



Coyote IDL Program Libraries

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Libraries
  • Download the Coyote Library
  • Download the Catalyst Library
  • Instructions For Installing the Libraries
  • Subversion Repository for Coyote Libraries
  • Mark Hadfield's Motley Library
  • Programs by Function
  • Programs by Name
  • Coyote Visualization Gallery
  • Retired Coyote Programs

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***Programs by Function

  • Coyote Graphics
  • Graphics Plot Gallery
  • Mapping Programs
  • Working with Colors
  • PostScript Output
  • Reading and Writing Data
  • Utilities
  • Image Processing
  • Widgets
  • Object Graphics
  • Catalyst Programs

Download ALL Programs


***Programs by Name

  • ACTIVECONTOUR Active contour (or snake) example program. Uses GVF Active Contouring algorithm.
  • ADJUSTPOSITION Allows interactive adjustment of the plot position in a graphics windows.
  • ANNOTATEWINDOW A Catalyst Library application for annotating IDL graphics windows.
  • ARCSAMPLE Resamples a closed curve on approximately equally-spaced arc distances.
  • ASINHSCL Similar to BYTSCL, except that an inverse hyperbolic sine function is used for scaling.
  • BELL Windows-only set of programs for ringing the bell (or playing a sound).
  • BINARY Used to print a binary representation of an integer.
  • BITGET Returns the value of a specified bit in a number.
  • CAPFIRSTLETTER A utility program that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.
  • CATALYST A sample application demonstating Catalyst Library features.
  • CHECKERBOARD Creates a 2D checkerboard image.
  • cgADDTOPATH Allows the user to add a directory to the IDL !PATH system variable.
  • cgAPPENDTOFILENAME Appends a string to the root name of a longer file name.
  • cgARROW Draws an arrow in a graphics window.
  • cgASPECT Calculates plot position coordinates for plot of specified aspect ratio.
  • cgAXIS A device/color independent wrapper for the AXIS command.
  • cgBARPLOT Draws data as a bar plot.
  • cgBLENDIMAGE Uses alpha-blending to blend or fuse two 24-bit color images.
  • cgBOXPLOT Draws data as a box and whisker plot.
  • cgCBAR2KML Creates a color bar for KML files in Google Earth.
  • cgCENTERTLB Centers a widget program on the display.
  • cgCHANGEMAPPROJECTION Warps an image in one map projection to another.
  • cgCHECKFORSYMBOLS Parses a text string for embedded symbols.
  • cgCLIPTOMAP Clip or subset a georegistered image to a map boundary.
  • cgCOLOR A device-independent color-selection tool.
  • cgCOLOR24 Converts RGB color value to 24-bit integer.
  • cgCOLORBAR Creates direct graphics color bar.
  • cgCOLORFILL A device-independent and color-independent wrapper for the POLYFILL command.
  • cgCONLEVELS A function for creating contour levels for the cgContour command.
  • cgCONTAINER A modified IDL_Container object with properties important for Coyote Graphics.
  • cgCONTOUR A device-independent and color-independent wrapper for the CONTOUR command.
  • cgCOORD A coordinate object for Coyote Graphics routines.
  • cgDBLTOSTR Converts a double-precision value to a string, preserving significant digits.
  • cgDCBAR A discrete color bar with a handful of colors and centered labels.
  • cgDEFAULTCOLOR This function defines a default color for Coyote Graphics routines.
  • cgDEFCHARSIZE A routine define the default character size for Coyote Graphics routines.
  • cgDELETE A routine to delete an cgWINDOW from the display.
  • cgDEMODATA Opens data files found in the IDL distribution.
  • cgDISPLAY A device-independent and color-independent wrapper for the WINDOW command.
