Unitimes 精选 | Justin Drake:以太坊3.0包括了这些想法

Unitimes 精选 | Justin Drake:以太坊3.0包括了这些想法_第1张图片




BCH价格不断下跌 首次被ETH反超


ETH Overtakes BCH for the First Time

According to CCN, since the BCH hard fork, its price has been falling 81% in recent weeks. According to CoinMarketCap, the ETH price is $85.51, while the BCH price is $82, and the ETH price exceeds BCH for the first time.


BitPay CEO:区块链支付大规模采用将在3-5年后实现

据CoinTelegraph消息,加密货币商业平台BitPay 首席执行官Stephen Pair在接受采访时表示,人们对比特币未来将被采用的投机将推动BTC价格高于其“实际的实用性”。当被问到比特币ETF(交易所交易基金)是否将刺激比特币价格上涨时,Stephen表示ETF的采用和推出将不仅是BTC价格变动的催化剂,更将把BTC的价格推向更高的水平。而当被问及基于区块链的加密货币在日常交易中的使用时,Stephen预计在未来3-5年内,餐馆、零售机构甚至小型商店都将接受加密货币支付。

BitPay CEO: Blockchain Payments' Mass Adoption Is 3-5 Years Away

It is reproted by CoinTelegraph that the CEO of crypto merchant platform BitPay Stephen Pair stated in an interview that speculation on future adoption drives Bitcoin's (BTC) price more than "actual utility." When asked about a Bitcoin ETF's potential to stimulate a price rally, Pair argued that "not just ETF adoption or ETF launches" could be catalysts for price movement, but that "adoption will push the prices higher." Answering a question about blockchain-based currencies' use in daily transactions, Stephen said "it's more like 3-5 years until you can go into a restaurant, a retail establishment, and just everybody's going to expect that that store will be able to accept a blockchain payment.”


香港股票交易所“犹豫”是否要批准比特大陆 IPO

据CoinDesk报道称,香港股票交易所(HKEX)一直不愿批准比特大陆这个中国最大的比特币挖矿设备制造商的IPO申请。据了解,此前嘉楠耘智(Canaan Creative),亿邦(Ebang)和比特大陆(Bitmain)这三家挖矿巨头曾分别于今年5月、6月和9月向HKEX申请挂牌上市出售股票,而比特大陆的申请更是被认为是一次转折点,因为这标志着首家大型加密货币初创公司寻求上市。但2018年的熊市使HKEX看到了加密货币领域的价格剧烈波动性,使得HKEX在上市这些公司方面存在担忧,同时监管的不确定性也是原因之一。

HKEX is Hesitant to Approve Bitmain IPO

According to CoinDesk, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) is reluctant to approve the initial public offering (IPO) applications of Chinese bitcoin mining equipment manufacturers, according to a person involved in the talks. Following the 2017 cryptocurrency market boom, mining giants Canaan Creative, Ebang and Bitmain applied in May, June and September of this year, respectively, to sell shares on the HKEX. Bitmain's bid, in particular, was seen as a watershed moment, as it marked the first time a major crypto startup sought to go public. The exchange is very hesitant to actually approve these bitcoin mining companies because the industry is so volatile, the regulatory uncertainty arising from bitcoin mining makers' IPOs in Hong Kong also add fuel to the fire.




Japan Publishes Draft Report of New Crypto Regulations

According to News.bitcoin, Japan’s Financial Services Agency has published its draft report outlining new cryptocurrency regulations. The report contains measures in areas that are not currently addressed in existing laws such as hacking incidents, self-regulation, deemed dealers, privacy coins, and margin trading.



据Coinbase产品负责人Allen Osgood表示,Coinbase现已支持其用户将账户余额提取到自己的Paypal账户中,但目前该服务只针对美国地区的用户。据了解,美国用户只需登入Coinbase账户并将该账户与自己的Paypal账户关联起来,便可以实现免手续费地将Coinbase账户中的余额提取至Paypal账户中。

Coinbase Adds Cash Withdrawals to PayPal for American Users

According to Allen Osgood at Coinbase, the major American cryptocurrency exchange has introduced free of charge cash withdrawals to online payment system PayPal for its American users. From now on, Coinbase's United States-based customers are able to withdraw their cash balances to Paypal. The service for other countries will reportedly be rolled out some time in 2019.



Justin Ðrake


祝贺!当前有两个*完全不同的*Casper。Casper FFG 是针对以太坊2.0的简单“Finality Gadget (确定性小工具)”;Casper CBC是一种“Correct-By-Construction (建构修正)”共识协议,是以太坊3.0的候选设计。

以太坊3.0涉及到一系列想法,超出了可预见的以太坊2.0路线图(阶段0,阶段1和阶段2)。我想说的是,以太坊3.0包括了Casper CBC,超二次分片(super-quadratic sharding),数据可用性证明(data availability proofs),STARKs (签名聚合,见证压缩(witness compression),可验证延迟函数(VDFs),状态根)。

Clarification! Two *totally different* things are known as "Casper". Casper FFG is a simple "Finality Gadget" for Ethereum 2.0. Casper CBC is an abstract family of "Correct-By-Construction" consensus protocols explored as a candidate design space for the Ethereum 3.0 consensus.

Ethereum 3.0 is a set of ideas for beyond the foreseeable Ethereum 2.0 roadmap (phases 0, 1 and 2). I'd say it includes Casper CBC, super-quadratic sharding, data availability proofs, private leader election, STARKs (signature aggregation, witness compression, VDFs, state roots).


Eric Conner










The best lie told by every crypto

BTC: 21mn cap 

XRP: XRP is needed 

EOS: we have users 

LTC: faster BTC 

BCH: we’re Bitcoin 

ETC: immutable 

TRX: copy and paste ETHs answer


Jon Choi  


融资是实现目标的一个工具,而不是光有目标就够了。 没人会说“你的信用卡账单是一千万美元,祝贺你!”但我们会祝贺“融资最多的初创企业。” 但比筹得的资金更为重要的是 [企业创造的价值/投入的资金] 这个比率。

Funding is a tool to reach a goal, not the goal itself. No one says “congrats on your ten million dollar credit card bill,” and yet we celebrate things like “top funded startup.” Much more important than dollars raised is [Enterprise value creation / capital invested] ratio.


Preethi Kasireddy

TruStory 创始人兼CEO


Pet peeve: People who hide behind complex jargon and phrasing. If you can't explain it to me in language I understand, I do not trust you actually know it in the first place.


Mihailo Bjelic

tech maximalist




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