing the Solaris software?


File Systems Auto-layout Do you want the installation program

to automatically lay out file systems on

your disks?

If no, you must provide file system configuration



Mount Remote File Systems Do you want to install software located

on another file system?

If yes, provide the following information

about the remote file system.



IP Address:

Remote File System:

Local Mount Point:

Table 1.3 Solaris Install Initial Install Checklist (continued )

Question Asked Description Answer

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