無法在SignalTap II觀察reg與wire,主要都是因為被Quartus II優化的關係,在Quartus II簡單的設定,就能增加SignalTap II能觀察的數量。
使用環境:Quartus II 8.0
在(原創) 如何使用SignalTap II觀察reg與wire值? (SOC) (Verilog) (Quartus II) (SignalTap II)中,我透過synthesis attribute強制指定Quartus II對某個reg與wire不加以優化,以方便SignalTap II觀察,雖然可行,但必須改code是其缺點,若能在Quartus II透過設定的方式,就能在SignalTap II觀察到reg與wire,是比較方便的方式。
在Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems這篇paper的p.3提到:
By turning off the Incremental Compilation option
pre-synthesis signals can be added to the SignalTap II ELA in the later sections. Pre-synthesis signals exist after design elaboration but before any synthisis optimations are done. This set of signals should reflect your register transfer level(RTL) signals.
Assignments -> Settings : Category : Compilation Process Settings -> Incremental Compilation
See Also
(原創) 如何使用SignalTap II觀察reg與wire值? (SOC) (Verilog) (Quartus II) (SignalTap II)
Using SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzers in SOPC Builder Systems
分类: SignalTap II, Quartus II, SOC