玩这么久 Python ,这些好玩又实用的库一定不能错过!



pip install pillow
from PIL  import Image
import numpy  as np

a = np.array(Image.open('test.jpg'))
b = [255,255,255] - a
im = Image.fromarray(b.astype('uint8'))




pip install youtube-dl  #直接安装youtube-dl
pip install -U youtube-dl  #安装youtube-dl并更新
youtube-dl " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wNyEUrxzFU"




pip install pdir2
>>>  import pdir,requests
>>> pdir(requests)
module attribute:
__cached__, __file__, __loader__, __name__, __package__, __path__, __spec__
__author__, __build__, __builtins__, __copyright__, __license__, __title__,
__version__, _internal_utils, adapters, api, auth, certs, codes, compat, cookies
, exceptions, hooks, logging, models, packages, pyopenssl, sessions, status_code
s, structures, utils, warnings
special attribute:
NullHandler: This handler does nothing. It's intended to be used to avoid th
PreparedRequest: The fully mutable : class:`PreparedRequest
` object,
Request: A user-created : class:`Request ` object.
Response: The : class:`Response ` object, which contains a
Session: A Requests session.
ConnectTimeout: The request timed out  while trying to connect to the remote
ConnectionError: A Connection error occurred.
DependencyWarning: Warned when an attempt  is made to  import a module  with mi
ssing optional
FileModeWarning: A file was opened  in text mode, but Requests determined its
binary length.
HTTPError: An HTTP error occurred.
ReadTimeout: The server did  not send any data  in the allotted amount of time
RequestException: There was an ambiguous exception that occurred  while handl
ing your
Timeout: The request timed out.
TooManyRedirects: Too many redirects.
URLRequired: A valid URL  is required to make a request.
delete: Sends a DELETE request.
get: Sends a GET request.
head: Sends a HEAD request.
options: Sends a OPTIONS request.
patch: Sends a PATCH request.
post: Sends a POST request.
put: Sends a PUT request.
request: Constructs  and sends a : class:`Request `.
session: Returns a : class:`Session`  for context-management.


Python 玩转网易云音乐


pip install ncmbot
import ncmbot
bot = ncmbot.login(phone='xxx', password='yyy')
bot.content  # bot.json()




pip install getsub



玩这么久 Python ,这些好玩又实用的库一定不能错过!_第1张图片



Python 财经数据接口包


pip install tushare
import tushare  as ts

code name changepercent trade open high low settlement 
0 002738 中矿资源 10.023 19.32 19.32 19.32 19.32 17.56 
1 300410 正业科技 10.022 25.03 25.03 25.03 25.03 22.75 
2 002736 国信证券 10.013 16.37 16.37 16.37 16.37 14.88 
3 300412 迦南科技 10.010 31.54 31.54 31.54 31.54 28.67 
4 300411 金盾股份 10.007 29.68 29.68 29.68 29.68 26.98 
5 603636 南威软件 10.006 38.15 38.15 38.15 38.15 34.68 
6 002664 信质电机 10.004 30.68 29.00 30.68 28.30 27.89 
7 300367 东方网力 10.004 86.76 78.00 86.76 77.87 78.87 
8 601299 中国北车 10.000 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.29 10.40 
9 601880 大连港 10.000 5.72 5.34 5.72 5.22 5.20 
10 000856 冀东装备 10.000 8.91 8.18 8.91 8.18 8.10




# 安装pip
curl -s  https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3

# 安装docker
apt-get update && apt-get install  http://docker.io

# 启动docker服务
service docker start

# 安装compose
pip install docker-compose
# 拉取项目
git clone [email protected]:phith0n/vulhub.git
cd vulhub

# 进入某一个漏洞/环境的目录
cd nginx_php5_mysql

# 自动化编译环境
docker-compose build

# 启动整个环境
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down




pip install -r requirements.txt 安装依赖
python manage.py build_cache 获取离线数据,建立本地缓存
#项目自带了一个终端中的查询工具作为例子,运行: python manage.py cli
>>>  from beijing_bus  import BeijingBus
>>> lines = BeijingBus.get_all_lines()
>>> lines
[, , ...]
>>> lines = BeijingBus.search_lines('847')
>>> lines
[, ]
>>> line = lines[0]
>>> print line.id, line.name
541 847(马甸桥西-雷庄村)
>>> line.stations
[, , , ...]
>>> station = line.stations[0]
>>> print station.name, station.lat, station.lon
马甸桥西 39.967721 116.372921
>>> line.get_realtime_data(1)  # 参数为站点的序号,从1开始
'id': 公交车id,
'lat': 公交车的位置,
'lon': 公交车位置,
'next_station_name': 下一站的名字,
'next_station_num': 下一站的序号,
'next_station_distance': 离下一站的距离,
'next_station_arriving_time': 预计到达下一站的时间,
'station_distance': 离本站的距离,
'station_arriving_time': 预计到达本站的时间,




git clone  https://github.com/grangier/python-goose.git
cd python-goose
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

>>>  from goose  import Goose
>>>  from goose.text  import StopWordsChinese
>>> url =' http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chinese_news/2012/12/121210_hongkong_politics.shtml'
>>> g = Goose({'stopwords_class': StopWordsChinese})
>>> article = g.extract(url=url)
>>> print article.cleaned_text[:150]




