2019-05-12最大的诫命(马可福音12:28-34)The Greatest Commandment

Jason Meyer Mother’s Day, 2019 杰森·迈尔 2019母亲节
Mark 12:28-34 马可福音12:28-34
28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. 33 And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions 28 有一个经学家,听到他们的辩论,觉得耶稣回答得好,就来问他:“诫命中哪一条是第一重要的呢?” 29 耶稣回答:“第一重要的是:‘以色列啊,你要听! 主我们的 神是独一的主。 30 你要全心、全性、全意、全力,爱主你的 神。’ 31 其次是:‘要爱人如己。’再没有别的诫命比这两条更重要的了。” 32 那经学家对耶稣说:“老师,是的,你说的很对,神是独一的,除了他以外再没有别的 神。 33 我们要用全心、全意、全力去爱他,并且要爱人如己,这就比一切燔祭和各样祭物好得多了。” 34 耶稣见他回答得有智慧,就对他说:“你距离 神的国不远了。” 从此再也没有人敢问他了。
Introduction 引言
Mother’s Day is one of those holidays that runs the gamut on the emotional spectrum. Some come to this moment with great joy. You have a close relationship with your Mom and you get to celebrate her today – or you are the Mom and you get to be celebrated today. It is good and right and biblical for a husband and children to rise up and call you blessed. 母亲节是各种情绪百味杂陈的节日之一。有些人非常喜乐地等待这一刻的到来。你和你的妈妈有着密切的关系,今天你可以祝贺她 - 或者你是妈妈,你今天要收到庆祝。对于丈夫和孩子来说,起来称你为有福的,这是好的、对的,且合乎圣经的。
But some come to this moment with great grief. Some of you have a deep wound and a nagging sense of lost because your Mom is gone. You have the memories and they are good, but it is all bittersweet. Some of you have grief and anger and pain. You have memories and they are hard or even traumatizing. Perhaps your Mom was never there for you or she is still not a functional mother that has really nurtured you and encouraged you. Perhaps your Mom was an instrument of incessant criticism – words that cut down and tear down and put down. Maybe you carry feelings of guilt because you were that Mom and you do not know how to mend those relationships or somehow make up for lost time. 但有些人在这个日子充满悲伤。因为你的妈妈已经离开,所有一些人有深深的伤痛和绵密的失落感。你拥有一些好的回忆,但却是苦乐参半。有些人又悲伤又愤怒又痛苦。你有回忆,却是心酸甚至创伤的回忆。也许你的妈妈从未给你支持,或者她并不是一位真正养育过你并鼓励你的母亲。也许你的妈妈只是一个不断批评你的机器 – 不断说出攻击、摧毁、折辱你的话语。也许你满怀内疚感,因为你正是那样的妈妈,你不知道如何修补这些关系或以什么方式弥补逝去的时光。
Maybe on this day you are reminded of your inability to be a Mom. Maybe you lost a child, maybe you could never have a child (because you are single or because as a couple you face the haunting pain of infertility). 也许在这一天你想起你无法成为一个妈妈。也许你失去了一个孩子,也许你永远不会有一个孩子(因为你是单身,或因为你作为妻子却身受不孕不育的痛苦)。
This text speaks to all of you. It does not single one group out and say, “this is for you and you only.” This text speaks to all of us generally and it speaks to us individually and specifically. Let’s get to the text and pray that the Holy Spirit would take this word and tenderly apply it deeply in our hearts. I pray for a healing rain for pain and a steady rain for tender shoots to grow up and for buds to open and blossom. 这段经文是对你们所有人说的。它并没有单独拎出一个小组,说“这适用于你,也单单适用于你。”这段经文是对我们所有人说的,同时也是单独、特别地向着我们每个人说的。让我们来看经文并祈祷圣灵将这些话温柔地深印在我们心上。我祈求圣灵降下医治痛苦的甘霖时雨,让嫩芽成长,让花苞绽放繁华。
Outline 大纲
The Scribe’s Question (v. 28) 1. 文士的问题(第28节)
Jesus’ Answer (vv. 29-31) 2.耶稣的回答(第29-31节)
The Scribes’ Response (vv. 32-33) 3. 文士的回应(第32-33节)
Jesus’ Response (v. 34a-b) 4.耶稣的回应(第34a-b节)
The Conclusion (v. 34c) 5.结论(第34c节)
1. The Scribe’s Question (v. 28) 1. 文士的问题(第28节)
28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 28有一个经学家,听到他们的辩论,觉得耶稣回答得好,就来问他:“诫命中哪一条是第一重要的呢?”
