运行Quake III的Raspberry Pi ARM开发板

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Raspberry Pi ARM Board Demonstrated Running Quake III
运行Quake III的Raspberry Pi ARM开发板
posted by Thom Holwerda on Sun 28th Aug 2011 21:19 UTC
发表于:2011年8月29日 北京时间05:19

We all know platforms like the Beagleboard, which are cheap hardware platforms which can be used in all sorts of projects. A new entry into this market is Raspberry Pi, a British ARM board which is slated to be released in the fourth quarter of this year. For a mere $25, you'll have a fully-configured ARM-based 1080p-capable mini-motherboard. The device is still in development, and only a few days ago, the alpha version of the board was demonstrated running Quake III.
我们都听说过Beagleboard这样的硬件平台。它们价格低廉,可用于各种各样的项目当中。 Raspberry Pi, 一类计划于今年第四季度发布的英国ARM开发板,是这一领域的新秀。仅仅25美元的价格,你拥有的将会是一个配置完备的、基于ARM的、支持 1080p(一种高清视频显示格式)的迷你开发板。该设备仍在开发当中;才几天前,该设备一个运行Quake III的alpha版本被 演示。

Raspberry Pi is a non-profit organisation from the United Kingdom, aiming to develop an extremely low-cost ARM motherboard which can be used to develop cheap yet powerful hardware for developing markets, while also providing those of us in what I would reluctantly call the "developed" world with a cheap motherboard to hack around with. Their first product is about the size of a credit card, and carries an impressive set of specifications:
Raspberry Pi是来自联合王国的一个非营利性组织,致力于开发一个价格极其低廉,可用于为开发市场提供廉价而功能强大的硬件,同时又给我们这类业余爱好者提供一块便宜的可供探索的母板的ARM母板。他们的首款产品只有信用卡般大小,而却搭载了以下惊人的特性:

700MHz ARM11
•700MHz ARM11
128MB or 256MB of SDRAM
OpenGL ES 2.0
•OpenGL ES 2.0
1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode
•1080p30 H.264高品质解码
Composite and HDMI video output
USB 2.0
•USB 2.0
SD/MMC/SDIO memory card slot
General-purpose I/O
Optional integrated 2-port USB hub and 10/100 Ethernet controller
Open software (Ubuntu, Iceweasel, KOffice, Python)

There will be two models - model A and model B. Model B adds an ethernet port and will cost $35. Model A will be geared towards developing markets and schools (to learn programming). It will support various Linux distributions, and they plan to sell SD cards with the distributions pre-loaded (clever). They are sufficiently funded (and thus, don't take pre-orders), they will ship them worldwide once released, and intend to offer a buy-one-give-one program (but you can buy one on your own as well).
有两个模型可供选择——模型A和模型B。模型B增加了一个以太网端口,售价35美元。模型A面向开发市场和(教编程 的)学校,将支持诸多Linux发行,并计划发售预装这些发行的SD卡(很聪明的做法)。他们资金充足(因此不需要预定),将把它们发往世界各地,并试图 提供买一送一活动(当然你也可以亲自去买)。

英文原文: http://www.osnews.com/story/25108/Raspberry_Pi_ARM_Board_Demonstrated_Running_Quake_III
译文原文: http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=62504&forum=72
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