虚拟机 名 内存 cpu 镜像
virt-install --name kvname1 --ram 512 --vcpus 1 --location=/root/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1804.iso
--disk path=/home/kvm/"kvname1".img,size=5 --graphics none --network bridge=virbr0 --extra-args "console=ttyS0"
安装位置 硬盘 文本下安装 桥接网卡
1) [x] Language settings 2) [!] Time settings
(English (United States)) (Timezone is not set.)
3) [x] Installation source 4) [x] Software selection
(Local media) (Minimal Install)
5) [!] Installation Destination 6) [x] Kdump
(No disks selected) (Kdump is enabled)
7) [ ] Network configuration 8) [!] Root password
(Not connected) (Password is not set.)
9) [!] User creation
(No user will be created)
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
'r' to refresh]: 2
Time settings
Timezone: not set
NTP servers:not configured
1) Set timezone
2) Configure NTP servers
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue |
'r' to refresh]:
Timezone settings
Available regions
1) Europe 6) Pacific 10) Arctic
2) Asia 7) Australia 11) US
3) America 8) Atlantic 12) Etc
4) Africa 9) Indian
5) Antarctica
Please select the timezone.
Use numbers or type names directly [b to region list, q to quit]: 2
6) Aqtobe 34) Jerusalem 61) Sakhalin
7) Ashgabat 35) Kabul 62) Samarkand
8) Atyrau 36) Kamchatka 63) Seoul
9) Baghdad 37) Karachi 64) Shanghai
10) Bahrain 38) Kathmandu 65) Singapore
11) Baku 39) Khandyga 66) Srednekolymsk
12) Bangkok 40) Kolkata 67) Taipei
13) Barnaul 41) Krasnoyarsk 68) Tashkent
14) Beirut 42) Kuala_Lumpur 69) Tbilisi
15) Bishkek 43) Kuching 70) Tehran
16) Brunei 44) Kuwait 71) Thimphu
17) Chita 45) Macau 72) Tokyo
18) Choibalsan 46) Magadan 73) Tomsk
19) Colombo 47) Makassar 74) Ulaanbaatar
20) Damascus 48) Manila 75) Urumqi
21) Dhaka 49) Muscat 76) Ust-Nera
22) Dili 50) Nicosia 77) Vientiane
Press ENTER to continue
14) Beirut 42) Kuala_Lumpur 69) Tbilisi
15) Bishkek 43) Kuching 70) Tehran
16) Brunei 44) Kuwait 71) Thimphu
17) Chita 45) Macau 72) Tokyo
18) Choibalsan 46) Magadan 73) Tomsk
19) Colombo 47) Makassar 74) Ulaanbaatar
20) Damascus 48) Manila 75) Urumqi
21) Dhaka 49) Muscat 76) Ust-Nera
22) Dili 50) Nicosia 77) Vientiane
Press ENTER to continue
23) Dubai 51) Novokuznetsk 78) Vladivostok
24) Dushanbe 52) Novosibirsk 79) Yakutsk
25) Famagusta 53) Omsk 80) Yangon
26) Gaza 54) Oral 81) Yekaterinburg
27) Hebron 55) Phnom_Penh 82) Yerevan
28) Ho_Chi_Minh
Please select the timezone.
Use numbers or type names directly [b to region list, q to quit]:
1) [x] Language settings 2) [x] Time settings
(English (United States)) (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [x] Installation source 4) [x] Software selection
(Local media) (Minimal Install)
5) [!] Installation Destination 6) [x] Kdump
(No disks selected) (Kdump is enabled)
7) [ ] Network configuration 8) [!] Root password
(Not connected) (Password is not set.)
9) [!] User creation
(No user will be created)
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
'r' to refresh]:
这里上面的3和4选项已经好了。如果没好可以等一会按r加enter刷新一下 或多次
1) [x] Language settings 2) [x] Time settings
(English (United States)) (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [x] Installation source 4) [x] Software selection
(Local media) (Minimal Install)
5) [!] Installation Destination 6) [x] Kdump
(No disks selected) (Kdump is enabled)
7) [ ] Network configuration 8) [!] Root password
(Not connected) (Password is not set.)
9) [!] User creation
(No user will be created)
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
'r' to refresh]:
Please select new root password. You will have to type it twice.
然后这里让输入密码输入的是root密码 咱们输入123
Password (confirm):
The password you have provided is weak: The password is too short.
Would you like to use it anyway?
Please respond 'yes' or 'no':
输入yes 确认
1) [x] Language settings 2) [x] Time settings
(English (United States)) (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [x] Installation source 4) [x] Software selection
(Local media) (Minimal Install)
5) [!] Installation Destination 6) [x] Kdump
(No disks selected) (Kdump is enabled)
7) [ ] Network configuration 8) [x] Root password
(Not connected) (Password is set.)
9) [ ] User creation
(No user will be created)
Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin installation |
'r' to refresh]:
到这里就可以输入b 安装了
上面的q是退出安装 b是安装 不过要设置好才能安装 r是刷新
输入b 后确认就开始安装了
Running post-installation scripts
Use of this product is subject to the license agreement found at /usr/share/centos-rel
Installation complete. Press return to quit
连接到域 kvvv
换码符为 ^]
则按ctrl+] 返回