  • cgDOTPLOT A fancy plot, used more often in business presentations.
  • cgDRAWSHAPES A program to draw shapefile polygons on map projections.
  • cgDRAWVECTORS Draws velocity vectors on a map or other IDL graphics display. *New!*
  • cgERASE A wrapper for ERASE that erases window in white color.
  • cgERRORMSG A device-independent error handler with traceback capability.
  • cgEXTRACTSHAPE Extracts a single shape or polygon from a shapefile.
  • cgFINDMAPBOUNDARY Finds the the boundary of the map projected grid for files that allow it.
  • cgFIXPS Fixes IDL PostScript landscape output files so they display with proper orientation.
  • cgGEOMAP Automatically georegisters a GeoTiff image.
  • cgGETCOLORSTATE Returns a device/version independent current decomposition state.
  • cgGOOGLE_METERSPERPIXEL Calculates meters per pixel value for Google Static Maps.
  • cgGOOGLEMAPMARKER__DEFINE Defines a marker structure for Google Static Maps.
  • cgGOOGLEMAPWIDGET A compound object-widget for adding Google Static Maps to an application.
  • cgGOOGLEMAPWIDGET__DEFINE The cgGoogleMapWidget object.
  • cgGRAPHICSKEYWORDS Maintains a list and the values of typical "graphics keywords".
  • cgGREEK Returns a letter from the Greek alphabet as a string for plot annotation.
  • cgHISTOGRAM A wrapper for HISTOGRAM that prevents silent errors and adds functionality.
  • cgHISTOPLOT Draws a histogram plot (direct graphics).
  • cgIMAGE Device independent replacement for TV. Works with !P.Multi and Position keyword.
  • cgIMAGEINFO Works with cgIMAGE to display interactive image locations and values.
  • cgIMAGE2KML Creates a KML file to overlay an image in Google Earth.
  • cgJULIAN2DATE Converts a Julian Number into a well-formatted date string.
  • cgKML_FEATURE Implements an abstract KML Feature object class.
  • cgKML_FILE Creates a KML file to be displayed in Google Earth.
  • cgKML_GROUNDOVERLAY Implements an KML GroundOverlay element.
  • cgKML_LOOKAT Implements an abstract KML LookAt object class.
  • cgKML_OBJECT Implements an abstract KML Object object class.
  • cgKML_OVERLAY Implements an abstract KML Overlay object class.
  • cgKML_SCREENOVERLAY Implements a KML ScreenOverlay object class.
  • cgKML2KMZ Create KMZ files from KML and image files.
  • cgKRIG2D Perform two-dimensional kriging orders of magnitude faster than Krig2D.
  • cgLAYOUT Returns positions for positioning graphics in a column/row grid.
  • cgLEGEND Creates a legend in a graphic display.
  • cgLOADCT A drop-in replacement for LOADCT with additional functionality.
  • cgMAP_CONTINENTS A Coyote Graphics wrapper for Map_Continents.
  • cgMAP_GRID A Coyote Graphics wrapper for Map_Grid.
  • cgMAP_GSHHS Draws outlines from the GSHHS shoreline data on maps.
  • cgMAP_SET A Coyote Graphics wrapper for Map_Set.
  • cgMAP A more powerful means of creating and using GCTP map projections.
  • cgMAPCONTINENTS An object wrapper for cg_Map_Continents and cg_Map_GSHHS.
  • cgMAPGRID An object wrapper for cg_Map_Grid.
  • cgMAPPLOTS Draws lines and symbols on map projections set up with cgMap.
  • cgMAPVECTOR Draws vectors (arrows) on map projections set up with cgMap.
  • cgMONTHS Returns a month string in various formats for graphic rendering.
  • cgNCDFMAP Creates a map coordinate object for netCDF files with map projections.
  • cgNUMBER_FORMATTER A utility routine to format numbers used in text widgets.
  • cgOBJ_ISA Similar to the built-in OBJ_ISA, but with more features.
  • cgNORMALIZE Creates scaling vector that positions graphic elements in graphic views.
  • cgOTSU_THRESHOLD Finds the threshold between bimodal populations of pixels in an image.
  • cgPERCENTILES Function to calculate percentiles in a data set.