Later Jewish teachers would tabulate the number of commands in the Jewish Scriptures. They counted 613 commands – 248 positive (do) and 365 prohibitions (do not). They distinguished between some commands that were lighter (smaller) and some that were weightier (greater). 后世的犹太教师将犹太圣经中的诫命数量罗列出来。他们统计出613个诫命 - 248个命令(要做)和365个禁诫(不做)。他们区分了一些较轻(较小)的诫命和一些较重(较大)的诫命。
Later Rabbis summarized the essence of the Law as consisting of the three weightiest commands: Torah, sacrificial worship, and expressions of love. Jesus radically reduces all of it to love! This is the same thing that Paul does after Jesus: 后世的拉比总结了律法的本质,它由三个最重要的诫命组成:妥拉(指摩西五经中的律法规条),祭祀敬拜和爱的表达。耶稣大刀阔斧地将之缩减到一条,就是爱!耶稣之后的保罗也是这样做的:
8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Rom. 13:8-9). 8不要欠人的债;但在彼此相爱的事上,要觉得是欠了人的债。爱别人的,就成全了律法。9那“不可奸淫,不可杀人,不可偷盗,不可贪心”等等的诫命,都包括在“爱人如己”这一句话里面了。10爱是不加害于人的,所以爱是成全律法的。(罗马书13:8-9)。
2. Jesus’ Answer (vv. 29-31) 2.耶稣的回答(第29-31节)
29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 29耶稣回答:“第一重要的是:‘以色列啊,你要听!主我们的 神是独一的主。30你要全心、全性、全意、全力,爱主你的 神。’31其次是:‘要爱人如己。’再没有别的诫命比这两条更重要的了。”
We could make many observations on these verses, but let me draw out four. 我们可以对这些经文做出很多观察,但让我挑出其中四个。
1. The Providence of God. 1.上帝护理的旨意。
Let’s start with the most surprising first: the Providence of God. God brings good out of evil in this whole section. Thank God that so many people tried to test Jesus or we might not have this astounding teaching from Jesus. One of the great theologians of the last 200 years, said it well: “Little did the three questioners in this chapter think what benefit their crafty questions would confer on all Christendom” (J. C. Ryle, Mark, p. 192). 让我们从最令人惊讶的地方开始:上帝的护理。上帝在这部分记载耶稣论战的经文中令恶事成全了善事。感谢上帝,许多人想要陷害耶稣,我们才能获得耶稣令人震惊的教导。在过去200年中,一位伟大的神学家说得很好:“本章中的三个质询者压根不会想到他们的狡猾问题为基督教世界带来多大的好处”(J. C. Ryle,Mark,p.192)。
2. The Greatness of God 2.上帝的伟大
The first part of Jesus’ answer takes us back to the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4. The fact that God is one points to the exclusivity and uniqueness of God – he is God alone and we must worship him and love him alone. There are endless debates in sports about who is the greatest of all time. In basketball, it is Michael Jordan vs. Lebron James? Is Tom Brady the greatest football player of all time? Someone has done something to deserve that honor or accolade. What stands out in this verse is that there is no question in Jesus’ mind about who is the Greatest Being in the Universe. What does he deserve? All of us all the time. Not begrudging acceptance, but whole-souled love with every fiber of our being. All the love that we have to give we should give to God. 耶稣回答的第一部分将我们带回申命记6:4中的《示玛》(译注:示玛指的是以“听啊以色列”开头的这段经文,“听”的希伯来文是“示玛,”故名。)。上帝是独一真神的事实指向上帝的排他性和独特性 – 祂是唯一的上帝,我们必须单单敬拜祂单单爱祂。关于谁是有史以来最伟大的人,在体育界有无数的争论。在篮球方面,是迈克尔·乔丹还是勒布朗·詹姆斯?汤姆·布拉迪是有史以来最伟大的足球运动员吗?有人做了一些值得尊重或配得荣誉的事。这节经文中突出的是,耶稣心中对于谁是宇宙中最伟大的存在一点问题都没有。祂配得什么?配得我们所有人全部的爱。不是勉勉强强的接受,而是用我们的每一根神经全心全意地爱。我们所有的爱都应该献给上帝。
God’s people must make this a matter of first importance and safeguard this truth of God’s absolute and unique greatness and Godness in their inner core (i.e., the heart; Deut. 6:6) as well as the external fabric of their lives (sit in the house, walk on the way, lie down, get up; Deut. 6:7). It is so important it must also be the focus of our discipleship: we must pass this on to our children (Deut. 6:7). Saturate your life with this truth that it is like surround sound (i.e., sign on your hands and head and house and gates). 上帝的子民必须把这件事作为首要问题,并在他们的内心(即“心上”;申命记6:6)以及他们日常生活行走坐卧一切时中(坐在家里,或行在路上,或躺下,或起来的时候;申命记6:7)持守莫忘上帝绝对的、独一的伟大和神性。它是如此重要,所以也必须成为我们门徒训练的焦点:我们必须把它传承给我们的孩子(申命记6:7)。使这个真理充满你生活的方方面面,就像环绕音响一样(即在你的双手额头、房子和大门上作记号)。