Python 艺术二维码生成器


pip install MyQR
myqr  https://github.com
myqr  https://github.com -v 10 -l Q



https://github.com/sylnsfar (二维码自动识别)





pip install fake-useragent
from fake_useragent  import UserAgent
ua = UserAgent()

# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.0; en-US);
# Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3; Trident/6.0)'
ua['Internet Explorer']
# Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.4; InfoPath.2; SV1; .NET CLR 3.3.69573; WOW64; en-US)
# Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux i686; U; ru) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.11
# Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1216.0 Safari/537.2'


美化 curl


pip install httpstat
httpstat  http://httpbin.org/get



玩这么久 Python ,这些好玩又实用的库一定不能错过!_第2张图片



python shell


pip install sh
from sh  import ifconfig
print ifconfig("eth0")




pip install -U textblob #英文文本的情感分析
pip install snownlp #中文文本的情感分析
from snownlp  import SnowNLP
text = "I am happy today. I feel sad today."
from textblob  import TextBlob
blob = TextBlob(text)
TextBlob("I am happy today. I feel sad today.")
Sentiment(polarity=0.15000000000000002, subjectivity=1.0)

s = SnowNLP(u'这个东西真心很赞')

s.words  # [u'这个', u'东西', u'真心',
# u'很', u'赞']

s.tags  # [(u'这个', u'r'), (u'东西', u'n'),
# (u'真心', u'd'), (u'很', u'd'),
# (u'赞', u'Vg')]

s.sentiments  # 0.9769663402895832 positive的概率

s.pinyin  # [u'zhe', u'ge', u'dong', u'xi',
# u'zhen', u'xin', u'hen', u'zan']

s = SnowNLP(u'「繁體字」「繁體中文」的叫法在臺灣亦很常見。')

s.han  # u'「繁体字」「繁体中文」的叫法
# 在台湾亦很常见。'




pip install -U getproxy
➜ ~ getproxy --help
Usage: getproxy [OPTIONS]

-- in-proxy TEXT Input proxy file
--out-proxy TEXT Output proxy file
--help Show this message  and exit.


  • --in-proxy 可选参数,待验证的 proxies 列表文件
  • --out-proxy 可选参数,输出已验证的 proxies 列表文件,如果为空,则直接输出到终端
  • --in-proxy 文件格式和 --out-proxy 文件格式一致


zhihu api


pip install git+git:// http://github.com/lzjun567/zhihu-api --upgrade
from zhihu  import Zhihu
zhihu = Zhihu()

{'avatar_url_template': ' https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-ca13758626bd7367febde704c66249ec_{size}.jpg',
'badge': [],
'name': '我是小号',
'headline': '程序员',
'gender': -1,
'user_type': 'people',
'is_advertiser':  False,
'avatar_url': ' https://pic1.zhimg.com/v2-ca13758626bd7367febde704c66249ec_is.jpg',
'url': ' http://www.zhihu.com/api/v4/people/1da75b85900e00adb072e91c56fd9149', 'type': 'people',
'url_token': 'xiaoxiaodouzi',
'id': '1da75b85900e00adb072e91c56fd9149',
'is_org':  False}


Python 密码泄露查询模块


pip install leakPasswd
import leakPasswd



玩这么久 Python ,这些好玩又实用的库一定不能错过!_第3张图片



解析 nginx 访问日志并格式化输出


pip install ngxtop
$ ngxtop
running  for 411 seconds, 64332 records processed: 156.60 req/sec

| count | avg_bytes_sent | 2xx | 3xx | 4xx | 5xx |
| 64332 | 2775.251 | 61262 | 2994 | 71 | 5 |

| request_path | count | avg_bytes_sent | 2xx | 3xx | 4xx | 5xx |
| /abc/xyz/xxxx | 20946 | 434.693 | 20935 | 0 | 11 | 0 |
| /xxxxx.json | 5633 | 1483.723 | 5633 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx | 3629 | 6835.499 | 3626 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxx | 3627 | 15971.885 | 3623 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxx | 3624 | 7830.236 | 3621 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
| /static/js/minified/utils.min.js | 3031 | 1781.155 | 2104 | 927 | 0 | 0 |
| /static/js/minified/xxxxxxx.min.v1.js | 2889 | 2210.235 | 2068 | 821 | 0 | 0 |
| /static/tracking/js/xxxxxxxx.js | 2594 | 1325.681 | 1927 | 667 | 0 | 0 |
| /xxxxx/xxx.html | 2521 | 573.597 | 2520 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| /xxxxx/xxxx.json | 1840 | 800.542 | 1839 | 0 | 1 | 0 |




pip install iquery
iquery (-c|彩票)
iquery (-m|电影)
iquery -p
iquery -l song [singer]
iquery -p
iquery []
iquery [-dgktz] < from>

from 出发站
to 到达站
date 查询日期

city 查询城市
show 演出的类型
days 查询近(几)天内的演出, 若省略, 默认15

city 城市名,加在-p后查询该城市所有莆田医院
hospital 医院名,加在city后检查该医院是否是莆田系

-h, --help 显示该帮助菜单.
-dgktz 动车,高铁,快速,特快,直达
-m 热映电影查询
-p 莆田系医院查询
-l 歌词查询
-c 彩票查询

演唱会 音乐会 音乐剧 歌舞剧 儿童剧 话剧
歌剧 比赛 舞蹈 戏曲 相声 杂技 马戏 魔术