  • cgPICKCOLORNAME Utility for picking or specifying a color by name.
  • cgPLOT A device-independent and color-independent wrapper for the PLOT command.
  • cgPLOTS A device-independent and color-independent wrapper for the PLOTS command.
  • cgPOLYGON A device-independent and color-independent wrapper creating filled or unfilled polygons.
  • cgPROGRESSBAR Implements a "show progress" bar.
  • cgPS_CLOSE Wrapper program to close a PostScript file for input.
  • cgPS_CONFIG A function wrapper for graphically configuring the PostScript device.
  • cgPS_OPEN Wrapper program to open a PostScript file for input.
  • cgPS2PDF A device-independent program for creating PDF files from PostScript intermediates.
  • cgPS2RASTER Create BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF files from PostScript intermediary files.
  • cgPSDIMS Find the dimensions of a PostScript file by reading the Bounding Box values.
  • cgPSWINDOW Creates PostScript window with same aspect ratio as display window.
  • cgQUERY A utility routine to gather information about cgWINDOW applications on the display.
  • cgRANDOMINDICES Create random indices without replacement (unique indices).
  • cgRANDOMWALD Create random indices with Inverse Gaussian or Wald distribution.
  • cgRESIZEIMAGE A Congrid command without Congrid's weaknesses for resizing images.
  • cgRESIZERASTER Resize a raster file to new dimensions.
  • cgREVERSEINDICES A routine read the histogram reverse indices vector in a simple way.
  • cgROOTNAME Return the base filename, the directory name, and the file extension as strings.
  • cgSCALEVECTOR Scales vector or array between given MIN and MAX values.
  • cgSCATTER2D Creates a scatter plot between two variables.
  • cgSET A routine to make an cgWINDOW the current display window.
  • cgSET_TTFONT Sets the True-Type font for PostScript and raster output.
  • cgSETCOLORSTATE Sets a device/version independent current decomposition state.
  • cgSETDIFFERENCE Finds the difference between two sets of integer values.
  • cgSETINTERSECTION Finds the intersection between two sets of integer values.
  • cgSETUNION Finds the union between two sets of integer values.
  • cgSHAPEINFO Allows the user to browse shapefiles containing geographical information.
  • cgSNAKE Implements the Gradient Vector Flow "snake" algorithm of Xu and Prince as a function.
  • cgSTRETCH Interactively increase image contrast with various image pixel transformations.
  • cgSURF A device-independent and color-independent wrapper to the SURFACE and SHADE_SURF commands.
  • cgSURFACE A full-rotating, object graphics surface command with texture mapping.
  • cgSYMBOL Draws device independent Greek (φ, ξ, λ, etc.) and other symbols (Å, ≠, ≡, etc.) in programs.
  • cgSYMCAT A symbol catalog with 44 possible symbols to use in IDL graphics plots.
  • cgTAYLORDIAGRAM Creates a Taylor Diagram plot from user data.
  • cgTERMINATOR_MAP Creates a day/night map terminator on a map projection.
  • cgTEXT A wrapper for XYOUTS that writes (and places) text in a color independent manner.
  • cgTIMESTAMP A utility program to create a time stamp in 11 different formats.
  • cgTRANSPARENTIMAGE Creates a semi-transparent image with optional missing color “knocked-out”.
  • cgUTMZONE Returns the UTM zone for a particular longitude and latitude.
  • cgWARPTOMAP Allows mapping of data with associated latitude and longitude arrays.
  • cgWINDOW_GETDEFS Gets default values for cgWINDOW.
  • cgWINDOW_SETDEFS Sets default values for cgWINDOW.
  • cgWINDOW A "smart" graphics window. Resizeable with automatic file output.
  • cgWINDROSE Creates a wind rose diagram from wind speed and direction arrays.