And this is part of our discipleship here at Bethlehem: to love God more than we love anything else. And to love everything else in relation to the One we love above everything else and love through everything else. God’s gifts are meant to be a means for us to enjoy God himself. Don’t use God as a stepping-stone to get his gifts. Use them as a stepping-stone to enjoy God. Think about how much more enjoyable the God who created these good things must be. All good things point to the Creator. He is the place from where all the goodness, truth, and beauty come. 这是我们伯利恒的门徒训练的一部分:爱上帝甚过其它一切。并且要在爱上帝的关系中去爱其它一切事,爱上帝高于一切事,并透过一切事来爱上帝。上帝的恩赐是我们享受上帝自己的一种工具。不要把上帝当作获得恩赐的垫脚石。而是用一切恩赐作为踏脚石来享受上帝。想想创造这些美好事物的上帝本身是多么令人享受。一切美好都指向造物主。祂是所有真善美的源头。
This is radical greatness because the demand goes all the way inside to the control center of our life: our heart. Jesus does not point to some external ceremony or outward form of worship – something someone could do while “going through the motions.” Jesus points to something internal and total (the whole heart and soul and mind and strength). 这极为伟大,因为这个命令直指我们生命的控制中心内部:我们的心。耶稣并没有指出一些外在的仪式或外在的敬拜形式 - 这是某人在“借着动作”可以做的事情。耶稣指向内在和完全的东西(全心、全性、全意、全力)。
3. The difference between God and the image of God 3.上帝与上帝形象的区别
Humanity does not deserve to be loved with every fiber of our being. We must make a distinction between God and the image of God. It is idolatry when we love others more than we love God. But it is sin to be so self-centered that we use others instead of love others. Instead of using others to serve us we are called to love others as we love ourselves. 人类不值得被爱到骨子里。我们必须区分上帝和上帝的形象。当我们爱别人甚过爱上帝时,这是偶像崇拜。但是,我们以自我为中心,利用别人而不是爱别人,这是罪。我们被召是要爱人如己,而不是利用别人来服事我们。
And we should love neighbor so thoroughly that we love them as though we were them – “as yourself.” Jesus here quotes Leviticus 19:18. What does it mean to love others as we love ourselves? John Piper once preached a sermon in which he said that means take off your flesh and put it on them and see your own reflection and love them with all the self-interest you have for yourself and all of the self-care you give yourself. 我们应该彻底地爱邻居,我们爱他们就像我们自己就是他们一样 - “好像爱自己。”耶稣在这里引用利未记19:18。爱人就像爱自己是什么意思?约翰·派博曾经有一个讲道,他说这意味着脱掉你的肉体并把它放在他们身上,看到你自己的反映,并以你为自己谋取利益最大化的方式以及你给自己的所有自我关怀来爱他们。
4. The connection between loving the image of God and loving God 4.爱上帝的形象和爱上帝之间的联系
“There is no other commandment (singular) greater than these (plural)” (v. 31b). Jesus is saying that these two commandments can be distinguished, but they cannot be separated. They are not identical, but they are interconnected. Indeed the New Testament teaches the same thing elsewhere: “没有比这些(复数)更大的其他诫命(单数)”(第31b节)。耶稣说这两条诫命可以区分,但它们是不可分割的。它们不完全相同,但它们相互关联。事实上,新约其他地方的教导也是如此:
19 We love because he first loved us. 20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 21 And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother (1 John 4:20-21). 19我们爱,因为 神先爱我们。20人若说“我爱 神”,却恨他的弟兄,就是说谎的。不爱看得见的弟兄,就不能爱看不见的 神。21爱 神的,也应当爱弟兄,这就是我们从 神领受的命令。(约翰一书4:20-21)。
If you claim you can separate them, you are a liar and you are not telling the truth about love. 如果你声称自己可以将它们分开,那么你就是个骗子而且你并没有说出爱的真谛。
3. The Scribes’ Response (vv. 32-33) 3. 文士的回应(第32-33节)
