Spring源码:@AliasFor JDK动态代理源码分析


0. 源码参见

1. isSynthesizable判断是否需要被代理

2. SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler创建和执行逻辑

2.1 DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor

2.1.1 AbstractAliasAwareAnnotationAttributeExtractor构造函数

2.1.2 接口方法getAttributeValue

2.2 SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler执行逻辑

3. 创建JDK动态代理


0. 源码参见

@AliasFor 具体工作机制源码参见AnnotationUtils.synthesizeAnnotation(A annotation, Object annotatedElement) 方法:

	 * Synthesize an annotation from the supplied {@code annotation}
	 * by wrapping it in a dynamic proxy that transparently enforces
	 * attribute alias semantics for annotation attributes that are
	 * annotated with {@link AliasFor @AliasFor}.
	 * @param annotation the annotation to synthesize
	 * @param annotatedElement the element that is annotated with the supplied
	 * annotation; may be {@code null} if unknown
	 * @return the synthesized annotation if the supplied annotation is
	 * synthesizable; {@code null} if the supplied annotation is
	 * {@code null}; otherwise the supplied annotation unmodified
	 * @throws AnnotationConfigurationException if invalid configuration of
	 * {@code @AliasFor} is detected
	 * @since 4.2
	 * @see #synthesizeAnnotation(Map, Class, AnnotatedElement)
	 * @see #synthesizeAnnotation(Class)
	public static  A synthesizeAnnotation(A annotation, AnnotatedElement annotatedElement) {
		return synthesizeAnnotation(annotation, (Object) annotatedElement);

	static  A synthesizeAnnotation(A annotation, Object annotatedElement) {
		if (annotation == null) {
			return null;
		if (annotation instanceof SynthesizedAnnotation) {
			return annotation;

		Class annotationType = annotation.annotationType();
		if (!isSynthesizable(annotationType)) {
			return annotation;

		DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor attributeExtractor =
				new DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor(annotation, annotatedElement);
		InvocationHandler handler = new SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler(attributeExtractor);

		// Can always expose Spring's SynthesizedAnnotation marker since we explicitly check for a
		// synthesizable annotation before (which needs to declare @AliasFor from the same package)
		Class[] exposedInterfaces = new Class[] {annotationType, SynthesizedAnnotation.class};
		return (A) Proxy.newProxyInstance(annotation.getClass().getClassLoader(), exposedInterfaces, handler);


  1. 如果已经是SynthesizedAnnotation实现类,即已经是代理类,直接返回;
  2. isSynthesizable判断该注解是不是标注了@AliasFor注解,是否需要被代理;
  3. 创建SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler,这是一个InvocationHandler类,用于构造JDK动态代理
  4. 创建JDK动态代理


1. isSynthesizable判断是否需要被代理


	 * Determine if annotations of the supplied {@code annotationType} are
	 * synthesizable (i.e., in need of being wrapped in a dynamic
	 * proxy that provides functionality above that of a standard JDK
	 * annotation).

Specifically, an annotation is synthesizable if it declares * any attributes that are configured as aliased pairs via * {@link AliasFor @AliasFor} or if any nested annotations used by the * annotation declare such aliased pairs. * @since 4.2 * @see SynthesizedAnnotation * @see SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static boolean isSynthesizable(Class annotationType) { Boolean synthesizable = synthesizableCache.get(annotationType); if (synthesizable != null) { return synthesizable; } synthesizable = Boolean.FALSE; for (Method attribute : getAttributeMethods(annotationType)) { if (!getAttributeAliasNames(attribute).isEmpty()) { synthesizable = Boolean.TRUE; break; } Class returnType = attribute.getReturnType(); if (Annotation[].class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { Class nestedAnnotationType = (Class) returnType.getComponentType(); if (isSynthesizable(nestedAnnotationType)) { synthesizable = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } else if (Annotation.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { Class nestedAnnotationType = (Class) returnType; if (isSynthesizable(nestedAnnotationType)) { synthesizable = Boolean.TRUE; break; } } } synthesizableCache.put(annotationType, synthesizable); return synthesizable; }


  1. 该注解属性上直接标注了AliasFor注解;
  2. 属性返回值为注解类型且标注了AliasFor注解,该部分的解析是通过递归来解析的;

2. SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler创建和执行逻辑


2.1 DefaultAnnotationAttributeExtractor


Spring源码:@AliasFor JDK动态代理源码分析_第1张图片





2.1.1 AbstractAliasAwareAnnotationAttributeExtractor构造函数


	 * Construct a new {@code AbstractAliasAwareAnnotationAttributeExtractor}.
	 * @param annotationType the annotation type to synthesize; never {@code null}
	 * @param annotatedElement the element that is annotated with the annotation
	 * of the supplied type; may be {@code null} if unknown
	 * @param source the underlying source of annotation attributes; never {@code null}
			Class annotationType, Object annotatedElement, S source) {

		Assert.notNull(annotationType, "annotationType must not be null");
		Assert.notNull(source, "source must not be null");
		this.annotationType = annotationType;
		this.annotatedElement = annotatedElement;
		this.source = source;
		this.attributeAliasMap = AnnotationUtils.getAttributeAliasMap(annotationType);


  • 注解类直接包含了两个互为别名的属性;
  • 注解类中两个属性的别名同为该注解元注解的某个属性,这样两个属性互为间接别名;

2.1.2 接口方法getAttributeValue


	public final Object getAttributeValue(Method attributeMethod) {
		String attributeName = attributeMethod.getName();
		Object attributeValue = getRawAttributeValue(attributeMethod);

		List aliasNames = this.attributeAliasMap.get(attributeName);
		if (aliasNames != null) {
			Object defaultValue = AnnotationUtils.getDefaultValue(this.annotationType, attributeName);
			for (String aliasName : aliasNames) {
				Object aliasValue = getRawAttributeValue(aliasName);

				if (!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(attributeValue, aliasValue) &&
						!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(attributeValue, defaultValue) &&
						!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(aliasValue, defaultValue)) {
					String elementName = (this.annotatedElement != null ? this.annotatedElement.toString() : "unknown element");
					throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format(
							"In annotation [%s] declared on %s and synthesized from [%s], attribute '%s' and its " +
							"alias '%s' are present with values of [%s] and [%s], but only one is permitted.",
							this.annotationType.getName(), elementName, this.source, attributeName, aliasName,
							ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(attributeValue), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(aliasValue)));

				// If the user didn't declare the annotation with an explicit value,
				// use the value of the alias instead.
				if (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(attributeValue, defaultValue)) {
					attributeValue = aliasValue;

		return attributeValue;

2.2 SynthesizedAnnotationInvocationHandler执行逻辑


	public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
		if (ReflectionUtils.isEqualsMethod(method)) {
			return annotationEquals(args[0]);
		if (ReflectionUtils.isHashCodeMethod(method)) {
			return annotationHashCode();
		if (ReflectionUtils.isToStringMethod(method)) {
			return annotationToString();
		if (AnnotationUtils.isAnnotationTypeMethod(method)) {
			return annotationType();
		if (!AnnotationUtils.isAttributeMethod(method)) {
			throw new AnnotationConfigurationException(String.format(
					"Method [%s] is unsupported for synthesized annotation type [%s]", method, annotationType()));
		return getAttributeValue(method);

	private Object getAttributeValue(Method attributeMethod) {
		String attributeName = attributeMethod.getName();
		Object value = this.valueCache.get(attributeName);
		if (value == null) {
			value = this.attributeExtractor.getAttributeValue(attributeMethod);
			if (value == null) {
				String msg = String.format("%s returned null for attribute name [%s] from attribute source [%s]",
						this.attributeExtractor.getClass().getName(), attributeName, this.attributeExtractor.getSource());
				throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

			// Synthesize nested annotations before returning them.
			if (value instanceof Annotation) {
				value = AnnotationUtils.synthesizeAnnotation((Annotation) value, this.attributeExtractor.getAnnotatedElement());
			else if (value instanceof Annotation[]) {
				value = AnnotationUtils.synthesizeAnnotationArray((Annotation[]) value, this.attributeExtractor.getAnnotatedElement());

			this.valueCache.put(attributeName, value);

		// Clone arrays so that users cannot alter the contents of values in our cache.
		if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
			value = cloneArray(value);

		return value;

3. 创建JDK动态代理


Class[] exposedInterfaces = new Class[] {annotationType, SynthesizedAnnotation.class}; (A) Proxy.newProxyInstance(annotation.getClass().getClassLoader(), exposedInterfaces, handler);

