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- 个人中心

Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
Think PHP 5.0 博客系统实战项目训练
高级 * 1125人在学
/*! normalize.css v5.0.0 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
* 1. Change the default font family in all browsers (opinionated).
* 2. Correct the line height in all browsers.
* 3. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in
* IE on Windows Phone and in iOS.
/* Document
========================================================================== */
html {
font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
line-height: 1.15; /* 2 */
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 3 */
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 3 */
/* Sections
========================================================================== */
* Remove the margin in all browsers (opinionated).
body {
margin: 0;
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
section {
display: block;
* Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and
* `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
/* Grouping content
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
* 1. Add the correct display in IE.
main { /* 1 */
display: block;
* Add the correct margin in IE 8.
figure {
margin: 1em 40px;
* 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
* 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
hr {
box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */
height: 0; /* 1 */
overflow: visible; /* 2 */
* 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
* 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
pre {
font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
/* Text-level semantics
========================================================================== */
* 1. Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
* 2. Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.
a {
background-color: transparent; /* 1 */
-webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; /* 2 */
* Remove the outline on focused links when they are also active or hovered
* in all browsers (opinionated).
a:hover {
outline-width: 0;
* 1. Remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.
* 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
abbr[title] {
border-bottom: none; /* 1 */
text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */
text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */
* Prevent the duplicate application of `bolder` by the next rule in Safari 6.
strong {
font-weight: inherit;
* Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
strong {
font-weight: bolder;
* 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
* 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
samp {
font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
* Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-.
dfn {
font-style: italic;
* Add the correct background and color in IE 9-.
mark {
background-color: #ff0;
color: #000;
* Add the correct font size in all browsers.
small {
font-size: 80%;
* Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in
* all browsers.
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font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
vertical-align: baseline;
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bottom: -0.25em;
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/* Embedded content
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
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* Add the correct display in iOS 4-7.
audio:not([controls]) {
display: none;
height: 0;
* Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.
img {
border-style: none;
* Hide the overflow in IE.
svg:not(:root) {
overflow: hidden;
/* Forms
========================================================================== */
* 1. Change the font styles in all browsers (opinionated).
* 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.
textarea {
font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
font-size: 100%; /* 1 */
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margin: 0; /* 2 */
* Show the overflow in IE.
* 1. Show the overflow in Edge.
input { /* 1 */
overflow: visible;
* Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE.
* 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.
select { /* 1 */
text-transform: none;
* 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video`
* controls in Android 4.
* 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
html [type="button"], /* 1 */
[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
* Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox.
[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner {
border-style: none;
padding: 0;
* Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.
[type="submit"]:-moz-focusring {
outline: 1px dotted ButtonText;
* Change the border, margin, and padding in all browsers (opinionated).
fieldset {
border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
margin: 0 2px;
padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
* 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.
* 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.
* 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out
* `fieldset` elements in all browsers.
legend {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
color: inherit; /* 2 */
display: table; /* 1 */
max-width: 100%; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 3 */
white-space: normal; /* 1 */
* 1. Add the correct display in IE 9-.
* 2. Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
progress {
display: inline-block; /* 1 */
vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
* Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE.
textarea {
overflow: auto;
* 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10-.
* 2. Remove the padding in IE 10-.
[type="radio"] {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.
[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
height: auto;
* 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.
* 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
[type="search"] {
-webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */
* Remove the inner padding and cancel buttons in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
* 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
* 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
::-webkit-file-upload-button {
-webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */
font: inherit; /* 2 */
/* Interactive
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
* 1. Add the correct display in Edge, IE, and Firefox.
details, /* 1 */
menu {
display: block;
* Add the correct display in all browsers.
summary {
display: list-item;
/* Scripting
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 9-.
canvas {
display: inline-block;
* Add the correct display in IE.
template {
display: none;
/* Hidden
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 10-.
[hidden] {
display: none;