Pocket Gems面试专题

自从3月被Epic据了之后,在1个月前才开始正式投简历,开始正式找工作,这次是第一个技术电面,虽然Pocket Gems在面试中风评不好,但还是希望能够把握住机会,争取最少过一轮电面!


2015/7/20过了第一轮的电面,考的是Ternary Expression to Binary Tree,现在开始准备第二轮电面了,感觉Pocket Gems的电面题目相对固定,我现在是想大概把电面约到7/28,之前估计需要准备一天到两天,大概做十五道题吧。。。希望能拿到第三轮电面,或者最好是Onsite吧,如果毕业找工作季一开始就是一个Onsite,应该会对士气有很大的提升。。


更新一下,第二轮电面被据了,考的题就是sort color和Inorder Successor in BST。。。可能我面试中表达能力不太行吧。。。。move on。。。。其实pocket gems这种公司我是没有抱太大希望的,毕竟题目近似于公开,就没啥太大意思了,录用标准反倒捉摸不透。。Move on!!下个面试继续努力。。

Pocket Gems NO.1 Strstr()

这题在Leetcode上有原题,用brute force解出,虽然也可以用KMP解,但感觉作为电面第一轮,KMP有点太过于难。


Pocket Gems NO.2 K Most Frequently Occurring Numbers


struct pair_struct {
	int key;
	int val;
bool Comp(const pair_struct& p1, const pair_struct& p2) {
	return p1.val > p2.val;
int kfrequent1(vector nums, int k) {
	unordered_map hashmap;
	// store element to hashmap
	for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
		auto got = hashmap.find(nums[i]);
		if (got != hashmap.end()) {
			hashmap[nums[i]] += 1; 
		else {
			hashmap[nums[i]] = 1;

	// sort the hashmap by value
	vector newArr(hashmap.size(), pair_struct());
	auto iter = hashmap.begin();
	for (int i = 0; i < newArr.size(); ++i) {
		newArr[i].key = iter->first;
		newArr[i].val = iter->second;
	sort(newArr.begin(), newArr.end(), Comp);
	return newArr[k-1].key;

Pocket Gems NO.3 Ternary Expression to Binary Tree




      /    \

    b      e

  /   \

c     d



struct TreeNode {
	char val;
	TreeNode* left;
	TreeNode* right;
	TreeNode(char x): val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr){}		// constructor

TreeNode* ternaryToBT(string input) {
	TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(input[0]);
	tmp = root;
	stack mystack;
	for (int i = 1; i < input.length(); i += 2) {
		if (input[i] == '?') {
			tmp->left = new TreeNode(input[i+1]);
			tmp = tmp->left;
		else if (input[i] == ':') {
			tmp = mystack.top();
			tmp->right = new TreeNode(input[i+1]);
			tmp = tmp->right;
	return root;

Pocket Gems NO.4 Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree

如果是Binary Search Tree的话本题很简单,请参考Leetcode原题:NO.235

如果是Binary Tree的话,其实也不算复杂,但是要考一点思维了。。Leetcode原题,我的blog里面也有答案:NO.236

Pocket Gems NO.5 Sort Color

本题应该是以Leetcode那道题为原型。。。就是用3-way quicksort。。。可以看一下:NO.75




using namespace std;

struct Color {
	int color;
	int other;
	friend bool operator<(const Color& a, const Color& b) {
		return a.color < b.color;
	friend bool operator>(const Color& a, const Color& b) {
		return a.color == b.color;
	Color(int c, int o): color(c), other(o) {}

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	Color* a = new Color(1, 2);
	Color* b = new Color(2, 3);
	cout << (a < b) << endl;
	cout << (a > b) << endl;
	return 0;

Pocket Gems NO.6 Inorder Successor in BST

第一个要求提供parent node,


struct Node {
	int val;
	Node* left;
	Node* right;
	Node* parent;
	Node(int x): val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr) {}		// constructor 

  • 如果给定节点的right node不空,则找以right node为subtree的第一个点。
  • 如果给定节点的right node为空,则找以该节点为最后一点的最大subtree的root,这个root必将是其parent的左节点,或者是给定node的next node是nullptr

// with parent node
Node* inorderSuccessor(Node* n) {
	// step 1 of the algorithm
	if (n->right != nullptr) {
		return minVal(n->right);

	// step 2 of the algorithm
	Node* p = n->parent;
	while (p != nullptr and n != p->left) {
		n = p;
		p = p->parent;
	return p;

Node* minVal(Node* n) {
	Node* cur = n;
	while (cur->left != nullptr) {
		cur = cur->left;
	return cur;

然后再讨论不提供parent node的,其实思路差不多,找最大的以给定node为最后一个点的subtree的root,然后返回这个root的parent


Node* inorderSuccessor2(Node* root, Node* n) {
	// step 1 of the algorithm
	if (n->right != nullptr) {
		return minVal(n->right);

	// step 2 of the algorithm
	Node* succ = nullptr;
	while (root != nullptr) {
		if (n->val < root->val) {
			succ = root;
			root = left;
		else if (n->val > root->val) {
			root = root->right;
		else {
	return succ;

Pocket Gems NO.7 First Occurrence of Binary Search

这题没有太多好说的,就是binary search做一点改动就行了,直接上代码:


using namespace std;

int binarySearch(vector, int);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	int input[5] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 3};
	vector arr(input, input + sizeof(input) / sizeof(input[0]));
	cout << binarySearch(arr, 3) << endl;

	return 0;

int binarySearch(vector arr, int val) {
	int low = 0;
	int high = arr.size();
	int first = -1;
	while (low <= high) {
		int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
		if (val > arr[mid]) {
			low = mid + 1;
		else if (val < arr[mid]) {
			high = mid - 1;
		else {
			first = mid;
			high = mid - 1;
	return first;

Pocket Gems NO.8 Word Break

这是一道Leetcode上面的题目,直接参考我的Leetcode 题解:NO.139