  • cgWHOAMI Identifies the program module containing this function.
  • cgWHOCALLEDME Identifies the program module calling this function.
  • cgZIMAGE An interactive widget for zooming into 2D and true-color images.
  • cgZPLOT An interactive zoom/pan compound widget or application for line plots.
  • CINDEX Allows you to see the color index number associated with each color.
  • CLIPBOARD Copies contents of an IDL graphics window to clipboard for pasting to other applications.
  • CLIPSCL Performs a linear byte scaling of data, with clipping on each end of the histogram.
  • COLORBUTTONBITMAP Creates a true-color bit map for created colored widget buttons.
  • COLORSAREIDENTICAL Determines if two colors, specified in different ways, are identical.
  • CONTRASTZOOM Allows "in place" zoomimg and interactive contrast/brightness adjustment using object graphics.
  • CONVERT_TO_TYPE A function that converts its input argument to a run-time data type.
  • COUNT_ROWS Count the number of rows in an ASCII file.
  • CW_DRAWCOLOR A compound widget used to select an individual color from a color rectangle or patch.
  • DATAVIEWER Catalyst application for display of NSIDC satellite images.
  • DRAWSHAPES A general program for drawing shapefile polygons in lat/lon on map projections.
  • ERRORLOGGER An object for logging program errors and other comments.
  • FIND_BOUNDARY Finds the boundary pixels around a region of interest.
  • FIT_ELLIPSE Fits an ellipse to a region of interest (known as a "blob").
  • FLOATS_EQUAL Compares two floating-point values or arrays for equality.
  • FPUFIX Fixes problems in data that can cause floating point underflow errors.
  • FSC_COLORSELECT A compound widget for selecting a color name or color table.
  • FSC_DROPLIST A replacement for WIDGET_DROPLIST with easy Get/Set Value capability.
  • FSC_FIELD A replacement compound widget for CW_FIELD. Similar to FSC_INPUTFIELD.
  • FSC_FILESELECT A file selection compound widget.
  • FSC_INPUTFIELD A replacement compound widget for CW_FIELD. Written as an object.
  • FSC_PICKFILE A wrapper for Dialog_Pickfile that remembers your last selection.
  • FSC_PLOTWINDOW A "good-for-nothing-yet" object compound widget program, written with object graphics.
  • FSC_PSCONFIG A full-featured program for configuring the PostScript device.
  • GAUSSSCL Performs a Gaussian scaling on image arrays.
  • GEOCOORD Converts a GEOTIFF structure to a MAPCOORD map coordinate object.
  • GET_OBJECT_ID Obtain a unique object identifier for an object.
  • GETIMAGE Reads unformatted 2D and 3D arrays.
  • GMASCL BYTSCL on steroids! Gamma as well as linear scaling.
  • GPD_VIEWER Catalyst application creates GPD files, used for NSIDC satellite data gridding operations.
  • GRIDPOSITIONS Calculate column and row grid positions anywhere in the window.
  • HCOLORBAR Create object graphics horizontal color bar.
  • HELP_VAR Performs a "HELP" on variables only.
  • HDFREAD Reads an HDF data file created with HDFWRITE.
  • HDFWRITE Writes an HDF data file.
  • HIST_ND Calculates an N-dimensional histogram.
  • HISTOMATCH Performs histogram matching on an image.
  • IDLWAVE_CATALOG Catalog file of this library for the IDLWAVE Emacs mode.
  • IMAGE_BLEND Image with transparent image overlay.
  • IMAGE_DIMENSIONS Utility for determining the size and dimensions of images.
  • IMAGESELECT An image selection program for images with known formats.
  • IMGWIN An image window for interactively exploring image values and positions.
  • INSIDE Tests if point is inside a specified polygon.
  • JD2TIME Converts a Julian Day Number into a well-formatted time string.
