Educational Codeforces Round 64 (Rated for Div. 2) B Ugly pairs

  • 题目

You are given a string, consisting of lowercase Latin letters.

A pair of neighbouring letters in a string is considered ugly if these letters are also neighbouring in a alphabet. For example, string "abaca" contains ugly pairs at positions (1,2)(1,2) — "ab" and (2,3)(2,3) — "ba". Letters 'a' and 'z' aren't considered neighbouring in a alphabet.

Can you rearrange the letters of a given string so that there are no ugly pairs? You can choose any order of the letters of the given string but you can't add any new letters or remove the existing ones. You can also leave the order the same.

If there are multiple answers, print any of them.

You also have to answer TT separate queries.


The first line contains a single integer TT (1≤T≤1001≤T≤100) — the number of queries.

Each of the next TT lines contains string ss (1≤|s|≤100)(1≤|s|≤100) — the string for the next query. It is guaranteed that it contains only lowercase Latin letters.

Note that in hacks you have to set T=1T=1.


Print TT lines. The ii-th line should contain the answer to the ii-th query.

If the answer for the ii-th query exists, then print such a rearrangment of letters of the given string that it contains no ugly pairs. You can choose any order of the letters of the given string but you can't add any new letters or remove the existing ones. You can also leave the order the same.

If there are multiple answers, print any of them.

Otherwise print "No answer" for that query.

  • 题意

给出N个小写字母, 重新排列使得不存在有相邻的只相差1的字母, 不存在输出No answer

  • 分析

开始,十分固执地认为这道题是dfs。因为这道Zipper 记忆化搜索或者DP


贪心的想法:26个字母,按照字母表的顺序,分成奇数位,偶数位。奇数放在一起,一定不会出现丑对。偶数放在一起,也一定不会出现丑对。只要看是  奇数+偶数   or  偶数+奇数。



  • 又臭又长的代码


using namespace std;
#define ll long long
multiset qi;
multiset ou;
multiset ::iterator it;
multiset ::iterator it2;
int main()
    int t;
        qi.clear(); ou.clear();
        string s;  cin>>s;

        for(int i=0;i
  • 欣赏大佬的代码



#define ms(x, n) memset(x,n,sizeof(x));
typedef  long long LL;
const int inf = 1<<30;
const LL maxn = 1e5+10;

int main()
    int T, num[30];
    string s, s1, s2;
    cin >> T;
        ms(num, 0); s1 = s2 = "";
        cin >> s;
        for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        for(int i = 0; i < 26; i+=2)
            while(num[i]--) s1 += ('a'+i);
        for(int i = 1; i < 26; i+=2)
            while(num[i]--) s2 += ('a'+i);

        if(abs(s1.back()-s2.front())!=1) cout << s1 << s2 << endl;
        else if(abs(s2.back()-s1.front())!=1) cout << s2 << s1 << endl;
        else cout << "No answer" << endl;

	return 0;