32 And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. 33 And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 32那经学家对耶稣说:“老师,是的,你说的很对, 神是独一的,除了他以外再没有别的 神。33我们要用全心、全意、全力去爱他,并且要爱人如己,这就比一切燔祭和各样祭物好得多了。”
Notice that the scribe recognizes the wisdom of Jesus. There is a hierarchy in God’s commands. Some are more important and more fundamental than other commandments. One could go through the motions in the sacrificial system without having love for God or hearts engaged with God. 请注意,文士承认耶稣的智慧。上帝的诫命有一个等级。有些比其他诫命更重要、更基础。人们可以有献祭的行为,而不必爱上帝或与上帝相交的心。
But remember the context of what Jesus is saying about the temple. If these commands are primary, then everything that is happening in the Temple is secondary. 33 And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” What a startling thought, but it fits with Jesus’ acted out parable against the temple. Jesus had turned the tables for the money changers that enabled the entire sacrificial system. He forbid anyone to do anything in the temple! This scribe is actually agreeing with Jesus! 但请记住耶稣关于圣殿的话。如果这些诫命是主要的,那么在圣殿中发生的一切都是次要的。“33我们要用全心、全意、全力去爱他,并且要爱人如己,这就比一切燔祭和各样祭物好得多了。”这是多么惊人的思想,但却与耶稣所行的圣殿的比喻一致。耶稣掀翻了支持整个献祭程序的兑换银钱之人的桌子。他禁止任何人在圣殿做任何事情!这位文士实际上是同意耶稣的!
4. Jesus’ Response (v. 34a-b) 4.耶稣的回应(第34a-b节)
34 And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” 34耶稣见他回答得有智慧,就对他说:“你距离 神的国不远了。”从此再也没有人敢问他了。
This response causes Jesus to press him a little further. You have come far enough to see that you are not there yet – but you are close. Why does Jesus respond this way? 这种反应使耶稣再推他一把:你已经走得足够远到可以看见你还没到的地方 - 但你已经很近了。耶稣为什么这样回应?
The scribe had put himself into the position of passing judgment on what Jesus said. The scribe said, “you are right, Teacher.” But Jesus is in a different position altogether. He is not in the same league as the scribe and he is certainly not beneath the scribe. In fact, Jesus is the Judge and he knows whether people are in the kingdom or not. And for those who are not in the kingdom, he even knows how close or far they are. 文士把自己放在判断耶稣所说的内容的位置上。文士说:“你是对的,老师。”但耶稣完全处于不同的位置。祂与文士不在同一个档次,祂当然不在文士之下。事实上,耶稣是法官,祂知道人们是否在神国里。对于那些不在神国的人,祂甚至知道他们有多近或多远。
This means that being in the kingdom is more than simply affirming Jesus’ words. What else does this scribe need to see? Jesus tells us in the next story. People need to see who Jesus really is. He is not just a Messiah – David’s son in David’s kingly line. He is greater than David – David calls him Lord. 这意味着进入神国不仅仅是肯定耶稣的话语。这位文士还需要看到什么?耶稣在下一个故事中告诉我们。人们需要看到耶稣究竟是谁。祂不仅仅是弥赛亚 - 大卫的后裔。祂比大卫更伟大 - 大卫称祂为主。
5. The Conclusion (v. 34c) 5.结论(第34c节)
And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions. 从此再也没有人敢问他了。
The culmination of this section is that people do not dare to challenge Jesus anymore. They give up all hope of being able to trap him in his words or discredit him as a teacher of God’s word. He is not going to be stumped or shamed or tricked. He turns the tables time and time again and they are all left to care for their wounded honor and egos. 这节经文的高潮是人们不敢再挑战耶稣了。他们放弃了用祂的话来抓祂把柄,或者诋毁祂教导上帝圣言的企图。祂不会被难倒被羞辱被欺骗。祂一次又一次地扭转局面,他们都离开去安抚他们受伤的荣誉和自我。
It also takes the opening theme of Mark’s Gospel and puts it on full display. We know that Jesus is the Son of God. It was spoken in the first verse and God the Father spoke it at Jesus’ baptism and on the Mount of Transfiguration: they saw his glory and they heard the Father’s voice: This is my Son; listen to him. 这里回应了马可福音的开场主题,并将其全面彰显。我们知道耶稣是神的儿子。在第一节中讲到了这一点,父神在耶稣的洗礼和登山变相时说了这些话:他们看到了祂的荣耀,他们听到了父的声音:这是我的儿子;听从祂。
