

      • [Windows桌面应用--选择开发平台类型](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/desktop/choose-your-technology)
        • UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms 介绍
          • UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms 对比
        • Win32 API 介绍


  • UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms

    这三个开发平台提供运行环境(Windows Runtime for UWP,and .NET for WPF and Windows Forms),这对于开发者有很大好处,特别在开发效率、UI界面、安全性等方面尤为显著。这些框架支持可视化设计和快速UI设计,它们使用起来非常便利。

  • Win32 API

    Win32 API(也叫Windows API)提供了一流的开发体验,因为不依靠Windows Runtime.NET这样的运行环境,这使Win32 API开发应用需要更高级的技术能力。

UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms 介绍


  • UWP(Universal Windows Platform 通用Windows平台)

    UWP is a highly customizable platform that uses XAML markup to separate UX (presentation) from code (business logic). It is suitable for desktop applications that that require a sophisticated UI, styles customization, and graphics-intensive scenarios. UWP also has built-in support for the Fluent Design System for the default UX experience and provides access to the Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs. By adopting Fluent, UWP automatically supports common input methods such as ink, touch, gamepad, keyboard, and mouse. Not only can you use UWP to create desktop applications for Windows PCs, but UWP is also the only supported platform for Xbox, HoloLens, and Surface Hub applications. UWP is our newest, leading-edge application platform.

    For more information about UWP, see Get started with Windows 10 apps.

  • WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)

    WPF is also a highly customizable platform that uses XAML markup to separate UX from code. This platform is designed for desktop applications that require a sophisticated UI, styles customization, and graphics-intensive scenarios. WPF development skills are similar to UWP development skills, so migration from WPF to UWP apps is easier than migration from Windows Forms.

    For more information about WPF, see Getting started (WPF).

  • Windows Forms

    Windows Forms excels at enabling developers to quickly get started building applications, even for developers new to the platform. This is a forms-based, rapid application development platform with a large built-in collection of visual and non-visual drag-and-drop controls. Windows Forms does not use XAML, so deciding later to extend your application to UWP entails a complete re-write of your UI.

    For more information about Windows Forms, see Getting started with Windows Forms.

UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms 对比
Feature or scenario UWP WPF Windows Forms
Supported versions Windows 10 Windows 7 and later Windows 7 and later
Languages C#, C++/WinRT, C++/CX, VB, JavaScript C#, C++/CLI (Managed Extensions for C++), F#, VB C#, C++/CLI (Managed Extensions for C++), F#, VB
UI runtime Native (C++/WinRT and C++/CX) and managed (.NET Native) Managed (.NET Framework) Managed (.NET Framework)
Open source Yes (Windows UI Library only) Yes (.NET Core only) Yes (.NET Core only)
Supports XAML Yes Yes No

Win32 API 介绍

Using the Win32 API with C++ makes it possible to achieve the highest levels of performance and efficiency by taking more control of the target platform with unmanaged code than is possible on a managed runtime environment like WinRT and .NET. However, exercising such a level of control over your application’s execution requires greater care and attention to get right, and trades development productivity for runtime performance.

For more information, see Get started with Win32 and C++ and Desktop app technologies.


开发环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
项目类型:C# Windows窗体应用程序
*.sln:(Visual Studio Solution) 通过为环境提供对项目、项目项和解决方案项在磁盘上位置的引用,可将它们组织到解决方案中。比如是生成Debug模式,还是Release模式,是通用CPU还是专用的等.

*.suo: (solution user options) 解决方案用户选项记录所有将与解决方案建立关联的选项,
