

摘要:标签 PostgreSQL , SQL防火墙 , 注入 , HOOK 背景 SQL注入通常是业务层做的事情,例如使用绑定变量,使用关键字过滤等手段,避免被SQL注入。 另一方面,数据库也有类似的功能,例如SQL防火墙。


PostgreSQL , SQL防火墙 , 注入 , HOOK




PostgreSQL内置了很多的HOOK,这些HOOK可以方便开发者加入一些功能,例如在SQL parser阶段的HOOK,可以加入一些SQL统计,SQL篡改,SQL REWRITE的功能。




/* Saved hook values in case of unload */

static shmem_startup_hook_type prev_shmem_startup_hook = NULL;

static post_parse_analyze_hook_type prev_post_parse_analyze_hook = NULL;

static ExecutorStart_hook_type prev_ExecutorStart = NULL;

static ExecutorRun_hook_type prev_ExecutorRun = NULL;

static ExecutorFinish_hook_type prev_ExecutorFinish = NULL;

static ExecutorEnd_hook_type prev_ExecutorEnd = NULL;

static ProcessUtility_hook_type prev_ProcessUtility = NULL;

1、shmem_startup_hook_type 内部进程通信



* CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores

*              Creates and initializes shared memory and semaphores.


* This is called by the postmaster or by a standalone backend.

* It is also called by a backend forked from the postmaster in the

* EXEC_BACKEND case.  In the latter case, the shared memory segment

* already exists and has been physically attached to, but we have to

* initialize pointers in local memory that reference the shared structures,

* because we didn't inherit the correct pointer values from the postmaster

* as we do in the fork() scenario.  The easiest way to do that is to run

* through the same code as before.  (Note that the called routines mostly

* check IsUnderPostmaster, rather than EXEC_BACKEND, to detect this case.

* This is a bit code-wasteful and could be cleaned up.)


* If "makePrivate" is true then we only need private memory, not shared

* memory.  This is true for a standalone backend, false for a postmaster.



CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores(bool makePrivate, int port)




* Now give loadable modules a chance to set up their shmem allocations


if (shmem_startup_hook)



2、parser hook


/* Hook for plugins to get control at end of parse analysis */

post_parse_analyze_hook_type post_parse_analyze_hook = NULL;


* parse_analyze

*              Analyze a raw parse tree and transform it to Query form.


* Optionally, information about $n parameter types can be supplied.

* References to $n indexes not defined by paramTypes[] are disallowed.


* The result is a Query node.  Optimizable statements require considerable

* transformation, while utility-type statements are simply hung off

* a dummy CMD_UTILITY Query node.


Query *

parse_analyze(RawStmt *parseTree, const char *sourceText,

Oid *paramTypes, int numParams,

QueryEnvironment *queryEnv)


ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);

Query      *query;

Assert(sourceText != NULL); /* required as of 8.4 */

pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;

if (numParams > 0)

parse_fixed_parameters(pstate, paramTypes, numParams);

pstate->p_queryEnv = queryEnv;

query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree);

if (post_parse_analyze_hook)

(*post_parse_analyze_hook) (pstate, query);


return query;


其他的HOOK不再赘述,简单来说,SQL 防火墙的功能是:


sql firewall的功能介绍

1、学习模式,将SQL PARSER后的值保存起来。保存在规则表中。(因此支持绑定变量)


3、当不在规则中的SQL被执行时,根据配置 返回错误(不允许执行),或返回警告(允许执行)。


sql firewall的用法


* shared_preload_libraries

sql_firewall module needs to be loaded in the

shared_preload_libraries parameter as following:

shared_preload_libraries = 'sql_firewall'

Note for developers


pg_stat_statements built with `--enable-cassert' causes assert when

queryId already has non-zero value.

So, to use both pg_stat_statements and sql_firewall at the same

time, pg_stat_statements needs to be loaded prior to sql_firewall

in the shared_preload_libraries parameter as following.

shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,sql_firewall'

Then, sql_firewall can skip queryId calculation if queryId is

already set by pg_stat_statements, and avoid the assert.

* sql_firewall.firewall

sql_firewall.firewall is able to take one of the following values:

'disabled', 'learning', 'permissive' and 'enforcing'.

The default value is 'disabled'.

* sql_firewall.max


Number of queries the SQL Firewall can learn.

It can take an int value between 100 and INT_MAX.

The default value is 5000.

The queries which exceed this value in the "learning" mode would never

be learned.


* sql_firewall.firewall = learning



* sql_firewall_import_rule('/path/to/rule.txt')

sql_firewall_import_rule() reads the firewall rules from the

specified CSV file.

This function is available only under the disabled mode with

superuser privilege.



sql firewall函数接口

* sql_firewall_reset()

sql_firewall_reset() clears the firewall rules.

This function is available only under the disabled mode with

superuser privilege.

* sql_firewall_stat_reset()

sql_firewall_reset() clears the counters of warning and error. Only

available with superuser privilege.

* sql_firewall_export_rule('/path/to/rule.txt')

sql_firewall_export_rule() writes the firewall rules in the

specified CSV file.

This function is available only under the disabled mode with

superuser privilege.

* sql_firewall_import_rule('/path/to/rule.txt')

sql_firewall_import_rule() reads the firewall rules from the

specified CSV file.

This function is available only under the disabled mode with

superuser privilege.

sql firewall管理视图

* sql_firewall.sql_firewall_statements

sql_firewall_statements view shows the firewall rules and execution

counter for each query.

postgres=# select * from sql_firewall.sql_firewall_statements;

userid |  queryid  |              query              | calls


10 | 3294787656 | select * from k1 where uid = ?; |    4

(1 row)


* sql_firewall.sql_firewall_stat

sql_firewall_stat view has two counters: "sql_warning" and


"sql_warning" shows number of executed queries with warnings in the

"permissive" mode.

"sql_error" shows number of prevented queries in the "enforcing"


postgres=# select * from sql_firewall.sql_firewall_stat;

sql_warning | sql_error


2 |        1

(1 row)



* Permissive mode

postgres=# select * from sql_firewall.sql_firewall_statements;

WARNING:  Prohibited SQL statement

userid |  queryid  |              query              | calls


10 | 3294787656 | select * from k1 where uid = 1; |    1

(1 row)

postgres=# select * from k1 where uid = 1;

uid |    uname


1 | Park Gyu-ri

(1 row)

postgres=# select * from k1 where uid = 3;

uid |  uname


3 | Goo Ha-ra

(1 row)

postgres=# select * from k1 where uid = 3 or 1 = 1;

WARNING:  Prohibited SQL statement

uid |    uname


1 | Park Gyu-ri

2 | Nicole Jung

3 | Goo Ha-ra

4 | Han Seung-yeon

5 | Kang Ji-young

(5 rows)


* Enforcing mode

postgres=# select * from k1 where uid = 3;

uid |  uname


3 | Goo Ha-ra

(1 row)

postgres=# select * from k1 where uid = 3 or 1 = 1;

ERROR:  Prohibited SQL statement


