[1803.11182] Towards Open-Set Identity Preserving Face Synthesis
Previous identity preserving face synthesis processes are largely confined to synthesizing faces with known identities that are already in the training dataset. Our proposed framework does not need to annotate the attributes of faces in any way. It is trained with an asymmetric loss function to better preserve the identity and stabilize the training process. It can also effectively leverage large amounts of unlabeled training face images to further improve the fidelity of the synthesized faces for subjects that are not presented in the labeled training face dataset.
Many previous works have attempted to synthesize face images of a specific person. For example, TP-GAN [14] and FF-GAN [36] attempt to synthesize the frontal view of a face from a single face image. DR-GAN [33] can change the pose of an input face image. However, these methods can only manipulate limited types of attributes, such as poses. These methods also require full annotation of attributes for training the models. More recent work, such as CVAE- GAN [4], can produce a variety of attribute changes. Nevertheless, it is not able to synthesize a face with an identity outside the training dataset.
许多之前的工作尝试合成特定的人脸。比如TP-GAN, FF-GAN(通过单一脸部图像合成正脸图像), DR-GAN(改变输入脸部图像的表情)。
To synthesize a face with an identity outside the training dataset, we require one input image of that subject to produce an identity vector, and any other input face image to extract an attribute vector capturing, e.g., pose, emotion, illumination, and even background. We then combine the identity vector and the attribute vector to synthesize a new face of the subject with the extracted attribute.
To this end, we propose a framework based on Generative Adversarial Networks to disentangle identity and attributes given a face image, and recombine different identities and attributes for identity preserving face synthesis.
We use two loss functions: 1) a reconstruction loss of the attribute image, and 2) a KL divergence loss defined on the attribute vector. These functions enforce that network A extracts the attribute information.We take full advantage of recent advancements in face recognition, and use the softmax loss on top of network I to encode the identity into an attribute independent vector representation. Therefore, in order to reconstruct the input, network A is forced to extract the attribute information. Meanwhile, we add a KL divergence loss to regularize the attribute vector, such that it dose not contain identity information.
Inspired by the CVAE-GAN [4], we adopt a new asymmetric loss function. More specifically, we adopt a cross-entropy loss when training the discriminative network D, and the classification network C, and use a pairwise feature matching loss when updating the generative network G. This does a better job of preserving the identity while stabilizing the training process.
Ⅰ. 使用了两个损失函数:
Ⅱ. 采用了一种新的不对称的损失函数。
In contrast, this paper proposes an Identity PreservingGenerative Adversarial Network framework, which does not require any attribute annotations. This framework disentangles the identity and attributes representations, and then uses different recombinations of representations for identity preserving face synthesis. This disentaglement allows us to synthesize faces with identities outside what is presented in the training datasets. This addresses a serious limitation of a previous deep generative model-based identity preserving face synthesis method [4]. It simply can not generate faces of identities outside the training dataset.
实线:输入输出 虚线:损失函数
I I I从图片 x s x^s xs中提取身份向量 f I ( x s ) f_I(x^s) fI(xs)。从属性图片中提取属性向量 f A ( x a ) f_A(x^a) fA(xa)。G通过组合身份向量和属性向量 [ f I ( x s ) T , f A ( x a ) T ] T [f_I(x^s)^T, f_A(x^a)^T]^T [fI(xs)T,fA(xa)T]T来生成一个新的脸部图片 x ′ x' x′。C通过后验概率 P ( c ∣ x s ) P(c|x^s) P(c∣xs)来保留身份信息,其中c是身份信息x^s的主体(类别/标签)。判别网络D用来区分真实图片和生成图片。
In our training data, we only have the annotation of the identity of each face, without any annotation of the attribute information. Extracting the identity vector is relatively straightforward. Here, we take full advantage of recent improvement in face recognition.
给定脸部图片的身份信息 { x i s , c i } ( x i s \{x_i^s,c_i\}(x_i^s {xis,ci}(xis是身份向量, c i c_i ci是类别),我们使用softmax损失来训练网络身份向量提取网络I,使其做脸部分类的工作。相同的个体拥有大致相同的特征(身份向量)。I的损失函数: L I = − E x ∼ P r [ l o g P ( c ∣ x s ) ] L_I=-\mathbb{E}_{x\sim P_r}[logP(c|x^s)] LI=−Ex∼Pr[logP(c∣xs)],然后我们用I最后一个池化层的响应作为特征向量。
其中 λ \lambda λ是重构损失权重。
当 x s 与 x a x^s与x^a xs与xa相同时,输出的 x ′ x' x′也一定与这两者相同。假定一个身份信息有很多不同的脸部图像,那么身份向量 f I ( x ) f_I(x) fI(x)几乎对所有的样本都大致相同。但是使用不同样本的 f I ( x ) 和 f A ( x ) f_I(x)和f_A(x) fI(x)和fA(x)的重构是不同的。因此,重构损失使属性编码网络 A A A学习不同的属性表示 f A ( x ) f_A(x) fA(x)。
当身份图片和属性图片不同时,我们不能明确知道重构结果看起来应该是什么样。但是我们可以期望重构结果与属性图片 x a x^a xa类似,比如背景、全图光亮、姿势等。所以我们采用一个权值相对较小的像素重建损失来保留其属性。我们将 λ \lambda λ设为0.1。而后的实验也证明,如果设定一个大的权值\lambda,结果会很差。
To help the attributes encoder network learn better representations, we also add a KL divergence loss to regularize the attribute vector with an appropriate prior P(z) . The KL divergence loss will limit the distribution range of the attribute vector, such that it dose not contain much identity information, if at all. For each input face image, the network A outputs the mean µ and covariance of the latent vector. We use the KL divergence loss to reduce the gap between the prior P(z) and the learned distributions, i.e., L K L = 1 2 ( μ T μ + ∑ j − 1 J ( e ϵ − ϵ − 1 ) ) L_{KL}=\frac{1}{2}(\mu ^T\mu+\sum_{j-1}^J(e^{\epsilon}-\epsilon-1)) LKL=21(μTμ+∑j−1J(eϵ−ϵ−1))
we sample the attribute vector using z = μ + r ⊙ e ε z = \mu + r ⊙ e^ε z=μ+r⊙eε in the training phase, where r ∼ N ( 0 , I ) r ∼ N(0, I) r∼N(0,I) is a random vector and ⊙ represents the element-wise multiplication.