Jesus is God and he deserves all the worship and honor and love that belongs to God. But they are arguing with him and trying to trap him, but in the end – they were shamed into silence – no one dared ask him anymore questions. Why? Because Jesus is God. We are in the presence of greatness. He takes all of the commands ever spoken in Scripture and says, “this is the essence of all I have been saying.” 耶稣是上帝,祂配得属于上帝的一切敬拜、荣耀和爱。但是他们正在与祂争论并试图诱捕祂,但最后 - 他们羞愧到无言以对 - 再也没有人敢问祂了。为什么?因为耶稣是神。我们都在伟大上帝的临在里。祂总结了圣经中所说的所有诫命,并说:“这就是我所说的一切的精华。”
Main Point: Jesus is God and he deserves all the worship and honor and love that belongs to God. 要点:耶稣是上帝,祂配得属于上帝的一切敬拜、荣耀和爱。
Transition: Love and Mother’s Day 过渡:爱和母亲节
How do we apply this text on Mother’s Day? The first obvious application needs to be stated: mothers, are you teaching your children to love God above everything else – not just in words but in actions (are you providing an example of loving God with all that you are?). I can’t tell you how many times I have heard testimonies that talk about how powerful it is for children to see their mothers going hard after God with a Bible open and fresh cup of coffee in the morning. Are you saturating yourself with the surround sound of God’s greatness and the call on our life to love him more than we love anything else or anyone else? This text addresses the importance of motherhood and warns us against the idolatry of motherhood (you should love your children, but not put that love higher than love for God). 这节经文怎么应用于母亲节?第一个明显的应用即:母亲们,你是否教导你的孩子爱上帝高于一切 - 不只是在言语上而是在行动中(你是否作出了全心全意爱上帝的榜样?)。数不清听过多少的见证,讲到一杯咖啡、一本打开的圣经,母亲在早晨热切寻求上帝的榜样有多么强大。你是否让上帝的伟大,以及爱祂甚过爱一切人和事的呼召环绕着你?这段经文阐述了母性的重要性,并警告我们反对母性的偶像崇拜(你应该爱你的孩子,但不要超过你对上帝的爱)。
I know that mothers have some of the most sensitive, tender consciences of any group I have ever met. Mommy guilt is a real thing. You never feel like you measure up to either part of the great commandment: falling short of loving God with all you have and falling short of loving others outside your home, let alone the people living inside your home. How can you take steps forward in love this morning. 我知道母亲们拥有最敏感、最温柔的良心。妈咪的内疚是真实的。你永远不会觉得自己做到了这条伟大诫命的任何一部分:没有全心全意爱上帝,也没有爱你家人以外的其他人,更不用说住在你家里的人了。今天早上你要怎样踏出爱的一步。
The connection between human love and divine love often appears in Scripture. Think about Isaiah 49. 人类之爱与神之爱之间的联系经常出现在圣经中。想想以赛亚书49章。
14 But Zion said, “The LORD has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.” 15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. 14 但锡安说:“耶和华离弃了我,我的主忘记了我。”15 妇人怎能忘记她吃奶的婴孩,不怜悯她亲生的儿子呢?即使她们可能忘记,我也不会忘记你。
A mother’s love in many cases is heroic. When I lived in Louisiana, there were a couple of times that I would be driving on the highway and have to change lanes in order to avoid running over an alligator. It was such a surreal experience. 在许多情况下,母爱是英雄式的。当我住在路易斯安那州时,有几次我在高速公路上行驶,必须改变车道以避免碰到鳄鱼。这是一种超现实的体验。
So I read an interesting study while I lived there. They did a survey on how parents respond when an alligator attacks a child. As they surveyed people, they found a common pattern. The Dad would immediately go into strategy mood and look around for some kind of weapon. A stick, a rock, etc. But the Mom did not hesitate or look for a weapon. She just moved into action with fists of fury. 所以当我住在那里时,我读到一篇有趣的研究。他们做了一项关于鳄鱼袭击孩子时父母如何应对的调查。在他们的调查中,他们发现了一种共同的模式。爸爸会立即进入斗争状态,四处寻找某种武器。一根棍子,一块石头等等。但妈妈毫不犹豫或去寻找武器。她直接用愤怒的拳头进行战斗。
