Unitimes 精选 | 华为起诉美国政府销售限制法案违宪;以太坊基金会为大学、耶鲁大学研究人员提供资助...

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2019 年 3 月 6 日,以太币交易总额为 2,165,545 ETH ,比前日下降 7.16%;日活跃用户量 154,276,比前日下降 3.97%;新增合约 30,634 个,比前日下降  5.05%;平均交易费用为 13.82 GWEI,比前日上升 1.62%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 382,543 个,比前日下降8.17%。








3月6日,Cointelegraph 发布一则消息称,以太坊基金会向哥伦比亚大学和耶鲁大学的研究人员提供了一笔赠款,用于在以太坊虚拟机( EVM )中编写一种新的智能合约编程语言。这笔资金的受益方是一个名为 DeepSea 的智能合约研发项目,由哥伦比亚大学计算机科学助理教授 Ronghui Gu 牵头,与耶鲁大学的研究人员合作。 DeepSea 是以一种新的智能合约编程语言命名的,该语言将允许程序员使用正式的验证来添加安全措施,以确保代码完全符合规范。

Ethereum Foundation Funds Columbia, Yale Researchers’ Work on Smart Contract Language

The Ethereum Foundation has awarded a grant to researchers at Columbia and Yale universities for the compilation of a new smart contract programming language into the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The development was announced in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on March 6. The beneficiary of the grant is a smart contract R&D project called DeepSea, spearheaded by Professor Ronghui Gu, an assistant professor of computer science at Columbia, in collaboration with researchers at Yale. DeepSea is named after a new smart contracts programming language. The DeepSEA language will allow programmers to add safeguards to ensure that the code conforms exactly to its specifications, using Formal Verification.”




 东加勒比中央银行 (ECCB) 即将对基于区块链的央行数字货币 (CBDC) 进行试验,为其预计在 2020 年全面推出这款法定货币做筹备。为了这一计划, ECCB 上月底与总部位于巴巴多斯的金融科技公司 Bitt 达成协议,后者与 Pinaka Consulting 将对其提供技术支持以进行试验。根据 Bitt 的公告,此次 CBDC 试点包括“安全铸造和发行”东加勒比币 (XCD) 的数字版本,并将其分发给东加勒比货币联盟 (ECCU) 的金融机构使用。稳定币 DXCD 是用于消费者和商家之间的金融交易以及点对点交易,例如在 ECCU 范围内向朋友或家人汇款等。资金可以使用智能手机等设备进行转移。

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank to Test Blockchain Legal Tender

The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) is about to conduct a pilot for a blockchain-based central bank digital currency (CBDC) in preparation for its planned full rollout as a legal tender, possibly in 2020. For the initiative, the ECCB late last month inked a deal with Barbados-based fintech firm Bitt to help conduct the pilot, with other technical support from Pinaka Consulting. This CBDC pilot will involve a “securely minted and issued” digital version of the Eastern Caribbean dollar (XCD) and will be distributed for use by financial institutions across the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU), according to an announcement from Bitt. The stablecoin, DXCD, is intended for use in financial transactions between consumers and merchants and peer-to-peer transactions such as sending money to friends or family within the ECCU. Funds will be able to be sent using devices such as smartphones.



受 ConsenSys 资助的 Civil Tries 再次试图发布新闻编辑代币

今天, ConsenSys 资助的媒体初创公司 Civil 终于在延迟数月后推出了 CVL 代币。 Civil Media 首席执行官 Matthew Iles 告诉 CoinDesk ,许多独立的新闻编辑员工和 Civil Media 的合作伙伴即将获得 2018 年承诺发给他们的代币补偿套餐。 Civil Media 今天还推出了会员计划,享有的权利包括季度活动门票,独家通讯和论坛访问权限等,在论坛中会员可以直接与参与活动的新闻机构记者互动。

ConsenSys-Backed Civil Tries Again on Newsroom Token Launch

ConsenSys-backed media startup Civil finally launched its CVL token today after months of delay. Many independent newsroom employees and Civil Media partners will now receive the token compensation packages they were promised in 2018, Civil Media CEO Matthew Iles told CoinDesk. Civil Media also launched a membership program today with perks such as tickets to quarterly events, an exclusive newsletter and forum access where members can interact directly with journalists at participating news organizations.



全新加密货币硬件钱包可适用于手机的 SIM 卡槽

总部位于美国的初创公司 VaultTel 推出了一款小巧的加密货币硬件钱包,可装进手机的 SIM 卡托盘中。该公司周二宣布,这一钱包的解决方案将应用程序和 VaultTel Intellichip 卡结合起来,使移动设备支持加密货币私钥储存、使用生物识别身份验证和“军用级”加密来保证资金安全。 VaultTel 表示,该卡可以放置在双卡 Android 手机的 SIM 卡插槽中,也适配于 iPhone 的连线配件。 VaultTel 在其网站上解释说,生物识别身份验证功能可确保只有手机的机主才能从钱包中转移资金。

New Crypto Hardware Wallet Fits Your Phone’s SIM Card Slot

U.S.-based startup VaultTel has launched a tiny cryptocurrency hardware wallet that sits in the SIM tray on mobile phones. The firm announced Tuesday that the wallet solution combines an app and the VaultTel Intellichip card to store cryptocurrency private keys on mobile devices, using biometric authentication and “military grade” encryption to keep the funds safe. The card can be placed in the SIM card slot of dual-SIM Android mobile phones, or can be used with a dongle accessory on iPhones, VaultTel said. The biometric authentication feature ensures that only the phone’s owner can transfer funds from the wallet, VaultTel explains on its website. “



Joseph Young


Litecoin is actually 1% away from becoming the fourth biggest crypto asset by overtaking EOS. That's also very impressive.

莱特币在超越 EOS 后,距离成为第四大加密资产仅差1%。这让人印象深刻。



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

Centralized systems are almost always better than decentralized systems until the rulers abuse their power...

- Kings become tyrants

- Representatives take bribes

- Payment gateways sanction

- Central banks inflate currency

- Social media companies spy

- Internet providers block


 - 国王成为暴君

 - 代表收受贿赂

 - 支付网关制裁

 - 中央银行使通货膨胀

 - 社交媒体公司的间谍

 - 互联网提供商限制



Richard Burton


Everyone in crypto says they value design.

Almost no one is willing to transfer some of that crypto value to pay for great design.

I am excited about the ones who do.






Péter Szilágyi


You are not a customer of #smarthouse and #IoT devices, you're not even a product as many would joke. You are no more than a rock waiting to be exploited.

You are the data source, your experiences are the raw materials. IoT will lay waste to you, as manufacturing did to nature.

你不是智能家居和物联网的顾客, 你甚至不是很多人都会戏谑的产品。你不过是一块等待被开采的岩石。

你是数据源, 你的经验是原材料。物联网会把你一扫而光, 就像制造业对自然所做的那样。


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