加入KL损失,使用 P ( z ) N ( 0 , 1 ) P(z)~N(0, 1) P(z) N(0,1)来正则化属性向量。KL散度损失可以限制属性向量的范围使其不包含太多身份信息。对于每个输入的脸部图片,A(提取属性特征)网络输出均值μ和协方差。使用KL散度损失可以降低先验概率P(z)和学习到的分布之间的差异。
采用z来对属性向量取样,其中r是高斯随机向量,r与 e ε e^ε eε做逐元素乘法。
为了解决梯度消失问题,向生成器G提出pairwise feature matching objective(成对特征匹配目标),匹配真假图片在辨别器D中的特征。令 f D ( x ) f_D(x) fD(x)表示辨别器D中间层特征(为了简化,采用辨别网络D最后一层FC层的输入),则采用欧几里得距离衡量辨别网络中生成图片和属性图片的特征: L G D = 1 2 ∣ ∣ f D ( x ′ ) − f D ( x a ) ∣ ∣ 2 2 L_{GD}=\frac{1}{2}||f_D(x')-f_D(x^a)||^2_2 LGD=21∣∣fD(x′)−fD(xa)∣∣22。
分类网络C尝试区分不同身份的脸部图像,即最小化损失函数 L C = − E x ∼ P x [ l o g P ( c ∣ x s ) ] L_C=-\mathbb{E}_{x\sim P_x}[logP(c|x^s)] LC=−Ex∼Px[logP(c∣xs)]
为了生成保留身份信息的脸部图片,依然采用该方法以激励 x ′ x' x′和 x s x^s xs在分类网络C中具有相同特征表示。令 f C ( x ) f_C(x) fC(x)表示分类网络C的中间层的输出特征(采用分类网络C最后一个全连接层的输入),特征重构函数损失为 L G C = 1 2 ∣ ∣ f C ( x ’ ) − ∣ f C ( x s ) ∣ ∣ 2 2 L_{GC}=\frac{1}{2}||f_C(x’)-|f_C(x^s)||^2_2 LGC=21∣∣fC(x’)−∣fC(xs)∣∣22。
没有标签的图像可用作(1)身份图片。由于没有标签,所以不加 L I 和 L C L_I和L_C LI和LC。即固定I和C对其他部分进行训练;(2)属性图片。训练方式不变。
训练中将每一次迭代分为两步:(1)重建过程,即 x s = x a x^s=x^a xs=xa;(2)转换过程,即 x a ≠ x s x^a \neq x^s xa=xs。
对网络 I , C , A I, C, A I,C,A采用VGG网络。 I 和 C I和C I和C共享参数以加快收敛。 G G G是一个反向VGG结构。其池化层改为上采样层,卷积层改为去卷积层。 D D D采用与DCGAN相同的网络结构。批量归一化层用在每个卷积层和去卷积层之后。
为了理解网络每一部分的工作效果,我们采用不同的损失函数组合。在此对比了五种可能:(1)去掉 L G D L_{GD} LGD(2)去掉 L G C L_{GC} LGC(3)去掉transformation训练过程(4)去掉无监督学习过程(5)所有部分都包含的最佳模型。
在数据集中选取了1万个身份,对于每一个身份主体,选取六张照片(这些照片都不在我们的训练集中),一张存放在gallery中,五张用于queries。利用每个queries和随机选取五张属性图片生成五张新的图片,然后寻找gallery中与生成图片最相似的脸,测量其top 1精度。
表格显示,每一种成分都对网络做了提升。其中 L G C L_{GC} LGC提升最大。同时我们也衡量了使用真实query图像时的top-1精度,我们的生成图像获得了类似的结果。
图片3显示了量化结果。我们发现去掉transformation训练过程会导致生成结果丢失很多属性细节,尤其是表情信息。去掉 L G D L_{GD} LGD损失会导致生成图片的模糊。去掉 L G C L_{GC} LGC使生成图片无法保留身份信息。加上无监督学习后生成图片表现更好,比如最后一行第一张图片,嘴张得更大。
脸部属性转移的目标是生成一张组合了 x s x^s xs身份信息和 x a x^a xa属性信息的图片KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '^' at position 2: x^̲'。实验生成两种脸部图片:身份信息在与不在训练集中的脸部图片。
首先选取一对图片 x 1 x_1 x1, x 2 x_2 x2,并用A提取其属性向量 z 1 z_1 z1, z 2 z_2 z2。令 z = α z 1 + ( 1 − α ) z 2 , α ∈ [ 0 , 1 ] z=\alpha z_1+(1-\alpha)z_2, \alpha \in [0, 1] z=αz1+(1−α)z2,α∈[0,1].我们可以逐渐改变其姿态、表情、光照。效果如图。