God compares his love to a mother’s love. But then he acknowledges that even with the greatest kind of human love – maternal love – there are exceptions. There are times that even mothers do not show love. But there is never a time that God ceases to be love because God is love. 上帝将祂的爱与母爱相比较。但祂承认,即便是最强烈的人类之爱 - 母爱 - 也有例外。有时甚至母亲也不会表现出爱。但上帝的爱从不止息,因为上帝就是爱。
The Power of Promise 应许的力量
The command to love God with all of our heart and soul is good and true and beautiful. It is right and fitting. I ask God daily for more capacity to love him and others. But apart from the gospel, this command condemns us. What we need is to see not only the command to love God with all our heart and soul, but to see the promise that God loves us with all of his heart and soul. 我们要全心全意爱上帝的诫命是良善、真实和美丽的。这是正确、合宜的。我每天都要求上帝赐下更多的能力去爱祂和别人。但若是在福音之外,这个诫命就在谴责我们。我们不仅需要看到全心全意爱上帝的诫命,也要看到上帝全心全意爱我们的应许。
I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them. I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they may not turn from me. I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul. (Jer. 32:39–41) 我要使他们有同一的心志和同一的行为,终生敬畏我,使他们和他们的子孙都得到福乐。我要和他们立永远的约,我必不离开他们,必使他们得到福乐;我也必把敬畏我的心赐给他们,使他们不会离开我。我必喜欢他们,使他们得到福乐;我必全心全意、真诚地把他们栽种在这地上。’ (耶32:39-41)
Show me a chapter and verse in God’s Word that says his love for his children is half-hearted! Look again at what God explicitly says. He loves you and rejoices in doing good for you “with all [his] heart and all [his] soul” (Jer. 32:41). This seems too good to be true. Have you ever seen someone do something with every ounce of passion and emotion they could muster? No one ever sees that kind of passion and says, “I wonder if their heart is in it.” Imagine what someone could do with an infinite, unlimited heart and unlimited soul! 请给我在上帝的圣言中指出一个章节,说祂对祂儿女们的爱是半心半意的!再看看上帝明确说的话。祂爱你,并以“全心全意”为你得益处而欢喜(耶利米书32:41)。这看起来好得令人难以置信。你有没有看到有人用他们的每一丝激情和情感做些什么?没有人看到那种激情的时刻说:“我想知道他们到底有没有走心。”想象一下,有人可以用无尽、无限的心灵做些什么!
We won’t get to heaven because we love God with all of our hearts and souls. We will make it to heaven because God loves us with all of his heart and soul. Do you understand that deeply and viscerally? There are places in our hearts where discouragement has permanently dispossessed hope, but the love of God gives us a mission of hope in our hearts. We prayed at the beginning of the service for an unengaged, unreached people group. It is tragic that unreached peoples do not know the heart of God, but there are also unreached places in our hearts that have to be reached with this same gospel. Few of us struggle to believe that God sees every part of our hearts because that reality is fairly easy for us to grasp. The greater struggle comes when we are called to believe that God sees every sin in our hearts and yet still loves us with all of his heart. 我们不是因为我们全心全意地爱上帝才能进天堂。是因为上帝全心全意爱我们,才使之成为天堂。你是否深刻而发自内心地理解这一点?我们心中有些地方灰心丧失了永远的希望,但上帝的爱使我们心中充满希望。我们在敬拜开始时为一个福音未及、未接触过的族群祷告。可悲的是,未得之民不了解上帝的心,但我们心中也有未得之地必须用同样的福音到达。我们很容易相信上帝看到了我们内心的每一部分,因为这一事实很容易理解。更伟大的争战在于,我们被召相信,尽管上帝看到我们心中的每一个罪,祂仍然全心全意爱我们。
If you are feeling discouraged and beginning to lose heart, I urge you to confront your unbelief. Let God’s words in Jeremiah 32:41 herald God’s heart to you: “I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul.” God doesn’t merely tolerate you, and he does not love you with half his heart. Instead, he loves you with all of his infinite heart and soul. Let the unreached places in your heart hope again! 如果你感到沮丧并开始心灰意冷,我敦促你面对你的不信。让上帝在耶利米书32:41中的话语向你们宣告上帝的心意:“我必喜欢他们,使他们得到福乐;我必全心全意、真诚地把他们栽种在这地上。”上帝不仅仅是容忍你,祂不会半心半意地爱你。相反,祂用祂无限的心灵爱你。让你心中福音尚未到达的角落再次充满希望!