  • LEFTJUSTIFY Creates a string that is left justified with respect to a string width.
  • LINKEDLIST Implements a doubly linked list.
  • LIST_SELECTOR A pop-up dialog widget for selecting items from a string array.
  • LOGSCL Like BYTSCL, only with a logrithmic scaling instead of linear scaling.
  • MAP_GSHHS_SHORELINE Draws shorelines using the GSHHS data base in manner of MAP_CONTINENTS.
  • MAXWINDOWSIZE Returns the maximum size of an unobstructed graphics window.
  • MAXMIN Print the maximum and minimum of a variable.
  • MPI_PLOT A wrapper for PLOT and OPLOT commands that allows interactive configuration of keywords.
  • NAME_SELECTOR A pop-up dialog widget for selecting items from a string array.
  • NCDF_BROWSER A simplified front end for the NCDF_DATA object and browsing netCDF and HDF files.
  • NCDF_COORD Reads a netCDF file to obtain map projection and grid information to produce a MapCoord object.
  • NCDF_TOOLS A zip file of IDL programs for creating, browsing, and reading netCDF files.
  • OBJECT_SHADE_SURF Elevation-shaded surface in object graphics.
  • PICKCOLOR Utility for picking or specifying a drawing color.
  • PRECIPMAP Demonstrates how to fit a map coordinate system to a map-projected image.
  • PRINTWINDOW Utility for sending the contents of a graphics window to the printer.
  • RANDOMNUMBERGENERATOR An object for creating random numbers.
  • RANGEOF A utility program for finding the range of a vector or array.
  • READ_TOMS_AEROSOL Demonstrates how to overlay satellite imagery on a map projection.
  • REPMAT Replicates or tiles a matrix in a manner similar to MatLab RepMat command.
  • RESOLVE_OBJECT Restores an object's methods when a saved object is restored.
  • REVERSE_AXES Demonstrates how to reverse object graphics axes.
  • SAVETOMAIN Saves a variable to the main IDL level from within a procedure.
  • SCALEMODIS Provides differential scaling to brighten MODIS reflectance images.
  • SCROLLWINDOW A scrollable window when display size is smaller than window size.
  • SDEVSCL Like BYTSCL, but using the standard deviation of pixels to create scaling thresholds.
  • SELECT_OBJECTS Select and move objects interactively.
  • SETDEFAULTVALUE Sets default values for positional and keyword arguments.
  • SHARPEN Sharpens an image with a Laplacian kernel.
  • SIMPLE_SURFACE A much simplified cgSURFACE object program.
  • SORT_ND Efficiently perform an N-dimensional sort along any dimension of an array.
  • STATIONPLOT Plots meteorological "station" data. Used with WINDBARB
  • STR_SIZE Calculates character size for direct graphics resizeable graphics windows.
  • TEXTBOX A simple pop-up (or modal) dialog widget that returns a text string.
  • TEXTLINEFORMAT Formats a long line of text into a string array of specified maximum length.
  • TEXTURE_SURFACE A program that demonstrates the proper way to overlay an image on a surface object.
  • TRANSFORM_VOLUME Allows efficient rotation, scaling, and transformation of 3D array or volume data.
  • UNDEFINE Deletes program variables at any program level, including at the IDL command line.
  • VCOLORBAR Creates object graphics vertical color bar.
  • WINDBARB Plots meteorological wind barbs.
  • WINDOWAVAILABLE Indicates whether a graphics window is currently open and available.
  • WINDOWIMAGE Interactively change the contrast and brightness of an image using direct graphics.
  • XCD Fancy change directory utility. Couldn't live without it. :-)
  • XCOLORS Changes color tables interactively. Absolutely required for 24-bit displays.
  • XMOVIE Correct implementation of a widget annimation loop.
  • ZOOMBOX Zooms into image with rubberband selection technique. (Uses object graphics.)