Back to the Command 回到诫命
So does that mean that we just need to accept that God loves us and we don’t really need to love others because God loves us. No it is exactly the other way around. Because God loves us we will love others. Let me try to summarize what one theologian noted in a book that then Tim Keller popularized. 那么这是否意味着我们只需要接受上帝爱我们而我们并不需要爱别人因为上帝爱我们。不,恰恰相反。因为上帝爱我们,所以我们会爱别人。让我试着总结一位神学家在蒂姆·凯勒推荐的一本书中所指出的内容。
The theologian said that everyone knows the difference between fake love and real love. Fake love is conditional and non-vulnerable. Fake love uses the other person for your own selfish ends. So it is conditional: I will give to you only as long as I am getting all that I want from this relationship. It is also non-vulnerable. I can walk away at anytime and cut my losses whenever you stop doing all that I want you to do. 神学家说每个人都知道假爱和真爱之间的区别。假爱是有条件的、不示弱的。假爱利用另一个人达成你自私的目的。所以它是有条件的:只有我从这种关系中获得所有我想要的东西,我才会给你。它也是不示弱的。每当你停止做我想要你做的一切时,我都可以随时走人解套。
Real love is unconditional and vulnerable. Your aim is to spend yourself for the happiness of the other because your joy is found in that person’s joy. So you give love regardless of whether that person is doing well with loving you that day (unconditional). And it is vulnerable – you spend everything and hold nothing back. 真正的爱是无条件的、也是脆弱的。你的目标是为了另一个人的快乐而奉上自己,因为你的快乐就存在于那个人的快乐中。所以,无论那个人爱你爱得好不好,你都会给予爱(无条件)。而且它很脆弱 - 你献上了所有,却不求回报。
But here is the problem. No one is fully capable of giving real love. Why? Because we all need love – it is a basic human need – just like air, food, and water. Therefore, there is a little mercenary quality to all our love because I need to be loved and you need to be loved. I don’t recommend marrying someone where love is not reciprocal – someone who does not love you back. 那么问题来了。没有人有能力给予真正的爱。为什么?因为我们都需要爱 - 这是人类的基本需求 - 就像空气、食物和水一样。所以,我们所有的爱都有一点图利的性质,因为我需要被爱,你需要被爱。我不建议没有彼此相爱的人结婚 - 一个不爱你的人。
So the only One that could really truly, fully, and perfectly love us would be someone who did not need us. And the only One who can is God. God perfectly experiences love in the perfection of the Trinity: He is community, He is love. It is radical and it is totally vulnerable. God takes on flesh and sheds his blood to love us forever. 所以唯一能真正、完全和完整爱我们的那一位一定是一位不需要我们的人。而唯一能做到的只有上帝自己。上帝在三位一体的完美中完美地体验了爱:祂是团契,祂是爱。这爱是彻底的,完全放弃自我防护。上帝成为肉身,流出宝血,爱我们到永远。
How does this love come to us? 这种爱是如何来到我们身边的?
16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me (Is. 49:16) 16看哪!我已经把你刻在我的掌上;你的城墙常常在我面前。(以赛亚书49:16)
It was fairly common in the ancient world for a master’s name to be tattooed on his servant. In an earlier chapter, Isaiah referred to this practice when he testified that some people have the name of the Lord written on their hand: “This one will say, ‘I am the LORD’s,’ another will call on the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand, ‘The LORD’s’” (Isa. 44:5). 在古代社会,奴隶的身上烙着主人的名字是相当普遍的。在前面的一章中,以赛亚在作证说有些人手上写着主的名字时,就提到了这种做法: 这个必说:‘我是属耶和华的’;那个也必以雅各的名称呼自己;另一个必亲手写上‘我是属耶和华的’(以赛亚书44:5)。
But it is with this point that the power of the gospel blows away all our expectations. Never in the ancient world would one see the name of a servant tattooed on their master—ever. That would put the master in the role of the servant and who could imagine a master devoting his life to serve? 但正是在这一点上,福音的大能把我们所有的预期一扫而光。在古代社会,从来没有人会在主人的身上烙上仆人的名字。这是让主人扮演仆人的角色,谁能想象一位主人将他的生命奉献给仆人?