Download ALL Programs


Overview of Libraries

My original goal for writing the programs in the Coyote Library was to have a library of well-written and well-documented example programs for the students attending my IDL programming courses. But, of course, over time the library evolved into programs that became indispensible in my own IDL programming work. There are still a number of example programs in the library, but for the most part these programs are the bread and butter of my own daily IDL programming practice. Indispensible to me, if not to you.

In addition to the Coyote Library, as of October 2008, I have also made the Catalyst Library available. This is an IDL object library that David Burridge and I originally wrote in 2003 for a large satellite image application. It has evolved over time into something that I use in nearly all of my IDL consulting projects. The name “Catalyst ”comes from the notion that we have been able to build fairly sophisiticated applications with the library in a fraction of the time it used to take us. TheCatalyst Library is a framework for building IDL applications. This is similar to the iTools framework, with the very important difference that the Catalyst Library can be programmed by mere mortals. In other words, if you can write an IDL widget program, you know everything you need to write a Catalyst Library application. For the most part, Catalyst Libraryapplications use direct graphics methods, even though everything in the library is an object. You do not need to know any object graphics, or any iTools functionality to use and build programs with the library.

I hope you find these programs useful to you and instructive as well. If you ever have a problem with one of the programs, please contact me. Your satisfaction, while not strictly guaranteed, is always carefully considered. And if one of these programs is just what you have been looking for, consider making a contribution to the work.


Downloading and Installing the Libraries

Coyote Library

Many of the Coyote Library programs require others in the library to work properly. It is best to download all the Coyote Library programs at once as a zip file. Extracting the zip file will install a directory named coyote on your machine. Add thecoyote directory to your IDL path. There are many ways to add the coyote directory to your path, but something like this, typed at the IDL command line, or executed in an IDL start-up file, always works:

Windows -- Assuming the files were extracted to the "C:\idlfiles\coyote\" directory:

   IDL> !PATH = Expand_Path('+C:\idlfiles\coyote\') + ';' + !PATH

UNIX -- Assuming the files were extracted to the "~/idlfiles/coyote/" directory:

   IDL> !PATH = Expand_Path('+~/idlfiles/coyote/') + ':' + !PATH

If you are looking for retired or obsolete Coyote Library routines (e.g., TVImage or FSC_Surface) you can find them in this zip file. If you are looking for example code using the Coyote Library, visit the Coyote Plot Gallery.

Catalyst Library

The Catalyst Library is also available as a zip file. The Catalyst Library requires the Coyote Library, so it is necessary to install both libraries to use the Catalyst Library. (Please use the most recent version of the Coyote Library. If you haven't updated your Coyote Library in a while, this is an extremely propitious time to do so!) Create a catalyst directory somewhere on your machine (inside the coyote directory you created above is a good choice) and extract the files to this directory. Be sure both the coyote and catalyst directories are on your IDL path. There are many ways to add these directories to your path, but something like this, typed at the IDL command line, or executed in an IDL start-up file, always works:

Windows -- Assuming the files were extracted to the "C:\idlfiles\coyote\" and "C:\idlfiles\catalyst\" directories:

   IDL> !PATH = Expand_Path('+C:\idlfiles\coyote\;+C:\idlfiles\catalyst\') + ';' + !PATH

UNIX -- Assuming the files were extracted to the "~/idlfiles/coyote/" and "~/idlfiles/catalyst/" directories:

   IDL> !PATH = Expand_Path('+~/idlfiles/coyote/:+~/idlfiles/catalyst/) + ':' + !PATH

Subversion Repositories for the Coyote and Catalyst Libraries

The Coyote and Catalyst Libraries can also be obtained in the Open Source project idl-coyote. This is a Subversion repository where you can obtain officially released copies of the Libraries as well as up-to-date versions of the programs contained in the Libraries.

Motley Library

Note that I am also proud to host Mark Hadfield's Motley Library of IDL programs, too. Mark is an excellent IDL programmer and you will find excellent object graphics programs, elegant object classes, and means for acessing netCDF files, among lots of other programs in this excellent collection. (If you are after the earlier, IDL 5.6 version, of the Motley Library, click here.)


Retired Coyote Programs

From time to time, Coyote programs are retired. Sometimes this is because the program is no longer useful, but more often it is because a name change is required to avoid stepping on other programs with similar functionality. Sometimes it is because I want to include new functionality and a name change is appropriate. Retired Coyote programs do not disappear. They are just located in a different place. If you need them you can always find them. You can download a zip filecontaining all of them. Be advised, however, that no updates are ever made on retired Coyote programs. All updates to Coyote programs occur on the most recent incarnation of the program. To see which new file has replaced a retired program, you can consult this retired program list.