Christians can imagine a Master like this, because the High King of heaven became a servant to save his people. The words of Isaiah 49:16 convey the principle of God’s love for his people. In the New Testament, the gospel put flesh on that principle. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came as a servant and said that he “did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). 基督徒可以想象这样的主人,因为天国的至高君王成为拯救祂百姓的仆人。以赛亚书49:16的话传达了上帝对祂百姓的爱的原则。在新约圣经中,福音将这个原则付诸实践。耶稣基督,上帝的儿子,作了仆人而来,并说他“不是要受人服事,而是要服事人,并且要舍命,作许多人的赎价。”(马可福音10:45)。
This love changes us. And we know that God is love and so God has all the love we need in Himself. “And the only way we’re going to get any more is from him” (Tim Keller, Jesus the King, 106-108). What would it look like to take the next steps of obedience in loving God with everything we have and loving others as ourselves? What do you need to give to God? Where do you need to step up love for others? 这种爱改变了我们。我们知道上帝就是爱,所以上帝拥有我们所需要的一切爱。 “而我们唯一能得到的方式就是来自祂”(蒂姆·凯勒,《君王耶稣》,106-108页)。用我们的全部所有来爱上帝,并像爱自己一样爱别人,要顺服的话下一步该怎么做?你需要给上帝什么?你需要在哪里加强对他人的爱?
Let’s pray for a grace to love God with all of our hearts and to believe that God loves us with all of his heart and because of that love we can better love those around us. 让我们祈求恩典,让我们全心全意爱上帝,并相信上帝全心全意爱我们,因为这种爱,我们可以更好地爱我们周围的人。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Text: Mark 12:28-34 经文:马可福音12:28-34
Sermon Title: The Greatest Commandment 标题:最大的诫命
Main Point: Jesus is God and he deserves all the worship and honor and love that belongs to God. 要点:耶稣是上帝,祂配得属于上帝的一切敬拜、荣耀和爱。
Outline 大纲
1.The Scribe’s Question (v. 28) 1. 文士的问题(第28节)
2.Jesus’ Answer (vv. 29-31) 2.耶稣的回答(第29-31节)
3.The Scribes’ Response (vv. 32-33) 3. 文士的回应(第32-33节)
4.Jesus’ Response (v. 34a-b) 4.耶稣的回应(第34a-b节)
5.The Conclusion (v. 34c) 5.结论(第34c节)
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
What exactly is the scribe asking Jesus to do with all of the commands of the Law? 1.文士问耶稣律法的所有诫命是要干什么?
We made four observations concerning Jesus’ answer in verses 29-31. How many do you remember? Why are those observations significant? Is there one that stood out to you more than the others? 2.我们在29-31节中对耶稣的回答提出了四点观察。你还记得多少?为什么这些观察结果显著?有没有一个比其他几点对你来说更突出?
Why is the scribes’ response important in light of the context of Jesus’ conflict with the religious leaders over the temple? 3.鉴于耶稣与宗教领袖在圣殿内发生冲突的背景,为什么文士的反应很重要?
How does Jesus turn the tables on the Sadducees so that they go from being the judges to being the judged? 4.耶稣如何扭转撒都该人的角色,使他们从审判者变成被审判者?
Jesus told the scribe he is not far from the kingdom. Why is he closer than others? What is he still missing? 5.耶稣告诉文士,他离神国不远。为什么他比别人更接近?他还缺什么?
Why does Mark close this story the way he does? What point is he trying to make in the overall context? 6.为什么马可以这样的方式结束这个故事?他试图在整体背景下说明什么?
Application Questions 应用问题
How does this text apply to our attempts to love today – especially as we think about Mother’s Day? 1.这段经文如何应用于我们今天的爱人实践 - 特别是在考虑母亲节的时候?
Why is it important to know the command to love God with our whole heart and to know the promise that God loves us with his whole heart? How does the gospel empower our obedience to the Great Commandment? 2.为什么重要的是要知道全心全意爱上帝这条诫命,并且知道上帝全心全意爱我们这个应许?福音如何使我们顺服最大的诫命呢?
What would it look like to take the next steps of obedience in loving God with everything we have and loving others as ourselves? What do you need to give to God? Where do you need to step up love for others? 3.以我们拥有的一切来爱上帝,并像爱自己一样爱别人,下一步要怎么做?你需要给上帝什么?你需要在哪里加强对他人的爱?
Prayer Focus 祷告焦点
Pray for a grace to love God with all of our hearts and to believe that God loves us with all of his heart and because of that love we can better love those around us. 祈求恩惠,全心全意爱上帝,并相信上帝全心全意爱我们。因为这爱,我们可以更好地爱我们周围的人。

你可能感兴趣的:(2019-05-12最大的诫命(马可福音12:28-34)The Greatest Commandment)